SeductiveTracks (11 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lapthorne

BOOK: SeductiveTracks
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Matt’s hands were on her waist, holding her steady as he
dipped a hand to stroke her wet pussy lips.

“One day soon you can suck me off,” he promised her
breathlessly. “I swear. But right now I want to feel myself inside that tight
cunt of yours. Clenching at me, draining me dry. I want to feel you convulse
around me and scream my name as you come.”

Kelly could only moan as he brushed his thumb across her
clit again, stroking her to a fever pitch until she shook right down to her

“Hurry,” she panted, digging her fingers into the muscles of
his back. She tightened her leg around his waist and pulled his hips closer to
hers. “Need you now, Matt. Right now.”

He spread her lips wide open, and with her leg raised it was
a tighter fit than it had been when she’d straddled him. His cock felt thick
and enormous as it penetrated her pussy. It made her ache and burn a little,
but when he paused half in and half out of her, she acclimatized to his girth
and tugged him farther inside her body.

Her head fell back against the wall, exposing her neck,
feeling cleaved in two by his length. Panting hard, she clenched her inner
muscles, squeezing then releasing as he fucked her hard against the wall. In
and out he pistoned, and Kelly burned as pleasure grew deep in her belly.

“By Circe, you are so damn tight,” Matt panted. He lifted
his head and they stared deeply into each other’s eyes as he fucked her, his
prick plunging inside her pussy as his dark, dark-blue eyes stared deeply into
her chocolate-brown ones.

“You’re perfect,” he whispered. “As if you were created
especially for me and no one else.”

Kelly felt her heart melt a little in her chest, his soft,
sweet emotion clearly written across his features and shining within his eyes
as he filled her unlike anyone else in her life.

“Oh,” she gasped, and lifted a hand to stroke at his cheek.
Her eyes filled with unaccountable tears and she blinked them away, not wanting
to miss a single emotion flickering across her lover’s face.

“This is for good,” he promised her, and she could only nod
and gasp, utterly breathless from his lovemaking. “I’m not fooling around, here—I
want you to open up to me, give me everything.”

“I’ll demand everything in return,” she warned him.
“Everything. No matter what the cost.”

“Everything,” Matt promised, and Kelly felt her heart soar
as her body clenched on his cock. Matt took both her wrists in one of his hands
and lifted them high above her head and held them against the wall. Open to him
physically as well as emotionally, Kelly surrendered to him.

Matt bent his head and delicately bit then sucked her neck,
leaving behind a string of stinging love bites. Her back arched as her orgasm
peaked and she cried out, her eyes fluttering shut as she came. All too soon
the climax waned and she panted hard to catch her breath.

“I want you to come again,” he muttered, his voice hoarse
from the effort of holding back his own orgasm. “Do you know what it felt like
to feel your finger in my ass? How sensual, dark and decadent it was? Let me
show you what it feels like to be so intimately possessed.”

Kelly cracked open an eye and watched as Matt sucked hard on
his index finger—a finger, she noted, that was a lot thicker than her own
slender digit. Then, still keeping her hands in bondage, he wrapped his arm
around her waist and worked it down between her ass cheeks.

Flushing with embarrassment and arousal, she moaned as the
tip of his large finger pressed against her puckered hole, a tiny, hidden
passage no one had ever penetrated in any way.

“Matt,” she groaned in slight warning. She didn’t want him
to stop but his finger burned, a tight, full, uncomfortable penetration, and he
had barely pressed the first knuckle inside her. He paused there and
corkscrewed his finger, first one way then the other, twisting it around and
lubricating the tiny distance he had breached within her.

At first it really hurt, but then as she breathed through
the pain Kelly realized something. The inside of her ass was full of nerves.
Screaming, vibrant, alive nerves. Pleasure mingled now with the pain and as
Matt thrust his cock in and out of her pussy once again, she could feel her
orgasm building far more quickly than the first time.

After a moment, Matt timed his cock thrusts with the
twisting of his finger in her ass, and one bled into the other and they built
upon themselves. Pleasure and pain grew within her, knotting in her belly, and
soon they merged into rapture. Kelly started canting her hips up and back, and
she was fucking herself not only on his cock but back onto his finger, pressing
the digit deeper into her ass to feel more and more of the intoxicatingly sweet

This time when she came it felt deeper, harder and more
exquisite than anything she had experienced with her previous partners. She
could no more have held herself back than she could stop the sun rising in the
morning or the tide from breaking on the sand. Her head pressed back into the
wall hard and she screamed Matt’s name. Her cry was so loud she was later
surprised that the neighbors hadn’t called the cops.

Matt fucked her both with his finger and his cock, and as
her pussy and ass clenched around his extremities he too finally released his
control and allowed himself to come. With a muted roar, he poured himself
inside her body, ejaculating his seed against her cervix and filling her

Spent and wrung dry, Kelly only remained upright because the
wall supported her back and Matt half-carried her weight. Their foreheads
pressed together, their bodies coated with sweat from their exertions. Kelly
laughed as they breathed heavily.

“We’re too old to act like teenagers,” she said. “But damn,
it’s amazing. Brilliant. Wonderful.”

“We’re only beginning,” Matt replied huskily and kissed her
as he removed his finger and his cock from her orifices. “Just think—this will
only get better as we learn each other more and more.”

She strained to answer, lost again in his burning blue eyes.
“I don’t think my heart could stand it.”

“I’ll protect it,” Matt promised, his tone completely
serious. For the first time in her life, Kelly believed someone would protect
her, cherish her heart and treat her as a man should. She nodded, not willing
yet to verbalize her trust and belief in him, her surrender to him, but wanting
him nevertheless to know that was how she felt.

She kissed Matt, the man who held her heart in his hands.
They explored each other’s mouths, taking their time and learning about each
other. They sporadically exchanged hushed words as they nudged a tongue there
or asked for a nip here. Hands guided and they came together as they touched,
tasted and caressed each other in the sweet afterglow of their lovemaking.

Only when they were both panting and Matt’s erection
valiantly tried to resurface did Kelly finally snicker and pull back.

“I’m going to really kill you if I push so fast again,” she
commented. Taking Matt’s hand in hers, she ignored their scattered clothing and
led him through to the bathroom.

“Let’s have a shower and we can maybe think about some
dinner,” she suggested. Matt nipped the newly discovered sensitive nape of her
neck, soliciting a slight squeal of ticklish pleasure.

“A shower sounds wonderful,” he murmured, obviously
distracted. Laughing, Kelly tugged him into the blue-tiled room and switched on
the faucets to try to divert his mind.

* * * * *

Steam billowed around the room as Kelly squeezed liquid
shower gel into her palm and started washing her body. Dunking her head beneath
the spray, she lathered her short hair then returned to cleaning her arms and
slender torso. The glass door clicked open and heat escaped the confines of the
small cubicle as Matt stepped in after her.

He eyed the shower gel warily and Kelly laughed at his
clearly readable glance.

“It’s jasmine,” she confessed. “But I have regular soap in
the holder over there, pretty much scent-free so you won’t be mistaken for a
flower or something by your co-workers.”

“You think you’re funny,” he teased, “but I was on a mission
once with Blade, Flame and this huge, bulky sharpshooter called Ryder. The man
had a wicked reputation among the Enforcers as a Strategist. This guy had a
natural ability for planning and outwitting the enemy. Any routine, any
defensive bodyguard system, anything like that, Ryder was your man to spot the
flaw, find the window of opportunity and nail the bastard. Hands-down the best
I have ever seen. He had a hot, quick temper and a brilliant talent for hand-to-hand
combat as well. Meanest motherfucker you ever came across in a barroom fight.”

Kelly blinked at the vivid verbal image Matt portrayed of
Ryder. “He sounds like a charmer,” she commented.

Matt laughed and took a handful of her shampoo to scrub into
his soft hair. “Oh, he was a charmer, all right,” he replied. “He seemed to
have this knack for smiling at a lady and she’d all but melt there in his
hands. None of the rest of the team could figure out how he did it, or even
it was he did. Flame would never tell us and she was the only one who might
have managed to understand his secrets.

“Anyway, we were sent out into the middle of absolutely
nowhere,” Matt continued as he began to scrub his hair. “Some backwater hick
town over in Texas. Ryder had his magnetic sexual thing going and he somehow
managed to talk his way into some rancher’s daughter’s bed for the night. We
had an oh-six-hundred start the following morning and Ryder knew he’d be strung
up by his balls if he arrived late.”

Matt dunked his head under the faucet and chuckled as he
wiped the shampoo from his eyes before continuing.

“The bastard turned up with less than a minute to spare,
freshly showered and smelling like honeysuckle, of all things. Damn near blew
the mission because the smell of him was so overpowering you could scent him
from a mile away. The group of us teased him to hell and back and he damn near
never lived it down.”

Kelly found herself laughing, not just at the story but at
the vibrant manner in which Matt had retold it. He made all his friends sound
so alive and endearing. He had a strong charm about him which he seemed unaware
of. She found this wizard more and more seductive as their time together drew

“I’ll bet you have a million funny stories just like that
one about missions you’ve been on and the friends you work with,” she commented
as she bent in to kiss him on the lips.

“One of the high points about working with the Enforcers,”
Matt admitted with a grin. He shrugged a shoulder and rinsed the soap off his
body as he continued. “I only consult part-time with them. As you’re aware, I’m
a Tracker. A good one, but hardly unique. I think that’s part of the reason
I’ve enjoyed working in conjunction with the human police department so much.
With them, I’m a lot more valuable, not just one of many. I can cut out a whole
lot of the hassle for them. I’m enjoying being a lot more useful to them than I
am often perceived to be in regular Enforcer crews.”

“Well, working with the police is different, too,” Kelly
pointed out. “I’d imagine that even though it’s always exciting with the
Enforcers, after a while even some of the more dangerous and thrilling missions
would feel a bit old hat to anyone. Working in a mixed team opens both of your
crews up to different—and thus more interesting—experiences. Fresh challenges
keep you all on your toes, and I’d bet you need to think along different lines
interacting in the human world. It’s logical that would keep the game

Matt looked at her for a moment and she wondered what she
had said that had him staring so intently at her. He kissed the tip of her nose
and ran a slick palm down her side.

“You do understand,” he said. “You can see how a mission, in
a sense, is like a game of chess or strategy, the pieces all working together
in a certain order. I admit it’s hard to describe what we do as a game. I’m too
aware of the danger to really believe that.”

Kelly swallowed hard, wondering if she might have given even
more weight to Matt’s theory that she was Shadow with her understanding of his
work. She came from the other side of the puzzle, but the sides were similar in
many respects. Everything had to be organized and worked out before you
committed. The thrill and adrenaline rush would be similar.


Until she’d met this magical wizard, she’d never thought
what it might be like on the other side of the fence, so to speak. Much like
Matthias had found his interest in his work being rejuvenated by branching out
and working with the humans, so too had he assisted her now in thinking outside
the box.

Maybe what he said would prove true and she’d find just as
much thrill working for the “good guys” as by herself for her own personal
reasons. She wasn’t one hundred percent convinced yet, but the thought had
taken root and was growing on her.

“I’ve found myself surprisingly attached to Julian as a
partner,” Matthias said after a moment of comfortable silence between them.
“And Captain Will has more than earned my respect. He is a strong, capable,
savvy leader. I feel privileged to work with them both, as well as the rest of
our team. We mesh better than any other team I’ve ever worked with over a long
period of time.”

Kelly tried to think what that would be like. She’d never
considered working with a team she could trust implicitly.

Thieving was by necessity a solitary pursuit. But working as
part of a team, a group of people to whom she could divulge all her secrets and
know beyond a doubt that they still had her back… Not just a few good friends,
like Liv and Melissa, but a crew who would think no less of her for her
mistakes or the gray areas in her background.

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