Scorched Edges (12 page)

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Authors: L.M. Somerton

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Scorched Edges
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“It’s like being inside a spaceship…”

“Well, let’s see if we can get you into subspace. You remember your safe word?”

Marty nodded.

“I want you barefoot, in display position in the center of the floor.”

Marty sat down to remove his boots and socks. He didn’t trust himself to stay balanced on one leg. He set them in a corner and took up a position with his legs spread shoulder-width apart, fingers locked behind his neck. He kept his head up and his eyes down.

Beau prowled around the room. Marty decided that was an apt description. Beau was a predator, top of the food chain, and Marty had no doubt he was prey. Beau selected some items from the bowls and palmed them. Marty couldn’t see what Beau held and he really wanted to know. Beau rubbed the backs of his knuckles over Marty’s belly.

“You have beautiful skin. Silky. It marks well.” He lowered Marty’s zipper a couple of inches, just enough for Marty’s lace underwear to be exposed. To Marty’s horror, his cock poked from the top, slick with pre-cum. He whimpered.

“Very nice,” Beau said. He lowered Marty’s zipper farther so that it was half between the front and back of his trousers. He pulled the stretchy lace down and lodged it beneath Marty’s balls, causing them, and his cock, to jut out lewdly. “Better. Now I can fit this.”

Beau soon had a thick metal ring snugly locked in place. Marty was relieved. He teetered on the edge of orgasm and didn’t want to come by accident.

“Clamps next.”

Marty fidgeted and received a sharp slap to his ass as reward. His cock jerked.

“These are screw clamps. Good for a beginner because they are adjustable. Better than tweezer style because they don’t come off easily.” Beau flicked at a nipple until it peaked then he attached the clamp, screwing it down until Marty hissed at the sharp pain. The second one went on, and Beau linked them with a chain. Then he tugged it.

“Ow! Sir…please.”

“Please what? Pull it again? I don’t think you want me to stop do you, Marty?”

The pain seemed to have a direct connection to Marty’s cock. Each twinge increased his need to come. There had to be some kind of equation to describe the effect. Beau ran a second chain from the cock ring to the center of the one joining Marty’s nipples. Every time his dick so much as twitched, there was a tug on his tits.

“Effective, isn’t it?”

Beau didn’t seem to expect an answer so Marty concentrated on not groaning. Beau played with the clamps and chain for what seemed like hours but was probably minutes. Marty’s balls ached as much as his nipples but he managed to stay in position. Finally, when Marty was ready to beg and scream for release, Beau led him to a metal frame that curved back in an arch. Beau positioned Marty with his spine to the metal. It was cold against his bare skin but soon warmed.

“I’m going to bind you in position. Just relax. I’ll put you where I want you.”

“Yes, Sir.” It helped to acknowledge the statement, though Marty was under no illusion that he had any choice in the matter.

Beau used leather straps to bind Marty’s ankles to upright poles. They were spaced far enough apart that Marty felt the stretch in his thigh muscles. Next was his waist with the buckle behind the pole at his back so that it didn’t dig in.

“I’m going to make a star shape. Reach up and out with your arms.”

Beau climbed the frame to secure Marty’s wrists and elbows in place. Further straps went around his chest and neck. The curvature of the contraption meant that he was bent backward, with an excellent view of the ceiling unless he strained his head forward. It also served to thrust his groin out and tighten the chain between his cock ring and the nipple clamps.

“Stay in position. Don’t fight it or you’ll choke yourself.” Beau checked all the bindings. “Does anything pinch?”

“No, Sir.” Marty’s head was a whirl of sensation. Pain, arousal and restraint combined to fog his mind. He’d never felt so vulnerable. So exposed. His purpose was to pleasure Beau but Marty had no control over how that might happen. He had handed all the power to Beau and it made him giddy with exhilaration.

Beau finished the job of unfastening Marty’s zip, separating his trousers into two pieces. He shoved the leather down Marty’s thighs.

“I like your choice of underwear, sweetheart. Much more interesting than black cotton.” Beau ripped the scrap of lace away. “I’ll buy you some more. You should wear them all the time.”

“Is that an order, Sir?” Marty whispered.

Beau cocked his head to one side, considering. “Yes. It is. You’ll wear microscopic underwear from now on—the kinkier the better. We can have an online shopping session and I’ll choose my favorites. How are you doing with that plug?” Beau moved behind the frame and gave Marty’s ass a sharp slap, driving the plug deep. He got a hold of the end, pulled it out slowly then plunged it back in.

Marty gasped and babbled a series of pleas that were mostly nonsense. Beau fucked him with the plug, twisting and manipulating the toy to hit Marty’s sweet spot. Marty screamed and thrust his groin out as far as his bonds would allow. The nipple chain pulled taut, sending a bolt of pleasure pain to his balls.

“No! Sir…stop, please stop!”

“I don’t hear your safe word, Marty.”

Marty wailed. If Beau stopped he would never get to come. The pain was not severe. The exquisite agony came from being denied when tremors of need rolled through his body, one after the other. Using his safe word was unthinkable.

Beau removed the plug completely, leaving Marty even more desperate.

“Empty, Sir, please…”

“All in good time.”

Beau moved in front of him. Marty tried to see his face but the strap around his neck was too tight to move far. The next thing he felt was Beau’s mouth on his cock. Marty howled. It was too much. Doms didn’t do that, did they? This one did and fuck was he good at it. Beau focused only on the head of Marty’s dick. He sucked and licked until Marty thought he would go out of his mind. Then it stopped. Marty couldn’t decide which was worse—to be touched or to be left wanting.

“This is torture!”

Beau licked his way up Marty’s stomach.

“I did warn you that sexual torture is my specialty,” Beau said, his tone mild. “Let’s see if your cock can handle pain as well as pleasure.”

Marty listened to his steps as he crossed the room and selected an implement from the wall. He tried not to panic. Part of him was detached, floating. The other part fought his bondage but the straps were immoveable. Something slapped across his dick. Soft strands that tickled.

“It’s a flogger, a short one designed especially for the more sensitive parts of your body.”

Marty could tell that Beau was smiling. Helpless to do anything but take whatever punishment Beau dished out, Marty closed his eyes. Beau began with soft, regular strokes that tormented rather than hurt. Ever touch to his hypersensitive skin increased Marty’s desperate need to come. Beau used a little more force and the blows began to sting. He covered Marty’s thigh, his cock and balls, with repeated strokes that raised a heated glow. Beau whipped the flogger across Marty’s chest, catching both clamps. He screamed. His safe word hovered on the tip of his tongue but, as if sensing how close to breaking Marty was, Beau didn’t strike again.

“You really want to come now, don’t you, love?” Beau teased.

“You’re an evil, sadistic, wicked man…Sir.” Marty panted. Sweat trickled down his back.

“Indeed I am. Time to move you, I think.”

Beau undid the straps around Marty’s neck and chest first, then his wrists, taking care to lower each arm slowly. He rubbed the muscles until the burning sensation faded, then unfastened the rest of the bonds. Marty kept his weight against the frame. He didn’t dare take a step in case he fell over.

“The clamps are coming off now. It’s going to hurt. A lot.” Beau removed them both, detaching the chain to the cock ring but leaving the ring in place.

“I’m on fire!” Marty gasped. Unstoppable tears streamed down his face as Beau massaged the pain away. He fell into Beau’s arms, desperate for some sign of affection.

Beau held him close, stroked his hair and whispered calming words in his ear. “You are doing so well, Marty. With more training, you are going to make a stunning submissive for me.”

“For you?” Marty could hardly dare to hope that Beau might want to keep him.

“Nobody else is ever going to touch you again. I’m not letting you go.”

Beau steered him across to a padded leather and steel construction. “You can lie down and take a rest now.” He patted the top section. “Your chest goes here, leaving your lower body free for me to play with. The four lower sections will support your arms and legs.”

“Very relaxing, Sir,” Marty snarked as he crawled into position.

Soon Beau had him firmly strapped in place. Beau patted his ass. “I won’t forget that little hint of attitude, brat.”

Marty wiggled his ass, trying to draw Beau’s attention away from his misdemeanor and back to letting him come.

“And there was me thinking you’d be on your best behavior. Perhaps you don’t want to come after all?”

“I do! I really do, Sir. I’m sorry… I’ll do anything. Pleeease!” Marty wasn’t above begging. He’d try puppy eyes if only he wasn’t staring at the floor between chin and forehead rests.

“I do love it when you beg.” Beau stroked Marty’s ass. “But I think you can take some more denial.”

“No!” Marty pleaded. He’d been hard forever. His balls ached. The promise of orgasm tickled and nudged at his gut.

Beau just laughed. Marty gave up trying to interpret Beau’s movements. However much he listened he couldn’t tell what new torment he prepared. He tugged on his bonds, testing their strength. They were immovable.

A hard, cold object pressed against Marty’s hole. He squeaked and tried to relax as Beau pushed it inside him.

“What is it, Sir?” he managed to ask.

“Wait and see.”

Christ, he is the most annoying, frustrating…
“Oh!” A slow vibration started up in Marty’s channel. Tremors shot through his balls. Before he could adjust to the new intrusion and the sensations it brought, sharp prickles ran across his scrotum.

“It’s called a pinwheel. A ring of rotating spikes that I can run across your skin. The more pressure I apply, the more it will hurt.”

“Oh God! Sir… I need… I have to…” Marty couldn’t breathe. There were too many sensations to deal with all at once. The vibrator buzzed faster. The pinwheel dug deeper, along his cock, around his tender balls. He loved and hated every second. “Please, please, please…” The litany spilled from his mouth.

“Open your pretty eyes, Marty.”

Marty hadn’t even realized that Beau was no longer using the wheel. Instead he stood directly in front of Marty’s head. A foot pedal tilted the bench to an angle where Marty’s mouth was at a perfect level to receive Beau’s cock, and as Beau unzipped his leathers Marty could almost ignore the insistent buzzing in his ass. Almost.

Beau’s cock was long and thick, the bulbous head gleamed. Marty opened his mouth, hoping that Beau wouldn’t deny him this pleasure too.

“Keep absolutely still,” Beau ordered. “Your mouth is mine, just as much as your ass.” He thrust forward, and Marty reveled in the sensation of being filled at both ends. His ass throbbed. He stretched his jaw wide to accommodate Beau’s girth but made no attempt to do anything else. Beau fucked his mouth, pushing back to his throat and withdrawing before Marty could gag. Marty couldn’t wait to taste Beau’s cum. He craved it, but Beau moved slowly, holding back. When he withdrew, Marty almost cried. Beau fisted his cock right in front of Marty’s eyes.

“You are perfect, spread and exposed to me. Helpless. Available to serve my every whim. I want to paint you with my cum. Mark you with my scent.” Beau’s hand blurred and the spatter of warm cum hit Marty’s cheek, his lips.

He slid his tongue out to catch the drops and tasted Beau’s bittersweet essence. Beau must have switched the vibrator to a new setting because the whirring accelerated. Marty screamed his frustration then Beau touched Marty’s dick. The pressure of the cock ring disappeared.

“Come, sweetheart.”

Marty shot instantly. The orgasm tore through him like wildfire. Every inch of his flesh burned. He screamed and his vision blurred. Muscles spasmed and contracted. He came again. Exhausted, he sagged, boneless, grateful for the bench holding him in place. He was vaguely aware of Beau releasing him, scooping him up and cradling him. His head swam.

“I’ve got you, love.”

Instinctively, Marty pressed against Beau, snuggling close. Beau sat with his back to the wall and rocked Marty gently.

“You were beautiful. So responsive.”

Beau continued to murmur in Marty’s ear but he didn’t really hear the words. He felt safe, secure and…loved. A warm glow enveloped him.

Marty had no idea how long they just sat, but eventually Beau helped him dress. Made him drink a full bottle of water, then walked him from the Club. The journey home to Beau’s apartment went by in a blur and Marty didn’t really emerge from his daze until he lay snuggled in Beau’s bed. He scratched at his cheek.

“I have your cum on my face, Sir. You missed it when you cleaned me up.”

“I didn’t miss it.” Beau slapped Marty’s hand away. He climbed beneath the covers and fondled Marty’s dick. “Turn over.”

Marty rolled lazily. The snick of a plastic cap gave him some warning but he still jerked when Beau’s lubed fingers pressed into his ass.

“Are you sore at all? From the plug and vibrator?”

“No, Sir. Feels good.” Marty raised his hips, trying to encourage Beau’s fingers to probe deeper. He got his knees under him and tilted his ass in the air.

“I’ve waited more than six months to fuck you. I wanted to do it here rather than at the club.” Foil tore, then the blunt head of Beau’s ample cock pushed at Marty’s hole. “No bondage, no playing…just this.” Beau pushed forward, and Marty gasped at the fullness and the slight burn.

“You’re big, Sir… Burns.”

“You’re good for my ego, Marty.” Beau held still, but when Marty relaxed he set up a punishing rhythm. Marty stretched out his arms and got a grip of the headboard. Holding his body stiff meant Beau went deeper, harder.

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