Seduced by the Game (11 page)

Read Seduced by the Game Online

Authors: Toni Aleo,Cindy Carr,Nikki Worrell,Jami Davenport,Catherine Gayle,Jaymee Jacobs,V. L. Locey,Bianca Sommerland,Cassandra Carr,Lisa Hollett

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Sports

BOOK: Seduced by the Game
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She pulled her hand back.
“Uh, no. Not really. I don’t like all the fighting and hitting. It’s so

“Neanderthal?” His eyebrow
quirked. “Do I look like a caveman? No, wait. Don’t answer that. You might hurt
my feelings.”

Hannah smirked. “I’m
guessing your ego can handle it.”

Scott took her comments in
stride, smoothly continuing. “If you don’t like hockey, why were you at the

“My sister.” She cocked
her head in Tammi’s direction. “I got tired of hearing her whine about how much
I’d love the game if I ever went to a few more games. The All-Star Game being
here made it a good time to indulge her.”

“Do you prefer the more
relaxed version like tonight?”

“A little. It wasn’t as

“Easy, breezy hockey,

“Something like that.”

He was leaning toward her,
blatantly showing interest and making her as nervous as she was turned on. And
she was
turned on
. Her whole body felt over-warm and damp as if she had
a fever. She’d never had a reaction this quickly to a man.

Scott looked over his
shoulder. “People are dancing. Wanna hit the dance floor?”

Hannah glanced at her
sister and Darren snuggling and smooching and then at Scott staring so intently
at her as if he were willing her to say yes.

I don’t want to lead this
guy on. I shouldn’t say yes.


Hey, brain, stop

With a nod he grabbed her
hand, pulling her onto the impromptu dance floor. Scott kept a grip on that
hand while the other swung around her waist, pulling her in close. Too close.
Hannah couldn’t think with him surrounding her.

She’d told her sister more
than a few times that she wasn’t interested in being set up with a hockey
player, and now felt like Tammi had ambushed her. Despite that, she couldn’t be
mad at Scott. It wasn’t his fault Tammi and Darren had conspired against her.

“So what do you do for a
living? Are you here in the city?”

“I’m a graphic artist for
a weekly magazine. Our offices are in the Village, but I live in Brooklyn.”

“Ah. Very cool. I have
absolutely no artistic talent.”

Yeah, I’m getting your
talents lie elsewhere.

Hannah’s arms were around
Scott’s neck, and she fought the urge to play with his hair to see if it was
really as soft as it looked. But he’d gotten her out here against her better
judgment, short-circuiting her brain-to-mouth functionality, and Hannah
shouldn’t encourage the man further.

“We should get back to
Tammi and Darren.” She took a step away, dropping her hands to her sides.

Scott glanced toward the
two of them. “They don’t look like they want company.”

When she followed his
gaze, holding in an agonized groan took real willpower. Her sister was
practically climbing her husband.

Ugh, you’re in public.
Show some decorum.

“Maybe we should go break
them up before they get arrested.”

Shrugging, he answered,
“They’re fine. It’s late, the lights are low. Lots of people are gettin’ busy.”


“Are you hungry?”

Hannah pivoted to face him
fully. “I’m sorry, what?”





Scott grinned. “Apparently
I’m worse at this than I thought.”

Eyes narrowing, she asked,
“Worse at what?”

“Getting you alone.”

“I don’t think that’s a
good idea.”

“Why the hell not?”

“I’m not like that.”

Scott tilted his head.
“Like what?”

“One of those hockey

“That’s obvious,” he said
with a chuckle, “since you told me you don’t like hockey players.”

“I don’t–” Hannah huffed
out a breath. “I’ve just seen and heard a lot of unsavory things about them
from my sister.”

“She seems to be doing

“Well, like I said,
Darren’s a good guy.”

Leading her to the bar
just off the dance floor, Scott then helped her onto a barstool and took one
for himself. “And yet you assume I’m not.”

“Why would you be? You’re
rich, gorgeous…” she rolled her eyes when his face lit up, “and live in
Manhattan – or at least I assume you do. You have the whole world at your

“I do. But that doesn’t
make me a playboy.” Scott scooted closer. “Look, give me a chance. Let me get
to know you. Go out with me a few times. If you really don’t like me after
you’ve given me a chance, I’ll leave you alone.”

Hannah raised an eyebrow.
“Classify a few times.”


“Two,” she countered.


“Fine, and tonight counts
as one.”

“Then I’d better make the
most of it.” Leaning over, he gathered the back of her head in one large hand,
and before she could even react, he was kissing her.

Whoa, was he kissing her.

That hand gripped her
hair, moving her head to his liking as he deepened the kiss. Hannah opened for
him, and with a moan she felt but couldn’t hear over the rushing noise in her
ears, Scott pressed his tongue inside, playfully touching hers before
retreating. She found herself chasing him back into his own mouth, and before
she knew it, Scott had slid off his barstool and was standing between her
spread knees, the other hand now joining the first on her head as he plundered
her mouth.

Warning bells were going
off inside her head, and yet Hannah couldn’t seem to heed them.

With a final gasp, Scott
pulled away. “We need to get out of here.” His arms dropped and he took her
hands in his. “Come back to my place.”

Finally sense returned. “I
don’t want to be a notch in your bedpost.”

Scott released an
obviously irritated breath. “Hannah, this really isn’t something I do every
day. I can count on the fingers of one hand how many women I’ve had in my apartment
in the last year. And no, that doesn’t mean there have been tons of other
places. I actually don’t date very much. But there’s something about you. I
can’t put my finger on what it is, exactly, but I want you.”


Chapter Two


Scott silently prayed Hannah
would relent. If his cock got any harder, he was very much afraid there’d be
permanent damage.

She assessed him for a
moment and he let her look. He hadn’t been lying when he’d said there weren’t
very many women. Scott had learned early on that many women only wanted him for
one of two things – to say they’d bedded a professional hockey player or to get
their mitts on his money. He wasn’t interested in being a part of either.

“All right. But if I put
the brakes on at any time, I want you to respect that.”

“Of course. Forcing a
woman is not something I’d ever do. My mother and my four sisters taught me
early on to respect women.”

“Four sisters?”

“Yeah, and a brother. He’s
the baby of the family. I’m third, so right in the middle. Two girls older, two

“Wow. Tammi and I are the
only children my parents had. The delivery wasn’t easy on my mom and she
couldn’t have more after that.”

“But you guys had each
other,” Scott said as he motioned to Darren, who’d looked up, that he was
taking Hannah. The other man nodded and elbowed his wife, who sent Scott a
beaming smile he was hoping Hannah hadn’t seen. “That must’ve been pretty

“At times.”

“Trust me on this. If I
ever treated a woman badly, one of my sisters would find out about it somehow
and then they’d collectively kick my ass, hockey player or not. Those girls are
scary.” He mock-shuddered and she laughed.

He called his driver on
his cell, and they sped to the address of his high-rise on Central Park West.
They talked a little more on the way, and when they arrived, Scott got out and
then helped her, waving to the doorman as he passed with an armful of Hannah.

“Home sweet skyscraper.”
Now that he’d managed to get Hannah to agree to come with him he was actually
pretty nervous. What if she didn’t like his apartment? What if he stripped off
and she didn’t like
? Though Scott was by no means a manwhore, he was
usually confident in his own abilities. The fact he wasn’t now made this whole
thing seem sort of surreal. He looked over at Hannah. “I need to get you out of
Sutton’s jersey. It’s creeping me out.”

Hannah laughed again and
the sound echoed off the marble in the foyer before she clamped a hand over her
mouth. Luckily, the elevator dinged then and he ushered her inside, pressing
the button for the thirty-first floor. He didn’t have the penthouse, but it was
still damn nice and he hoped Hannah felt at home there. A lot of hockey players
had some professional interior decorator come into their places, but Scott had
preferred to do his own, adorning the place with various treasures he’d picked
up during his extensive travels.

They got to the apartment
door and Scott unlocked it, stepping inside before motioning her in. She made a
beeline for the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room.

“Oh my God. This view is
incredible.” She turned away from the windows for a moment. “How far can you
see on a clear day?”

He shrugged. “Pretty far.
I never measured it.”

“Smart ass.”

“Better than being a
dumbass.” Scott cleared his throat, moving closer. “Would you like some water
or something else to drink?”

“I’m fine.”

“Good, then let’s get rid
of the creepy jersey. Arms up.”

Scott was more than a
little surprised when she lifted them without complaint. He was able to tug the
offending garment over her head and toss it aside with ease. Deciding to go for
it, he then took a grip on the hem of the T-shirt underneath and did the same
thing. Soon she was standing before him clothed only in a purple satin bra and
her jeans.

“This is hardly fair. Can
I have my T-shirt back, please?” He gave it to her and she put it back on.

“That seems kind of silly.
I’ve already seen you without it.”

“It makes
better though.”

Almost before she’d
finished speaking, he had his suit coat off and had loosened his tie. The damn
thing was pulled too tight to release, though, and finally Scott gave up
fighting it. “Shit. This is definitely not the suave impression I wanted to

Hannah giggled. “Here, let
me help.”

Together they worked the
tie and his dress shirt off. “Can we take this into the bedroom? I have a nice,
big, soft bed.”

She bit her lip.

“Scott, I’m not sure.”

“That’s okay. If you want,
we can just stay out here. Find a movie to watch, maybe cuddle a little.” He
flashed a smile. “Make out a little.”

“Yeah, okay. That sounds

With an inner sigh and an
admonishment to his wayward body, Scott quickly selected a movie from his
extensive collection and then popped it in the DVD player.

It turned out his decision
not to rush Hannah was sound, as she was the one to make the first real move,
rolling on top to straddle him and taking off her shirt again before unhooking
her bra.

“So pretty.” He glanced
into her eyes to make sure there was no fear or reserve and then placed both
hands over her breasts, kneading lightly. Hannah began to move on him and Scott
prayed for control. Coming in his suit pants would hardly impress the woman.

Leaning up, he took one
nipple in his mouth, coaxing it to a stiff peak. Hannah groaned and shifted
once more. “Don’t stop.”

“Not planning on it, but
if you keep simulating sex there with your hips, we might have an embarrassing

His head plopped back onto
the couch as her mouth dropped open.

“What do you mean,
simulating sex?”

To demonstrate, he took
her hips is his hands. “You keep doing this.” Scott moved her up and down on
his hard cock and she gasped. “See what I mean?”

“Oh my God, I’m sorry. I’m
being a tease.”

He smiled. “You’re only a
tease if you do it on purpose and then leave me high and dry, neither of which
I hope you do.”

She took a deep breath and
seemed to come to a decision. Her gaze flicked in the direction of the hall.
“You said you have a bedroom?”

Scott almost let out a
whoop, but got himself under control and said, “Yeah.” She moved off him and he
rose from the couch, shifting his dick within his way-too-tight briefs. “This
way.” Hannah followed him to the bedroom, and when they got there, he shucked
his pants. “Your turn.”

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