Selena's Men (13 page)

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Authors: Elle Boon

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Selena's Men
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Her phone buzzed again. With a snap, she shut her mouth. Looking around, she grabbed her skirt then pulled the phone out. At her groan, Malcolm had a pretty good idea who the caller was.

“Hi, Tam.” She listened, and then said, “I’ll be right down. Give me ten minutes.”

Malcolm could hear the conversation and wanted to laugh at the merriment in Tamara’s voice, but didn’t want to alert them to his ability. Max started dressing, but Malcolm stood with his arms crossed as he waited for her. Had it really been over two hours? The digital clock on the wall confirmed that indeed it had been well over that.

“I gotta go.” She turned and came to a quick stop.

He hid his smile and turned to pick the rest of her clothes up. Max walked out of the bathroom with a warm washcloth and bent to clean her. She stood completely still and bit her lip. Malcolm wanted to replace her teeth with his mouth, but she looked on the edge of bolting.

Max stood, gave her a quick peck on her lips before he turned back to the open door of the bathroom.

She blew out a breath and held her hand out. Malcolm shook his head and stepped forward to help her dress. She slapped at his hands, but finally allowed him to draw the cups of her bra together and snap them in place.

“I don’t think I like this job as well as the undressing part,” Malcolm murmured. Without making it obvious, he and Max used their ability to ensure nobody looking at Selena would be able to tell she’d been well-fucked. Although they wanted everyone to know, they were smart enough to realize Selena wouldn’t.

Max held up her boots. With a huff, Selena sat on the edge of the couch and couldn’t hide the wince of pain. Max saw it and shot a look over his shoulder.

Malcolm opened his mouth, but Selena held up a hand.

“I’m not hurt. It’s just been a long time since I’ve…” She bit that damn lip again, and it took every ounce of his control. He wanted to march over to her and begin removing her clothes again.

“Good…” Max said. He folded his arms across his chest.

“Max, why don’t you escort our…” Malcolm stopped at the look she shot them. “I mean take Selena back down while I finish dressing and cleaning up a bit.”

Selena held her breath as Max reached out and trailed his finger down her cheek. She let out a moan when Max’s hand caressed her breast and tapped her nipple through the thin layer of clothes. Malcolm wanted to rip them off her and saw Max’s thoughts mirrored his own.

“Listen, I’m a big girl and nobody needs to escort me anywhere. Just because we…um, you know.” She gestured at the couch and continued. “Just because we fucked doesn’t give either of you the right to go all He-Man on me.”

Malcolm burst into laughter at the look of horror on Max’s face. They’d been compared to or called many things, but He-Man was not one of them. He wiped at his eyes and crowded into her space.

“Sweetheart, if we went all He-Man on you, I can guarantee you one thing.” He growled. “You wouldn’t be going back down to your club. You really don’t want to push Max on this.”

Malcolm saw his brother clenching his fist so hard his knuckles turned white. Neither man wanted to let her out of their sights. When you searched for one thing, for hundreds of years, thinking you’d never find it, only to have it dropped into your life, you could be forgiven for wanting to hold on and never let go.

“Whatever. I’m going down. Maybe you should get dressed first,” she said to Malcolm.

To his astonishment, she looked him up and down and licked her lips. He felt his cock jerk and he wanted nothing more than to strip her bare. He shook his head and grabbed her shoulders, jerking her to him before he covered her saucy mouth with his own.

He lifted his mouth and licked her lips, then stepped back and turned her toward the door with a tap on her ass. “Go with Max before we change our minds.”

Max linked their hands and headed out the door with her, leaving Malcolm alone to dress and clean up their mess. His body still tight with need, he knew he would never get enough of her. Ever.


* * * *


Max could see the war Selena waged with herself and their demands. He felt sure she’d never experienced what he and Malcolm had just done to her, but with her mind blocked, he couldn’t be sure. The only people he couldn’t read, unless they allowed it, had been his fellow Ravens. Selena puzzled him, and he didn’t like puzzles.

“So how long are you in town for?” Max asked.

“Oh…um…I’m not sure.”

“Where are you staying?”

“What is this? Is this the first degree, Max? Just because we—”

He pressed a finger to her lips, stopping her words. “Don’t demean what we just did, Selena. You know it was more, just as Malcolm and I do.”

She opened her mouth and when he rubbed his finger on the inside of her bottom lip, she licked the tip, making him groan.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

They reached the top of the stairs and in a move she couldn’t have stopped, he spun her back to the wall. He gripped her chin, bringing her face up to his, and brushed his lips over her mouth in a soft caress.

“Don’t lie to me or yourself, Selena.” He kissed her hard, and then stepped back. “Next time you lie, I will spank that delectable ass.”

“Kiss my ass, Max.”

“Oh I’ll do that, too.” He laughed at her look of outrage.

“Let’s go before your friend storms up here.” He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Max released Selena’s hand. He rubbed his chest and ached to touch her again. He met the dark gaze of Selena’s best friend across the room as she sidled her way over to them.

“Hello, you two,” Tamara said.

“I was just showing…” Selena trailed off.

“Oh, I think I know what you were showing them.”

Max pulled Selena into his side, sliding a possessive hand around her waist to hold her close and shield her from her friend.

“Don’t even start with me, Tam, I have so much dirt on you, your own mama would turn gray.”

Tamara sniffed. “Ha, my mama would never turn gray. We Mejias never turn gray.”

Max’s face hardened. “Leave her alone, Tamara.”

Tamara patted his chest and laughed. He saw the merriment in both women’s eyes and realized they’d been teasing him. He really needed to break down the walls both ladies had around their minds. He hated not knowing what others thought.

“I’m just messing with Lena. She’s too serious, and it’s taken long enough for her to climb back on the horse, or horses, in this case.”

Selena shoved her friend and made a slashing motion with her hand across her neck. Tamara obviously had no problem deciphering it. What the hell had she been talking about? Max promised himself he’d learn all there was to know about Selena and her friend.

He needed to talk to Malcolm. Selena had to be their Fated, but they hadn’t completed the circle that would combine their souls. He needed to talk to Zeus or one of the other gods, but didn’t know how. Zeus said they would know, but didn’t say how…Shit. More puzzles did not make Max a happy boy.

He looked up at the ceiling and prayed to the gods and goddesses alike for guidance. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t feel Malcolm’s approach until he laid a hand on his shoulder. Startled, he turned and shoved Malcolm backward.

Selena gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. He opened his mind to Malcolm, and grimaced at the silent laughter ringing in his head.

“Sorry, bro. Did I interrupt you?” Malcolm sounded not the least bit sorry.

“Fuck you, Mal. Let’s step outside so we can talk.”

They both reached out and took hold of one of Selena’s hands and placed them on their chest.

Her eyes flared and her breathing sped up. She smiled up at them, making Max’s heart melt a little more. Sharing a conspiratorial look with his brother, he motioned toward the door.

Max bent to kiss her cheek, then strode away, trying to clear his head of one silver-haired angel who was bound to be the death of him.

He shoved the door open and paced. Gripping the back of his neck, he looked up at the sky and wondered for the millionth time if the gods were fucking with them.

They’d kicked them out of Mount Olympus when they had no longer been needed. No goddess wanted to mate with a being the gods created. Sure, they could fuck them and kill for them, but mate with them for life was not an option in their book.

Max didn’t mind all that much. They were treated with respect and affection, but he learned early on they weren’t good enough for a happily-ever-after with one. Shrugging his shoulders, he turned as Malcolm stepped outside.

He stared at his brother, and knew without words Malcolm felt the same way toward Selena.

“What are we going to do?” Malcolm asked without preamble.

“Damned if I know. They didn’t give us a manual for this shit.”

“I’m not gonna give her up. I don’t know how it works, but she’s a part of me.”

Malcolm raised his hand and rubbed his chest in a gesture that Max mirrored.

“Who says either of us has to give her up?” Max growled.

“Hello…Can you say society?”

“Fuck them. We’re immortal. What the hell does it matter what anyone thinks?”

“I feel you bro, but what about Selena? She isn’t immortal like us. Which brings me to another question,” Malcolm held up a finger. “How does this work?”

“Fuck if I know, Mal. Son of a bitch…Why can’t Zeus fucking answer my questions? I’ve been calling out to him for the last fifteen minutes.”

They both stared up at the sky, and then looked at each other and laughed. Malcolm slapped him on the back and turned serious.

“Max, let’s just take it one day at a time. I can’t imagine they”—he pointed up and continued—“would fuck us over. Zeus said we all would find one woman to complete us. That doesn’t mean you and I don’t have the same woman. Hell, if I remember correctly, we were intended to be one being instead of two. Of course, Zeus would never admit he fucked up. I mean, I am the smart and handsome twin, while you’re the—”

Malcolm dodged the large fist aimed at his head.

“You are such a shit. I should have drowned you when you were a kid.”

“I was never a kid.”

The reminder of their creation had both brothers brooding in silence. Max turned when he heard the unmistakable sound of a Harley roaring toward them. Max loved the sound of the custom pipes on a Harley that let you know, long before you saw the bike, that it was coming.

“Is that who I think it is?” Malcolm asked.

Max saw the unmistakable helmet of Rafe Blackstone, his second in command. Rafe was seven feet, two inches of solid muscle with a smooth, bald head the ladies seemed to love and dark skin with black eyes. Some would say they were a dark brown, but they were black as pitch.

Rafe stopped his bike next to the curb and kicked the stand down. With a flick of his wrist, he turned the machine off, pulled his trademark helmet off, and shook his bald head.

“Hey, Rafe, what’s up? You shake all that hair out of your face?” Malcolm asked.

Rafe tilted one corner of his lips up and lifted his right hand off his thigh to scratch his cheek with his middle finger.

“Nah…I don’t think so, dude. I love you, but you are just not pretty enough for me,” Malcolm joked.

“Max, can’t you control your baby brother?” Rafe asked.

“Nope…So what are you doing here?” Max asked.

“I’ve just rode up from Texas following a lead. When it dried up here, I thought I’d look you up.”

The Ravens had a connection and could sense when another was near. Max must be losing it, because he hadn’t sensed Rafe until he was almost on top of him. So not a good thing, when Max knew they were not the only immortal beings on Earth.

“You have a lead on the goddess or is it something else?” Max asked.

He sent a thought to Malcolm, wondering if he felt as uncomfortable as him. A shake of his twin’s head gave him his answer.

“I’m not sure what it is. How about you guys?”

Shit…Not good if neither of them could sense Rafe. Looking over his shoulder, he looked at the closed door to the club and inhaled. He needed to center his thoughts and check for other threats. Not that he thought of Rafe as a threat, but if he hadn’t sensed him, maybe he’d missed another.

With his mind focused, he didn’t find anything other than Rafe and Malcolm. He knew Selena was inside, but there seemed to be a blank space surrounding her. He promised himself he’d knock down the walls protecting or hiding her. The thought of her being hidden popped into his mind, and took up a more sinister twist.

“Max, did you hear me?” Rafe asked again with a puzzled look.

“We heard you Rafe, and the answer is negative. We haven’t heard anything, or found anything for that matter, on the missing goddess. Shit man, the way it’s going we won’t know until the end of time. Or if Zeus is correct, in a few short months when his baby girl explodes.”

“Fuck…” Rafe rubbed his hands across his bald head and Max smiled at the gesture.

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