Read Seeking Justice Online

Authors: Rivi Jacks

Seeking Justice (24 page)

BOOK: Seeking Justice
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One large hand grips my arm as the other braces against the wall near my head. “What offer might that be, darlin’?”

My heart beat picks up its tempo. “To not go into the club without you.” My voice sounds raspy, out of breath. His nearness, his scent is all it takes to kick my libido into high gear again.

“Sorry, sugar, but we made a deal.”

I angle my lower body against his. “You made a deal with me too, and I didn’t wear underwear, obeying your order.”

He pushes against me, forcing me back to the wall, and I gasp as a burn ignites in my belly.

My voice is breathless as I say, “You need to follow through with your part of the deal, Justice.”

His lips are so close. I reach behind his neck to pull him across that small space between us. He obliges, leaning down to capture my mouth, just as a door opens directly across the hall from where we stand and out steps Miranda. She freezes mid-step, eyes opening wide before they narrow with ill-concealed anger.

My hand falls to my side, and I try to move, but Liam’s hold on my arm tightens. He stands up straight, but he doesn’t make a move to step away from me. His forehead furrows into a frown.

“Why aren’t you in the meeting?” he asks, annoyance evident in his voice.

Miranda pulls her murderous glare from me, and as I watch, her angry countenance transforms into feigned hurt.

“I…” Her voice breaks and then she looks away. “I forgot last night’s settlement reports in the library.”

She’s good. She’s able to put just the right amount of distress in her voice. Although, it might not be fake. I’m not sure how I’d act if I stumbled upon her and Liam in an intimate moment.

I look up to catch Liam’s silent contemplation.

“Well let’s go, we’re late,” he says.

He clasps my hand and takes off down the hall with Miranda following behind us. I can feel her eyes boring into my back.

When we reach the dining room, Liam waits for her and then opens the door. Every eye in the room turns our way as we walk in. Bryce is standing near the waitress stand with one foot propped up on the seat of a chair. His eyebrows lift in that cocky way he has.

“It’s nice of the three of you to join us.” He puts emphasis on
the three of you
, and I hear a snicker or two.

I put my head down and hurry toward where Holly and Joni sit.

“Nice to see you again, Cait,” Bryce calls out. “I feel—happy—to see you.”

I’m going to kill him I decide as several glance my way. My face feels on fire as I sit beside Holly. She gives me a questioning look, and I shake my head. I’ll fill her in later; I don’t want to draw any more attention than we already have.


The morning meeting ends and the day shift disperses as everyone goes about their various duties.

The day goes to hell after that.

Shortly after the meeting, Lara discovers someone has tried to shimmy the lock on one of the large antique file cabinets in her office. The ones that hold the membership records.

I remember thinking how difficult they might be to get into when I was in Lara’s office while filling out new hire paperwork. And there is the fact that there are security cameras in that room. I’ve not seen Liam since the meeting, and I’m sure he and Mike are probably busy going through the camera footage.

Why would someone want to get a look at the membership files? I know why I wanted to. I wonder if Valerie’s lawyer, who has taken over the running of the magazine in Valerie’s absence, has decided to follow through with Valerie’s plan to…. What? What exactly was Valerie’s objective? She wanted information on Liam, that much was certain. And even though she wouldn’t admit it, she was clearly looking for someone else within the clientele of Justice House. Other than that, I don’t know much. But I do suspect that whoever she was looking for was someone important, and for unknown reasons she wasn’t saying who or why.

So—it was personal. Pat said Valerie met with two men on the day Valerie assigned me to the Justice House. I no longer think that they were cops, I’m fairly certain that they were Private Investigators working for Valerie.

Is that why Valerie left town? I know it was a sudden decision on her part since Pat said she re-scheduled several appointments for Valerie that day. Had the investigators given her information that led to her quick departure? A sudden unease settles over me. What if something bad has happened to Valerie in connection with all this.

I look around the quiet dining room. I need to talk to Paul. And Joseph Case.

Why didn’t I think of this before? Probably because all I can think about is Liam, from the very first moment that I saw him.

“Why so glum, young Cait?”

“Leon!” I laugh nervously. “You startled me.”

“Is something bothering you?” he asks his eyes full of concern.

“What?” I frown. “Oh, no. I guess it’s just too quiet, gives me time to daydream.”

He studies me for a moment and not for the first time, I feel as if his eyes see more than most people’s do.

“Where is everyone?” I ask in a bid to divert his attention.

He shakes his head solemnly. “We have never had this type of trouble at Justice House.”

“Do they have any idea who might want to break into the files in Lara’s office?”

“Someone who will be very sorry when Mr. Justice finishes with them.”

I nod. Yes. I’m sure Liam is beyond angry. I remember how he responded to the stranger who’d managed to make his way upstairs. To my knowledge, they never did find out who the man was or how he managed to enter the mansion unnoticed.

Consequently, that is when Liam stepped up his security.

I look toward the door. “Leon, if you’ll excuse me, I need to find Liam.” I know he’s curious at my sudden departure, but I don’t want to take the time to explain. I need to talk to Liam.

He’s not in Mike’s office as I suspected. One of the security officers who work for Mike is manning the wall of monitors. He just smiles with a small shake of his head when I ask if he knows where I can find Liam.

I make a note of the time, knowing I don’t have long before the dining room opens for lunch. As I near Holly’s office, I hear her talking, and I’m surprised to see her husband Ryan here at this time of day.

“Cait, come in.” Holly invites when I knock on her opened door.

“Hi, Ryan.”

“Hi, Cait, how are you?” He leans against Holly’s desk his long legs braced in front of him in a stance, not unlike the one Liam favors. In fact, there are many similarities between the two men.

“I’m good and you?”

He smiles. “Good.”

He pushes away from the desk. “Babe, I need to be on my way.” He reaches for his wife, pulling her into his arms.

“Um… I’ll—” I nod toward the door and start edging that way.

“It’s fine, Cait,” Holly reassures me.

“I need to get back.” I motion toward the door again. “I was just looking for Liam.”

Ryan turns to look at me.

“I imagine he’s in security with Mike,” Holly says.

“He’s out at the gates,” Ryan informs, regarding me steadily.

“Oh… thanks.”

I make my exit, hurrying back toward the dining room. I’ll have to wait to speak with Liam since it’s time for the dining room to open. As I pass by one of the day rooms, the door opens, and before I realize what’s happening, a strong hand latches onto my arm, pulling me into the room.

With what is going on here at the Justice and my surprise, my self-defense training kicks in. I spin and bring the palm of my hand up under the chin of my assailant as my heel comes down on the top of a foot. I’m not tall enough to do much damage with the chin chop, but I know I’m inflicting pain on someone’s foot. It all happens so fast before I have a chance to identify my assailant.

“Sonofabitch!” Bryce puts his hand to his chin and hops on one foot. “Fuck, Cait! I think you broke my foot!”

“What the hell are you doing? You’re lucky I didn’t aim lower!”

Bryce instinctively covers his crotch with his hand. “Damn! You’re fondling me one minute and ready to put the hurt on me the next.”

My eyes narrow, and I exhale sharply. “What Bryce?” I demand a little impatiently. I’m not going to apologize; he brought it on himself. “I have to get to the dining room, lunch is about to start.” What the heck is he up to?

“Calm down. I just want to apologize.” He gives me the boyish smile he does so well. It’s all I can do not to grin back. As it is, I feel my face heat.

“Look at that!” Bryce laughs.

I’m not in the mood for his teasing, and I need to get to work. “Thank you, apology accepted.” I turn to leave.

“Wait, Cait.” Bryce laughs again. “That was not my…. Look, I was out of line earlier—upstairs and in the meeting. I shouldn’t have teased you that way. I’m sorry.”

For once, Bryce seems serious. I dip my head in acceptance. “Thanks.”

He smiles. “It’s just… you are so young, and you blush so beautifully, it’s hard not to take advantage of that.”

Okay. He’s ruining his apology.

“I like you, Cait. You’re good for Liam.” Bryce levels his gaze to mine. “He’s crazy about you and—he needs someone like you.”

Oh. He’s quickly redeeming himself.

“I haven’t seen Liam happy with anyone this way in a very long time.”


I think Bryce has just become a friend for life. I step close and stand on tip-toe to kiss him on the cheek.

“Thank you, Bryce. I like you too.” I smile shyly. “But I have to go.” I step to the door and turn back. “Thank you.”



“You’re in love with Liam, aren’t you?”

My eyes open wide, his question catching me by surprise. It’s not really any of his business, and Liam is whom I should be saying this to, but… I feel Bryce has been honest with me, and I know he cares deeply for his friend.

I take a deep breath. “Yes,” I whisper.
My heart is suddenly pounding, and I feel a rush of adrenaline just admitting this to Bryce. I’ll probably pass out when I tell Liam.

Bryce smiles gently. I turn, and as I open the door, I look back.

“Please… don’t say anything.”

“I won’t, Cait. But maybe you should.”


My shift is almost over, and I have yet to speak with Liam. I’ve seen him a time or two, but he was busy with the people from the security company. It’s been an odd day at Justice House, and I am looking forward to going home.

I’m on my way back from turning in my shift report when I remember I need to talk to Leon. I head to the bar to find him talking to a young blonde woman.

“Ms. Cait,” he says.

“Hey, Leon.”

The blonde looks up, giving me a friendly smile. I’m a little taken aback. She’s stunning, and I’m certain I haven’t seen her before.

“Cait this is Emily Bronson, a club member. Emily, Cait is our new hostess.”

She holds out her hand. “Hi Cait, I’ve heard good things about you.”

I’m surprised, wondering who’s been talking about me and if members take an interest in the hired help. “Thank you.”

She laughs. “Holly’s been giving me the lowdown on what’s been going on around here,” she explains.

“Have you been away?”


I pick up something in her expression, and her clear green eyes dim somewhat. A touch of sadness perhaps?

“Well, it’s very nice to meet you Ms. Bronson, welcome back.”

“Please call me Emily.”

“Ms. Shaw, have you abandoned your station?” I turn at the sound of Liam’s deep voice, looking up to catch his frown.

I blink. What’s his problem? I glance quickly to the hostess stand, my eyes scanning the empty dining room.

“Oh Liam, don’t be a grouchy boss!” Emily admonishes.

I start at her familiarity. But of course they know each other, she’s a member of his sex club. My face heats at the realization that they may have had sex together. Kinky sex.

I turn to Leon. “I wanted to let you know that Mr. and Mrs. Ted Williams will be dining with us Friday night for their anniversary. I wasn’t sure if you have that Montrachet that they enjoy on hand.”

He nods. “I think I have a bottle or two, but I’ll order extra. Thanks, Cait.” He gives me an easy smile.

“Are you ready?” Liam asks Emily.


“I am.” She slides off the bar stool and grabs her clutch bag from the bar. She smiles at the bartender. “Later, Leon.” Then she flashes me a smile. She really is beautiful and seems genuinely nice. “It was good to meet you, Cait.”

“You too, Emily.” I give her the best smile that I can muster, totally ignoring Liam, but I feel his eyes on me. When he says something to Leon, I turn to return to the dining room.

He’s leaving with her?
What is she to him?

As Liam and Emily walk past, I busy myself with the paperwork that I need to leave for Tansy.

“Bye, Cait,” Emily calls as they leave.

“Bye, Emily.” I smile brightly and stack the papers.

I want to follow them, see where they’re off to. Are they going upstairs? I could never imagine the hurt and jealousy that courses through my body with a burning rage. I turn and walk smack dab into a hard chest. A tiny “oomph” escapes from between my lips, and warm hands encircle my upper arms.

“You should watch where you’re walking Caitlyn.” I look up to see that he’s still frowning.

What the hell is he doing?

“I should be back in a couple of hours. Wait upstairs for me, Mike will let you into the elevator, and when I get back, we’ll go out to dinner.” He releases my arms, and before I can respond, he turns and leaves.

I look after him, too shocked to do anything more than stand there.

Is he kidding? I turn to face the room and catch Miranda’s smirk.

Chapter Thirteen

olly and I find a table near a window in a little Italian restaurant that is a favorite of Holly and Ryan’s.

“Thank you for coming out with me. A drink is just what I needed,” I tell her.

I hold up my glass, and she raises hers to clink against mine, the crystal making a clear ringing tone as the two glasses meet.

“After the day we’ve had, I needed this too. And now, Ryan is going to be gone all night. I hate when he goes out of town.”

“Is he working on a case?”

She hesitates before setting her glass down. “Actually… he’s taking care of some business for Liam.”


She takes the straw from her glass and places it between her lips as she studies me. “Is Liam why you’re upset?”

I toy with my straw. “Sorry, I thought I was hiding it better than I guess I am.” I smile wanly.

Holly laughs. “It’s okay, you don’t need to apologize.” After a moment she asks. “Anything I can help with?”

“You can help me understand Liam.”

Holly snickers. “He’s a man. That could be an endless job.”

As I sip my drink, the waitress delivers a couple of fresh drinks to our table.

“Here you go, ladies. Compliments of the two guys at the bar.”

Holly and I both look. Two attractive men, dressed in business suits, smile and one raises his hand.

“Tell them thanks for the drinks, we appreciate the gesture. And please tell them that we are married and not interested in conversation… or anything else,” Holly quips, looking over at me with a wink.

“No problem,” the girl says as she picks up our near empty glasses.

“Thank you,” Holly says.

“Smooth,” I say as the waitress leaves us. “I probably would have sent the drinks back.”

“Let’s just hope they don’t press the issue.”

My phone rings, and I don’t even look at it, certain it is Liam.

Holly gives me a raised eyebrow.

“He left earlier, with another woman. Then he had the—audacity to come back to tell me to wait upstairs for him and that he’d take me out to dinner when he returned.”

“Whoa!” She frowns slightly. “He left with another woman? Who?”

I pick up my drink and down about half of the frozen concoction before answering her. “I don’t know. Some blonde named Emily. She seemed nice, and she was friendly but…”

Holly sputters into her drink, dabbing at her lips as she sets her drink down. “Cait…” She hesitates when my phone starts ringing again.

I let it ring, trying to decide if I should answer or not. Holly starts laughing, and then I’m laughing with her.

“He is probably pulling his hair out,” she says as she tries to bring her amusement under control.

“You think?” I chuckle.

“Hon”—Holly reaches over to pat my hand—“Emily belongs to Bryce, I mean, they’re engaged.”

This totally floors me. “Bryce is engaged?” I ask, astounded at this information.

“Well, they are taking a break.” She reaches to pick up her drink. “The stupid ass!” she mutters under her breath.

Finishing her drink, she turns to look for the waitress. “We need another drink.”

“Yes we do,” I agree as I catch our girl’s eye.

As we sip our fresh drinks, I look pointedly at Holly.

“So—Bryce and this Emily…”

Holly huffs with annoyance. “He’s going to end up losing her if he’s not careful. Emily is one of the nicest people, and she worships the ground he walks on. The thing is he’s so in love with her, he thinks stupid.”

“What happened between them?”

She hesitates.

“I’m sorry. I’m sure it’s private.”

“No, it’s okay… I mean it is private but… it’s just a long, sad story.”

“I don’t need a sad story tonight,” I say, not able to keep the wistfulness from my voice.

“Hey! You and Liam are not a sad story.” She leans into the table. “He’s crazy about you.”

“I’m not so—”

“Yes, he is. Bryce noticed first, kept pointing things out to me. It’s so evident. He’s never had a relationship with anyone like you, Cait.”

Her words send warmth coursing through me. I’ve never had anyone such as Liam, and I’m certain I never will again. In my heart I know—he is the one. And—that’s just too bad for me. My sudden elation fizzles.

I think Holly notices because she picks up her drink and nods toward mine. “Drink up! Let’s tie one on.”

I giggle and then down about half my drink.

My phone rings again. I know I should answer, but I don’t know what to say to him.

When Holly’s phone starts ringing with what she says is Liam’s designated ringtone, we dissolve into laughter.

“Oh!” Holly gasps for breath and then points at me. “The problem with our men, is that they are too damn controlling.” She nods as if agreeing with herself.

“Is Ryan… controlling?”

She looks up. “Pfft. He tries but”—she bats her eyelashes—“I like to keep him on his toes.” She giggles. “The only place Ryan Phillips dominates me is in the bedroom.”

I sputter into my drink.

“Don’t let the suit fool you. He may look conservative, but that man can fuck for hours.”

I start to laugh. This is a side of Holly I’ve not seen before. “Where did you meet?” I ask.

She chuckles a low, throaty sound. “At a cocktail party for the rich and famous. I thought he was hot, but I also thought he was some rich, smug lawyer with a stick up his ass. I was in a bad mood that night and just felt like giving him shit. He didn’t take too kindly to that.” She smiles mischievously. “Within the hour he had me upstairs in one of the bedrooms fucking my brains out.”

My mouth drops open on that bit of information.

“It’s been lust ever since. He made me marry him the next month.”


“Oh, yeah.” She picks up her glass. “Lord, I love that man.”

I smile.

She swirls the drink in her glass, eyeing me with a goofy grin.


“Oh I’m just thinking about how you keep Liam all stirred up.”

“I don’t…”

“Yes you do, and I love it.” She laughs out loud. “You’re good for him.”

“The thing is he confuses me.” I use the hand holding my glass to gesture and some of the drink sloshes out. “Oops.” I giggle and pat at the table with my napkin.

“You’re drunk,” Holly informs me.

“No I’m not.”

We both think that’s funny.

“We need another drink,” Holly informs, waving her arm widely to get the attention of the waitress. “You need another one?” she asks me.


Holly laughs so hard she almost upsets her chair, which in turn causes hysterical laughing on my part.

The waitress brings our fresh drinks. Setting them down in front of us she stands with her hand on her hip.

“The bartender is a little concerned about you ladies,” she informs us. “I told him you were okay and you have someone picking you up before long?” She gives us a questioning look.

Holly and I give her blank stares.

“Yes!” Holly finally announces.

“Absolutely,” I add, nodding emphatically.

“All right then.” She picks up our empty glasses and returns to the bar area.

Holly’s phone rings and we lose it again until the ringing stops, only to start again. This sobers us both a little.

“Maybe I should answer,” Holly says. “He’s probably having a fucking fit and—he tends to worry,” she murmurs as she looks at her phone.

I suddenly don’t find the fact that Liam is worried funny. “I’ll call him,” I say, fishing my phone out of my purse.

Liam answers on the first ring.

“Where the fuck are you?” his voice has that controlled, angry tone.


“I’m having a drink with Hollys.” She waves her hand. “She says hi.” I giggle.

There’s silence on the line, and I shrug at Holly. She giggles, and then slaps her hand over her mouth.

“Are you drunk?” he asks quietly. Too quiet.

“No! Well maybe a little. Wait, I’ll ask Hollys.” I look over at Holly. “Am I drunk?”

Holly snorts into her drink.

“Tell me where you are?” Liam asks in the same controlled voice.

Damn, if I don’t love his slow, southern drawl. “I love your voice,” I tell him.

I look up as some guy stops near Holly’s chair and starts talking to her.

“Caitlyn, where are you?”

“You only use my full name when you’re mad or annoyed at me, and I’m the one who should be mad not you.” I promptly hiccup.

“Where are you.”

“I don’t know. I don’t remember the name.” I giggle again.
I must be drunk.

“Let me talk to Holly.”


I hear him hiss over the phone.

“She’s talking to some guy. Wait! It’s Holly and Ryan’s favorite restaurant.” I grin, feeling inordinately proud of myself.

“You two stay right there. I’m coming to get you,” he growls, and my insides tighten in a most pleasurable way.

“I’m ready for you to come get me, Liam.”

“You stay right there, do you understand me, Caitlyn?”

“Yes,” I answer.

“What did I say?”

I giggle again. “We are to stay right here… because you are coming to get me.”

I hear him speaking to someone, and then he says, “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

The line goes dead.

“Okay then,” I say, slipping my phone into my purse.

The guy talking to Holly leaves, and Holly looks at me just as our waitress sets down two steaming cups of black coffee.

“I’m supposed to tell you that,
said for you both to drink this coffee,” she says, looking amused.

“Thank you,” Holly says.

After she leaves us, Holly asks, “Is he on his way?”

“Yep.” I sip at the hot, bitter brew and then set the cup down. We’ve been having fun, but neither one of us is past the point of pulling ourselves together. And—I have something serious to ask her.

“Tell me about him. About Liam.”

She studies me for a moment, her amused expression at once guarded. “You love him don’t you?” she finally asks.

I swallow against the dryness in my throat. “With all my heart.” First Bryce and now Holly. If it’s been that obvious to them, is Liam aware too?

“Liam had a… hard time, growing up.” Holly takes a sip of her coffee. “His father, if you can call him that, was a hard man.”

A hard man?

“Walter Justice was on the wrong side of the law most of the time, in and out of jail while Liam was growing up. He was a small-time hustler with a mean streak. Never there for Liam or Liam’s mother. Abusive to them both, especially—when he drank.”

Oh, no.

“Growing up in a small community, Liam had a hard time living down his father’s reputation. I guess you can imagine how hard it was for him, having to deal with the constant gossip, humiliation—the shame he felt.” She shakes her head slightly and smiles sadly. “He was so proud and so strong.”

My heart aches at the thought of what Liam’s life must have been like when he was a boy. “You’ve known him a long time.”

“We grew up together. The four of us have always been close, always there for each other. They’re my brothers.” She grins. “Of course, Bryce is the annoying, pain in the ass brother.” I laugh with her in agreement.

“When Liam bought Justice House, he and Mike moved here, and it felt as if part of my heart was missing. When Bryce left, I really thought that I had lost them all forever. I enrolled in a local college and barely managed to survive. I’d lost my best friends. And then one day there was a knock at my door, and there stood Liam. He brought me here and this is where my life is now.” She picks up her coffee and peers at me over the rim. “He is an extremely loyal friend.”

That, I had already figured out about him.

“What about your family back home? If you don’t mind my asking,” I add quickly.

“My parents died when I was young. My dad’s sister raised me and… it was not an ideal situation… for either of us.”

“I’m so sorry, Holly.”

She shrugs. “It’s okay. They’ve been gone a long time now.”

I pick up my cup and sip at the cooling coffee.

She stares at me a moment and then leans toward me. “There’s something you should know, Cait.” She holds my gaze. “As fiercely loyal as Liam is… if you hurt or betray him… you are done, dead to him.”

I swallow uncomfortably. Does she suspect? I don’t know what to make of what she’s said, and then she continues.

“He will cut you out of his life as if you never existed.” She sits back and takes another sip of coffee. “Not a particularly good trait but—I think you need to know.”

A curl of uneasiness creeps up my spine. “I’ll keep that in mind.” I respond softly.

When the back of my neck prickles, I know Liam has arrived. I turn and meet burning blue, dead on.

Holy hell.
The man takes my breath away.

“Liam! Mike!” Holly calls out excitedly.

I stand and watch as the two men cross the room, Liam’s gaze never leaving mine. When he reaches me, I walk into his arms, wrapping mine around his neck, not caring about the fact we are in a restaurant.


On tiptoe, I bury my face against his neck. He smells good. Intoxicatingly good. His arms tighten momentarily, and then he’s releasing me, his hands gripping my arms as he peers into my face.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes.” I nod.

His gaze flicks to Holly and then back to me. “Sit down, and drink your coffee.”

“Can I take it with me?”

I think I see a flicker of amusement in his eyes before he looks at Mike, who then heads toward the bar.

“Let’s go. Get your things together girls.” His voice holds a measure of sternness.

I suddenly feel the intense need to be alone with him so we can talk. After what Holly told me, I’m anxious to tell him everything.

He hands me my bag. “Come on Holly,” he urges.

“Oh, Liam! Don’t be a grump,” she says as she stands, looking around on the floor. “I can’t find my shoe,” she wails.

Liam sighs and pulls one of the chairs from the table to reach her lost heel, holding it out to her. He makes a come on motion as she slips the shoe on.

“Hold your horses!”

I can’t hold back my giggle.

“Don’t act so put out,” she admonishes as she stumbles around the table. “I’ve picked your drunk ass up more than once.”

“Yes, but I never put myself in danger as you two have.”

BOOK: Seeking Justice
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