Secret Historian: The Life and Times of Samuel Steward, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade (59 page)

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Authors: justin spring

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Social Science, #College teachers - Illinois - Chicago, #Gay authors, #Literary, #Human Sexuality, #Novelists; American - 20th century, #General, #Sexology - Research - United States - History - 20th century, #Psychology, #Artists; Architects; Photographers, #Body Art & Tattooing, #Authors; American, #College teachers, #Gay authors - United States, #Steward; Samuel M, #Tattoo artists, #Pornography - United States - History - 20th century, #Novelists; American, #Gay Studies, #Authors; American - 20th century, #Education, #Art, #Educators, #Pornography, #20th century, #Tattoo artists - New York (State) - New York, #Sexology, #Poets; American, #Literary Criticism, #Poets; American - 20th century, #Biography & Autobiography, #Teaching Methods & Materials, #Biography

BOOK: Secret Historian: The Life and Times of Samuel Steward, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade
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“the obsessions which haunt”
: Michael Bronski, “S/M: The New Romance: Cruelty Without Pain,”
Gay Community News
, vol. 2, no. 30.

“50% explicit sex”
: Steward to Steven Wright, June 23, 1973, Samuel M. Steward Papers, Boston University.

“more than just the”
: “‘J. Brian’ Busted Again in S.F.,”
, July 7, 1972 [np].

“a movie (still in the box)”
: Steward to Ellen Squire, Greenleaf Classics, Feb. 5, 1973, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

Most of his hustlers
: “S.F. Model Agencies Hit: 20 Arrested,”
, March 1, 1972 [np], Samuel M. Steward Papers, gift of Douglas Martin.

“fight it into the”
: “‘J. Brian’ Busted Again in S.F.,”
, July 7, 1972 [np], Samuel M. Steward Papers, gift of Douglas Martin.

“learned from his mistakes”
: Steward statement on J. Brian, dated Nov. 10, 1972 (copy), Samuel M. Steward Papers.

The star witness against
: “Director J. Brian Charged in Second Film ‘Conspiracy,’”
, March 27, 1974 [np]. Samuel M. Steward Papers, gift of Douglas Martin.

“out of the business”
: Eric Ridge, “Twelve Years Behind the Lens.”

demanding more “hots”
: Ellen Squire to Steward, April 25, 1973, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“It’s sorta like the”
: Steward to “Donnyboy” Ireland, Sept. 27, 1979, Samuel M. Steward Papers, Boston University.

Tremendously shaken, he returned
: Steward, “Early Chapters,” p. 145.

“I am happy to”
: Gallup to Steward, Nov. 4, 1974, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“disposing of all the”
: Steward to Gallup, Nov. 25, 1974, Samuel M. Steward Papers, Boston University.

Although Steward would be
: Preston, Introduction to
(Alyson, 1982).

In his free time
: Roger Austen,
Playing the Game: The Homosexual Novel in America
. N.B.: The Roger Austen papers, which are quite limited in number, are in the Manuscripts and Archives division of the Humanities and Social Sciences Library, New York Public Library (MssCol 3608).

Austen would quote Steward
: Austen,
Playing the Game
, quotes “Phil Andros” on page 88, and in his citation notes, “from background notes especially written for this study by ‘Phil Andros,’ Berkeley, California, 1975.”

“the mid-seventies consensus”
: Austen,
Playing the Game
, p. 200.

“If there is anyone”
: Steward, “
Hard and Hungry
(Review),” Newswest/
, nd, np. Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“It seems that as”
: Steward,
Gay Sunshine
interview, ms. p. 25. Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“because of the extraordinary”
: Steward, “
Cruising Stud
(Review),” Newswest/
, nd, np. Samuel M. Steward Papers.

Steward returned to Berkeley
: Steward to Purdy, March 1, 1976, Samuel M. Steward Papers, Boston University.

“I’m not sure whether”
: Steward to Barney, Jan. 6, 1976, Samuel M. Steward Papers, Boston University.

He did, however, do
: “I ran down Chuck Arnett in the City and talked with him about his drawings; la, it’s been about 9 years since hearing from him!” Steward to Jeanne Barney, Sept. 17, 1976, Samuel M. Steward Papers, Boston University.

In the end, he
: Barney to Steward, July 26, 1976, makes clear that “Many Happy Returns” features Jim Kane and Ike Barnes. So do the stories “Babysitter” and “Four on Ice.” Samuel M. Steward Papers, Boston University.

“the world’s first fully”
: The ad for the machine can be found in
, vol. 1, no. 6 (May/June 1976), p. 58.

“There is a manufactured”
: Steward to Pick, May 14, 1981, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

In doing so he
: Steward to Rame, Jan. 19, 1976, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“As for Phil Andros”
: Steward to Wilcox, July 5, 1975, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“I had enjoyed his”
: Steward, alternate draft of “Early Chapters,” pp. 314–15.

“It was as if”
: Steward, “Early Chapters,” p. 355.

“I am hoping”
: Steward to White, Oct. 29, 1976, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“I thought Sam was”
: Fritscher, e-mail to author.

“Sam didn’t particularly stand”
: Baldwin, e-mail to author.

“hungry males buzzing like”
: Steward to Schmidt, Oct. 21, 1976. Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“(anonymously) writ[e] letters about”
: Steward to Purdy, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers, Boston University.

To combat the disintegration
: Documents relating to ZORRO can be found in the Samuel M. Steward Papers, Boston University.

“too full of girlish”
: Steward to Martin, July 1, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

But to no avail
: See the Ehrlich–Steward correspondence (1977), Samuel M. Steward Papers, Boston University.

“Many may take it”
: Steward to Martin, July 1, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“Sam…I want to”
: Schuler to Steward, Aug. 17, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“Dear Dr. Steward”
: Student to Steward, Oct. 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“Remember that last day”
: Martin to Steward, June 18, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“Dear Diego”
: Steward to Martin, July 1, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“He blames me for”
: Steward to Martin, Oct. 7, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

Steward played other pranks
: Steward to
New York Times Book Review
, July 14, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“this may not be”
: Steward to Hall, March 24, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“Jonathan [Ned] Katz was”
: Steward to Hall, Sept. 21, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“the complexities and nuances”
: Steward to Martin, Oct. 7, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“I’ve kept journals of”
: Martin to Steward, Aug. 21, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“With 914 [men] you’re”
: Steward to Martin, Sept. 12, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“I fear you vastly”
: Ibid.

“Pubic Hairs? Oh, my”
: Martin to Steward, Sept. 20, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

: Martin to Steward, Feb. 10, 1978, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“Since you bedded him”
: Steward to Martin, “Valentino’s Day,” (Feb. 14) 1978, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“I spent the rest”
: Steward to Martin, July 18, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“I was an old”
: Steward to Martin, Feb. 8, 1978, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

When he published it
: Steward, “A Gift from André Gide,”
, no. 72 (July 10, 1978), section 2, p. 9.

“There are times, God”
: Steward to Kent, Jan. 20, 1977, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

Home to an ever-changing
: James Gray, “Community Rift over Lifestyles,”
Berkeley Gazette
, Sept. 30, 1979 [np] (clipping), Samuel M. Steward Papers.

Steward responded by launching
: Steward to
Berkeley Gazette
, March 26, 1981, Samuel M. Steward Papers, Boston University.

“the living legend Tom”
: Steward to Martin, “Valentino’s Day, 78,” Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“he had to be”
: Steward to Wilcox, June 19, 1978, Samuel M. Steward Papers.


“This business of TW”
: Steward to Hall, Sept. 5, 1979, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“You are perhaps not”
: Steward to Simon, Nov. 22, 1976, Samuel M. Steward Papers, Boston University.

“[G]ad, what camouflages and”
: Steward to Martin, May 9, 1979 [postcard], Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“private experiences not meant”
: Harrison to Steward, Jan. 27, 1971, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“Thank you for your letter”
: Steward to Harrison, Nov. 23, 1979. (N.B.: Steward kept carbon and attached it to Harrison correspondence.) Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“firm as a clam”
: Gertrude Stein,
Everybody’s Autobiography
(New York: Random House, 1937).

Steward was rightly concerned
: Steward to Gallup, Dec. 18, 1979, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

Anticipating that Harrison
: “The Secret Citizen of ‘Our’ Town: Thornton Wilder: Samuel Steward Remembers the Man,”
, no. 293, May 29, 1980, pp. 25–29.

“We met in the bar”
: Steward to Harrison, June 3, 1981, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

In a subsequent letter
: Steward to Harrison, Jan. 14, 1982, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“I am on the”
: Steward to Harrison, Aug. 6, 1982. The letter also gives specific page references to the section on Wilder in
Chapters from an Autobiography
, which had been published in 1981. Samuel M. Steward Papers.

Upon publishing the memoir
: Paraphrased from Don Allen finding aid, Mandeville Special Collections, UCSD/La Jolla.

Steward’s revised memoir was
: Eric Rofes, “The Life and Hard Times of Legendary Porn Writer Phil Andros,”
, no. 307, Dec. 11, 1980, pp. 23–27.

“As I watched Scott”
: Steward,
, p. 138.

“From the very beginning”
: Steward to Darrell Inabnit, April 26–27, 1981, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“The business between myself”
: Steward,
, p. 139.

“dying well may be”
: Austen to Crowley, May 15, 1981, as published in Crowley’s introduction to Roger Austen,
Genteel Pagan: The Double Life of Charles Warren Stoddard
(Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1985).

“Under the influence of”
: Austen to Steward, June 1, 1981, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

Upon returning to Los Angeles
: Austen to Steward, undated (approximately June 16, 1981), Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“at my age I”
: Steward to Austen, June 17, 1981, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“George Platt Lynes”
: Steward, “George Platt Lynes: The Man,”
, no. 332, Dec. 10, 1981, pp. 22, 24.

He also produced a
: Steward, “Oxford’s ‘Queen Lotus Dust’: Cardinal Newman & Friends,”
, no. 331, Nov. 26, 1981.

“you have
: Steward to Laaksonen (Tom of Finland), April 20, 1982, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“I feel proud to”
: Laaksonen to Steward, Dec. 14, 1983, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“What do you do”
: Steward to Preston, Sept. 27, 1983, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“I hope you will”
: McDonald to Steward, Dec. 11, 1982. (N.B.: McDonald offered to pay Steward one hundred dollars for each of the two questionnaires.) Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“I’m not sure that”
: Steward to McDonald, Dec. 20, 1982, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

Steward had been an
: Steward noted his interest in
Straight to Hell
in a letter he wrote to Robert Mapplethorpe (Feb. 17, 1978; Samuel M. Steward Papers) as well as in his response to McDonald of Dec. 20, 1982. Samuel M. Steward Papers.

“To say that your”
: Steward to Sprague, April 9, 1982, Samuel M. Steward Papers.

Steward published a long
: “Remembering Dr. Kinsey: Sexual Scientist and Investigator,”
, no. 305, Nov. 13, 1980. See edited version in
, pp. 95–106.

A detailed account of
: Steward, “A Pilgrim’s Day and Passages from a Diary: A Visit with Thomas Mann,”
, no. 376, Sept. 15, 1983, pp. 28–31, 35.

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