Sensual Magic (11 page)

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Authors: Lauren Dane

BOOK: Sensual Magic
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“I can't believe you didn't even tell me. What kind of friend knows Jace runs shirtless past a body's kitchen window every single day and never bothers to say? It's like I don't even know you.” Katie Faith shook her head.

“You're right. I sincerely apologize for my oversight. So.” Aimee looked her up and down. “Is this a thing then? I just need to know how to be supportive. Like should I be cheerleading you taking up jogging so you can get yourself and your jiggly boobs in his path? Or is this just an idle trip down memory lane when you had the hot and tinglies for him?”

She thought about it for a while. “I don't know if it's a thing yet. It could be a thing. If he's single and I still like him. I've changed since then. I imagine he has too. But it's not something I came back to town to do. In the meantime, I'll be sure to set my alarm tomorrow so I won't miss out. Just because I don't have time to do anything doesn't mean I can't look.”

Aimee said, “It would be a crime against nature not to look at him.”

“Thanks for enabling me. I love you.” Katie Faith gave her a hug.

“Love you too. Now let's get out the door and kick today's butt.”

Don't miss
by Lauren Dane,

Available wherever Carina Press ebooks are sold.

Copyright ©2016 by Lauren Dane

ISBN 978-1-460-39983-5

SENSUAL MAGIC © Lauren Dane 2009

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