Secrets Abound (Supernaturally Bound Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Secrets Abound (Supernaturally Bound Book 1)
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“Hey, wait up.” Eli asserted to my relief as he put out his cigarette.

He sauntered over to me and slid his arm around my waist as we both headed to the party. I was wearing jeans and a sweater since it was freezing outside and the barn wasn’t exactly known for its warmth. Old Man Fisher’s barn was the largest one in town, but since there was no one around to do maintenance on it, it was run down.

We went inside to see what appeared to be around sixty kids, ages ranging from sixteen to twenty. There were red solo cups everywhere and a few kegs stacked in the corner. The inside was basically just open space. You could tell there used to be stalls, but Mr. Fisher took them out since he didn’t own any horses. There was old furniture people had swiped from junkyards or who knew where. There were a bunch of foldable chairs, loveseats, and sofas and all were an array of colors.

“I’ll go get us beer.” Eli disappeared toward the kegs.

I spotted Chad and waltzed over to tell him hi. He was sitting on a couch with his arm around Lilly. Lilly had been his on again off again girlfriend all throughout high school. Some of the guys we used to hang out with before they all graduated were sitting around them.

“Hey, BK. How’s it going?” Tom asked.

Tom had short brown hair and big, dark, puppy dog eyes. He was taller than me, probably six foot. I always had a crush on him, but he never saw me as anything other than a kid. I hadn’t seen him in almost two years. He was a year older than Chad, so he’d graduated before him. I was surprised to see him at the party, considering the last I’d heard, he was in Europe.

“Great. It’s good to see you.” I smiled. I noticed his skin was much tanner than before, and he had a shadow of hair along his chin. I had to admit he still looked good. Better, really.

“You too. You look… different.” He gave me a once over.

“I should hope so. I’m not fourteen, anymore.” I teased.

“No, you are
.” He said with intrigue.

I felt Eli’s arm slide around my waist again as he handed me a red cup. Tom watched us with a surprised expression. Eli noticed and tugged me closer to him.

“Eli this is Tom, Tom this is Eli my…” I wasn’t sure how to finish the sentence.

“Her boyfriend.” Eli finished for me, and I smiled.

“Nice to meet you.” Tom gave a small nod.

Chad had been watching this whole display and gave me an amused expression when I glanced his way. I responded with a dirty look that made his grin spread further.
I was so glad my awkward moments entertained him.

Eli and I sat in a loveseat close by and listened as Tom told us all stories from his travels. I started to wonder where Cassie and Ryan were and scanned the room. I noticed them off to the side. They seemed to be having a fight. Ryan stormed off out of the barn. Cassie surveyed the room around her, searching for a guy to flirt with, no doubt. She spotted someone in the crowd and strolled over to him. I realized it was Hunter, and I had a sneaking suspicion she started a fight with Ryan so she could ditch him.
Well, Ryan, it was nice knowing you.

“I need a cigarette.” I whispered to Eli.

We stood up and strolled outside into the woods. We went far enough that all the party noises were distant, now. Eli tugged out his pack of cigarettes and handed me one. He lit mine and one for himself. I watched him as he took an extra-long drag staring off into the darkness. His hair fell slightly in his face. He was so sexy that a part of me just wanted to jump his bones. As if he felt me staring at him, he met my gaze and smiled. Putting out his cigarette, he moved closer to me. I was pressed between his body and a tree.

“I need you to clear some things up for me. Kissing is allowed, right?” He asked leaning down and brushing his lips lightly across mine.

“Yes, of course.” I laughed. He leaned in to kiss me harder.

“Okay, well what about this?” He asked, slipping his hand slowly up my shirt, stopping on my breast outside of my bra and began kissing my neck. I gasped at the contact.

“I don’t see why not.” I stuttered. He gave me a smile seeing the effect he was having on me. “Why, Elijah Cross, are you trying to seduce me?” I asked him jokingly.

“Me? I would never.” He said, mustering up as innocent an expression as he could. “Scout’s honor.” He held up two fingers.

“Why don’t I believe you were ever a scout?” I asked with a giggle.

“Probably because I’m a horrible liar.” He stroked my arm.

“I’m not sure I believe
either.” I pursed my lips.

He gave me a guilty smile and kissed me, this time his tongue found its way into my mouth. I heard something move in the bushes across from us, and I jerked away.

“What was that?” My eyes searched through the darkness, but it was no use. I couldn’t see anything.

“It’s nothing. Probably just some creature wanting to watch us get it on.” He said, and I lightly smacked him in the chest. “Poor little creature doesn’t even know it’s hunting season, and it’s already as good as dead.” He continued darkly, speaking loudly like he wanted the animal to hear him. I knew I was probably being paranoid because of all this ghost business, so I tried to brush it off. He bent down to give me another kiss, but then I heard the sound again and stopped him.

“Will you go check it out?” I asked. He was hesitant, so I added, “Please?”

“Okay.” He pressed his forehead to mine, giving me an expression that said he knew it wasn’t anything to be concerned over. As he vanished into the dark, my pulse sped up when I realized this plan left me here alone. I listened for a few seconds, but all I heard was silence.
I’m sure Eli was right and it was just some animal.

I gazed up at the sky and saw a dark cloud slowly move in front of the moon. It was like someone flicked off the light switch because it was suddenly so dark that I could barely see my hands. I closed my eyes so I could focus on listening for Eli, but I saw a flash of light through my eyelids. When I opened them, I saw the lighted figure. It was the same woman from my room. I froze with terror, holding my breath in an attempt to be silent.

Of course, it was pointless. She was staring right at me. My heart slammed against the confines of my chest. She floated toward me. At first slowly, but then she sped up, and I stumbled backwards, falling to the ground. I fell hard on my back, knocking the wind out of my lungs, so there was no way I could scream. I propped myself up onto my elbows and scooted backwards until I hit a tree. I pressed myself against the tree, attempting any distance I could achieve.

She was three feet from me now and still moving expeditiously. Within a few seconds she was inches away from me. She moved down to where her face was level with mine, and I could see it in great detail. Well, what part of her face she still had. Her luminescent skin seemed to be flaking, almost rotting. It was as if I was staring at a glowing, translucent corpse. I wanted to scream, I told myself to scream, but nothing came out.

“Bridget.” She whispered in a husky voice, sending shivers down my spine. There was nothing scarier than a ghost who knew your name. “You are in danger.” She continued. Did she mean from her? Or something else? I felt my eyes grow wide, but I couldn’t find my voice to respond. “He is going to kill you. You have to kill him or he will kill you.”

“Jeremiah?” I asked in a shaky voice.

She shook her head no in response.

“Then, who?” I demanded.

She twirled around and pointed off in the direction behind her. She disappeared right before Eli emerged from where she had just pointed.

“Bridget, are you okay?” He rushed over to me.

“Yeah, I just fell.” I said still shaken up. He wrapped his arm around my side and helped me to my feet.

“Are you sure you’re not hurt?” He scanned my body.

“I only scratched my elbows. I’ll be fine.” I reassured, forcing my heart to return to its normal pace. “What was in the woods?”



“Why don’t I believe you were ever a scout?” Bridget asked with the cutest giggle.

“Probably because I’m a horrible liar.” Eli stroked her arm.

Bridget gave him her sexy smile that was starting to seriously drive him crazy. He had to be careful, though. Bridget was supposed to be Aiden’s weakness, not his.

“I’m not sure I believe
either.” Bridget smiled.

She was incredibly perceptive. That was something he’d have to be careful about. Eli leaned down and kissed her, slipping his tongue into her mouth. Something moved in the bushes behind them, and Eli already knew who it was. He’d known Aiden was there from the moment he stepped into the woods.

“What was that?” Bridget said, her eyes growing wide and aware.

“It’s nothing, probably just some creature wanting to watch us get it on.” He said, and Bridget lightly smacked him on the chest. “Poor little creature doesn’t even know it’s hunting season, and it’s already as good as dead.” Eli continued a bit louder, wanting Aiden to hear every word. He bent down to give Bridget another kiss, but Aiden made another sound, and her head snapped up, again.

“Will you go check it out?” She asked. Eli just wanted to keep kissing her, for both his and Aiden’s benefit, but she was so adorable when she was frightened. “Please?”

“Okay.” He gave in. Eli sauntered over in the direction he knew Aiden was in. After a few seconds, he found Aiden leaning against a tree, glaring at him.

“Does Bridget know she has a stalker?” Eli smirked. Aiden stayed silent so Eli continued, “I got your little message. It was…” He paused. “cute.”

“Obviously, you’ve decided to ignore it.” Aiden shot.

“Obviously.” Eli retorted. “Your petty threats don’t intimidate me.”

“Then you’re a fool.” Aiden warned.

“Hmm… Maybe.” Eli paused, as if in thought. “You know, I’ve been trying to figure out why you’ve chosen to attach yourself to a human. At first, I thought you just wanted in her pants, but you never did sleep with her, did you?”

“Neither have you.” Aiden countered.

“Yet.” Eli taunted.

“I wouldn’t be so sure. I heard you talking. You know, it’s funny; she never set any restrictions with me. In fact, she was
to have sex with me.” Aiden smiled arrogantly trying to get Eli riled up.

“And yet, she’s still a virgin. What does that say about you?” Eli smirked.

“It says that I actually care for her.” Aiden growled.

“Well, I guess you’ll be caring about her while she’s giving it up to me. I doubt it’ll be that hard to change her mind.” Eli asserted. The fury building in Aiden’s eyes was clear, and he felt a sense of satisfaction at that. Eli decided that he was done talking to Aiden and headed back to Bridget.



“I only scratched my elbows. I’ll be fine.” I reassured. “What was in the woods?”

“Just a nosy animal hoping for a show.” Eli led me back toward the barn.

As soon as we strolled in, I felt someone’s eyes on me, so I glanced around the room and spotted Aiden sitting on the couch next to Cassie and Chad. Our eyes met for a beat before he shifted his attention back to Chad. Cassie spotted us and gestured for us to join them. I hesitantly sauntered over to them with Eli close behind.

“Since Ryan totally ditched us, I went ahead and called Aiden to drive us home seeing as how you’re such a prude when it comes to drunk driving.” Cassie explained snidely.

“I can stay later and take Bridget home.” Eli told her.

“Are you sure?” I asked him.

“Of course, that’s what boyfriends are for.” He leaned in and gave me a kiss. I felt awkward kissing Eli in front of Aiden, but he was my boyfriend, and Aiden would be seeing this more often. Eli continued in a whisper near my ear, “Besides I wouldn’t want any nosy animals too close to you.” Confused by his statement, I followed his gaze and saw that he was staring right at Aiden. What was he insinuating? Was he saying that Aiden was the noise in the woods? But why would he be in the woods, let alone near us? We had been far from the party.

“Boyfriend?” Cassie grinned. As everyone in our group (and even a few others close by) focused their attention on Cassie, I knew she had been drinking and something unfiltered was going to come out of her mouth. “I guess Eli
get to bite you in a few places last night.”

I glanced at Aiden to see his reaction and noticed he was staring at my neck. I wrapped my sweater up over the mark, but the movement caught Chad’s attention.

“Oh, BK, what’s that on your neck? Is that a bite mark?” Chad teased.

“And that’s only what you can see.” Eli rubbed my hip. I elbowed his side which made everyone laugh except for Aiden.

“Bridget, can I talk to you for a second?” Aiden cleared his throat.

“Uh, sure.” I answered. Eli was reluctant to let me slide out of his arms, but he did so without saying anything.

“Oooo someone’s jealous.” Cassie commented loudly.

“Shut up, Cass.” I told her and shot her a glare. I followed Aiden over to a corner so we could talk in private. “What’s up?” I asked him.

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