Sempre (Forever) (52 page)

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Authors: JM Darhower

BOOK: Sempre (Forever)
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“Can we go talk,
?” She nodded and followed him outside to the car. Carmine put the key into the ignition but didn’t start it. “I didn’t realize I was being such an asshole toward you. I’ve had a lot on my mind, but none of it’s your fault.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

He sighed, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. “Not really. That probably makes me an even bigger asshole, but I just…” He paused. “Can we start this over? You finally get a chance to experience teenage shit, and I’m fucking it up. You look beautiful, and I should be groveling at your feet, thanking you for even giving me this chance. You shouldn’t love me, but you do, and you don’t know how thankful I am for that, how much I appreciate having you in my life.”

She gazed at him with surprise. It was the nicest thing he’d said in a while. “I’m glad I have you, too.”

“Good,” he said, starting up the car as Haven put on her seatbelt. “And I’m sorry about the Nike’s.”

“What about them?”

“Tess yelled at me for wearing them, said it gave the impression I didn’t care, but I do. I just really like my Nike’s.”

“I like them, too.”

He started driving and looked at her with the first genuine smile she’d seen grace his lips all evening.



The school gymnasium was decorated in white and gold, sparkling lights strung up all over the ceiling. A balloon archway greeted them inside, streamers and glitter covering everything in sight. Carmine grimaced at the cheap decorations, while Haven was completely mesmerized. “It’s so pretty,” she said, her words barely audible above the thumping bass of the song the DJ played.

He chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Do you wanna dance?”

“I, uh…” She glanced around at the crowd on the dance floor, having no idea what she was supposed to do. “I’ve never danced.”

“Not true,” he said, pulling her in front of him with his hands on her hips. “You danced with me on Halloween.”

“That’s different,” she said. “You kind of just swung me in circles then, and nobody was watching.”

“No one’s watching now.” He was lying, and she knew it. Eyes were focused on them from all over the gym. “Besides, the only way to learn how to dance is by dancing, and I think I’m getting better at this teaching gig.”

They stopped along the edge of the crowd, and he pulled her back against him tightly, swaying them to the music. He leaned down with his lips beside her ear and softly sang along to the song, the sound of his voice relaxing her.

Carmine moved her hips to the beat for a while, and she was able to keep rhythm on her own eventually. Curious onlookers continued watching, but Carmine’s warmth made her feel safe. They danced for a few songs before he led her over toward a table, grabbing two little plastic cups and pouring punch in them.

They mingled with his classmates for a bit. Haven caught sight of Nicholas after a while with Lisa clinging to his arm. She avoided eye contact with him, focusing her attention on Carmine, but she could feel his gaze from across the room.

The punch eventually caught up to her, and she excused herself to use the restroom. She was washing her hands when the door opened behind her, female voices carrying her way. She felt the tension immediately, recognizing Lisa with the girl named Kayla.

There was no way to get out without walking past them, so she shut off the water and took a deep breath. After drying her hands, she took a few steps in their direction. “Excuse me,” she said, hoping they’d let her go without trouble, but neither of them moved an inch. “I’d just like to leave.”

Lisa laughed. “We’d like you to leave too.”

“Yeah, as in leave town,” Kayla said. “And leave Carmine alone.”

Each had a smile on their lips. At that moment something clicked with Haven. The way they seemed to get pleasure from her pain reminded her of Katrina and all those times she’d kicked her when she was down. There hadn’t been anything she could do about it then, but she didn’t have to take it anymore. She wasn’t going to hand over control to people who wanted nothing more than for her to hurt.

“I said excuse me,” Haven said, taking another step forward. Lisa didn’t move, so Haven bumped into her and grabbed the door. Swinging it open, she stepped out when Lisa grabbed her shoulder. Haven turned around in enough time to see Lisa make a fist. She braced herself for the impact.

Before she struck her, arms yanked Haven away, and Nicholas absorbed the force of Lisa’s punch in his chest. “Whoa, Laila Ali, watch where you’re swinging!”

Lisa sneered at him. “What did you call me?”

“Laila Ali,” he repeated.

“Who the hell is that?”

“She’s a boxer,” Haven said. “Muhammad Ali’s daughter.”

“Why are you talking?” Lisa took a step toward her. “Nobody asked you anything.”

“Hey now,” Nicholas said, trying to step between them, but he wasn’t quick enough. Lisa grabbed Haven’s arm, ripping her corsage off and throwing it on the floor. Nicholas intervened again, and Lisa stomped away as he picked up Haven’s corsage. “Here.”

She took it carefully. ”Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” he said, smiling, but there was something off about it. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, thank you.”

He didn’t look convinced. “ I’ve known the DeMarco’s for a long time. We used to be pretty close, and sometimes when you spend a lot of time with people, you learn things about them. Like… some of the stuff their family does.”

Her brow furrowed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I’m not an idiot, Haven,” he said, his voice low. “I have no intention of dying anytime soon, that’s for sure. I know how to keep my mouth shut, but I can’t hold it in anymore. You told me you were from California, when not long ago Carmine said you were from Chicago. And they don’t just invite people to live with them. They don’t let anyone get close unless they can control them some way, and it freaks me out for what that means with you.”

She felt queasy. “What do you mean?”

“I mean you aren’t just some friend of the family like they say you are. You didn’t come here to get away from the city, when you look downright terrified in a small town. I think you had no choice as to whether or not you came here.”

“I had a choice,” she said quietly, remembering Dr. DeMarco’s words that first day. “We always have a choice.”

“Look, it’s not like I can do anything. I’m just a kid, and I don’t know your situation. For all I know, you could’ve been kidnapped and are being held for ransom, or hell, maybe you’re in hiding, like witness protection. I don’t know, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel bad knowing you might be trapped.”

She glanced around, nervous they were talking about this in public. “They’re nice to me.”

“I’m sure they are, but that doesn’t make it right,” he said. “And it makes me sick that Carmine’s taking advantage of you.”

Her fingernails dug into her palms as she tried to keep herself from reacting to his words. “Carmine loves me.”

“I have a hard time believing he loves anyone. He’s selfish.”

“I love him.”

“Let me guess, he’s the first person to treat you that way? He smiles at you and whispers sweet nothings in your ear? He speaks Italian and makes you swoon? Yeah, he did that to nearly every girl in this building at some point. That’s who he is.”

“Nothing is going to change my mind.”

“Fine, but like I said, that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. If you ever need to talk, I’m around.”

“Why do you care so much?”

“Because somebody should.”

She opened her mouth to tell him Carmine cared, but before she could, his seething voice rang out behind them. “Leave her alone.”

“He was helping me,” Haven said right away, not wanting Carmine to get the wrong idea.

He wrapped his arm around her waist as he glared at Nicholas. “Helping you with what?”

“Your groupies cornered her, so I did what any man would do,” Nicholas said. “Actually, never mind—most would’ve stood back and watched two hot chicks going at it. But I didn’t want Lisa to get her ass whipped at prom. I’m hoping for a little action tonight.”

Carmine looked at her. “Lisa tried to fight with you? Again?”

“So I see it’s not a one-time occurrence,” Nicholas said.

Haven held up her corsage. “She broke my flowers.”

He took it from her and cursed under his breath as the music stopped and a person came over the loudspeaker. Carmine glanced behind him before tugging on her. “Come on, Haven.”

Carmine started to pull her away when Nicholas’s voice called out. “Knock, knock.”

Feeling guilty, she looked at him once more. “Who’s there?”

Carmine stopped moving, not amused.

“Tank,” Nicholas said.

“Tank who?” She got it the moment the words rolled from her lips. Tank Who; Thank You.

Nicholas smiled. “You’re welcome, Haven.”

“Always so immature,” Carmine said, tugging her hand again.

“Pot meet Kettle, Carmine.”

Carmine grumbled as they walked through the crowd, where a lady stood on a platform with a microphone. Haven sighed, snuggling into his chest as they stopped near the stage. Tess and Dominic’s names were announced then, and the crowd cheered. Haven watched as they stepped up on the stage, Dominic grinning widely while Tess stood there with her usual scowl.

“Did they win something?” she asked as the lady placed crowns on both of their heads.

“King and Queen,” he said. “It’s a popularity contest.”

“And you didn’t win?”

“You have to be a senior to win.”

Dominic grabbed the microphone and took a step forward. “You like me, you really like me!” he said in a mock high-pitched voice, channeling his inner Sally Fields. “First of all, I have to thank my first grade teacher, what was her name? Mrs. Johnson? Nichols? Jameson? Prescott? Yeah, that was it. Man, I had such a crush on her. Even at five, I had awesome taste in women—just look at Tess. Isn’t she banging? Anyway, I need to thank Mrs. Pentecostal, because she told me I’d never win anything, and that hurt, man. But I guess I showed her. So take that, Mrs. Presley!”

A loud squeal rang out as Tess snatched the microphone. Haven cringed at the noise while everyone laughed. “Hey I wasn’t done!” Dominic said. Tess glared at him, and his grin grew as he grabbed the microphone back. ”Thank you, everyone, and screw you, Mrs. Parker!”

Haven smiled. Leave it to Dominic to lighten the mood. “What was his teacher’s name?”

“Mr. Campbell,” Carmine said. “He was an old bald guy.”


*  *  *  *


Soft music played, and the crowd parted for Tess and Dominic to take a spot in the middle. People started pairing up and Carmine put his hands on Haven’s hips, drawing her closer.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she gazed at him. Carmine licked his lips and leaned down, kissing her softly as they swayed to the music. She smiled, love swelling inside of her. This was her Carmine, the one who wasn’t afraid to let his guard down and let her inside. In the middle of a crowded room, there was no one there but them. He was all she saw, all she was aware of. His face, his smell, his warmth, his love—it was all that mattered.

The emotion took control of her as tear threatened to spill over. The song wound down, and the two of them stood in the center of the dance floor, staring at each other. “Can we…?”

She didn’t have to complete her thought. “Yeah, let's go home.”


*  *  *  *


Later that night, Carmine lay with his head on Haven’s stomach as she ran her fingers through his sweaty hair. He caressed her side and thigh, drawing patterns on her skin with his fingertips. She wondered what he was thinking, what he was drawing, but part of her was afraid to ask.

“I’m sorry,” he said eventually. “I’ve been holding back, and I know that’s not fair to you. I just… I love you. I know I’m a pain in the ass, but you’re the only good thing I have.”

“You shouldn’t apologize,” she said. He was asking her to forgive him for something she’d been doing. He was giving her everything, trusting her and risking his safety to help her. He’d taken her to his dance, and she got to wear a pretty dress with a devastatingly handsome boy who loved her. It was her dream, the dream just months ago she’d never thought possible.

She felt so inadequate sometimes, like she didn’t deserve him, and she knew it was her insecurities eating away at her. But now… now she truly felt she didn’t. “Carmine. I have to tell you something.”

His fingertips stilled mid-pattern on her stomach. “Huh?”

“I think Nicholas might know.”

“What do you mean?”

“He might know about me.”

Carmine sat up quickly. “What are you talking about? What does Nicholas know?”

“He knows I’m a, you know… slave.”

His eyes darkened. “Did he fucking call you that?”

She shook her head. “No way! He knows—or he suspects—I’m not here willingly.”

“How would he suspect that? It’s impossible.”

“I don’t know. I thought earlier he might know, and then tonight he said so.”

“What do you mean you thought earlier?”

“I, uh… I ran into him, that’s all.”


“At the grocery store.”

“And he said something then, too? What did he say?”

“He just said he was surprised I was out on my own,” she said quietly. “He said he wanted to be friends, because he thought I could use one.”

“He wants to be friends? Yeah, right. That motherfucker just wants what I have. He wants to take everything from me! Don’t you see that?”

She shrugged hesitantly. Honestly, she wasn’t sure anymore.


*  *  *  *


The air in the room was thick, the smell of sex and strawberries strong enough to distract Carmine for a while.

The past month had been one of the most complicated of his life. His emotions were out of control, the love and anger he felt at odds with each other. It was an epic battle brewing inside of him, different sides fighting for control of his heart and mind. Everything drove him over the edge, and what Haven had told him wasn’t helping him remain calm.

After she was asleep, he stood up and threw on some clothes. Walking out of the room, he shut the door quietly behind him before heading down the stairs. The light was on in his father’s office so he tentatively knocked on the door, waiting a moment before opening it. Vincent looked at him from behind his desk, his brow furrowed. “You’re the last person I expected to see.”

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