SEAL's Baby (Navy SEAL Secret Baby Romance) (32 page)

BOOK: SEAL's Baby (Navy SEAL Secret Baby Romance)
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“I don’t want to mess up
her life, Maddie,” I said softly. “I don’t want to hurt her again.

“Then don’t,” Maddie said

“I just … want to make
sure that she’s ok; I want to make sure she’s happy.”

“Are you planning on
staying in Bastrop, Dylan?” Maddie asked.

“I don’t know,” I said
honestly. “I’ll be here for the next few weeks though.”

Maddie nodded. “Then do
Lizzie a favor and don’t try to contact her.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“I don’t mean to be so blunt,” Maddie, said. “But the thing is …
she’s trying to live her life. And that’s going to be a lot easier for her if
you leave her alone.”

I sighed internally. Maddie was right and I knew it.


Chapter Thirty-Two



I splashed water on my face and looked back up at the mirror. The
music was louder than usual tonight and the smell of smoke and alcohol was
giving me a headache. I didn’t look like a pregnant woman at all, but I
certainly felt it. I was tired and impatient to get home, but I had two more
hours on my shift and a bar full of patrons to attend to.

I took a step back from the mirror and looked at myself
critically. My stomach had starting protruding out in the last month, but it
was a small enough bump that a loose fitting blouse could easily disguise it.
No one in Bastrop knew about my pregnancy except my mother and Maddie and I
wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. I was actually enjoying
having a secret that was all my own. I had to make a concerted effort however,
not to keep touching my stomach in public.

The bathroom door swung open and Joni poked her head inside.
“There you are,” she said. “We’re swamped tonight and we need you to get a move

“Right,” I said quickly.
“Right behind you.”

I walked outside behind Joni and got to work busing tables. Zack
was bartending tonight so I helped the girls with the orders. My energy levels
were not what they used to be and I was starting to dream about the quiet
comfort of my apartment. It was amazing how the idea of having a baby had
changed so many things.

I no longer hated going home. I actually longed for the calm and
quiet I would get when I went back. I’d pour myself from juice and sit in front
of the TV with Elvis curled up next to me. More often than not, I’d daydream
about what it would be like when I finally had the baby. Maddie and mom were
always over, bringing me food and offering to massage me whenever I needed it. It
was the best feeling in the world, but sometimes it was overshadowed by the
doubt wrestling around in my head.

I thought of Dylan every single day. He consumed my thoughts and
filled my head any time I lowered my inhibitions. I had made my decision but I
still could not escape the doubt and didn’t help that Dylan was back in town.

“Hiya, honey,” a beefy
man in the corner booth called out to me. “How about taking our order?”

“Sure,” I said snaking
through the tables towards him. “Sorry about the wait. What can I get you?”

“Deviled pork ribs for
me,” he responded.

“And I’ll have the
steak,” his friend told me.

I nodded, took down their order, and headed towards the kitchen to
hand in the docket. The moment I had handed it over, Heather pointed me in the
direction of more customers. I kept veering from table to table, taking orders,
getting food, cleaning down empty tables, and then repeating the process all
over again.

I kept glancing over at the time hoping that my shift was almost
done, but it seemed that time had decided to come to a standstill because every
time I checked the clock only a couple of minutes had passed. I was desperate
to rest my legs for a few moments and escape the noisy bustle of the pub, but I
knew my absence would be noticed and I’d taken a few too many breaks this

“Hey,” Zack called to me
as I brought in another docket for the kitchen. “Are you ok?”

“Yes,” I nodded. “Why do
you ask?”

“You seem really tired.”

“I had a long day at
school,” I told him. “The kids were particularly rambunctious today.”

“I don’t know how you to do it,” Zack said shaking his head and I
was forced back into the thick of it to collect more orders.

As the night wore on, I noticed that a few guys at the front of
the bar were starting to get a little unruly. As far as I could tell, the fight
started because two guys were supporting warring football teams. Suddenly,
there was a smash of glass and everyone was in each other’s face.

“Shit,” I said to myself as I moved forward. “Come on guys,” I
said raising my voice to be heard above the din. “Calm down.”

No one heard me and I couldn’t muster up the energy to shout any
louder. Zack came around from behind the bar and tried to break up the fight. I
was trying to move out of the way when someone pushed another guy and he came
smashing into me. My legs buckled and I flew into a table stomach first.

I groaned in pain as I grabbed my stomach reflexively, but
everyone was too busy with the brewing fight to notice me. I walked away from
the scene and waited till my breathing had slowed and my stomach didn’t hurt as
much anymore. I took a deep breath and watched the scene before me and it
dawned on me that I didn’t want to be here anymore.

I still had an hour left on my shift, but I didn’t care. I walked
into the back where Jack was chowing down on a steak in his personal office. I
went in without bothering to knock.

“I’m eating,” he grunted
at me.

“I know,” I said. “This
will only take a minute.”

“All right,” he sighed
putting down his knife and fork. “What is it?”

“I’m quitting.”

Jack raised his eyebrows.

“I can’t do this anymore …” I said knowing that probably wouldn’t
make too much sense to Jack. “I just … I’ve had enough of this job.”

“What?” Jack asked in his
boorish manner. “You’re too good for us now?”

“I never said that … it’s
just … I already have one job and I think I’m spreading myself a little too

Jack narrowed his eyes.
“I don’t get it, your ex has stopped coming in here, hasn’t he?”

“He has,” I said.

“Shouldn’t it be better
for you now?”

“My ex has stopped coming but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a
fight in here every other day; one thing working here has taught me is that men
can’t hold their alcohol. They get drunk, they get loud, they get angry, and
then they start fights. And I’m not interested in being caught in the middle

Jack grunted. “Fine then …
I accept your resignation. Now get out and let me finish my dinner.”

I smiled gratefully and
nodded. “Thanks, Jack.”

He grunted again and I left his office much happier than when I
had entered it. I grabbed my stuff, said a quick goodbye to Zack, and headed
home in relief. I felt lighter somehow. I was about to turn the corner when I
noticed a tall, familiar figure standing across the road.

I backed up immediately so that Dylan wouldn’t see me and I
watched him wait for the light to change back to green. He looked amazing, as
tall and handsome as ever and I felt that familiar pull of longing inside me. I
paired back so that I could watch him a little without being seen. He was
wearing dark jeans and a sleeveless shirt that bared his perfectly toned arms.

He looked amazing but there was something in his eyes that told me
he was deep in thought. I wondered greedily if he was thinking about me.
Instinctively my hand landed on my tiny bump and I felt a modicum of guilt rise
up inside me but I pushed it down. Maddie had told me that Dylan was only in
town for a few weeks to figure some things out. Then he would be leaving again.
He may not have been in the Navy anymore but that didn’t mean he was ready to
settle down either.

I watched him cross the street and then turn the corner as he
disappeared out of sight. I stood there for a moment longer and I took a deep
breath. He had just got out of a huge commitment and I knew I could not force
him into another. I would not be the reason he regretted his life. I would not
be the reason he had to sacrifice his freedom. I would not be the choice he
made because he was forced to. I turned and walked back home alone.





“Something wrong son?”

I turned to mom and gave
her a distracted smile. “Ah … no, no, nothing’s wrong,” I answered.

“You were very distracted
today during church,” mom observed as she came to sit beside me on the porch.

“Was I?” I asked trying
to play it off.

Mom smiled and gave my hand a squeeze. “You’ve been staring at
you’re phone for a while now,” she pointed out.

“Oh … I was contemplating
calling a friend,” I replied evasively.

“I see,” mom nodded.
“Well, we’re about to sit down to lunch so maybe you could try calling a little

I nodded and we walked back into the house together for Sunday
lunch. Tyler and Maddie were already seated when we arrived and began our meal
together. I kept shooting glances at Maddie trying to determine why she was so
quiet around me. It was more than just that however; it seemed almost as though
she was uncomfortable with me too.

“What’s wrong, man?”
Tyler asked suddenly half way through the meal.

“What do you mean?” I

“You keep staring over
here,” he pointed out.

I hadn’t realized I was being so obvious but I instantly toned it
down. “Sorry,” I said. “I’m just … distracted today.”


“Umm … just thinking
about the rehab center,” I lied smoothly.

“I think it’s a great idea,” Maddie said. She gave me a small
smile but I noticed that she still refused to meet my eyes. I wondered how
badly my leaving had affected Lizzie this time. I wondered if that was the
reason for it or if perhaps Lizzie’s new relationship was more serious than I
had anticipated and Maddie just didn’t want to be the one to tell me.

“How’s Lizzie?” I asked
out loud without bothering to hide my curiosity.

Instantly Maddie tensed and I knew that her awkwardness was
inherently linked to Lizzie. “She’s fine,” Maddie replied chewing her food
longer than necessary.

I did notice my mother’s expression change somewhat and that
puzzled me. I let it sit and we spent the rest of the meal in silence. Once we
were done and the plates had been cleared away, I moved out into the back
garden consumed in thought. After a while I couldn’t stop myself any longer. I
picked up my phone and dialed in Lizzie’s number.

It rang for a while but she didn’t pick up and I couldn’t blame
her. If she really was serious with this doctor guy then it was entirely
possible she didn’t want to have anything more to do with me. I tried to
contain the jealousy in my gut but it seemed to have a life of its own. I was
trying to figure out a subtle way of ‘running into’ Lizzie in town when I felt mom
walking towards me.

“Did you try calling that
friend of yours?” she asked pointedly.

“I tried,” I nodded.

“Does this friend happen
to be Elizabeth?” mom asked.

“I would say that was
perceptive of you,” I said. “If I wasn’t so incredibly transparent.”

Mom smiled but there was an underlying emotion there that I
couldn’t understand. She seemed to be sparring with herself; trying to decide
on something she wasn’t sure of.

“Is something the
matter?” I asked bluntly.

“Well …”

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