Seal of the King (8 page)

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Authors: Ralph Smith

BOOK: Seal of the King
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“David, over the past 10 years I have been in many battles
, and seen many miraculous things. What you did today was truly astounding. I think there’s much more going on than we know, and I hope your father can help us understand.”

David looked a little uncomfortable at her praise “I only did what had to be done
, and I’m thankful that my guess was right. I’m so sorry that I put you at such risk. I was a fool, and could have gotten both of you killed or worse today. If you hadn’t been there, Eleanor might have finished me off. I hope you can forgive me.”

Aurora looked at him kindly
, and said, “You saved my life yesterday. I suppose that makes us even then.”

David smiled at her
and said, “Thank you,” then reached out to take her hand “I hope my father can help us understand, too. I think we can go, and talk to him now.” He stood up, and gathered a plate of food, and she poured him a glass of water. They headed to his room, and slowly pushed open the door. His father was lying there frail, and thin. It broke David’s heart to see him this way. He knelt down beside him, setting the plate on the end table. Aurora put her hand on his shoulder for comfort, she was afraid it was too soon, and could sense the pain it caused David to see him this way.

David gently placed a hand on his father’s shoulder
and in a soft voice asked, “Dad can you hear me?” His father began to stir slightly. “Dad, it’s me, David. I’m here with you, we’re at home.” David’s voice cracked as his father’s lips moved a little, they were clearly parched. David took the glass from Aurora, and, gently lifting his head, tipped it up to his lips. He poured a little water into his mouth, and could see his father swallow.

After several small sips
, his father said in barely a whisper “David,” as his eyes opened slightly. “Oh, my son, I never thought I’d see you again.”

David’s eyes filled with tears
, but mustering a confident tone he said, “Dad, I’m here now, and you’re going to be alright.”

His father stirred slightly
, “David, you need to call Molly.”

David repeated
, “Molly. Aunt Molly?”

His father’s strength failing,
he said, “Yes. Tell her the hour is at hand.” He was slipping back into unconsciousness.

“Dad, I will, I love you
, and I need you. Please don’t leave me again”, he said pleading to him.

His father rallied slightly
and said in barely a whisper “I know, son, and I love you too.” Then he was still again.

Aurora gently pushed David aside placing her hands on hi
s father again. Closing her eyes she could feel that he was just too weak but that it was not over for him yet. "David he's alright," she said gently, “it’s just too soon after such a long struggle. We need to give him time.”

He looked at her, a single tear running down his face. “I was afraid I failed him.”

She took his hand and pulled him to his feet, and said, “No,
David, you saved him. Whether or not he survives, you saved him from a horrible fate. But don’t give up hope yet, he may still recover.”

This time he reached out for her
and rested his head on her shoulder. She held him tightly. He took a deep breath, and then stood tall, rallying himself, “It seems we have work to do, let’s go call Aunt Molly.”

She smiled at him encouragingly, “Lead the way,” she said.

He was pacing the floor waiting for her to answer as the phone rang. Aunt Molly was old fashioned. She only had one extension, and it was still a rotary phone. David didn’t call her regularly because talking to her on the phone was a challenge. She tended to shout into the receiver so you could hear her.

Seething with frustration after several minutes he looked at Aurora “if she doesn’t answer soon I’m just going to go there.” Aurora stepped closer smiling
, and put a calming hand on his arm when suddenly, sound came blasting out of the phone.

“Hello, who’s

Aurora was startled at the sound
, and David rolled his eyes. He didn’t understand why his father wanted him to call Aunt Molly, but he wasn’t about to argue.

“Aunt Molly, it’s me David.” He said
, with as much patience as he could muster.

“OHHHHH, David dear, how are you? It’s been a while since you called me. I was beginning to think you had a new favorite Aunt. How have you been dear? Are there any new girls in your life?”

Aurora snickered at David’s look of exasperation “Aunt Molly, something’s happened”

She cut him off “
Oh! Really! Are you getting married? It’s about time you settle down dear, you need a woman in your life. You can’t live in that house all alone forever you know.”

David, getting more impatient, raised his voice to be heard “My father’s at home.”

Molly stammered, “What do you mean, your father’s at home. What are you saying David? You know how fond I am of you dear, but please spit it out.”

David said louder this time
, “He said to tell you the hour is at hand. Do you know what that means?” For the first time David could remember, Aunt Molly was silent. “Aunt Molly, are you there?” He asked urgently.

In a somber tone
, David had never heard before, she said, “David, would you please repeat what you just said?”

David, looking puzzled, said slowly “My father
is home, and he asked me to call you, and tell you that the hour is at hand.”

There was a momentary pause
, and Aunt Molly asked, “Can he come to the phone?”

“I went to visit him today
, and we were attacked, so I felt the safest thing was to bring him home. After he rested a little while he spoke to me,” his voice unexpectedly cracked, “and he told me to call you, and give you that message. He’s asleep now, but he’s extremely ill. Please Aunt Molly, can you help me?” As much as he tried, he couldn’t keep the desperation out of his voice.

Suddenly Aunt Molly spoke to him with complete authority
, and in such a commanding tone it shook his confidence. “David, do not leave the hours under any circumstances. Do you understand me?”

But I don’t …”

She cut him off “David. Please do not make me repeat myself
; do you understand me? “

Realizing she must have an idea what is going on he agreed, “Yes, Aunt Molly.”

She continued “Thank you. Now I need to know. Are there any people out in front of the house, and is there any chance you were followed home today?”

David walked to the window “I don’t see anyone out front
, and no we weren’t followed home exactly.”

, this is not time to be coy, spit it out, what happened.”

David replied
, preparing for a million questions, “OK, Dad was possessed by a demon, and when I forced it across the seal, the demon exploded. Other than that, no one followed us.”

After a slight pause
, she said, “Good enough then. Is there anyone else with you at the house?”

Surprised at her reaction
, and more so at her question he replied, “There’s a woman here, her name is Aurora, and it’s a long story.”

Aunt Molly lost her
newly found composure, “What! Aurora’s already there! Dear Lord, we haven’t much time.”

David interjected
, “How did you know about Aurora?” David looked at Aurora, her eyes going wide at the mention of her name.

Aunt Molly
, in a sympathetic tone, said, ”I’m sorry dear. I don’t have time to explain now. In fact, we have terribly little time at all. Please follow my instructions, and I’ll be there shortly. When we hang up, go to the hearth in the living room, and light a fire. Make sure it’s good and hot, and made of hard wood. Do you understand?”

He agreed
, “Yes I will.”

Aunt Molly continued “I’ll be bringing others with me
, but under no circumstances should you invite anyone else in. If they cannot enter on their own, they are not one of us. Do you understand, dear?”

“Yes I do. Will you be able to help my father?”

“We’ll do everything we can. I must go right away, but I’ll explain everything when I arrive.”

He heard the receiver click as she hung up the line. He stood there silent for a moment, unsure what it all meant.




Aurora looked at him anxiously waiting to hear what was said. He looked up from the phone, and turned to her, and said, “She knew you were coming, she just didn’t think you’d be here yet.”

did she know I was coming? We didn’t know I was coming. Who is she?”

David answered in a perplexed tone
, “She’s my aunt, my father’s sister, my strange goofy aunt, who is always more worried about whether or not I meet a nice girl, or if I’m eating enough. She’s always been good to me but never interested in anything… meaningful.” David paused for a moment looking confused then said, “Oh, that’s right. She told me to make a fire. We better get to it.”

While they were getting the fire going
, he told her word for word everything she said. Once the fire was burning hot, he said, “I want to check on my Dad again.”

She nodded then
said, “I’m going to get us some water.”

David walked back to his father’s room
, and quietly pushed open the door. He watched him and seeing that he was breathing steadily and still sound asleep, backed out of the room, and pulled the door most of the way shut. He returned to the living room to find Aurora sitting on the couch with two glasses of ice water on the table. As he sat next to her, she handed him a glass.

“Aurora, does
any of this make sense to you?”

Pausing a moment to gather her thoughts, she answered
, “I told you that only a true servant can create a real seal. My thought was that at least one of your parents, probably your father, is a servant. That may mean that your aunt is one too. Servants are not of this world, yet they live in it doing our Lord’s bidding.”

David was about to speak when they both
were startled by a knock on the door.

David sprang to his feet with Aurora hot on his heels. He positioned himself in front of her, prepared to meet whatever was at the door first.

“Who is it?” He called to the door.

“It’s me Molly. I’m going to come in now even though you haven’t invited me so that you know I crossed the seal on my own.”

David stepped back, frantically looking around trying to come up with a plan in the event this was a trick. The door opened slowly, and to his relief Molly stood in the threshold. She was a tall, attractive woman who had aged well. Even as goofy as she was, David was always surprised she had never married. “Molly, it’s really you.” He said, stepping forward he placed his hands on her arms, and looked into her eyes. Behind them, he saw her light, and with a sigh of relief, pulled her into a hug. "I'm so glad to see you."

Squeezing him hard she
said, “I’m delighted to see you too, dear, but please take me to your father. After I see him, we can talk.”

said, “Of course, Aunt Molly. This is Aurora. She helped me rescue him.”

Molly moved over to her
and gave her a warm hug, too. “Dear one, it’s so nice to meet you after all this time, but please excuse me, I must tend to his father.”

Aurora, slightly embarrassed by the display of affection from someone she just met, said
, “I understand.”

Without waiting, Molly headed to the bedroom. David reached out
, and took Aurora’s hand, and led her back to his dad’s room. As they entered, Molly was already kneeling by the bed with her hands on his head and chest, her eyes closed. Neither of them said a word, but watched, waiting for Molly to speak.

After a few moments
Molly said, “You used your gift, Aurora, and gave him some of your power.” It was a statement not a question.

“Yes, I wasn’t sure what to do. I’d never seen anything like that before.” David pulled Aurora close to him putting an arm around her
, and she leaned her head against his shoulder.

“Your gift is what has kept him alive until now.”

David felt his affection for her rise in him. He turned and kissed her gently on the head. He felt the tension in her body ease as she pressed closely against him. “Aunt Molly, is he going to be alright?”

In answer to his question, he heard his father speak in a soft voice “Molly, you sure took your time in getting here.” David’s heart lifted at the words.

“Oh be quiet, Gabe, I’m trying to concentrate.”

After several long moments
, while David fought the urge to ask the barrage of questions racing through his head, Molly finally pushed herself to her feet. “David, dear, please come over here, and help me sit him up to take an elixir I brought.”

David hurried over, placed a pillow against the headboard
, and reached down, lifting his father gently upright.

Through dry lips, he managed to say “I used to be the one taking care of you when you were sick.”

David smiled at him “I guess it’s my turn, then.” Once he was satisfied his father was comfortable, and not going to flop over off the bed, he stepped out of the way. Molly had retrieved a jar from her bag and measured out some unpleasant looking liquid into a glass.

Molly looked at him sternly. Gabe begrudgingly let her tip it to his lips
, and drank it down. “Ugh that stuff is awful.”

Molly set the glass down on the table
, and said with mock impatience, “Don’t give me a hard time, Gabe. You know you are going to have to drink every drop.” Then she smiled at him “Now, I’m going to check in with the council while you talk to your son here. Wait until you hear what he and young Aurora did.

His eyes going a little wide he
said, “Aurora, really? Well that makes sense.”

Molly said solemnly “You better get your strength back, Gabe. Things are much farther along than I would have imagined.” With that, she turned
and left the room. David walked over, grabbed a chair from the corner, and pulled it up to the bedside for Aurora to sit. Then he sat on the edge of the bed next to his father.

“Dad I can’t tell you how overwhelming it is to see you here; to hear your voice again.” David said, his eyes welling up with tears he was trying desperately to hold back. The elixir was working quickly, his father lifted his bony hand
, and although he was weak from all he had been through, reached out, and grabbed David’s hand. Feeling him squeeze his hand lifted the sadness David was feeling. “Dad, I’d like you to meet Aurora.”

Gabe gave her a
kind smile “Yes, Aurora, I have waited a long time to meet you, young lady.” He peered into her eyes looking inside her just like David did. “And I have to say, you’re even lovelier than I had imagined.”

Aurora went flush, “I see where David gets it from,” Aurora said. “How am I going to manage with two of you around?”

David spoke, “Don’t let her fool you, Dad, she can handle herself. I’ve never seen anyone else like her.”

“David, as I recall you’ve seen her for a very long time.” He said knowingly.

“Dad, just since yesterday, so many things have happened, and I - we’re so confused. Can you please tell us what’s going on?” David said in a somber tone.

“I will son
, but it would help me if you told me everything that happened first. I’ve been out of touch as you know for quite some time.” David nodded and just then Molly entered the room.

“How’s the patient?”
She asked.

“I’ve been better
, but I’ll live. David was just about to fill me in on everything that happened.”

Molly nodded
, “An excellent idea, I’d like to sit in if you don’t mind. A few of the others have already arrived and are watching the perimeter.” Molly walked around to sit on the other side of the bed “and I think we need to have you start at the very beginning, both of you, from the time you first saw one another.”

The two of them sat there telling their stories. When Aurora talked about how her parents were killed by soldiers’ right in front of her eyes David reached out to take her hand for comfort. Then she talked of so many horrors of the war she was fighting, it broke David’s heart to hear how hard her life had been. When they reached the events of the day before, Molly
and Gabe fidgeted and leaned in closer hanging on every word. When they finally finished, Molly and Gabe looked impressed.

The elixir appear
ed to have done a lot for Gabe, and he was the first to speak, “I’m so proud of you my son.”

David beamed
, “Thank you Dad.”

Molly spoke
, “Yes, dear, you both did splendidly. We’ve been trying to figure out for six years how to get your father out of that place. It’s crawling with those beasts. They would have known the minute one of us had shown up, and it would have been an all-out war. I’m guessing they could not see that you were a threat. That may prove extremely useful to you in the times to come.” Molly sighed, “Of course, it’s a miracle you both didn’t get killed, but we can’t argue with the results. Time for another dose, Gabe” She concluded with a stern look at him.

While Molly measured out some more of the wretched drink for Gabe, David asked
, “Please tell us what it all means?”

After forcing down the elixir
, Gabe looked up at Molly, and they shared a look of uncertainty. Then Gabe said, “Where to start?” Gabe turned to face the two of them, and, seeing their anxious looks of anticipation he sighed, and then went on. “As you know since the dawn of man there has been a struggle between dark and light. The balance between dark and light ebbs and flows, there are times when each one advances against the other, but the balance must be maintained. Darkness only consumes and destroys, where light nurtures and creates. What those of the dark, the evil one, don’t understand is that this battle makes the light stronger. That by drawing those to it who have evil in their hearts it purifies the light and strengthens it. They also do not realize that because the dark only consumes; that if they were ever to defeat the light they would consume even each other until there was nothing left. This is clearly evidenced by how easily they turn on one another, and in stark contrast to the way those of the light defend and protect one another.”

“During these ebbs
and flows, events will culminate to a tipping point. This tipping point shapes what is to come next, a period of more dark, or more light. We are on the brink of crossing a tipping point into an era of terrible darkness if we fail. The world that Aurora lives in has suffered immensely, and is on the verge of losing the battle. Her world exists here, and now, but is separated by a force I cannot explain. If her world were to fall, it would open pathways between these two worlds allowing the war that wages there to come here. That would be the tipping point. Only a select few of the most powerful servants can travel between these two worlds without dire consequences, yet somehow you two did.” He paused allowing them to consider what he said.

what are you trying to tell us?”

“A single grain of sand added to a cart can be the one to cause it to break. The two of you are the ones who can change the tide of this battle.”

“Dad, I know Aurora’s a skilled warrior, but I’ve never been in a war before. What makes you think I can make a difference? Aunt Molly said we were just lucky today.” He said feebly.

Aurora leaned towards him
, placed her hand on his leg, and looked up to him “No, it was only because of you today that we succeeded. You saw things I didn’t, you knew what to do, and I didn’t.” She said looking at him with affection, and at the same time certainty.

“I know, David, because I know you
, and because of the prophecy.” Gabe said. David and Aurora turned to look at him with wide eyes.

Aurora speaking first, “It’s true then? When we first met
, and he told me his name I thought perhaps, but I … I just couldn’t… well…”

“Yes, dear, it’s true
. We’ve always believed it was him, and I think after today, Molly would agree, we’re certain.”

Molly added in a somber tone “Yes, Gabe, I agree.”

With a slight hint of panic in his voice, David asked, “What prophecy?” 

“As you know prophecies are a tricky matter. They never say on this day at this time some specific thing will happen. If they did
, people, good and evil, would try to interfere to affect the outcome.” Molly said. “As for this prophecy, well it is a tricky one to interpret. The Bible tells us of the final battle, which will occur at the time of the second coming. It does not tell us about the many battles in between. This is one of those battles. The prophecy of which we speak was not written down so that it would only be passed between those of the light.” David noticed Aurora looking somber, so he reached out to take her hand again. Molly continued, as if she was teaching a group of students. “Before we get to the prophecy, there are a couple of noteworthy points to consider. First, do you know what the word Messiah means, the literal translation?” She pressed on, not waiting for them to answer, “It means anointed one, a person who was chosen by God, to lead his people.” She paused a moment for them to consider this. “Yes, we refer to Jesus as the Messiah because he is our Lord, and Master. However, there have been others who were anointed to lead Israel. Do you recall any?”

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