Seeking Love in Salvation (21 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Seeking Love in Salvation
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Sparrow’s gut tightened. Here their woman was, trying to help these babies, fighting the last couple of weeks to prove she would be a great mother and be able to provide for them, and the social workers, the judge, the system in general would rather sit and do nothing and allow those babies to be around people like this. People who abused kids, showed no respect for police, for the law, shot cops and innocent people, beat them up and left them for dead? This is where those babies belonged? He was feeling more and more compelled to kill these men and to save his woman and those kids. He prayed they hadn’t hurt Valentina, or the children. She already had scars from saving her sister and nephew. What would they find when they finally got to her?

“Okay, we’re coming up to the spot. Try not to hit a fucking tree. We won’t be able to get your ass out of here, and we
leave you to get to the target,” Dash stared firmly. They chuckled.

“I may not have jumped out of a plane in a couple of years, but I bet I’ll land better than you,” Ridge egged Dash on.

Dash chuckled. “Never gonna happen, old man.”

“Oh, shit,” Sharp said and laughed.

“Let’s do this,” Gunner said as Hunter slid the door open. The darkness of the night gave them no view of where they were jumping.

“Night vision on, now,” Hopper ordered. They shifted their head gear into position and they began to jump into the abyss.

When Sparrow looked out, he made a leap of faith based on Hopper’s knowledge, the pilot’s hopefully accurate stop hovering above, and all the military training he’d ever had.

We’re coming for you, Valentina. Hold on, baby. Hold on.


* * * *


Valentina thought she heard a noise. A quick glance around and she saw that Gabe was gone, probably to the bedroom. She didn’t see Roxie or Samuel. Maybe they were together. She eased the baby down to the couch and tucked her next to Tye so she was secure and wouldn’t roll off the couch. Lena was curled up against her brother’s legs and she shifted her slightly.

Valentina eased herself up to her feet.

“Can’t sleep, cop?” She heard the voice and squinted, and then the guy who worked for Gabe was there. She swallowed hard.

He stepped closer. He had no shirt on and his pants were undone. She had flashbacks of Roxie pleasuring him. That sick, angry feeling began to simmer in her gut.

He closed the space between them and she glanced at the babies, making sure they were still asleep. He shoved her up against the wall, his face next to her neck and ear. His hands held her hips and one smoothed up to her breast. “Oh, yeah, even better than I thought.”

of me,” she said through clenched teeth, trying not to wake the babies.

His forearm came up hard against her throat. She gasped and felt the instant pain to her windpipe. She also felt his hard erection against her belly and his thick thighs pressed between her legs.

“Don’t want to wake those babies, do you?” he asked and licked her cheek. She clenched her eyes closed, wanting to vomit. He pinched her breast and she gasped. “Shhh,” he warned, applying more pressure to her throat. She could hardly breathe and she started to panic.

She saw something to the right, through the window. She didn’t know if she was seeing things—shadows in the darkness, perhaps more of the bad guys showing up to make matters worse. She slid her hand into her pocket and gripped the knife. Her knuckles made contact with his crotch and his eyes widened and then he smiled. He chuckled. “So you’ve been checking me out, too, huh? I knew it. You made me this hard, and you’re going to fix it, right now.”

He released her throat and tore open her blouse as he thrust against her body, slamming her hard against the wall behind her. She gasped and the sound of glass breaking and then footsteps gave her the opportunity she needed. She stuck him in the gut. He grunted and she kicked him then shoved him forward. He struck her in the face and she screamed out as she slashed the knife, hitting his face. He hollered and yelled as the room lit up and chaos erupted around her. Shots were fired. She felt them whiz by her and she lowered as he came at her again and tackled her to the ground. She used her training and rolled him again until he slammed against the cabinet and she struck him with the knife in the shoulder. She got up quickly, heard the babies crying, and looked at them to make sure they hadn’t gotten hit by any bullets. Then the guy struck her hard and shoved her from him.

She saw men in black, and then shots went past her and hit the guy, taking him down. She covered the babies with her body and hushed them, as she glanced upward, not knowing who these men were. She saw Samuel and Roxie. He pulled Roxie in front of him, using her as cover from the bullets, and she took two shots to her body, falling. Samuel kept firing an automatic weapon, but the shots came back at him until he slumped down to the floor.

“Valentina!” She heard her name, recognized the voice, and then looked up to see her men. All four of them pulled off their masks and their faces came into view. She smiled and then cried out, lifting up off the babies, pulling Grace up with her as Tye and Lena held onto her, crying hard.

“You came. Oh, my God,” she said. She saw their angry expressions as they took in the sight of her bruises and cuts. She had no blouse on, either, but she didn’t care. She saw Gunner and two other men come closer.

“Anyone else around?” one guy asked.

“Gabe West is here. In the bedroom,” she said, and they hurried that way.

“Let’s get these kids out of here,” Jace said and went to reach for Lena as Ridge reached for Tye. The kids clung tight to Valentina.

“It’s okay, guys, these men are good men. They’re here to protect you and keep us safe,” she said, and they stared at her as if unsure.

“I promise. I’m never leaving you again. Never. Let them help you,” she told them and smiled. The kids nodded and let the men pick them up.

I don’t care what anyone says. These babies are mine. I will not let them be taken away and separated from one another. I’ll do whatever I need to. I love them.


* * * *


Valentina walked into the hospital room after she’d checked on J.R. He was being released today and looking forward to getting home and resting.

She slowly pushed the door open and caught sight of Roxie. She was lying in the bed, looing sickly but fully awake. Valentina felt a mix of emotions. Surely Roxie had to realize that Samuel had never loved her or the kids. She wondered why Roxie had asked to see her and what she wanted. Valentina had nothing but disgust and anger toward the woman and what she’d done to her kids—and to herself.

“Well, I’m here,” Valentina said to Roxie, standing by the end of the bed staring at her. She was hooked up to different machines, and the sound of the heart monitor echoed beside the bed.

“I’m not going to be here much longer. Let’s make this quick,” Roxie said and then coughed.

She nodded toward the table.

“Take that.”

“What is it?” Valentina asked as she slowly walked toward the table and saw a folder.

“I never wanted them. Held onto them so Samuel would need me. He didn’t. They trust you. Love you,” she said, and Valentina opened the file and saw the documents giving her full custody of the three babies. The tears hit her eyes and she looked at Roxie. Roxie swallowed. “Right there. You got it. You feel it. I never did. I hated them and took anger out on them because I was angry at him and me. I’m going to die. Any day now. So I might as well make sure I put them first, ’cause I never did.”

She didn’t know what to say. She knew the gunshots were life-threatening, but she seemed to be pulling through. “Are you certain about this? I could help you and we could take care of them together. I can show you—”

She shook her head and said no.

“They’re yours. I’m bleeding internally and slowly dying. Let me do something right,” she said and Valentina saw the tears in her eyes. Then Roxie got serious.

“Leave now. I’m done. Go,” she said.

Valentina swallowed hard and then turned to leave, but she stopped.

Everyone in life deserved a second chance. Or maybe the opportunity to do something right, even once, after they did so much wrong. She hurried to Roxie and she hugged her tight. Roxie gripped her arms.

“I’ll love them forever. I’ll keep them safe and I promise they’ll have a better life. Embrace this choice you made. Keep it close to your heart and let it give you peace as you leave this earth.”

She lifted up and Roxie was crying with her head turned to the left. Valentina left the room with a mix of emotions. Then she caught sight of Jace, who’d brought her here, and she ran to him and hugged him tight.

“Let’s grab our babies and take them home. I can’t wait for them to meet Kenny.”



Beck watched Valentina as she sat in the chair holding baby Grace in her arms while the other children played. Ridge was showing Tye how to throw a football, which reminded Beck of when they were kids and how they would play with their cousins. They got pretty roughed up and their mom and Aunt Dora would get upset with them. He chuckled and looked at Valentina.

She was simply glowing, she was so happy. They had gone through a lot, even the funeral for Roxie where Valentina had made sure she got a proper burial, because there was no one but Valentina and the kids to even care or make the arrangements. It was pretty sad, but Valentina made it a beautiful, small ceremony and their family and friends even came to support her. It was pretty inspiring. That was life here in Salvation. They were all one big family. He leaned over and gave her a kiss when Ridge called out to him to help teach the kids some plays with a game of football.


* * * *


Valentina sat with Grace on her lap and watched the children play. Tye, Lena, and Kenny had hit it off so well it was like they had known one another since birth. She knew there were still sleepless nights to deal with, and reassuring words, glances, and smiles to put the children at ease during distress or fearfulness. They were happening few and far between thanks to her men, their cousins, and their parents. Scott, Sarge, Roy, and Ella thought of the kids as grandchildren and treated them that way. They were set to help out at the farm and learn about ranch life, too. They were surrounded by love. Even Lois was happy and doing her part to help the kids and get over her own fears. As Valentina watched Evan, Laverty, Ford, and Ghost looking at Lois here and there, then showing some interest in her, she wondered if her sister would ever get past her fears and the past? Maybe like the children, like Valentina she could find salvation, peace, safety and possibly love in Salvation, too.

“Why don’t I take her from you and set her down for a nap inside?” Ella said to her, and Valentina smiled.

“You don’t mind?” she asked, but she knew Ella didn’t. She was growing fonder and fonder of the children, and they would even watch them so Valentina and her sons could get some alone time, too. Everyone knew their relationships had been new when all this chaos started. They helped to free up Valentina’s time so she could go horseback riding with her men, or an overnight and breakfast at their place. It made things a lot easier. She smiled as Ella took Grace, and Grace snuggled up against her feeling just as safe and content. It was a great transition from what the baby was used to.

She stood up and stretched her arms then walked to the side of the house. She saw Kenny and Tye tackling Beck and making him laugh.

She gasped when strong arms wrapped around her and Jace’s lips pressed against her neck. Closing her eyes, she exhaled.

“Another great Sunday with family,” he said and she smiled then turned to kiss his chin. She knew he was trying to work things out with his fathers and their concerns over him, but lately, seeing him with the kids must have put them at ease. Jace was no longer on edge around them, and in fact, he even spent time with each of them alone, talking.

“What do you say after dinner my mom and the dads watch the kids with Lois and you take a walk down by the swimming hole with us?” He suckled her neck and she giggled.

“Sounds like trouble to me,” she teased, knowing that the last time they did that, she wound up skinny dipping and making love in the swimming hole with all four men.

“No trouble, just maybe a nice summer night’s swim,” he said and kissed her neck then suckled the sensitive chord there. He whispered into her ear and lightly thrust his hips against her ass.

“With my cock deep in your pussy, and you chanting for more,” he said to her. God, she loved them so much.

“Hmmm, sounds exhausting.”

“What?” he exclaimed and she pulled away and started laughing. “You have to beat me in basketball. Then maybe I’ll say yes,” she said and ran off the porch. Jace ran after her, and the kids saw him chasing her and started running, too. They hooked onto Jace and he pretended to fall on his knees on the grass as they tried bringing him down. She was laughing and came closer when he snagged her leg and bought her down, too. Then his brothers joined them with the kids tickling her and laughing. They all lay down beside her on the grass and looked up into the beautiful blue sky. She exhaled, feeling so happy and content. She smiled.

“Valentina, yes?” Jace asked. She leaned up on her elbows and looked at him and Sparrow, who had Tye on his lap, Beck, and then Ridge, who sat there with Lena straddling his back and messing up his hair.

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