Scorched Edges (8 page)

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Authors: L.M. Somerton

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Scorched Edges
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“I don’t recall telling you to stop,” Beau said.

Pathetic sub I make. Can’t even follow a simple order. Forget modesty. Get the feeling there’s no place for shyness in a relationship with Beau.
Marty rolled his clingy briefs down his thighs then kicked them off. He pushed them toward the clothing pile with his toe then stood still.

“Put your hands behind your head and lock your fingers together.”

Oh God.
As he got in to the required position, Marty wondered if he gave off a terrified vibe. His fear had nothing to do with submitting to the gorgeous man in front of him—that came all too easily. But what if his body didn’t pass muster? Beau had muscles that Marty could only dream about. His own small, slim frame was toned, but muscles were a work in progress. As Beau raked him with a critical gaze, Marty’s erection drooped.

“Stunning. Absolutely beautiful.” Beau gave his verdict, and Marty’s cock perked right back up.

My penis has an ego. Who knew?

Standing still became a huge challenge as Beau circled Marty. Marty had to admit defeat when Beau cupped his ass and dragged a finger down his crack. He took half a pace forward and immediately regretted the action as Beau’s palm renewed its contact with a stinging slap.

“I didn’t tell you to move.”


Beau proceeded to touch and stroke every inch of Marty’s quivering body.
Well, almost every inch. Why the hell isn’t he touching the bits I want him to touch?
Marty’s dick and balls ached for contact, though he suspected that if Beau kept up his gentle torment then Marty might well come regardless. He squeezed his eyes shut. Thoughts and images flooded his mind, uncontrollable, unstoppable. He gasped and snapped his lids open again.

“Clear you mind. Focus on my touch, nothing else.”

Somehow Beau’s instructions penetrated Marty’s brain. His fingers, locked behind his head, cramped. His arms ached. His body burned with a desperate need for release.

“You may lower your arms. Clasp your hands behind your back.” From his pocket, Beau extracted a short, narrow strip of leather. When he wrapped it around the base of Marty’s cock and balls then cinched it tight, it was all Marty could do not to scream.

“You don’t get to come unless I allow it,” Beau said, with far too much pleasure.

There was something incredibly erotic about being naked in the presence of a fully dressed Dominant. Never especially confident in his body, Marty found it difficult to understand why he wasn’t making a dive for his clothes or at the very least covering himself with his hands. Instead he allowed Beau to touch him at will and to cut off his chance of orgasm. Surely there had to be some trade off for his submission.
He has to let me come, for Christ’s sake, this is so unfair!

Beau stepped toward him, cupped his face in both hands and kissed him. The kiss wasn’t rough but it was forceful. Marty parted his lips and granted Beau entry. He tasted of coffee. All instructions forgotten, Marty wrapped his arms around Beau’s body and pulled him closer. Beau grew more aggressive, ravaging Marty’s mouth, nipping at his lips, then suddenly pulled away.

“Oh dear.” Beau shook his head. “Such disobedience can’t go unpunished, Marty.”

Hot tears sprang into Marty’s eyes. He clasped his hands behind his back again, nails of one hand digging into the palm of the other. Apologies were pointless. He’d ruined everything. He dropped his head only to have it lifted as Beau’s knuckles pushed at his chin.

“None of that. Mistakes are expected. Correction is part of the process. You’ll take your punishment and we will move on.” Beau stroked Marty’s hair. The logic of his words slipped into a neat little slot in Marty’s brain and he smiled then nodded.

Beau glanced around the room. “Over the back of the couch, I think.” He guided Marty to the sturdy piece of leather-covered furniture and pushed him down, nudging his legs apart with a booted foot. “Three strikes feels appropriate. Count them.”

Marty didn’t even have time to tense or breathe in before Beau’s hand landed on his bare ass. The initial sharp sting faded to a dull aching burn. Marty’s breath sped up. “Ow! One.”

Beau spanked him again and pain bloomed across Marty’s other cheek.

“Two!” The word came out as a gasping squeak.

“You’re doing beautifully, sweetheart. Such lovely, rosy skin.”

Marty felt the rush of displaced air and pushed his ass back toward Beau’s hand. The third strike landed centrally, Beau’s fingertips curling between Marty’s legs to catch his balls. This time Marty did scream.

“Three!” He sobbed and a tear rolled down his face, landing with a splash on the back of the couch.

Beau reached around him and unsnapped the cock ring. The release of pressure was all it took. Marty’s orgasm didn’t so much take him unawares as crash over him with sudden ferocity. Splatters of cum hit the back of the sofa. He struggled to take in enough air and his chest heaved. Then Beau was there, holding him, supporting him.

“I’ve got you.” Beau’s voice was firm and steady.

Marty sagged against him, his contentment tempered by the knowledge that he’d not only come without permission, he’d done it all over the furniture. His cheeks burned.

“One of the benefits of a leather couch is that it can be easily wiped down,” Beau said.

“Did you just read my mind?”

“Of course.” Beau didn’t deny it. “It’s a Dom thing.”

Marty giggled. Beau scooped him up and carried him around to the other side of the couch where he sat down, settling Marty in his lap. Beau’s jeans were soft but still felt like sandpaper to Marty’s sore ass. He shifted, trying to get comfortable.

“Why am I the only one with no clothes on?” Marty asked, pouting a little.

“Because that’s the way I want you. You have no idea how perfect you are. Bare, debauched…with my handprints on your ass. If I had my way, you’d be kept like this all the time.” Beau pinched one of Marty’s nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Marty squirmed but didn’t pull away.

“These need to be pierced,” Beau said.

“They do?” Marty attempted to imagine how that might look if he had gold hoops through his flesh, or how it would feel if Beau tugged on them. The whole idea short circuited his brain. It was enough to make his limp dick swell a little.

“They do. I want to thread a chain between the rings then run another one down to a cock ring. Then you’ll have no chance of forgetting who owns you.” Beau fondled Marty’s balls as he spoke.

“I don’t think it’s likely to slip my mind, Sir.” Marty nuzzled back against Beau. Warmth and a sense of security enveloped him.
I’m naked, sitting in the lap of a man who just spanked my ass and wants to do Lord knows what to my body, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. I’ve lost it. Completely.

I can practically hear the cogs in your brain whirring, Marty. You need to learn to relax. Accept that this is okay.”

Beau didn’t sound cross or impatient. Anything but.

“Acceptance is going to take me a while. This is all so new…and I’m a little scared of how powerful my feelings are. You make the world brighter, sharper…more alive.”

“Submission is in your bones, Marty. It’s not wrong, it’s certainly not a weakness. Embrace it and I guarantee that you’ll be happier and more settled than you’ve ever been.”

“It’s not just about me, though, is it? I don’t want to let you down, Beau. What if I’m not the kind of submissive you need?” A tiny thread of doubt threatened to make a hole in the solidity of Marty’s peace.

“I wouldn’t have taken you this far if I wasn’t already sure about you, sweetheart.”

“Oh… That’s… I don’t really know what to say.”

“Then don’t say anything.”

The shrill ring of the telephone interrupted the comfortable silence that followed. Beau groaned. “I’m sorry, I have to get that in case it’s work.” He lifted Marty and placed him back on the couch, pulling a soft fleece throw over him. He marched across the room to the phone.

Marty was glad he wasn’t the target of the glare that Beau was giving the innocent instrument. Beau snatched up the handset. “Beauman,” he snapped into the mouthpiece.

Marty couldn’t hear the other end of the conversation, but Beau’s brows drew together in a frown. “And you’re sure there’s no one else?” He listened for a while longer, scrubbing an agitated hand through his hair. “Fine. Give me forty minutes and I’ll be there.” He replaced the receiver with a click.

“You have to go?” Marty asked, already knowing the answer.

Beau nodded. “I’m so sorry. The shift captain for the next watch called in sick. I have to go in to work.”

Though Marty was disappointed, he understood the demands of Beau’s job.

“Of course. I understand. When do you next have time off?”

Beau massaged his temples. “In a couple of weeks’ time I’ll get a four-day break. Do you think you’ll be able to take leave at the same time?”

“I can ask. I have a lot of holiday time owed to me, so unless something comes up it should be fine.” The idea of spending four full days with Beau revived Marty’s cock. He made sure it was fully covered by the blanket.

“You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want. Take a bath, have a nap…whatever you like.” Beau walked across the room and leaned down for a long, passionate kiss that left Marty breathless. “Once I know what shifts I’ll be working I’ll give you a call… I’d still like to make you dinner if we can make it work between our schedules.”

“I’d love that,” Marty said.

“I’m going to leave before it gets too difficult. My uniform’s at the station and I need to get there for a handover briefing. Keep an eye on your phone, I’ll be texting you some instructions.” Beau smirked.

“Instructions? Wait…what do you mean?” Marty called after Beau’s retreating form.

“You’ll see.” Beau waved and closed the door behind him.

Marty slumped back on the couch and stared at the ceiling. He had no idea what Beau meant by instructions but he had a feeling that finding out was going to be an adventure.


* * * *


Closing his apartment door on Marty counted amongst the hardest things Beau had ever done. Firefights in Afghanistan were up there, finding his first corpse in a fire was pretty high on the list too. Knowing that Marty, naked, with a glowing pink ass begging to be fucked, sat on his couch when Beau could do nothing about it was worse.

“Definitely tops the chart of shitty experiences,” Beau muttered. “Still, I’m a glass half full kind of guy and there are ways and means of making the most of a situation.” He pulled out his phone, brought up Marty’s mobile number then tapped in a text. As he finished, he couldn’t help the grin that curved his lips. He held the phone up to check what he’d typed before pressing send.


Shave everything from the neck down.


He added a smiley face emoticon and pressed send. Once he knew which evenings he’d be free he would ring The Underground and book a private playroom. Marty had responded so well, submitted with such grace, Beau was confident he would enjoy a more demanding session. Beau wanted to test Marty on some equipment that he didn’t keep at home, then he would take him back to his bed and fuck him into unconsciousness. He might even let him come.

Reaching the fire station, Beau found the engine shed doors open so he walked in through the vehicle bay. He got waves from several of the crew coming to the end of their shift but didn’t stop to chat. He hit the locker room and changed into uniform before moving onto the watch commander’s office. He knocked and waited.

“Come in.”

Beau took up an ‘at ease’ stance in front of the desk, which was manned by the station’s second watch commander, Alvin Morley. Beau grinned. He got on well with the big Jamaican, who was highly professional behind a wicked sense of humor.

“Thanks for coming in on such short notice, Beau. Atkin’s wife called in to say he’s praying to the porcelain god and much as she would have liked to ship his, and I quote, ‘useless male ass’ down here, she didn’t think he’d be a great deal of help in the event of any kind of emergency. In fact she said he probably couldn’t even rescue a kitten from a tree at the moment, let alone put out a fire.”

“Miriam’s one tough woman,” Beau said with a laugh. “Four teenage boys and Atkin to deal with, she needs to be.”

“Atty hasn’t had a sick day in years, so he must be feeling rough. Anyway, I appreciate you giving up your day off. The previous watch dealt with one chip-pan fire and an RTA that needed cutting equipment. All closed down and nothing else to handover. We’ll be on standby. Run some equipment drills—you’re a complete bastard compared to Atkin, it’ll do the watch good to get their asses in gear for once.”

“Thank you for that ringing endorsement, boss. It will be my pleasure to give the boys and girls a workout.”

Beau left the commander to an unenviable pile of paperwork and went to check that the rest of the watch had booked in for their shift. As he approached the rec area a collection of groans rose from the gathered group of eight men and two women.

“Ladies, and the rest of you…it’s my pleasure to be here too.” Beau glanced around. He knew all the people present. Most were experienced—just two probationers to keep an eye on and both of them were working out fine as far as he knew. “Atkin is…indisposed and I was offered the opportunity to give up my day off just for you. Apparently you’ve all gone soft since I last covered this watch.”

“Fuck…I couldn’t feel my arms by the time we’d finished your last set of drills, Captain.”

“I know you were in the marines but that doesn’t mean we have to polish the damn tender to the same shine as your boots.”

“I climbed up and down that fucking ladder so many times I could have been training for an ascent of K2.”

The general griping and lighthearted banter continued as mugs of tea were passed around and Beau outlined his plan for the watch. He was just about to send everyone out to their various tasks when the alarms sounded.

“Brings new meaning to ‘saved by the bell’ doesn’t it, boss?” one of the youngsters quipped as he bounced past. Beau grunted and jogged after him to get suited up.

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