Seal of the King (5 page)

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Authors: Ralph Smith

BOOK: Seal of the King
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“Yes, it’s His mark, the mark of our Lord. That’s why I feel so safe here
; they cannot pass this seal. When his true servants place this seal, it creates a barrier that the Dark One and his servants cannot cross. Your parents must have been His servants.”

“Yes, they were believers, they taught me everything about his word
, and … “

She cut him off “I’m sorry, I think you misunderstand me, it isn’t just enough to believe. They must have been more than that.”

He looked at her confused, “What do you mean?”

“Where I come from there are followers
. They are people who believe in the light. And then there are followers with gifts, like me. Then there are His servants, they are born that way, they stand in both worlds His and ours. They guide us in the fight against the dark. At least one of your parents had to be His servant”

David sat there silently, trying to understand the implications of what she was saying. Aurora stared at him waiting to see what he would say. Slowly, as if thinking out loud, he began to speak, “
When I said my parents were gone, it wasn’t an accurate way to describe it. It’s just the phrase I’ve used because I don’t normally like to explain it.” She gently placed her hand on his to encourage him to go on. “It was the day before my 18
birthday. My parents had gone on a trip, and were supposed to be coming home. There was an accident, their car hit a tree, and burst into flames. My father was found on the road badly hurt, but without a burn on him, and they never found my mother’s body. They assumed she was consumed in the fire because of the intense heat. My father survived, but he can’t speak or move. He just sits staring off into nothing and nurses have to feed him and tend to his every need. I visit him every week, and after six years there hasn’t been any change” his voice trailed off.

Aurora gently squeezed his hand
, and when he looked at her she said, “Tomorrow we’ll go see him.” David nodded his head. “David, there’s something else. I think I’ve seen your mother before.”

His eyes wide, David
asked “What?”

Aurora looked at him
, and in a gentle voice said, “When I was looking at the picture in your parent’s room, and I saw your mother, I couldn’t place it then, but I think I may have seen her before. I’m still not certain when or where, but she’s extremely familiar to me.”

David sat there staring at her, his head spinning
, and after a few moments he regained himself. “Aurora, after today, as difficult as it may be to accept, I must admit that anything’s possible.”  Seeing how tired she was, he added “But for tonight I think you need to get some sleep before you collapse from exhaustion.” He gave her a smile letting her know it was not a dismissal.

“Perhaps you’re right
. With some rest, my memory may become clear.”

He stood
, and offered her his hand. She pushed the blanket off her lap, and he pulled her effortlessly to her feet. She turned, and grabbed her pack. He followed her back to her room, and pushed the door open, looking inside. All was as it should be, and he stayed at the threshold as she moved into the room. She turned to him with sleepy eyes. “I’m not sure how I’ll sleep without the hard ground for my bed.”

He smiled at her. “I’ll be in the room next to you with the door open so I can hear you if you need me. Sleep well
, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

She placed her hand on his chest, over his heart
, and closed her eyes. Her touch sent a shiver through him. She looked up, and opened her eyes again to see him gazing at her intently.

"You'll be safe
here tonight."

“I know I will” she replied. “Good night, David.”

“Good night, Aurora,” then he pulled the door closed, but left a crack; just enough for her voice to carry through.





David made his way back to the living room lost in thought. He gathered up the tea and cups, and laughed to himself as the dog slept on the rug in front of the fire. A dog had so few things to worry about, but his lighthearted moment was short lived. His mind began replaying the day’s events again. Running through every moment, looking for anything he may have missed, considering her words. Before he realized it, he had finished cleaning the kitchen, and made his way back to the fire that was burning brightly. He sat on the couch and stared at the seal on the mantle. He was finally getting tired, but it somehow held his gaze. The outer ring was a circle, and the inner markings were divided into three groups. He couldn’t specifically tell what they were, but they gave the appearance of motion. As he stared at it in the dimming light his eyes began to lose focus, and he thought he saw movement. Soon the inner markings began to swirl as if around a whirlpool in the center. Slowly at first, so he thought it was a trick of the light, and then suddenly it was a blur of speed. Beginning at the center, a small light started to emerge, and began spreading until it filled the entire circle. The moment it reached the outer ring, he heard a bang.

He felt as
if he was being propelled through the air, directly into the vortex of light. In an instant, he was inside the light, and then he was surrounded by silence. He looked around. He couldn’t tell if he had a physical form or not. While trying to sense something or gain some perspective on what was happening, a sound began to reach him. It was a voice floating in from a distance saying his name “David”. He called out “Yes I’m here”. 

The voice responded, “You have acted wisely today. The time has come, the battle rages, only through faith can you prevail. You have been given everything you need. Follow your heart
, and beware those who serve the Dark One.”

David called out desperately, “
What do I need to do?” As the voice began to drift out of his reach, he heard “You will know. Choose what is right, and serve others.”

David felt as if he fell back onto the couch or into his body, he wasn’t sure which. His eyes popped open wide
, and the room was filled with the morning sun. What felt like mere moments, had actually been hours. He was wide-awake, and stood up to look around the room. He felt different somehow, as if energy was coursing through him. It was something new that hadn’t been there before. He stood, his eyes closed, trying to make sense of what it was, but the sensation was beyond his understanding.

He opened his eyes to see Rusty lift his head
, and yawn. David looked at the clock; it was six in the morning. He felt well rested and alert. "How about some breakfast boy," he said to the dog. Wagging his tail, Rusty jumped up to follow him. David made his way to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. He gave Rusty a biscuit to tide him over while he got out his food. As the dog ate happily, David stared out the window watching the sunlight shimmer on the grounds. While the coffee pot gurgled, he considered what he had heard. He still had no idea what he was supposed to do next. He was filled with a mixture of excitement, and fear. What had happened to him last night was beyond words. He felt more alive, more connected to the world than ever before, yet the implications of it all were frightening to conceive.

Pouring himself some coffee, he lifted the cup to his nose
and breathed in the aroma. The smell of fresh coffee in the morning was why he started drinking it in the first place. When he found himself living alone after the accident, he missed that smell, and began making it for himself. Still dressed in his clothes from the night before, he decided to walk outside with his cup to get some fresh air. He went out the back door, and the cold morning air felt refreshing. It was a bit brisk out, but he was a little stiff from being on the couch all night, and the fresh air was soothing. He wandered out into the yard and looked at the plantings, the trees, and grasses. All the life around him seemed to touch him; it made him feel a part of it. As he stood there, he noticed something that never caught his attention before. The far edges of the garden had a curve to it. He made his way over to look at it. Why would the garden curve? All the fields were planted in rows. It was just more efficient that way. Once he reached the perimeter he saw the edging that his parents had put there before he was born. He had never quite paid attention to it before, but for some reason it intrigued him. He began walking the perimeter, following the line. When he got to the end of the garden, he saw, for the first time that the edging continued on. He was surprised he never noticed it before. He had cut the grass here countless times. As he continued to follow it, he began to realize that everything looked different. Somehow the world seemed brighter more alive than it did before. He wondered to himself, was it because of what happened the night before, or was it just his imagination?

Making his way around the yard following the border, he quickly figured out that he was making a complete circle
, and would end up right where he started. A circle, he thought about the circle of the seal. Was it possible that the house was a seal too? Picturing the seal in his mind, he tried to figure out a reference point to look for. He walked up onto the front porch, gazed out at the plantings, and there it was. The various shrubs and bushes in one of the beds had the same kind of elusive pattern in it. He had seen enough. It all made sense.

He made his way back inside. He decided to check on Aurora, so he quietly walked to her room, not wanting to wake her. He stood by the door
, and listened closely until he could hear her soft rhythmic breathing. Satisfied she was resting peacefully, he made his way back to the kitchen. It was almost seven now, but he hoped she would sleep a while longer. She needed the rest. He went down the hall to his room, and thought he ought to clean up. The hot shower felt soothing after the cold morning air. He had been outside longer than he expected, and felt chilled.

His mind was racing, trying to piece everything together, shifting between moments of clarity
, and confusion. What did it all mean? He wasn’t exceptional in any way, why was all of this happening to him? What was he supposed to do? Surely he must have been dreaming, but he knew he wasn’t. Even after yesterday, and the impossibility of it, this was too much. He needed to try to figure out what was going on. He thought of her, and that calmed him. She was real, he knew that much, and as unsure as he was about anything else she needed him.

e thought about her suggestion, to see his father today, and felt that was the best place to start. So he pulled on some good jeans, his boots, and a decent shirt. His father hadn’t spoken or even blinked anytime he went to visit during the past six years, but just the same, he felt going to see him was necessary.

He couldn’t help
but walk down and listen by her door one more time. Finding she was still asleep, he made his way back to the kitchen again. Rusty was lounging on the floor waiting, and got up to meet him. He reached down and rubbed him behind the ears. It was comforting to have company. “How are you? Did you get enough to eat this morning?” He asked the dog. Rusty stood there panting, and when David went to the sink to wash his hands the dog flopped back down on the floor.

The smell of the bacon cooking on the stove top made him hungry, so he fixed himself some toast to tide him over. Relaxing at the table with the dog at his feet, he periodically got up
and flipped the bacon. Between the shower and some more coffee, he had warmed up again, and sat patiently waiting for Aurora to wake up. Instead of trying to think about things, he worked on clearing his thoughts. He often found he did his best thinking when he didn’t think at all.

By the time 9 a
.m. rolled around, he was getting restless. He needed to keep busy, so he decided to make some breakfast potatoes. He busied himself slicing the potatoes, cutting some onion, and while the potatoes were cooking, he cut up some apples, and some bread for toast. He was relieved when he heard the soft patter of her feet entering the room. He was afraid he might cook everything in the house if she hadn’t awoken soon. His thoughts were spinning, and he needed these mindless tasks to keep him focused.

"Good morning,"
he said without turning around as he finished turning the last of the potatoes.

“Good Morning
.” she replied, “Do you have eyes in the back of your head?”

He let out a
small chuckle, and said, “No. I heard you coming.” Then as he turned to face her, he asked, “Did you sleep well?” The sight of her almost made him drop the plate of fruit he was taking to the table. She was still wearing the nightshirt and socks. Her hair was pulled back into a braid fully exposing her face. He had been so distracted by other thoughts that it was like seeing her in person again for the first time. She was more radiant than he had seen her ever before, and her smile was captivating. Unlike the night before, she was perfectly at ease leaning against the doorframe, exuding confidence. The nightdress, hanging loosely, outlined her exquisite frame. Her eyes were looking at him with a different intensity than he had seen before; a longing, she was taking him all in, inside and out.  He stood frozen in place.

“Yes, it may have been the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had.”

“I’m so glad” he managed in a smaller voice than normal. Clearing his throat to regain himself, he said, “Why don’t you sit down? I’ve made some breakfast.”

She had moved too
, and met him at the table standing just inches away. He set the plate down without even realizing it. She was only a couple of inches shorter than he was, but his boots added to his height. She tipped her head up to look him in the eyes, and placed her hands on his chest. They felt warm and strong, and at her touch, a shiver ran through his entire body.

"I feel I haven't properly thanked you for all you've done for me,"
she said as she slid her hand up behind his neck, pulling him closer to kiss his cheek. Her lips lingering pressed firmly against his skin. He was rooted to the spot unable to move. When she broke the kiss, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a tight embrace. Suddenly he had control of himself again, and he hugged her too. Every inch of her was pressed against him. She had turned her head to the side, and laid it down against his shoulder, and chest, her arms firmly around his back. He could feel the subtle curves of her body against him, and he felt unusually warm. His heart was pounding, and he breathed in her scent. Instinctively his hand went up and gently caressed the side of her head. She moved slightly and nuzzled a little closer under his touch.

He couldn’t have been sure how long they stood there
; time had lost all meaning. When she finally lifted her head, and leaned back in his arms, she looked up, and said smiling “The food smells good.”

David smiled back
, and said, “I’m starving.”

She sat down at the table
, and he turned again to the stove. He had completely forgotten about the food and was thankful he had turned off the burner.

“Would you like some eggs?”

“Yes, that would be lovely.”

He had been ready, so he grabbed some eggs
, and cracked them in a bowl. “Do you prefer the yokes broken or runny?”

“I’m used to them broken.”

He whipped the eggs and poured them into the pan. They cooked quickly while he put bacon, potatoes, and toast on their plates. He tipped the frying pan up and divided the eggs between them. Turning to the table he saw her enjoying a piece of apple watching him intently.

“Here we go. I don’t want anyone accusing me of not feeding you enough.”

She smiled, and said, “I don’t think that will be a problem.”

He looked at her then clasped his hands. Closing his eyes he said a prayer. When he finished
, he turned to her. “I have some things to tell you while we eat.”

He began telling her about the seal
, and what happened, and what the Lord told him. He had to keep reminding her to eat, as she was lost in his words. Then he went on to tell her about the ring around the house, and how the house itself was somehow part of a seal. She drank in every word he said, and when he was finished telling her what had happened, he asked, “Do you have any idea what it all means?”

“Not really. Where I come from, we’re in a terrible battle with the Dark One
, and what you did, looking into the seal, and having the Lord speak to you, was extraordinary. Only powerful servants can do that.”

“But I’m not a servant, I didn’t even know what that was until you told me last night. I’m not a warrior
, and I’ve never even fought in a battle.”

"That may be true
, but you said it yourself yesterday, the course of our lives has changed, and now it may be time for you to follow a different path," she said kindly.

David sat
there, considering her words then said, “I’ve been mulling things over, and I think you’re right. The first thing we need to do is go see my father. It’s not far, and he hasn’t spoken in six years, but something tells me that’s where we need to start.”

Her expression of determination back, she nodded
with agreement. “We have to be careful. We’ve been safe here because of the seal, but once we venture out beyond its protection, we’re vulnerable.”

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