Sensual Magic (3 page)

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Authors: Lauren Dane

BOOK: Sensual Magic
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fter a rather illuminating few hours at the nightclub Alex had sent them to, they'd headed straight to the Liege. They needed to stop by the Dollhouse to see if Emery was there.

“You know, I didn't say much about it back in the room, but from what you said, this Emery guy is totally wrong for you. Which means you can't get enough, I'm sure. Just watch yourself.” Galen said it without judgment, but it rankled that he was right anyway.

“I'm a big girl, thank you very much.” She paused and turned toward him. “This is just business. I need to follow up with Emery with what we learned at Club Indigo.”

They'd heard a few things from some of the staff at the nightclub and Nell thought it would be wise to see if William could add anything. It wasn't that she wanted to see him or anything. Not like she'd been thinking of him pretty much nonstop in the two days since she'd seen him last. Not at all.

Light strobed from the entrance. There was a line of people, but Galen just rolled his eyes and she straightened her spine and thrust out her boobs. Together with a subtle persuasion spell and her cleavage, the doorman seemed to find a way to fit two more people inside and let them pass.

“You stay here. I'm going to talk to him alone.” The woman checking coats and bags informed her William was either in his office or at the VIP table.

Galen shrugged. “I've got your back. Be careful, Nell. Not just about this guy, but these mages are too serious to ignore.”

* * *

William looked around the lounge area. The dancers were between sets so the lights were up a bit and slow, throbbing electronica filled the air.

He missed a woman he'd met two days before and had been with for a grand total of perhaps half an hour.

His vision snagged on a pair of long-as-sin legs and his gaze traveled up lean thighs to the hem of a very short black dress. He took his time when he arrived at some stellar breasts, up the long line of exposed neck to a lovely face punctuated by glossy lips and big eyes. Looking right back at him.

One of her brows rose and he realized it was
“Excuse me, everyone. I've got some business to attend to.” He stood and made his way toward Nell with every intention of killing anyone who got in his way.

Taking advantage of the noise, he leaned in close, placing his arm around her waist. “To what do I owe the honor of this visit?”

“I'm sorry to bother you at work, but I found out some things about Leah and I needed to see if you could help.”

Even though she was speaking about Leah, William's body, his brain all thrilled to see Nell, hear her velvet voice.

“Come on back.” He kept a hand at her back to guide her through the crowd and down the back hall where his office was located.

Once he'd closed the door after them, his hearing took a
moment to adjust. He motioned her to the chairs bracketing a small table in the corner.

“Would you like a drink?” He sure needed one. Seeing her dressed up this way discomfited him. She was beautiful sitting there, poised but humming with energy. Still, oddly enough, while he couldn't object to the amount of bare skin she showed, he apparently preferred her the way she'd been in his office before. Go figure.

“I've already had a few, but thanks. I'm not good with a lot of alcohol in me.”

He looked at her as he sat, sipping his Scotch and taking her measure. Bright green eyes met his, shooting right through him.

“Really now? Good for whom? Do you get wild and dance topless?” William really had no idea why he teased her—she was off his to-do list and everything.

She blushed, which, God help him, just made it worse. He hadn't been around women who genuinely blushed in a long time. Unless you counted his sister-in-law who was one tough woman, despite those blushes she occasionally gave when Nash said something particularly racy.

“Stop that,” she said without any real heat. “You said before you didn't know of any family Leah might have in the area. But how about friends named Jonah Cutler or Randy Bane?”

Right to the point. He sighed and thought. “I really don't think so. Randy sounds sort of familiar, but not the last name. We've got a distributor here named Randy Johaness so I may be thinking about him. Why are you all dressed up?”

Her eyes widened a moment. “Is that your totally random question for the day or does it have a purpose?”

“I'm not trying to start a fight.” Although if she was mad she wouldn't be so appealing maybe. Or at least she probably wouldn't want to get naked with him. Which was a good thing. Absolutely. “It's just you look so different tonight than you did the other day when you were here. Just curious. You look lovely.”

“So is patronizing your fallback personality? Can't a woman dress up? The other day I was in the field, it would have been silly to wear something like this. But tonight I went out. It's Las Vegas. I see women out there, including the one who was practically kissing your zipper, dressed in far less.”

“Patronizing? Because I complimented you? Is bitchy
fallback personality? And she wasn't kissing my zipper.”

“Sure she wasn't. I'm sure she was looking for her encyclopedia in your pants. Your cock must be taking a class or something. Oh! I know, she's the cock whisperer, right?”

* * *

Nell knew she'd gone too far when she saw the light in his eyes. He was
their little interplay as much as she was.

He stood and she did, as well, not knowing what he was up to. In quick work, he'd moved very close. She took a step back and then another and one more until her back was against the wall and he bracketed the front of her.

Her heart thundered as he moved so near she caught the flecks of gold in his eyes. His scent wrapped around her. She wasn't afraid of him physically, but a jolt of awareness shot through her. He was meant to be someone important to her. She simply knew it as much as she knew her PIN number or that it was warm or cold or whatever when she went outside.

Everything stilled for a moment. Fate. Not like she could tell him that without him flipping out or thinking she was nuts.

“Damn, but you lure me,” he murmured softly before his lips touched hers.

Leaning his weight against her body, he held her in place with his body while he coaxed. Seduced. Tantalized with his mouth on hers and she opened to him. Her hands, which she'd had fisted in his lapels, slid up and around his neck. Nell wanted him so badly she had to lock her knees to keep them from trembling. How had it come to this so fast?

She'd expected him to be a different kind of kisser. She knew he'd had those lips on a variety of other women, but he didn't rush. He pulled her in slowly so that when he finally drew his tongue over her bottom lip all she could do was groan and let him in.

Not that she regretted the choice. His tongue skillfully roamed into her mouth and darted out. He nipped her bottom lip once and then again.

With her heels, they stood nose to nose so he fit her perfectly—hard to soft. He rocked his hips, dragging the length of his cock over her pussy and she gasped when the head of him brushed against her clit.

She sucked his tongue, reveling in his taste. He wanted her so much she caught the flavor of his desire and it stoked hers.

His hands, which had been on either side of her waist on the wall, slid against her at last and she writhed at the energy of his touch.

He broke the kiss, breathing hard. She stared at him and licked her lips, wanting more. She caught the intake of his breath at the sight.

“Look, this can't be…I'm not looking for anything permanent
here.” His hands still roamed her waist and up and down the small of her back. “We should stop.”

Nell laughed. There was nothing else she could do with his cock pinning her to the wall like a butterfly in a case. Of course he wasn't looking, but they'd found each other nonetheless.

She slid her hand down into his pants and grabbed his cock, squeezing just so. “Yeah? So stop.” Letting go of him, she shoved him back and stayed leaning against the wall. If he thought he could walk away when Fate had other plans, he was wrong.

Still, a little incentive never hurt and she needed to come. Slowly, she inched the hem of her dress upward. He stood frozen, gaze rooted to her movements.

“What do you think you're doing?” He sounded rusty, dazed even.

“Just go about your business. I'll…mmmmm…close the door when I leave.” Widening her stance she petted over the front panel of her sheer panties and unsurprisingly, wetness greeted her.

* * *

William leaned against the edge of his desk, stunned by Nell's behavior. Her long legs spread, dress around her waist, all he could see was her. Her creamy, pale skin. The contrast with the sheer black panties made him even harder.

And he was hard enough as it was while he watched her pull the panties down, leaving them around one ankle. Her cunt was bare and smooth so he could see the glisten of her honey on her labia.

What the hell was she up to? Need hobbled him. More than mere lust, something akin to craving coursed through
him. He'd wanted women before, but he'd never felt as if he couldn't draw a breath if he didn't touch her.

“Show me, Nell. Spread your cunt and show me your clit.”

“I thought you wanted to stop.” Her bottom lip caught between her teeth a moment as her middle finger disappeared between the lips of her pussy. The scent of her arousal reached him like a punch.

“Are you teasing me?”

“No, I'm fingering my cunt so I can come. You made me this way so I have to finish. Mmmm.” She arched her back and added another finger, apparently not caring he'd nearly swallowed his tongue. Her hips slowly rolled forward and then back again and her eyes slid partway closed.

Did she think she would come and walk away? And wasn't that what he should want? What he didn't want was for her to come by her own hands. He wanted her orgasm, damn it.

Turning, he leaned and swept everything from the surface of his desk and when he faced her again, she'd pulled her fingers from her pussy and began to raise them to her mouth.

* * *

Nell knew she was playing with fire and she loved it. Loved the way his eyes had widened and then narrowed as she'd fingered herself. Loved the way he'd absently stroked over his cock through his pants as he'd watched her. And then that bit of violence as he'd cleared off the desk she hoped like hell he planned to fuck her on. Delicious.

Before she could tease him by licking her fingers, his hand wrapped around her wrist. “No,” he rasped out. “That's mine. For now, it's mine and I'll take it.”

Her entire body stretched taut as he drew her fingers into his mouth and sucked, slow but hard. His gaze remained
locked with hers as he did it, as she felt the tug in her cunt. His tongue was warm and wet as he licked between her fingers. All she could do was imagine him buried between her thighs, licking and sucking on her pussy and she couldn't stop the groan from escaping her lips.

“You taste better than I imagined.”

“Oh.” Articulate, she knew. But how to respond to something like that?

He laughed as he reached out and grabbed her waist, spinning her and taking a few steps until he deposited her on the desk. Bare-assed.

“Shy now? Too late, I mean to have you.”

He dropped to his knees and pushed her thighs wide and without any preamble, shoved his face into her cunt and began to lick.

The breath whooshed from her lungs as he took a long lick from her gate to her clit.

She leaned back on her elbows, arching her spine, too turned on to be embarrassed about how she pressed her pussy into his face. He felt so good, his slight beard shadow rasped against the bare skin of her inner thighs, contrasting with the smoothness of his tongue.

Skillfully, he knew just how to drive her up and keep her there for a while, just hovering inches away from coming. But he didn't tease, it was a seduction with his mouth and she gave over to it.

“More,” she whispered. A deep moan broke from her lips when he slid two fingers into her gate and pressed in and out. He focused his attention on her clit, steady with just the right amount of pressure.

Before long, she shuddered and stuttered a breath as climax
sucked her in, pulled her into a maelstrom of emotions, and all she had to save her was him. His presence there, a hand on one thigh, his mouth on her pussy.

It meant so much she had to close her eyes and will herself back under control. He wouldn't understand it and she wasn't in a position to explain. For the time being it'd have to be a quick fuck for her, too. Even if inside she was ready to explode.

Nell opened her eyes as he leaned against her body, reaching out to rifle through a drawer behind her head. He cursed a few times until he straightened with a triumphant cry. “Gotcha!”

He held a condom in his hand and she just barely held back a frown. Why did the man have condoms in his desk drawer? Did he fuck women on his desk just like this all the time? Was she so totally meaningless to him?

“During the Mardi Gras celebrations here at the Liege, the management sent out these huge baskets of swag. I just tossed a lot of the smaller stuff into a drawer and gave the good stuff to the girls. Glad I kept the condom.”

Oh. Well, then.

She levered up and had his pants unzipped and his cock out in a flash. She tried to move to take him into her mouth, but he held her in place with his body. “No. I need to fuck you. Now.”

Nell didn't fail to see the way his hand shook a little as he rolled the condom on and hoped it meant he felt it, too. Whatever connection they had, whoever they were meant to be to one another.

William looked down, entranced by the way his cock disappeared into her cunt, by the way her body opened to admit him.

Christ, she was hot. Hot and beautiful and alluring. Addictive even. Her taste lived in him now, like it was meant to be there, and he knew he should be disconcerted by it, but he couldn't find the place to feel it.

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