Scorched Edges (15 page)

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Authors: L.M. Somerton

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Scorched Edges
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* * * *


With ten minutes to spare he finished his preparations and got back under the covers, pulling them up to his chin so that Beau wouldn’t see what he was wearing. Marty chuckled. He couldn’t wait to see Beau’s reaction. “Thank God for online shopping.” He wriggled and groped beneath the sheets in an attempt to adjust the position of his rapidly swelling cock. “With any luck, Beau will feel obliged to punish me.” His lips curled into a smug smile.

When the scrape of Beau’s key in the lock reached Marty’s ears he had to fight back a giggle. He plumped a pillow and attempted to affect a just-woken-up appearance. Beau strode into the bedroom, gorgeous as always. He’d showered and changed at the fire station because the ends of his hair were still damp, and Marty smelled the familiar scent of Beau’s favorite mint shower gel.

Beau stopped at the end of the bed and examined Marty with suspicion. “What have you been up to? You’re acting like a little boy who’s been caught scrumping.”

Marty widened his eyes in an attempt at innocence.

“Who me?” His voice came out as a squeak.

“Yes. You.” Beau frowned. He checked out the room as if searching for clues.

Marty snorted and hid his face in a pillow. Beau ripped back the covers and sucked in his breath.

“Holy fuck!”

Marty tossed the pillow away, spread his legs and rubbed the bulge stretching the front of his red latex shorts. Thick, red leather cuffs wrapped his wrists, matching the set around his ankles. Beau pounced.

“You have been a very,
bad sub.” He straddled Marty’s thighs and slapped his hand away from his cock.

“Uh-huh. I have, Sir.”

“And why have you misbehaved? You’re supposed to be resting.”

Marty jerked as Beau pinched his nipples in turn. “It’s a proven fact, Sir, that a lack of sex can induce psychotic episodes. I wasn’t in my right mind when I shaved myself smooth and stuffed my ass with the biggest plug I could find.”

“Does lack of sex lead to an unstoppable urge to shop for kinky underwear, as well?” Beau stroked the latex.

“Very perceptive, Sir.” Marty bobbed his head. “It does.”

“And this is your subtle way of telling me you feel better?”

“No, Sir. This is me begging you to fuck me before my balls change from blue to purple.”

“You really are pushing your luck, aren’t you? You’ll get your wish. My cock is definitely overdue an appointment with your ass. Whether you deserve to come is open to debate.”

Marty blinked. “That’s just mean…Sir.”


Beau hooked a finger in each side of Marty’s shorts and pulled. They turned inside out as they descended smoothly. “You used talcum powder.”

“It’s good to be prepared Sir. Sweaty latex is not attractive, and anyway, I hoped that I wouldn’t be wearing them for very long.”

“Seems we both have the gift of perception.” Beau finished stripping Marty bare. “Love the cuffs.” Beau yanked Marty’s hands above his head. “Keep them there. Were you enough of a Boy Scout to bring supplies?”

“Under the pillow.”

Beau groped around and pulled out a strip of condoms and a tube of slick. He held up the length of foil packages. “Feeling optimistic?” His eyes glittered with promise.

“Feeling horny, Sir.”

Beau shook his head. “What happened to the sweet, shy little sub I knew?”

Marty pursed his lips. “A week ago I came very close to being fried to a crisp. It gave me new perspective, Sir. I only get one life. Time I start living it for me. For us.”

“I like the new you.” Beau grinned and hopped off the bed. For a moment Marty panicked, thinking that Beau was going to leave him hanging, but the feeling dissipated as Beau stripped off his clothes, tossing garments randomly around him. Seconds later, Marty began a rapid slide into a haze of lust as Beau began to lick and bite every inch of his body. When Beau took Marty’s aching cock into his mouth, Marty teetered on the brink of orgasm. He fought it back.

Oh Christ. Should have worn a cock ring. Don’t have permission. Did I miss him telling me I could come? Perhaps I did. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Can’t hold it!
Wild thoughts skittered through Marty’s mind as Beau played with his body.

“No coming till I’m inside you,” Beau ordered, his voice deep and growly.

Marty whimpered and squirmed, trying to get the message across that he needed that to happen. Immediately. The telepathy worked because Beau lifted one of Marty’s legs and rested his calf on his shoulder. He slid the plug from Marty’s body, gloved and slicked his cock and pressed the blunt head against Marty’s eager hole.

“Yes! Finally!” Marty bucked his hips. “Oh…did I say that out loud?”

“You did.” Beau pushed home, driving deep and hard.

A sharp burn preceded the bliss, but Marty welcomed it. Beau pistoned into him, and Marty grabbed for the bedrails to stop being thrown around by the force. Beau snapped his hips over and over, withdrawing almost completely before plunging forward. Marty snuck a hand down, reaching for his cock.

“Touch what’s mine and you won’t get to come for a month,” Beau snapped. Marty put his hand back where it was supposed to be. A week’s abstinence had been hard enough to put up with—a month was unthinkable. His muscles trembled. His balls drew up hot and tight.

“Pleeease!” The word came out as a wail.

“Come.” Beau commanded, and Marty could do nothing but obey.

Cum fountained from his aching dick. He jerked like a puppet on a string with no control over his body’s responses. Beau continued to pound into him, and as Beau shouted his own release, Marty’s vision faded to black.


* * * *


Marty came round to warmth and the security of Beau’s hard body curled around him.

Oh wow, it still feels like Beau’s dick is in my ass.
Marty shifted, and Beau’s grip tightened.
Does he think I’m trying to escape?
Marty melted into Beau’s embrace.
If only we could stay this way forever.

“You’re thinking too hard again. I thought I cured you of that last night.” Beau’s voice was rough from sleep.

“We slept all night?”

did. I’ve never fucked anyone into unconsciousness before.” Beau sounded inordinately pleased with himself. “I cleaned you up and you didn’t stir. I had a shower, made a snack…came to bed and you were still out cold. It just goes to show that you
still healing. Your body knows when it needs rest.”

“I’m fine.” Marty’s stomach growled. “But hungry.” He rolled onto his back and realized that the cuffs were still strapped around his wrists and ankles. “And I need the bathroom.”

Beau let him go. Marty rolled out of bed and crossed the room, making sure to wiggle his butt a little as he went. Beau’s groan made him laugh.

Marty freshened up, cleaned his teeth and ran his fingers through his hair. When he got back to the bedroom, Beau was gone and the enticing smell of brewing coffee drifted on the air. By the time Marty had pulled on clean underwear—cotton, not latex—the aroma of crisping bacon mingled with the coffee. He made a beeline for the kitchen area. Beau waved a spatula at him. “Bacon sandwiches. Quick and easy. I intend to spend the rest of the weekend fucking that tight little ass of yours, so you need sustenance. Why did you put underwear on? I don’t recall telling you to do that.”

Marty hesitated. Beau hadn’t issued an order but it was implied. His face heated even before he moved. Once he’d lowered his shorts and stepped out of them, Marty was convinced that his entire body must be blushing.

“That’s better. Why don’t you get the OJ from the fridge and pour us a couple of glasses?”

When Marty bent to do as he’d been asked, Beau wolf whistled.

“I can’t believe you did that!” Marty whirled to face him.

“Why not? You have a hot ass.”

Marty sighed. “So why am I the only one naked? You have a delicious butt, but I’m stuck putting up with denim.”

Beau shrugged and plated their breakfast. “Naked sub, dressed Dom. That’s just the way it is.”

“Why?” Marty asked, genuinely curious.

“Because that’s the way I like it. Now sit and eat.”

Marty ferried juice and coffee to Beau’s small table while Beau carried the food. Once he’d deposited his cargo, Beau put a cushion on the leather-covered chair.

“Don’t want to have to peel you off your seat.” He smirked.

“Very thoughtful,” Marty said as he sat.
I’m naked apart from a set of cuffs. What the hell am I doing?
He took one bite of his sandwich and forgot all about his lack of clothes. “Oh…my tongue is having an orgasm.”

Beau chuckled. “I’m glad my food is appreciated.” He ate a few bites himself. “I meant to tell you last night before you led me astray… I caught up with the fire-investigation team at work yesterday. The bug made it seem simple, but it was anything but. He must have visited The Marmalade Factory several times to get things prepared because he set the fire in such a way that it would progress behind the walls and through the voids between floors. He was helped by the age of the building. Plenty of fuel, timber beams, years of dust and debris. The landlord had an excellent sprinkler system and alarms installed but they’d been disabled. Our bug wanted the place to burn to the ground and he didn’t care who was in there when it happened.”

Marty shuddered. “But he did care, didn’t he? He wanted me trapped in there. He wanted me dead. If he had to visit several times to get everything prepared, does he work there?”

“It’s a possibility. The police are investigating the backgrounds of all the staff, but it’s a big place with several businesses, cleaning staff, contractors and a lot of temporary labor. Loads of students who pick up a few hours here and there makes it even more difficult. Even a customer could easily slip into the staff areas. There is no security system, just ‘staff only’ signs. Who’s going to notice a regular coffee drinker disappearing for a while between lattes? He could be shopping or just going to the bathroom. Those places are too busy and unless our firebug is walking around with handfuls of petrol-soaked fuel he might as well be invisible. If someone were to buy a ticket for a film, they’d easily have a couple of hours to move around. There are several exits from the screening room.”

“Whoever it is has some gall.”

“Working in plain sight. Attracts much less attention than sneaking around.”

“But why does he want
dead?” Marty said, perplexed.

“Because of me, though I still have no idea why.” Beau sipped his coffee slowly. “I’ve wracked my brains trying to think of who could possibly be this obsessed.”

“Someone you gave the brush-off?” Marty asked. “We should go back to the date of the first incident and check out what was going on in your life at the time.”

“Okay. Let’s make this morning Operation Flame.” Beau grinned. “Once we’ve cleared up breakfast, I’ll get the calendar and my diary and we’ll take a trip back in time. You can make notes and let that analytical brain get to work.”

“That sounds great.” Marty’s excitement had him bouncing on his cushion. He couldn’t wait to get started. “Can I get dressed, Sir?”

“Are you cold?” Beau lifted an eyebrow.

“No…it’s lovely and warm in here.” Marty’s confusion must have showed on his face.

“You don’t need clothes to use your laptop. You’ll stay as you are,” Beau said firmly.

“I…” Marty’s cock hardened. “Yes, Sir.”

Beau cleared the table, then stacked the crockery and cutlery in the dishwasher. He disappeared into the bedroom for a minute or two, and when he came back, he placed a bottle of lube, a large butt plug and a cock ring on the table in front of Marty.

“Bend over the table.”

Marty stared at him.
Surely he can’t be serious? Oh my God…he is!
He pushed his chair back and leaned over the polished wooden surface, grasping the far edge of the tabletop for stability. His legs shook. He couldn’t see what Beau was up to but the snick of the cap on the lube was distinct. Slicked fingers pressed against his tender hole.

Two, that’s two fingers, not one…
Marty squirmed and pushed back. He yelped as Beau landed a firm smack on his ass.

“Be still.”

The somewhat cursory preparation complete, Beau pushed the plug against Marty’s entrance. Marty clenched his muscles, fighting the invasion. Not because he objected to his Dom’s actions but because his body seemed to have a mind of its own.

“Relax. Let it in.” Beau’s words soothed Marty enough and the plug slipped into him.

“Oh! So big…” The plug filled him, stretched him. It nudged his prostate and he gasped.

Deftly, Beau fastened the restrictive ring around the base of his cock and balls. The urge to come didn’t subside but a few panting breaths made things bearable.

“I wonder how long you’ll stay hard,” Beau mused, teasing. “You certainly respond well to being stuffed full.” He gave Marty’s ass another firm slap. “Once we both get tested, I’ll enjoy pumping you full of my seed, then plugging you to keep it inside you all day.”

“Oh God. How do you expect me to focus when you say things like that?” Marty’s inner muscles contracted around the plug.

“If I can focus with you naked and tempting right next to me, then I’m sure you can manage too,” Beau said sternly. “Get your laptop set up on the table and we’ll make a start.”

Marty dashed to the bedroom to fetch his machine and soon had it operational. He set up a spreadsheet and began to plug in the dates of all the fires suspected to be the work of the arsonist. Beau had notes of the dates stored in his phone. He used the wall calendar from the kitchen area to check his social engagements and Marty added those to the list. Next came nights Beau had spent at The Underground.

Marty squinted at his data. “From a quick analysis, I can see that the fires have all happened within a day or two of you spending time at the Club. There’s normally a short gap. The exception is the fire that happened after the night we had the private playroom.”

“The day my shift changed,” Beau noted.


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