Seduced by the Game (15 page)

Read Seduced by the Game Online

Authors: Toni Aleo,Cindy Carr,Nikki Worrell,Jami Davenport,Catherine Gayle,Jaymee Jacobs,V. L. Locey,Bianca Sommerland,Cassandra Carr,Lisa Hollett

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Sports

BOOK: Seduced by the Game
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“So then are you here at
the arena? Can I see you?”

“Where’re you?”

“In the atrium.” His
slurred speech worried her, no matter what he said about not being hurt.

“Any guys in blue around?”

“Yes, not far from me.”

“Put ’im on the phone.”
She handed the phone to the security guy, explaining who it was, and a moment
later the man was opening a door and telling her which direction to head to
find Scott. In her relief she nearly left her phone with him.

When she got to an area
bustling with activity, she asked about Scott’s whereabouts again and someone
pointed her to a room. She peeked inside and Scott waved from flat on his back on
a training table.


Hannah approached and
smiled down at him. “How hard did you get hit that you’re calling me ‘baby’?”

“I like you.”

“I like you too, but I
didn’t think we were at the ‘baby’ stage yet.”

Scott’s toothy grin looked
a little stoned and Hannah bit her lip. “Hannah, sweet Hannah.” He reached out
and grabbed her hand. “You’re the best thing’s happened to me in a long time.”

“I’m glad,” she managed to
get out without her voice being too shaky. Hannah didn’t want to blubber all
over the poor guy. He had enough to worry about.

“Will you stay with me
tonight? Doc didn’t say anything ’bout not being alone, but I want you there. I
wanna hold you.”

How could she refuse a
request like that? “I’ll come home with you, but no funny business. You need
your rest.”

His gaze meeting hers and
looking more clear than it had when she’d come in, he asked, “Maybe a little
funny business?”

She shook her head, trying
to look stern, though the relief coursing through her veins made that
difficult. “Can you leave now?”

“Waiting for the doc’s
okay.” He released her hand and patted the table next to him, sliding over to
make room. “Sit with me.”

Hannah entertained him
until the doctor came, checked him out one more time and pronounced him able to
leave. Apparently the team had called a car for him, and she helped him lumber
out of the arena and gingerly fold himself into the back of the limo. When it
reached his place, they repeated the process, finally getting themselves
inside. As she went to step away he palmed her ass and she slapped the
offending hand.

Shaking her finger at him,
she repeated. “No funny business.”

“No fun if there’s no
funny bus’ness.”

“Go sit. Are you hungry?”


She wasn’t surprised.
Darren was always hungry after games too. “What would you like?”

“Not much food here. My
helper lady is coming on Monday.”

“Helper lady?” Hannah
joined him in the living area, raising a brow.

Scott sat and then waved a
dismissive hand. “She helps me. Cleans, shops for food, picks up dry cleaning.
Helper lady.”

“You’ve single-handedly
set back the women’s rights movement fifty years.”

He laughed. “Sorry. Dunno
what else to call her. Menus by the phone. I star stuff I like.”

She got him a bottle of
water and then waded through a stack of menus, finally picking a Thai
restaurant. With their order placed, Hannah returned to the living room and sat
on the chair beside the couch.

“Come cuddle me. I’m
injured,” he said, holding his arm out. With an eye roll she sat next to him
and he pulled her closer, sinking his face into her hair. “Love the way you

“I’ll let Pantene know
they’ve got a fan.”

“You feel good squished
against me. Better naked.”

“I am
around your living room nude. There’s a delivery coming!”

“After?” One corner of his
mouth lifted in a sardonic smile. “Yeah, yeah, keep my pants on. See? No fun.”
His hand ran down her arm and Hannah suppressed a shudder. “Staying tonight,

“You seem to be feeling

“Pain pills. Gorgeous
woman. Best way I know to recover from being boarded by Godzilla.”

They talked quietly until
the food arrived. Hannah thought about asking him to turn on his ridiculously
complicated-looking entertainment system, but decided flashing lights and noise
probably weren’t conducive to getting rid of a headache. It was kind of nice to
sit there in the semi-darkness with Scott’s arm around her like a steel band.
She could get used to this. The question was – should she?

How would she handle this
life, wondering every year if he’d be traded and they’d have to move across the
state or even the country? How would she deal with knowing every time he left
for a practice or a game there was potential for serious injury? Hannah had
been totally freaked by the night’s drama, and she wasn’t at all sure she
wanted to live with that kind of anxiety. But as she looked up at Scott and he
gently lowered his lips to hers, she thought maybe it would be worth it.


* * * *


Scott stole a peek at
Hannah as she ate. His head and neck were pretty sore, and the doc had told him
to rest, but all he could think about was sinking into her tight heat. It was
already driving him crazy and it was just past midnight. His balls would be
blue and shriveled by morning. Maybe he could get her to take pity on him.

They finished and Hannah
carried the plates back into the kitchen. He heard running water and assumed
she was washing the dishes. Scott thought about pointing out that Sharelle, aka
the helper lady, would do that on Monday, but knew instinctively Hannah would
scoff, so he remained silent.

When she returned to the
room, she held out her hand. “Let’s get you to bed.”

“Finally a plan I can get
behind.” The meal had helped his foggy brain clear and Scott was grateful for
that. He hated feeling out of control.

With a shake of her head
that made her dark hair spill around her face, she led him into his bedroom, a
little frisson of pleasure unfurling that she knew the way. He found he wanted
her to know the way – wanted her to know a lot of things. Scott wasn’t much on
sleeping around. Sure, he’d done it some when he was younger; what hockey
player didn’t? But he was long past the “gotta get laid every night” stage,
preferring to date every now and then; oftentimes someone who wasn’t looking
for an entanglement any more than he was. Or had been. Now he wasn’t so sure.
Being tangled with Hannah sounded pretty damn good.

All those women seemed so
empty, so shallow. Scott wasn’t stupid. He knew his career probably wouldn’t
last more than five or ten years beyond this season if his luck held. Maybe now
was a good time to figure out what he really wanted from life. A wife? Kids?
That career he’d told Hannah about at dinner? Scott loved playing hockey, but
he wasn’t a one-trick pony. There was more to life than that for him.

But would she believe him?
Did she even want a life with him? She’d mentioned she didn’t envy her sister,
and Scott was sure tonight’s drama hadn’t helped him convince Hannah things
could be smooth sailing.

He’d stripped down to
warm-up pants and a hoodie when he got home, and now Hannah was in front of
him, unzipping the sweatshirt and leaving him in a t-shirt. She knelt to pull
off his pants and he suppressed a groan of need. He couldn’t stop the little
sway toward her, as if his dick had a life of its own and was seeking a home
base, and Hannah cleared her throat, rising.

“You can take care of
those, I’m sure. What do you want to sleep in?”

You. I want to sleep
inside you.

“Um, boxers and a T-shirt
are fine.”

“Can I borrow something?
I’m not eager to wear a jersey to bed, and I’ll boil in what I have

“Sure.” He walked over to
the dresser and pulled out one of his team-issued shirts. “This should fit.”
Scott left it on the bed and turned to remove his bottoms, trying not to tempt
himself too much with the flashes of her succulent flesh as she undressed.

“Come lie down. I’ll give
you a shoulder and neck massage. You’ve got to be hurting, no matter what you’d
have me think.”

He went to the bed and got
in, rolling over onto his stomach and trapping his rapidly hardening cock between
his body and the sheets.

This might not turn out
thought was only magnified when she straddled him, her thighs obviously bare
against the skin of his lower back. Now he couldn’t help the moan of pure need.

“Are you all right? Am I
hurting you?”

“Yes, but not the way
you’re thinking,” Scott mumbled.

Hannah leaned down and
Scott felt her hair brushing against his sensitized skin. “What was that?”


“If you say so.” Her hands
dug into the knots in his shoulders and Scott groaned again.

“Strong hands. Fucking

“That’s from the glass

“Thank you to whoever
invented that.”

She laughed. “I’m not sure
it was actually invented, but if I ever find out and can travel back in time,
I’ll be sure to let them know.”

As she pushed and pulled,
working out the various tight spots, Scott began to drift.

Damn pain pills.

He forced himself to stay
awake, and when she finished several moments later, Scott rolled over, sighing
as his dick finally got some breathing room.

“Do you, um, want me to massage
that too?”

“Huh?” Scott’s head rose
from the pillow. He was surprised at how heavy it felt, but he forced himself
to focus before swearing softly. Yeah, his boxers were totally tented. Where
was the sheet when you needed it? “Your choice. I won’t say no. My mother
didn’t raise a fool.” He winced as he realized he’d just connected his mom with
his erection.

With a snicker she reached
into the boxers, pulling him out through the slit. Already precome was flowing
freely and she spread it over the whole of him, causing a whole different
cadence of sound to burst forth from him. Speeding up, Hannah jacked him and
after a mortifyingly short time, he came into her hand.

“Oh, shit, that felt

“Better than the back

Scott chuckled. “No contest.”
But now he was really sleepy. His eyes started to drift closed again, not
reopening until he felt a soft cloth cleaning him up.


“Stay with me.”

“I will.”

In the morning, though his
head still pounded like a bass drum, Scott rose, did his business in the
bathroom and managed to down a couple of pills without waking Hannah. When he
returned to the bedroom, he leaned in the doorway and watched her sleep until
he realized he’d look like a stalker if she woke up.

Then he smiled. He knew
how to do that without creeping her out. Moving back to the bed, he got in
slowly and quietly and then spooned her from behind. Hannah made a contented
murmur but remained asleep. Snaking his arm around her, he moved it until his
fingers and then the rest of his hand slid underneath the waistband of her
bikini panties. His smile morphed into a grin when he found her wet. Maybe she
wouldn’t refuse a little morning wake-up call.

Time to test that theory.

Gently, he inserted a
finger into her. He couldn’t get in far at this angle, and Scott pushed up to a
sitting position. She shifted, and with his other hand, he moved her top leg
back to get better access. Glancing up to assess whether or not she’d woken, he
then added a second finger and used the heel of his hand to press on her clit.
Now she mewled and arched up.

“What’re you doing to me?”
Her voice was husky from sleep and, with any luck, arousal, and Scott felt
himself hardening in response.

“If you don’t know, then
I’m doing it very, very wrong.” He punctuated his words with a few gentle
thrusts in and out. Seizing the opportunity, Scott moved down her body quickly
and pushed between her thighs. Withdrawing his hand, he licked his fingers and
then moved the offending panties to the side, leaning in to lick at her juices.

Hannah gasped. “Scott…”

“Shh. Let me make you feel
good.” He leaned back and grabbed the sides of her panties. “These need to go.”
After making quick work of them, Scott moved in again. “Much better.”

“Oh, yeah.”

When he looked up,
Hannah’s eyes were screwed shut. She bit her lip.

“Don’t do that. I want to
hear you.” To prove his point, he opened her with his thumbs and flicked over
her already distended clit. “Show me you want it.” Scott resumed his
ministrations and soon Hannah was writhing underneath him. His brain warred
between wanting to complete her now and getting them both off. He ignored that
and his still-pounding head and continued trying to make Hannah lose her mind.
When her thighs closed around his head, though, his decision was made. Time to
take his woman to the moon.

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