Seduction (5 page)

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Authors: Various

BOOK: Seduction
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‘I'm impressed,' she said.

‘What have you done to me?'

‘Opened up the door to your fantasy world? You can't tell me you've never watched a woman with another man.'

David blushed. ‘Guilty. But I can tell you this for sure: it was never a woman I was in love with.'

‘And that makes things different.'

‘You bet it does.'

Katie smiled down at him. ‘More exciting?'

‘It makes me jealous. And that's exciting. I have no clue why. It seems like the very opposite would be true.'

Katie kissed his forehead. ‘We're going to have so much fun.'

Over the next few weeks, their sex life was revved up to redline. David walked around semi-hard all day. At work the guys teased him about the new bounce in his step. At night, he was fucking Katie with utter abandon. Muscles he had forgotten he had were sore now, and his cock was almost rubbed raw. Katie actually had to make him stop a few times, because pleasure had turned to pain. They were having too much sex, if there could possibly be such a thing.

But they couldn't stop.

The thought of watching her with someone else was an aphrodisiac beyond anything David had done in his past. And he had done everything. But in the past there hadn't been love thrown into the naughty sexual mix, and he found that it made for a curious difference. Every sexual act took on a new slant. Jealousy and possessiveness were new words to his vocabulary, but David loved the jealous feeling that sluiced through him every time he thought about another man's cock taking the pussy that had been only his for well over a year. It made no sense to the logical part of him, but it damn sure made sense to his dick.

No friends, she'd said, and David agreed with that. He was not the kind of man to make friends easily, God only knew why, and he didn't want any awkwardness with the friends he did have. Katie's friends were out, too. They might have been mature enough about it all but, frankly, David knew he wouldn't be. He didn't want to worry about someone she would see on a regular basis replaying the sexual romp every time he saw her.

So they placed personal ads on those websites that assure you that you can get laid, and tonight, if only you buy the gold membership. They opted for three months. They figured it might take that long to find someone who suited exactly what they were looking for: no strings attached, one-night stand, the man with her and David watching, nothing kinky, just many possible variations of a straight fuck. They described what they wanted, put up a picture of Katie wearing nothing but a thong, and waited.

The responses poured in. By the end of the week they were staring at a screen filled with over fifty messages that actually seemed legitimate. They narrowed them down to men in a town about an hour away. No way would they invite anyone to their house, and no way were they going to find anyone in their town. By the time they were done picking through what
was left, they had three candidates. Katie sent those three emails. And again they waited.

She was particularly interested in one who called himself Rich. He was very fluent and well-spoken, seemed to be extremely mature about the no-strings deal and, better yet, he was in a very established marriage and simply looking for something on the side. In David's mind, that meant Rich wouldn't be a problem when the evening was over. Besides that, Rich worked in the health care field, and assured them he had to go through routine blood-testing. He was disease-free and he could prove it. That made David very happy.

What caught Katie's interest more than anything else, however, was the picture of his cock. He sent it to their email address, and when she opened the attachment, a life-size member filled the screen. Katie's mouth practically started watering.

‘I want that,' she announced, and David knew that was it. They had found their man.

Rich was more than happy to oblige. No strings attached, no commitments beyond one night in a hotel room during which he would give Katie whatever she wanted.

That night David and Katie fucked so hard, the headboard slammed the wall and knocked a picture to the floor.

The week before they were to meet Rich was an exercise in torture. What if he changed his mind? What if his wife got wind of what he was doing? What if Katie backed out? David thought about backing out himself more than a few times during those long days at work when he stared at the computer screen and saw nothing but Katie spread-eagled on the bed with Rich on top of her, his cock ramming her in one hole after another. Could he really handle that? Was he really ready for this?

Then at night Katie would ride him and whisper in his ear about how much he was going to love watching her take on
someone else, and David knew she was right. He wanted it as much as she did.

The night they were to head out of town, Katie showed up at David's office in a rental car. They were taking no chances. He climbed into the car and the first thing he noticed was the outfit Katie wore: short and flared skirt, black stockings, high heels and a blouse that seemed demure but somehow made her breasts look even larger than they really were. She was a knockout.

‘I'm not wearing panties,' she announced, and he was instantly hard.

‘And you're wet already, aren't you?'

The blush that flooded her cheeks was very becoming. She looked sexier than ever. David watched her drive and realised he hadn't ever seen her in high heels before.

‘Are those new?' he asked, gesturing to them.

‘The whole outfit is new.'

‘You're gorgeous.'

She smiled a Mona Lisa smile and kept on driving. Her hand was trembling as she reached down to adjust the air-conditioning. She kept biting her lip, rubbing the lipstick off. She drove carefully, as if any wrong move might jeopardise the little outing. He slid his hand up her thigh, underneath her skirt. She really wasn't wearing any panties. He tried to delve into the space between her thighs and she quickly squeezed her legs together.

‘That's not yours tonight,' she purred.

David withdrew his hand. She gave him a sidelong glance. David wasn't sure which one of them was more nervous. He leaned over to whisper in her ear, naughty things that made her squirm in her seat. He waited until the hotel sign was in sight before he handed her the coup de grace.

‘I'm going to let him come inside you,' David told her. She was so surprised, she let up on the gas pedal. The car lurched
as the engine whined. Within seconds she was back up to speed, but her blush was fire-red and she was breathless.


‘Really. I know you love it. It's the one thing you were so careful to sidestep this whole time, but I saw the package of condoms you bought the other day. You don't need them.'

‘Did you already discuss this with him?'


Her eyes narrowed. David had broken the rule about never sending Rich an email without letting her read it first. But it had been to plan this little surprise she really wanted, and he knew he was forgiven as soon as the admission came out of his mouth. She was too excited about all of this to care.

They pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. Katie slowed down to a crawl.

‘My heart is beating so hard it hurts,' she confided.

‘Mine, too.'

‘Any second thoughts?'

‘Of course.'

Katie whipped her head around and looked at him. Her eyes were wide and bright with anticipation. Her lips were swollen from the way she had been biting on them. Her face was flushed and her breasts heaved with every breath. She had never been more stunning.

‘Have you changed your mind?' she asked.

‘No. I'm jealous about what we're about to do. But I want this too.'

Just then Katie spotted his car. A silver Cadillac parked in front of room 108. That was what they had all agreed upon, and there he was. This was real. It was happening.

They cruised to a stop in the parking space beside it. The door was closed, but they knew he was in there.

‘Honey –' Katie began, but David cut her off with a kiss. His hand was tight in her hair. She let out a little moan when he let go of her.

‘Get out of the car,' he said.

She nodded slowly and opened her door. David and Katie met at the front of the car. Katie took his hand and shyly stepped onto the sidewalk. He was the one who knocked, and when he heard the rustling from behind the door, his knees almost went weak.

Rich was tall, about six feet, and solidly built. David gauged him at a good two hundred pounds. He had thick salt-and-pepper hair and a very good tan. His eyes were dark, but filled with unmistakable desire when he laid eyes on Katie. He hardly glanced at David.

‘Come in,' he said in quiet invitation.

Rich looked right at David when he stepped into the room, as if noticing his presence for the first time. They didn't speak. Neither one of them knew what to say. Now that they were there, David wasn't sure what to do. What was the protocol? He was acting as though he had never done this before. With other women it had been smooth and easy, but Katie was the woman he loved. Everything seemed to take on a completely different dimension.

Rich reached out his hand. He took Katie's wrist and slowly pulled her hand out of David's grasp. David was instantly angry, but when he opened his mouth to speak, nothing came out. The door closed behind them and Rich used both the locks.

‘Sit down over there,' Rich said, motioning to a chair next to the bed. ‘Then you can decide what you want to do for the rest of the night. Where you want to be. What you want to see. Right now, I'm going to get acquainted with this pretty little woman here.'

Just like that, Rich had taken control of everything. David tried to hold on to the flash of anger, but instead he was excited. And curious. He wanted to see what Rich was going to do to her. He wanted to see everything. He wanted Rich to do everything.

David looked at Katie as he stepped to the chair. She was biting her lip and her eyes were wide. Rich ran his hand into her hair and tilted her head back so that she had no choice but to look at him. He took one of her hands and pressed it hard against his chest, then slid it all the way down to his crotch. The outline of his erection was clear behind his slacks, and he pressed her palm against it, then cupped her fingers around it.

‘Is that what you want, sweetie?'

Katie slowly nodded. David's own cock was so hard it hurt. He swept his hand across the front of his pants as he watched them. That was his girlfriend with this stranger, and she was already rubbing his cock. He watched her hand move up and down while Rich examined her face with an air of dispassion, as if she were something he might like to buy, or might put back on the shelf.

‘You're going to be a good fuck,' he finally breathed, and the shadow of a smile passed over Katie's face. ‘Unzip me.'

The sound was louder than it should have been. David watched with interest as Katie opened his slacks and pushed them down. His shoes had already been discarded somewhere, and so there was nothing blocking him from stepping out of the slacks. He wasn't wearing any underwear. His cock was hard and jutted straight out from his body, pointing directly at Katie's belly. He pulled the polo shirt over his head and then he was standing naked in front of David's girlfriend.

She was staring at Rich's cock.

‘You want to suck that, don't you?'

She nodded. She didn't once glance in David's direction.

‘Strip for me first.'

Katie hesitated. She hated the stripping thing. She had told David once that she didn't know why she hated it so much, she just did. That was enough for him, and he hadn't asked her to do it again. Now a complete stranger was asking her, and
though David knew she didn't want to do it, he also knew she certainly would.

She closed her eyes and started to unbutton her blouse. The fabric disappeared, layer after layer, leaving her creamy skin bare for their eyes. Her nipples were hard as little pebbles. She sat down gracefully on the bed and rolled the stockings off one at a time. The skirt came next, and David bit back a moan when the dim light from the bedside lamp caught the sheen on her inner thighs. She was so wet; Rich would slide right in without any resistance at all.

They were naked, and David wasn't. Neither one of them noticed his presence at all. David quietly slid his zipper down, freeing his cock, but he didn't dare touch himself. Not yet.

Katie stood in front of Rich and looked up at him. He nodded.

Without a word, she sank to her knees.

David gasped when she opened her mouth and took the first lick of Rich's cock. Her pink tongue swirled around the swollen head and licked its way down the shaft, all the way to the base. He was clean-shaven. Her tongue didn't stop there; she licked his balls too, everywhere she could reach, before coming back up and pressing her lips against the head of his dick. She slowly took him in, one inch after another. She hesitated when he got a little too deep. Rich slipped his hand into her hair.

‘Suck all of it. I know you can. Show me.'

Katie struggled for a moment, trying to find the right angle. Then with a whimper that sounded more animal than human, she took him in all the way. Her nose pressed hard against his pubic bone. David's cock jerked and he had to circle his fingers around it. He stroked slowly while he watched Katie deep-throat another man's cock.

‘Good girl,' Rich murmured.

Katie coughed when he pulled out of her mouth. She turned her head away and when she did, she caught sight of David, sitting in the chair. Her eyes were unfocused. Her face was
filled with desire. She had probably forgotten he was in the room.

The jealousy that had been brewing in the back of David's mind all this time finally burst to the forefront. He gripped his cock hard to remind him of why they were here. He needed something to bring him back down to earth and keep him from bolting out of the chair.

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