Seductive Company (18 page)

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Authors: Sexy India,Red Snapper

BOOK: Seductive Company
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Danika smiled as she replied, “Yeah...well that fuckin’ packet is gonna make us filthy rich if we play our cards right!” “Get her the information...that way we can use it for ourselves and change the information so that she’s the one that gets caught up!”
Danika strolled out of the bedroom into the bathroom as Whitney faced the window. She pulled out a cigarette, lit it and quickly allowed smoke to filter from her nose as she thought, “You know, I’ve known India a long time and I don’t think she deserves to get set up like this...maybe I’m letting this money shit get to my head.”
“Wait...maybe I can work this whole thing out where we all can get what we want!”
She quickly went over toward the dressers and began to search for a large substitute envelope in all the drawers. She looked everywhere until she realized that there was none in the room. Suddenly, Danika came strolling back into the room as Whitney began to speak, “Hey Danika...I need to go to my room to get something...I will catch up with you later, okay?”
Danika gazed at her at a complete loss as she replied, “Well...okay, but I want to see you around lunch time, okay?”
Whitney smiled as she replied, “Sure...I’ll call you with a time later!” As soon as she responded, she ran out of the room, heading toward her suite. She quickly opened the door of the suite and ran into the living room toward the coffee table and there it was a large brown carrier envelope for shipping items. She opened it and found that it was empty. She smiled as she took out her cell phone and called India. The phone rang for several minutes until suddenly she heard a voice on the other end.
“Hello...who is this?”
“’s me...Whitney...I need to see you...I think I’ve got a way to get the packet from Travis...Just do exactly like I tell you and we can get this done.”
India smiled as she replied, “Where do you want to meet?”
“I’m coming to you room...give me a few minutes and I’ll be right there, okay?”
“Sure, I’ll see you shortly!”
India smiled as she quickly hung up the phone. She strolled over to the coffee table, picking up some falsified documents that she put together implicating Travis in several financial mis-management situations and a copy of the contract that she signed with him to do this bogus assignment. As she gathered all the documents, she suddenly heard a knock at her door. She smiled as she quickly strolled over toward the door to open it. When she opened it, suddenly to her surprise it was Travis standing at her door.
“Travis...what are you doing here?” “I thought you were going to call a meeting with us, later?”
He laughed as he replied, “I plan to do that but I just wanted to come by and tell you that I was sorry for thinking that we slept together in Philly” “Whitney proved to me that she was the one that I was with that night...please accept my apologies?”
India was shocked to hear what he had just said. Despite the evil plot, he had in place to destroy her career and her life. She finally uttered a response, “Thanks, for that Travis...I appreciate that!”
“Sure...I’ll see you downstairs?”
“Sure...I’ll be down after I finish gathering my notes.”
She slowly shut the door as she thought, “I can’t believe this man...coming here and acting like he’s sorry for trying to ruin my life!” “I’ll show him what it feels like to destroy someone!”
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. She opened the door and this time it was Whitney.
As she strolled into the suite, she quickly handed India the empty envelope and said, “You could use this...maybe I can distract him somehow and switch the packets!”
India smiled as she replied, “I’ve got something for him!”
She took the envelope, quickly stuffed the fake documents into it, and then sealed it. She looked at Whitney as she responded; “Now all we have to do is get the real one from him.” “You go and see if you can get his attention and I’ll wait here until you gave me a call!”
Whitney shook her head in the affirmative as she quickly strolled out of the suite. As she closed the door behind her, India thought, “I really hope this works...I’ve got to stop this from happening!”















everal hours later, India was sitting on the balcony of her suite when she inadvertently glanced toward the beach, quickly noticing Travis strolling toward the air carrier office. She immediately grabbed the decoy brown packet that she had sitting next to her on the table and ran out of her suite wearing nothing but a purple two-piece Mar Egeu Bikini she had picked up two days prior. She noticed that he was carrying a large brown packet, which made her think, “Damn…I see I have to move faster than I planned…I’ve got to get that packet and I need to get it now!”
She swiftly made her way out of the hotel with the hopes of catching up with him. She was in luck because as she was making her approach, out of nowhere came Whitney, who immediately jumped in front of his path. He smiled as she quickly put her arms around his neck, “Hey, Daddy…you pulled some tricks out your sleeve last night!” “You had me climbing up the walls…Ooohhhh, baby …you just put it down last night!”
Travis smiled as his ego inflated several notches.

Well, baby…I was just trying to give you what you need…you know you deserve to be served right?”
Whitney laughed as she replied, “Yeah, baby…how many ways was God called…you really are truly gifted, boy!”
He looked deep into her beautiful brown eyes as he responded, “Well…maybe we should take this back to the hotel for another steamy session, huh?”
She smiled and replied, “Whatever you want, baby…but let me take care of that packet for you so you can get it to the carrier!” “I want you to get back and get ready for me okay baby?”
He looked at her as he responded, “Well…I’m right here I could deliver it now and then we can go back and enjoy a little sumthin!”
She slowly took it from him as she glared seductively at him as she replied, “Let me do this for you…please, baby…it’s the least I can do for what you done to me!”
As he tried to take the packet back from her, she instantaneously dropped it on the sandy beach. As soon as he tried to retrieve it, Whitney pulled him up to her, French kissing him intensely. He could not help but to succumb to her touch as she gently grabbed his dick, squeezing it as she allowed her tongue to dart sensuously in his mouth. Taking advantage of this situation, India quickly reached down and grabbed the packet on the ground, swiftly switching the envelopes and then waited for them to finishing their kissing session then handing it back to him. He looked at her puzzled as he responded, “India…what are you doing out here?”
She looked at him with a serious expression as she replied, “Hey, Travis…I was just strolling the beach and I saw you and your friend here!”
He looked at them as if he could not believe the close resemblance of the two as he finally responded, “So you really are not…how did you?”
India smiled as she responded, “What’s the matter, Travis?” “Oh…I hope I’m not interrupting…I’m sorry…what your name is?” (Pointing at Whitney)
Whitney playing along answered with the game responded, “Oh…my name is Whitney and you are?”

Oh…I’m India…I’m a co-worker at the firm with Travis…like I said I hope that I was not intruding…I just wanted to know if we were still on for our working lunch today?”
Before he could answer, Whitney chimed in, “I thought were just planning to spend the rest of the morning together, baby?” “You’ve got a meeting…with her?”
Both women were now facing Travis as they waited for him to make his response. He looked at India and then glanced at Whitney as he replied, “Well…we do need to discuss our strategy on how we’re going to close our deal today… (Facing Whitney) I promise when we are finished I will make it up to you, okay?” “We will have a nice quiet dinner by the beach and get into a little sumthin’ if you like…what do you say, baby?”
She smiled as she replied, “Well…okay but you better not leave me hanging because I got something that’ll make your toes curl!” “You feel me?”
He smiled as he took the packet from India and replied, “Well…I’ll keep that in mind then!”
He smiled at them as he quickly turned around and headed directly toward the carrier office. After he was several feet away from them, Whitney quickly turned around facing India as she quickly embraced her. After a few seconds, they broke away as Whitney comments, “That was how I set up the switch, huh?”
India laughed and agrees, “Yeah, girl…I thought he was gonna catch on at first but when you kissed him and he closed his eyes I knew I had to work fast!” “I like the way you dropped the packet…that was totally ingenious!’

I know…I got his ass pussy whooped now so I’m gonna keep him under my spell for a minute.”
India smiled as she replied, “Thanks, girl…now I need to start on plan b!” “I’ll make sure you get compensated for this okay, girl!”
Meanwhile, as Travis casually strolls into the carrier office and walks up to the counter, he smiles at the woman at the counter. He then says to her, “I’d like to send this packet on the next carrier to the U.S.”
As he was laying the packet on the counter, an elderly woman came into the carrier office. As she stepped into the door, she dropped several large boxes, in which Travis immediately went to assist her. As he was assisting the elderly woman in distress, the woman at the counter swiftly switched the packet that Travis left on the counter. After he finish helping the woman with the boxes he immediately stepped back to the counter where the woman spoke to him saying, “Sir…I just need you to sign right here and you’ll be all set!”
He smiled as he replied, “well…thank you, by the way you have very sexy eyes!’
She smiled as she replied, “Thank you, sir for the compliment!’ “Have a great day!”
He smiled as he replied, “You, too!”
He turned around to leave the office as he thought, “Just wait till the CEO gets this packet…he’ll thank me for it…yeah…I feel a promotion in motion!”
As soon as he strolled out of the office, the woman immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number. She waited a few seconds as the phone rang and rang. Suddenly a mysterious voice on the other end spoke, “Did you do it?”
The woman immediately responded, “Yes…It’s taken care of and it will be leaving the Bahamas, shortly!”

Good…come and see me after you’re done…I’ll give you something for your trouble!”
She smiled as she responded, “I look forward to that…you just make sure that it’s as good as it was before!”

Trust me…it’s gonna be better than you had before…I’ll guarantee that!”
Meanwhile, as India made it back into the hotel lobby, suddenly her cell phone started to ring. She looked at the caller id and quickly noticed it was Lady Davenport. She sighed as she slowly answered the call.
The raspy voice on the other end spoke, “Hello, my sweet...have you thought about my little offer?”

Well, Lady Davenport...I haven’t decided yet...I’m still flabbergasted over the information you gave me about St. Croix framing me!” “It’s not that I don’t believe you...I’m just wondering why you’re so intrigued with me.” “Makes me wonder if you were in on it with him?”
Lady Davenport smiled as she replied, “Well Miss Wynn, my interest in you has nothing to do with St. Croix...I’ve been searching for a very long time for someone who has you say...skills and charisma to handle my company.” “I have this gut feeling that you are the one.” “Besides your pussy tastes so sweet...I just don’t want to let you go!”
India giggled as she replied, “I’ve never met a woman who was pussy whooped before...damn...this is some new shit for me!”
Lady Davenport sighed as she replied, “So you think this shit is funny?” “If you were someone else I’d have your ass for this, but the funny thing about your statement is that it’s true...I want you India and I’ll do whatever it takes to have you!” “I need to see you...tonight...just you and me, what do you say, baby?”
India sighed as she replied, “Let me check out a few things...I’ll get back to you, okay?”
Marjorie was furious but she tried to calm herself down as she replied, “You know you get me so twisted...why are you playing games with me...I demand that you come to me...TONIGHT!”
Before India could respond, Lady Davenport hung up the phone. India strolled over toward the elevators, pushing the buttons as she thought, “This bitch is out of control...she’s worst than Danika!”
Suddenly, the elevators doors opened and she quickly steps in and pushes the button for her floor. As she felt the movement of the elevator taking her up to her destination, she opened the envelope, slowly pulling out the documents within. She gasped as she saw the incriminating evidence that Travis had. There were also photos of her engaging in several sexual escapades with Lady Davenport, Tomas and Jacques. Suddenly, the bell for her floor rang and she quickly put the evidence back in the envelope. As she stepped out of the elevator up came Danika toward her. India quickly put the envelope behind her back as she approached Danika.

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