Secrets (24 page)

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Authors: Danielle Steel

BOOK: Secrets
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He finally gave her what cash he had, a little more than three hundred dollars, and she had almost run out the door. But she had called him again that day, and she sounded frightened this time. She asked if she could see him that night at eleven o'clock, and just to be sure he didn't miss her, he had left Zack's place quietly forty-five minutes before that. But she hadn't showed. And at midnight, he had gone to Mike's for a beer, and then driven to Malibu and just drove around. He had to get her out of his head, she was going down the tubes fast, and he knew that one of these days, she'd OD again. Maybe for the last time.

It was after two o'clock when he got home, and when he did, the police were there. Four cars with flashing lights and an ambulance, and he had a terrible sense of impending doom, as he hurried breathlessly up the narrow walk and opened the door. They were waiting for him, and the bedroom door was closed. And the policemen looked grim. There were other men in suits, and a man with a camera, and two of the cops drew guns as he walked in. He felt himself grow pale as he stopped where he was, and put up his hands, as he stared at them.

What's wrong ' where's' He knew she was there. She had to be.

She's still in the other room. He didn't like the way they said still. As though someone had left her there. Where've you been?

He still had his hands in the air and he didn't dare move. He wondered if the paramedics were working on her, if she was all right, but he was too shocked to ask. I was out driving ' in Malibu.

What time did you leave?

Around twelve o'clock. I was waiting for ' for someone ' and they didn't show up, so I went out for a beer.

Who were you waiting for?

My ' a friend. He had almost said his wife. One of the policemen walked to the bedroom door, and signaled to him to come along. Is this your friend in here? He indicated for Bill to follow him, and there were more policemen in the other room. The dog had been pushed into the bathroom, and Bill could hear him whining in there. But nothing had prepared him for what he saw when he walked into the other room. Sandy was lying on the bed, her clothes torn off, such as they had been, her tiny, frail body no bigger than a child's, and she had been shot in the chest and the head. Her eyes were open and her blood was everywhere. She was dead and he gave a terrible moan as he took a step toward her and then fell back, feeling faint and ill. Two arms caught him before he fell and he staggered back into the living room.

Oh my God ' oh my God ' He was whimpering like a child. She was dead ' dead. He stared glassy-eyed at them. Who did ' what ' He couldn't find the words and they shoved him roughly into a chair.

You tell us. Your neighbors heard the shots. Do you keep a gun?

No. He shook his head.

Who is she?

She's my wife ' we've been separated for the last six months.

Let's see your arms, bud. They had seen the tracks on hers, but his were clean.

Anyone see you after you left here?

The bartender at Mike's Bar. He thought he was going to throw up and he closed his eyes.

How long were you there?

About half an hour.

And after one o'clock?

I was just driving around.

She was killed within the last hour. Any idea who would want to kill her?

He shook his head miserably, the tears spilling from his eyes. She'd been shot. Like an animal. And then he looked at them. She called me tonight. And she sounded scared.

Of what? They had no sympathy for him. They had seen it all before. And heard weak stories like his.

I don't know. Her connection maybe ' maybe a pimp ' she was picked up last summer on prostitution charges, to get money for drugs ' she was a decent girl. He turned to them as though it mattered what they thought. She was just all messed up with the drugs.

Apparently. The cop in charge signaled to one of his men, and the men from the ambulance came in with a stretcher and a tarp.

Where are you taking her? Bill stood up as though to keep her there, and they shoved him back into the chair.

To the morgue. And we're taking you downtown.


Can you think of any reason why not?

I didn't murder her.

Then you can tell the lieutenants that. Homicide gets this one now. We're holding you on suspicion of homicide.

But you can't do that ' I' Before he had said another word, one cop snapped on the cuffs, and another read him his rights, and the men from the ambulance emerged with the stretcher covered by the tarp, with only a tiny form under it. There was nothing left of her. He stared at her as she left, remembering the blood in the other room, and he prayed there had been no pain, that it had been fast ' the son of a bitch had killed her in their bed, where they'd been so happy once' . He felt as though in a dream as he stumbled to the car, surrounded by the men, and a few minutes later he was on his way downtown, in the backseat of the car, handcuffed and shocked. This couldn't be happening to him. But it was' .

He was told he was being held for forty-eight hours while the investigation went on, and they interrogated him for two hours. But he had nothing else to say. He felt exhausted and sick, when they took off the cuffs, made him strip, searched him thoroughly, handed him back his clothes, and shoved him into a cell with three other men. Two of them were drunk out of their minds one of them asleep and the third threatened to kill him if he came within an inch of him, and he sat on the narrow cot, with the mattress that smelled of piss, wondering what was going to happen to him.

Can I make a phone call? he asked the guard.

Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. But it was ten forty-five before they led him from the cell to be interrogated again, and they let him make the call then. By then, he was four hours late for work, and he had been in every scene. He didn't know who else to call, so he called his agent, and the secretary left him on hold while the inspectors champed at the bit, anxious to talk to him again.

Tell them to hurry up.

I can't. I'm on hold. He was panicked that they wouldn't let him complete the call. This was serious. This was his life they were talking about now. And then Harry finally came on the line.

What's up? How's it going, kid? His voice was cheerful. He was in a good mood. But not for long. Bill told him where he was and why, and Harry sat at his desk, stunned. You're what? Are they out of their minds? ' Holy shit'

Can you get me a lawyer, Harry? And for chrissake don't tell anyone.

Are you kidding? By tonight, the whole world will know. Jesus Christ.

For chrissake! Bill's voice roared into the small room and the inspectors stared at him, interested. Just find me a lawyer and get my ass out of here. And call the set and tell them I won't be in for a few days. They both had the same thought at the same time, but Harry said the words.

Just wait till Wechsler hears about this.

I'll talk to him when I get out. I'll explain everything.

That's the understatement of the year. This violated his contract to the nth degree. The morals clause was taken care of, if nothing else. Not to mention how pissed off Mel was going to be because Bill had lied to him. I'll call my lawyer. And don't talk to anyone.

Great. He glanced at the men waiting for him. And Harry ' thanks.

I'll do what I can. And, kid ' I'm sorry' . I know how you felt about her.

Yeah. Tears filled his eyes again. I did. He hung up the phone and stared at the inspectors who wanted to talk to him but he refused until his lawyer came.

When he wouldn't talk, the detectives sent him back to his cell. The two drunks had been released, and the man who had threatened to kill him sat staring at him all day. It seemed hours before the attorney showed up, and he wasn't too encouraging. They were considering charging him with murder one.

But why, for chrissake?

Because she was killed in your house, she was your wife, you were separated, and you have no alibi. For all they know, you were furious with her, you hated her, you were pissed off about the drugs. There are a thousand reasons why you could have wanted to knock her off. The attorney was brutally honest with him.

Don't they have to prove I did it?

Not necessarily. If you can't prove otherwise. They can hold you over for a preliminary hearing, if the DA files a complaint against you.

Do you think he will?

Did anyone see you that night, after twelve o'clock?

Bill shook his head miserably. Not after I left Mike's. I just drove around.

Have you ever talked about this girl? Told anyone you were angry about the drugs?

He shook his head, and then eyed the man Harry had sent. He was about forty-five, and seemed devoid of personality. Bill just hoped he knew his stuff. We never told anyone we were married, as a matter of fact.

Why not?

Her agent didn't want us to. She had a big part in a series then, and he thought it would hurt her image as an ingenue.

What about you? Anyone know?

Bill shook his head again, and told him about the lie he'd told Mel when he got the job. They'll probably dump me anyway after this.

Maybe not. It was the first encouraging thing the attorney had said. His name was Ed Fried. And Harry had sworn he was good. He may feel sorry for you. It's a hell of an experience for anyone to go through. Who do you think might have done it?

Bill thought about it for a little bit, and shrugged unhappily. I don't know. Her connection probably. Someone must have followed her to the house ' maybe a pimp '

She was into that too? Ed asked.

Yeah ' once anyway ' It was ghastly, having one's life spread out like that. Then he looked at Ed again. Can you bail me out?

The lawyer shook his head. You're being held on suspicion. They haven't even set bail yet. He decided to tell him the rest. And if they charge you with murder one, they won't. What he was hoping was that they would drop it to a lesser charge, if nothing else. At least he could get him out then.

Great. Bill looked glum. But he looked worse than that when he saw the evening papers. It wasn't the headline. But it was on the first page.

Actor accused of slaying wife. It mentioned both their names, listed the old charges Sandy had been convicted of, her drug habit, getting kicked off the show, and it said that Bill was currently filming Mel Wechsler's new series and was slated to be television's new heartthrob in the coming year. Not likely, he said to himself, as he lay down on the stinking cot and closed his eyes. They didn't interrogate him again that night. He just lay there, and thought about her ' with a bullet hole in her heart and three in her head, and the life they had once shared that had faded like a distant dream.


Oh my God ' oh Jesus ' Jane saw it first, as they sat waiting for the lights to be set for the next scene. One of the cameramen had picked the paper up at lunch, and left it lying on a bench. She handed the paper to Zack wordlessly and he stared at her.

Is that Bill? He looked stunned.

It has to be. And he hadn't come to work that day. His agent had called at eleven o'clock, and they had been shooting around him all day, which had caused a certain amount of confusion for all of them, because they were all doing scenes they hadn't rehearsed before, and nothing had been done in less than fourteen takes that day. Everyone was testy as a result, and neither Zack nor Jane had slept that night, but they looked happy anyway. Or they had until Zack read the article, and Jane was staring at him. It explained why Bill had seemed so unhappy much of the time.

It says he was married to her. He never said anything ' did you know? She looked at Zack in surprise as Gabby walked over to them. It was an unusually hot day on top of everything, and everyone was hung over from Jane's party the night before.

If it takes me another sixteen takes to shoot the next scene I'm going to kill myself. She sat down on the bench and looked at both of them. What's up? You look as sick as I feel. Too much Mexican food last night, or too much wine, or both? She smiled. It had been a beautiful night, and it really had been a surprise, which was gratifying, but Jane handed her the paper without a word. Gabby read the article and looked up. Holy shit. But that can't be' It couldn't be. It wasn't possible. How could he have killed her like that? '

The word spread like wildfire, in whispers, between takes. And the police arrived before they left the set for the day. They announced that they wanted to talk to everyone, and they asked everyone to stick around for a while. It was already seven o'clock by then, but no one said a word, as they poured themselves coffee in styrofoam cups, and the inspectors spoke to the director before anyone, and then asked Zack to step into his dressing room. It was half an hour before he returned. It looked like they were going to be there all night, as Jane whispered to him when he came back.

What did they say?

Not much. They wanted to know if he ever talked about his wife ' if we'd ever seen her ' if he said anything ' if he looked upset yesterday. I told them no one knew he was married. And the only time I'd seen him with a girl was a few weeks ago at Mike's. They both remembered the bedraggled girl they'd seen him with, and Jane wondered if that was the girl who'd been shot. And then Zack looked at her unhappily.

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