Sensual Magic (6 page)

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Authors: Lauren Dane

BOOK: Sensual Magic
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ell spoke quietly with her contact, getting the information on where Leah and the mages were holed up. She passed him some money and walked back over to the table where William sat quietly, pretending not to be fascinated by the place.

“Come on upstairs with me. It's quieter and you can look at the place from a better vantage point.”

She led him to one of the balconies that framed the second story of Darkness. Up there it was lush. The ultramodern chrome of the downstairs area was still there, but plush, thick banquette seating lined the walls and the railing was built in such a way that one could sit, drink and still see much of the action below.

“So? What do you think?” she asked after they'd sunk into the cushions.

“I just had no idea. This whole universe exists and I didn't know about it. I'm fascinated and repulsed all at once.”

She nodded. “It's always here, just beneath the surface. Most of the time people see it and because it's so strange their brains just reject it. I suppose that's what keeps us safe. Those wards aren't to harm your kind, they're to protect us.”

“From what? You're the ones with superpowers. I mean, if anything, we're the ones who need protecting.”

“From that very attitude. There are billions of humans on the earth. There are millions of us. Not hundreds of millions, either. We keep to ourselves and hide our abilities because there are those who'd hang us, put us in camps, round us up and use us if our existence was well-known. We're wary for a reason.” She shrugged. “We have rules. We don't harm you all unless it's in self-defense. Some of us need more policing than others, like vampires who can pass on their state via fluid transmission.”

“There are, like, what? Cops for you guys then? More than what you do?”

“I'm a cop of sorts for my Clan. For witches. I don't go out and hunt werewolves or vampires who go rogue. There are those who do that though, yes.”

“Tell me about it.”

She laughed. “I really can't. In the first place I don't know that much and in the second place, it's not my story to tell.” She shifted, putting her beer down on the low table, feeling the pulse of the music low and deep, in the same place where her need for him resided. Her skirt rode up to just below the fold of her lap and she let it.

“Why are you here with me now, William?”

He put his drink down, sliding his palm up her thigh. “I don't know. I can't not be. I want to touch you so bad. What is it about you that draws me this way?”

She widened her thighs in invitation, and in the low light she noted his pupils swallowing nearly all the color in his eyes.

“If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. So just touch me and let yourself want. Give it free rein. You've got nothing
to lose.” Her voice was a whisper, but she knew he heard her, even above the music.

He closed his eyes a moment, the war within himself clear on his face. But when he looked at her again, it was clear which side had won.

“Open all the way.” His normally smooth voice had gone rough, sending a thrill through her.

His fingers glided up the supersensitive skin of her inner thigh, his eyes still locked on hers.

“Are you wet?”

“Touch my pussy and see for yourself.”


“Why not? We're alone up here. For now. It is Las Vegas, after all.” That, and if he didn't touch her she thought she might die.

He got to his knees, pushing hers wide until her skirt hiked up, exposing her panties. “I find myself needing to own you, Nell. It's…unusual for me. I don't need to possess the women I'm with. But

The tips of his fingers brushed against the slit of her pussy, sliding gently back and forth. Even through the material of the panties she knew he felt how wet she was. For him.

“Well, cat got your tongue then, witch?” A smile canted his mouth and the suave veneer slid away just a bit, exposing the more carefree man just beneath. Crap, she was in deep with him.

“I could ask if you need help getting those off. But I figure you've got more than enough practice in the removal of panties department.”

“You're quick with the comments there for a woman whose pussy is wet and ready.” He raised a brow at her.

Reaching down, she made quick work of removing her panties before taking his hand and putting it back over her cunt. “Whatever it takes to get you working.”

Spreading her pussy wide open, he leaned his head down and took a taste, just the barest whisper of a tongue flick against her clit. It sent her up an inch with a gasp.

William heard nothing more than her breathing, felt nothing more than her flesh against his hands and mouth. Her taste filled his senses, her scent drowned him. She was everything as he knelt there and worshiped her. Her body was magic, wending her taste through him, addicting, sharp and ultimately her. So unique he knew he'd miss her every time he took a breath for the rest of his days.

The idea of her walking away gripped him, scared him, made him want to ask her to stay so they could explore what they might make together as a couple.

As if she felt his panic, she reached down and sifted gentle fingers through his hair, soothing even as they inflamed his need for more.

Nell felt the cool air against the flesh of her slick pussy as he ran his thumbs through her, bringing her honey up and over her clit. William didn't just touch her, he consumed and she didn't know what do to with it all.

A groan from deep inside pushed through her lips as he began to lap at her. Slowly, gently, but voraciously.

There weren't any words, but they didn't need them. He told her how he felt with his mouth against her as surely as she did by offering herself to him so openly. Whether or not the other fully accepted that, she didn't want to face just then.

William told her so much in his touch. With the slight rasp of the shadow of his beard as he ran his chin against the
sensitive skin where thighs met body. Delight trilled through her when he began to flick the underside of her swollen clit quick and hard with the tip of his tongue like some secret language.

She'd ceased to notice they were in public, ceased worrying about whether anyone would come up the nearby stairs. All that mattered was his mouth, his hands, their union of the physical and emotional.

Nell knew she was sliding quickly toward an orgasm—not just any orgasm, but a big one. It built in her toes, slid down from her scalp. Her thighs trembled against his palms as he held her open.

His top teeth abraded, ever so lightly, over the hood of her clit, against the bare, sensitized clit itself as he stroked his tongue against the underside at the same time. She'd never experienced anything like it. Like this man. She didn't know what to do or even what she was feeling.

Nearly frozen, totally overwhelmed by sensation and emotion, noises came unheeded from the back of her throat as she opened her mouth to speak but had no words.

A flash of pleasure so exquisite it was nearly pain sliced through her and suddenly she drowned in her climax. But he didn't stop; his mouth stayed on her, kept moving as his fingers slid into her.

Finally she moved up a bit and kept her hand on his shoulder to hold him off. Her eyes remained closed because she was afraid of what she'd say if she saw him right then.

William sat back for a long moment, wondering what the hell had just happened. It shouldn't be so much, this thing between them. This hunger for her shouldn't be there, not
like a swell that threatened to swallow him whole. This started as joking and now he was under her spell.

He paused. Was he? Had she done something to him? He looked at her and knew that wasn't the case. Her eyes held the same surprise, the same skittishness at the depth of what lay between them that he felt.

Shoving it aside to puzzle over later, he stood. “Stand up. Go to the rail and hold on. How far are you willing to take this, Nell?”

Her eyes opened and met his challenge head-on. She stood, leaving her panties behind. “You're the one hesitating. I'd fuck you down there on a table if you asked. I want you, William. And I don't care who knows it.”

She sauntered past him and went to grip the railing, her ass so very tantalizingly on display. Would she?

A clear vision of spreading her out on the table downstairs, sliding his cock into her cunt in open view of every man in the place, shook him. He'd not considered himself an exhibitionist before, but making such a clear mark of his possession appealed to him. They'd all watch, cocks hard, as he fucked this gorgeous, willful woman. This woman who gave herself to him in full view.


Moving to her, he dug into his wallet and found what he needed. The bass of the pounding house music in the club throbbed neatly with his pulse, driving him on. Strobes backlit her body, the smooth line of her bare ass and legs to the top of her boots. Conversation, music, the scent of cigarettes and alcohol, of sex and sweat burned his senses.

The sound of foil being torn open sliced through her,
bringing a small echoing gasp from her lips. Anticipation coiled low in her belly as she heard him roll the condom on.

A gentle but firm hand arranged her so that she was wide open to him, hips tipped so her ass canted high, thighs spread wide. She loved the way his hands on her felt. Loved that he touched her not with disinterest, but with intent. With possession. That touch from any other man would be infuriating and humiliating, but from him? Pride warmed her that he'd want her so deeply.

She closed her eyes a moment as the broad head of him brushed against the slick, hot gate to her pussy. Opening again as he pushed in slowly, her gaze locked on the people below.

She sucked in her breath sharply as she caught the eye of a man at the bar.
Oh my, what a lovely experience
warred with her fascination at being seen this way. Her grip on the railing tightened at the pleasure of his thickness filling her up, stroking those nerve endings deep inside her.

Wickedly wanton, Nell rolled her hips back and pushed against him to meet his thrusts. The man at the bar had turned fully to stare up at them. She caught the glint, knew he was a Were of some sort and had the vision to see just exactly what was happening.

“Yeah. So tight,” William said softly as he'd worked all the way inside her. He didn't thrust for long moments, instead, running his hands along her back and around to her breasts.

“He's watching us,” she murmured, tipping her chin at the male below at the bar.

William chuckled, leaning around her. “Mmmm. Does that bother you?”

“It should. I don't do this. Fuck in public. But,” she swallowed hard, “it makes me hot.”

He hissed, taking in his breath. “Me, too, beautiful.” He pulled out and pressed all the way in so hard her breasts nearly bounced out of her bodice. “Let's give him something to remember, shall we?”

He filled her in more ways than one, his cock, his body, his presence smoothing over an ache she'd had since their argument in the garage the week before. When she wasn't with him she was empty. It should frighten her, the way he made her feel, like the absence of it would gut her utterly. But it didn't. Nell was
of this. Of him and his place in her life. When this was over, when she'd dealt with the human and the damned mages, she would grab William Emery and not let him go. There'd be work, she knew that, but she knew what they could build would be worth it.

She arched when he reached around and slid a hand into the bodice of her blouse, palming her nipple. Shivers rippled through her, straight to her pussy as he drove into her hard and fast.

“He's still watching,” William said in her ear.

Indeed, the man below still stood watching, having turned to face them. A smile broke over his face and he tipped his glass toward them. Even in the dark she knew she blushed at that, and yet, it still turned her on.

“He can watch all he wants, but he'll never have this. This bounty. You're magic.” He snorted. “I mean it.”

How would he feel a week from now when she wasn't there anymore?

“Finger your clit for me. Let him know you can't get enough

The muscles in her arm corded as she leaned more fully
on it to remove the other to reach to slide her free hand between her thighs.

The tug of her pussy around him and then the brush of her fingers against his cock for a few brief moments let him know she'd obeyed. And then, as she touched herself fully, her inner walls clutched him, squeezing tight.

“Fuck. Fuck! So good. What you do to me, Nell.”

Through her curls, she saw the desire in the eyes of the man below, saw the envy, felt the rush of pride that she was William's.

She cried out softly. Felt her nipple stab into his palm as her cunt slickened, heated, spasmed around his cock until he nearly lost his mind with just how good she felt when she came around him.

She didn't want this moment to end. Wanted him to stay buried in her forever and that's why it
to end. He pushed one last time, hard and deep.

Nell felt the rush of intensity as he came. His emotions spoke loudly through the way he touched her, through the change in his breathing. It didn't take a magical gift to know she touched him. But would it be enough or would he force her to push?

She opened her eyes as he stepped back. The man downstairs forgotten, she smoothed down her skirt and turned, but William had already put distance between them and her heart sank.

“William,” she started, but he held his hand out. She waited while he tossed the condom into a nearby trash can, covering it with napkins before draining his drink.

“I…I have to get back to the club. Let me know what happens with Leah.”

She stood there, livid and hurt as he rushed off, his anguish written on his face.

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