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Authors: Torrian Ferguson

BOOK: Scandalous
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A Novel by
Torrian Ferguson
Copyright © 2005 by Torrian Ferguson


Published by Two of a Kind Publishing 1801 N Tryon St #344 Charlotte, NC 28206

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission from the publisher or author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

This is a work of fiction. It is not meant to depict, portray or represent any particular real persons. All the characters, incidents and dialogues are the products of the author’s imagination and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or person living or dead is purely coincidental.

Editor: Danielle Buckery

Book Layout: Lisa Gibson-Wilson
Renaissance Management Services

Cover Design:
First printing November 2005
Printed in the United States of America




First and foremost I would like to thank God for giving me the ability to write and be creative.

Second, I have to thank my wife for putting up with me and having the patience of a lion. Throughout this entire process you’ve been supportive and I thank God everyday for blessing me with you.

My man, James Muhammad; thank you for taking a chance on me and being behind me 100%.

K. Elliot, Hallema, Shannon Holmes, Anita Shari Peterson; you all have guided me in the right direction and I will be forever grateful for that.

I would also like to thank my family in Miami and Fort Myers, Florida you all mean the world to me. Thank you for having my back on another one of my adventures.

Last but definitely not least Tu-Shonda Whitaker and Lisa GibsonWilson. I cannot say thank you enough for all that the two of you have done. I am truly blessed to have both of you in my corner.

Thank You.


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“One of the most satisfying rewards of a good marriage is the sense of being the most important person in the world to one other person.”
Dr. Carlfred Broderick
Chapter 1

“Damn Wanda! That’s the third hand you’ve lost in a row. Poker just ain’t your game huh?”
My mother has always been a big gambler, but as of late she’s been in a slump, a real bad slump. I watched her on several occasions lose our rent money, light money and water bill money. I even had to go to a friend’s house and eat a few times ’cause she lost our grocery money too. But the onething she did that I never understood was, for some strange reason she always played with the biggest ballers in the projects. These were the type of guys that didn’t want to wait till you got your check for a payment; they wanted their money on the spot. Most of these guys had to be every bit of forty, forty-five yearsold. I remember hearing one of them say that the only reason they liked playing cards with Mama was because she gave good head when she couldn’t pay. But recently, when ever I heard Mama slam her cards to the table I knew what I had to do.
“Wanda how you gonna pay me this time? I got all your money and what little cheap jewelry you had. And, I’m tired of fuckin’ you for payment. What else you got?”
“Michelle, come here!” I knew what she wanted. I was use to it. I was already ready.
“Send him back here Ma!”
I would stand in the doorway just so I could see the guy before he got to my bedroom. The smell of cheap stank ass cologne would fill the hallway leading to my room. I used to get sick to my stomach these fake ass pimps made their way to my room. But after a while I became immune to the smell of Mad Dog 20/20 and English Leather. I just wanted it to be over really soon. I would try and sound really tough when I talked to the guys.
“Unzip your pants!”
I’d drop to my knees and begin performing oral sex on the guy to cover Mama’s payment. Some of them would try and hold my head or pull my hair but I wasn’t having any of that. One guy even tried to force himself on me but the other people in the house came running when they heard me screaming. Ain’t that something, they’ll come running if I’m about to get raped but they don’t say a word when I’m sucking them off. I must admit I had got pretty good at giving head and actually took a little pride in getting grown men off really fast.A lot of them said the same thing after they came.
“For a teenager, you suck the hell out a dick.”
Every so often the thoughts of my childhood just pop into my head. I try not to think about it but it has a lot to do with why I’m the way I am today. But today is a better day. I’m headed north to Bell University in Greenville, North Carolina. It’s 644 miles from Orlando, Florida and my mother’s house. I couldn’t wait till summer was over. I wanted out of her house so bad. After all I had been through growing up, Orlando was one place I had no desire to return to for any reason. Millions of people go to Orlando each year for the amusement parks. I could give less than a damn about all of that. The bus ride to North Carolina was a long one. 21 hours to be exact. The reason it takes so long is because the damn bus stops in every little town between here and there. If the trip takes 21 hours by bus then in a car the trip would only take 10 and a half hours. I met some interesting people on board too. This guy got on the bus in Darien, Georgia. It was about 2:45 A.M. He was tall about 6’4 and slender with that hard thug look. He looked at me and since I had an empty seat next to me I motioned him over. He sat down and instantly started talking to me.
“Hey, so what’s your name?”
“Michelle. And you are?”
“Craig. Where are you going?”
“Greenville, North Carolina.”
“I’m going to Savannah.”
“So you’re not gonna be on the bus long then huh?”
Craig is so damn fine. I love those thug looking brothas.

Since he was only on the bus for a few hours I had to make a move and quick. The urge came over me to see if I could get with this brotha on the bus. He looked like the type that would be down for almost anything. Besides I caught him taking peaks at my girls: my 42dd breast.

“So, you have a girl?”
“Nah. I have a friend.”
“That means, yeah I have a girl but she don’t know that I

mess around on her.”
“So, can you and I be friends till you get off the bus?” “Damn! You’re straight to the point huh?” “Yeah, no sense in wasting time.”
“I feel you. What you feel like doin?”
I reached my hand into the crotch of his pants. I could feel

him getting harder and harder by the second. I unzipped his pants and pulled his massive dick through the hole in his boxers. I looked around to make sure no one was looking and ducked my head out of view. He leaned back in the seat as my head bounced up and down in his lap. I tried not to make any loud slurping noises and he tried not to moan too loud. I was a little uncomfortable. Being 5’8, 180lbs is a lot to squeeze into such a small place. But I was on a mission to see how fast I could make him cum. I used every trick I knew to get this guy off. I nibbled on the underside of it. I ran my tongue along the main vein in it. I even flicked mytongue really fast on the head. The guy sitting across from us looked up and damn near fell out his seat. He didn’t say a word but he watched the entire time. That was even more exciting. Sucking dick on a bus with an audience. Craig was either holding back or gay as hell, and didn’t like the feel of a woman’s mouth. My jaws were beginning to hurt. It was taking forever to get him off. I thought, “Damn am I losing my touch or what?” Finally after what seemed like forever. I felt his body start to tense up a little I knew it was just a matter of time before he came.

“I want to cum in your mouth”

That was the one thing I didn’t do. Don’t cum on my face, my mouth, and you better not get that shit in my hair.
As soon as I felt his breath stop for a second I pulled away

and let him cum all over himself.
“Why you didn’t catch it!”
“Nigga I ain’t your girl! That’s some shit your girlfriend


He went into the bathroom on the bus and I guess tried to clean himself up. I moved my seat to the front of the bus right behind the driver just in case he came out and wanted to start with me. About an hour later the bus pulled into the Savannah Bus Station. I played like I was sleep. Craig walked right past me and without saying a word and got off the bus. I looked up and saw him hugging some girl.

“Nigga’s ain’t shit!”

Once the bus pulled off again my mind fell back on Bell University. I was in my junior year and was looking forward to having my own off campus rental house. The house was in a great neighborhood. My friend Eric had signed up to live there also. The school had purchased old homes near the school and turned them into housing for upper classmen. It was only three to a house. It was already furnished with everything you could need. Iheard that we would be having another roommate. I hope this person’s cool. I don’t need some stuck up silly ass to deal with fora year.

I went back to my seat in the rear so I could stretch out and get some sleep. As I was getting comfortable I noticed the guy that had watched me earlier, across from me, staring and rubbing his crotch. Of course the nympho in me started to come out. I slipped off the red thong that I had on under my mini skirt and threw it in his face. He started to inhale my womanly scent and licked the seat of my panties. That almost made me cum on the spot. He slid over to my seat and wanted to start making small talk. I stopped him before he could even say my name is…

“Nigga, I don’t want to know your name, your mama name, or where you are from. I’m just in the mood to get mine.” He pulled my breast out of my shirt and started nibbling on my nipple. I reached for his dick, and I swear he was so wide I couldn’t get my hands around it. That turned me on even more. I had to have it inside me. I looked around the bus to see what other people were doing. It was only four passengers left besides the two of us, and luckily they were sitting close to the front. I made him lay back in the seat and I straddled him backwards.

“Do you want me to put a condom on?” He asked. “No, just don’t cum in me. I hate those things.” I know the thrill of me going raw is going to catch up with me someday, but I have been clean so far. I get tested for HIV and other STDs every 6 months. Birth control is also covered. I started using the new patch about three years ago. I pulled my skirt up around my waist. And grabbed his dick to make sure I slid down right on top of it. He grabbed my butt cheeks as I bounced up and down on top of him. I tried to be as quiet as possible but the squishing sounds of my pussy were getting louder and louder. I looked up and saw that the driver of the bus was watching me. I just knew he was going to put us off the bus. He raised his head a little and I saw that he had a smile from ear to ear. I grabbed my breast and licked one of my nipples as the driver watched me. He just laughed a little and kept driving. I turned my attention back to trying to get mine. I felt this guy’s dick start to throb.
“I know you’re not about to cum!”
“You got some bomb pussy boo. I can’t hold it.”
I jumped off and let him cover himself with his own nasty cum. I pulled my skirt down and sat across from him.
“Why you move boo?”
“I told you, I don’t want to talk to you or get to know you. Besides you have pissed me off anyway, speedy.”
“Why it gotta be all that!”
“Nigga please, don’t talk to me for the rest of the trip. As a matter of fact don’t look at me either.”
A few hours later he got off the
bus. “Bye speedy!”
He just turned and gave me a nasty look and left. I hate a man that comes too fast. I laid back across the seats. Only 10 hours to go. Damn I can’t wait to get off this bus.

Chapter 2

It’s a shame when your parents don’t want to be seen with you out in public but it cut to the core when you’re going into your senior year in college and they won’t even help you move into your house.

“Mama, ya’ll ain’t coming to help me move in?”

“Eric you know damn well, we’re not going down there to that college, for you to embarrass us.”
“How do I embarrass ya’ll?”
“Boy look at you. You’re prettier than half the women on campus. Hell if you weren’t mine, I’d think you were some damn beauty queen. Prancing around. You wear more make-up than I do.”
That’s okay I’m way pass my feelings being hurt by them. It would really mess her up if she knew that the reason I’m like this is because of her brother Dennis. My uncle Dennis started messing with me when I was a little boy. He always told me that the way he touched me was the way a person that really love you touches you. Hell I was with him so many times I thought that men were supposed to be together and everybody else was just wrong and nasty. I was well into my teens when I found out what we were doing was wrong but it was too late then. I was addicted to men. But for some strange reason I still found women attractive at the same time. I was confused from the beginning.
I’ve driven this road a hundred times before by myself, and this time is not any different. All I can think about is my girl Michelle. She and I have been down since her freshmen year. That girl loves to party and so do I. I remember this one time at the club I met this fine nigga named Gerald. He was one of them down low brothas. He wanted to get with me but didn’t want to make it obvious. I watched him as he danced with what looked like twenty different women. But, his eyes always seemed to find me. I moved from one side of the club to the other and he found me every time. I went to the bar and ordered my drink.
“I’ll pay for that.” I turned and he was standing next to me. He just laid the money in front of me so the bartender didn’t me. He just laid the money in front of me so the bartender didn’t 11, 175 lbs of sexy ass man. He looked like he worked out a few times a week. Those thick arms were driving me crazy. I reached in my pocket and pulled out an old business card. I wrote: meet me across the street in 3 minutes. I quickly gulped down my drink and headed for the door. Across the street was a small dark alley. The only thing in the alley was an old dumpster. Once outside I went to the entrance way to the alley tosee if Gerald would come outside. Sure enough a few minuets after I walked out he was coming out the door. He saw where I wasstanding and started walking across the street. I ducked into the alley as he got closer to me. Gerald entered the alley, where Imet him with my tongue diving into his mouth. We kissed like oldlovers.
“What’s your name? I’m Eric.”
“Gerald. My name is Gerald.”
Our voices were trembling with lust. It was hard to understand what we were saying to each other.
“Gerald, we are going to have to make this a quickie. My girl is inside the club and she’s gonna trip if I’m gone too long.”
“Not a problem.”
We both unzipped our pants and I leaned up against the empty dumpster. He got behind me and I felt his hard thick dick press against my butt cheeks. I was instantly turned on. I reached back and stroked him a little to make sure he was good and hard. He grabbed my hips and with one swift motion he was half way in my ass.
“Damn Gerald, take it easy. It’s been a while.”
“My bad. I’m just so damn horny. I need to get this ass.”
I leaned over a little more so he could go in deeper. He started out slow. I love it when a man knows how to fuck. All of a sudden his pace quickened. I was getting pounded by my new lover. I could feel his balls slap against my upper thighs. That’s the best feeling in the world when you feel those balls slapping against you.
“Fuck this ass nigga!”
I was out of control. I felt filled to the brim. I grabbed my dick and started jacking off. I was hard enough to break a rock. With every thrust he went deeper and deeper. Finally I had all of him in me. He leaned forward and began to kiss my neck. The scent of his cologne was all over me. I just stayed there bent over and allowed him to have his way. Without notice I felt shot after shot of hot cum race into my body. I remember thinking, No this nigga didn’t just cum in my ass, and I have to go back in the club. I owed him big time. Since I hadn’t cum yet Iknew just how to fix him. I finished stroking my dick as he laid up against me. When I was about to cum I turned around and shot off all over his shirt. To make matters worse he was wearing a black shirt and the club was filled with black lights. Now nigga walk around trying to explain what that white shit is on your shirt. If I have to walk around with a drippy ass you have to walk around with my nut on your shirt, I thought.
As soon as I walked back in the club, Michelle started in on me.
“You fucked that nigga you were standing next to at the bar didn’t you?”
“Yeah, and!”
We both started laughing and went on dancing to the music. Michelle understands me, and I guess that’s why she and I are so close. I don’t think I could ever do anything to hurt her. Sometimes I feel like she’s the only family that I have.
A few hours later I pulled up to the house where we are going to live. The house was pretty cool. It was a three bedroom, fully furnished house designed for college students. I was unpacking my stuff when a yellow cab pulled up.
“Michelle! Wuz up girl?”
“Eric it’s so good to see you. You ready for another bangin’ ass year?”
“Hell yeah, I’m looking forward to meeting new ho’s to fuck and niggas to suck.”
Every now and then I get the urge to fuck a woman. It’s not that often, but when I do, I beat the pussy up.
“I feel you on that suckin’ nigga part.”
“I’m gonna have you eatin’ pussy before this year is out,
“I don’t think so.”
When I was away from home life was great. I was able to be the bi-sexual I am, without my family bringing me down.
If it was one thing about Michelle I didn’t like it was the fact that she is Queen Ghetto. That girl is the kind that bites her toe nails. I walked past her room and saw her putting up empty liquor bottles on her dresser. I just shook my head and walked away. I wanted to tell her, that mini skirt was way too small but that’s my girl so I held my tongue. The off campus advisor told me that Michelle and I was going to have to share the house with a student that transferred from another college. He really couldn’t tell me much about the person other than they really wanted a house by themselves if they could have accommodated it. That was a bad sign right out the gate. I knew then I wouldn’t like who ever was suppose to be moving in. Michelle walked out of her room with that I’m ready to get into something look in her eyes.
“Michelle, before you even open your mouth, we just got here and I’m not trying to go anywhere and get shit started with you.”
“Come on Eric, stop trippin’! You know you want to start the year off right so let’s go up to the school and tell everybody we see, we’re having a small get together.”
“Tell everyone we see and a small get together don’t go in the same sentence. This is my last year and I need to focus.”
“You should have been focused for the last three years. Don’t try to make up three years in one semester.”
“I have been focused hoochie! That’s why this is my last year.” She was my girl, but damn she was beginning to work my nerves.
“Look, let’s just have a cook out tonight and we don’t have to have another till the spring.”
I went along with it just to shut her the hell up. “Fine, Michelle. Fine. But I have a question. Who’s paying for the food?”
I knew the answer to that. I knew her broke ass didn’t have any money and I was going to have to foot the bill. But that was okay ’cause I’m only buying one slab of ribs and a pound of ground beef for hamburgers. If they asses don’t get here while the food is still here, there will be some hungry muthafuckas here tonight.
Later that night the house was packed with almost everybody from the college. There were people outside, in the house, down the street, everywhere. The music was loud and it seemed like everybody that came through the door had either liquor or beer with them. The alcohol was being poured freely. Our party had only been going for about two hours and I was already buzzing. I went outside to get some fresh air. The inside of the house was engulfed with weed smoke. On the patio I met this beautiful woman I had seen a few times on campus last year.
“Hey wuz up? I’m Eric and you
are?” “I’m Danielle”
I tried to act like I wasn’t drunk. I had to put myhand on the patio table to steady myself.
“Nice to meet you. I’ve seen you on campus a few
times.” “Yeah, I’ve noticed you also.”
If I didn’t know better that sounded like the beginning of her flirting with me. “So, do you have a boyfriend up here or back home?”
“Yeah, he’s back home. But I have a saying I live
by.” “What’s that?”
“Out of sight, out of mind.”
That’s what I’m talking about. A female that is all about getting hers.
“I tell you what. Let’s move this conversation to my room.”
She and walked past all the drunk and high people laying on the floor and leaning against the wall.
“You have to excuse my room. I haven’t finished unpacking yet. And, I just went to the store and picked up a few things. I keep them in my room to keep people out of it.”
She reached in one of the grocery bags that were on the

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