Serving the Soldier - Part 2 (An Alpha Military Romance) (3 page)

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I yanked my gaze away from his obviously interested cock to his face. I shook my head, although I had to wonder if I even believed it myself. “You’re my patient, Jax.”

“So? Who’s going to tell?” He took a step back. “I live fast and hard, Angie,” he said, the deep timber of his voice driving straight to my groin. He turned to walk toward the kitchen doorway and out into the hallway. “I learned a long time ago that life is short. If you want something, you go after it. I’ll be blunt.” He paused and turned back toward me “I won’t try to seduce you. But just so you know, I happen to find you very attractive. I certainly wouldn’t mind getting to know you a little better, and no one has to know. Purely physical. No strings. Nothing wrong with that.”

With that, he left the room. I stared after him, my pussy on fire, the veins in my neck pulsing with desire. He had effectively told me that he would have no problem if we made a connection, but that was just it. Not only that, but he had intimated that if anything was going to happen, I would need to make the first move. He wasn’t going to seduce me. He could allure me, tempt me, and intrigue me, but he wouldn’t make any overt moves to seduce me.

In essence, what he was telling me was that the ball was in my court. Did I want to play? No doubt about it. Was it professional? Absolutely not. Still, once the thought was in my head, it was just about impossible to drive it out.

I was burning with desire for him, and wondered if I just got it out of my system whether we could settle into a relatively calm working environment. Forbidden sex with a patient. Basically, that’s what it was. Was it that very aspect of it that tempted me so? Was it the very allure of having sex with Jax the reason for such intense desire? Of breaking the rules for the first time in my life?

I’d been around naked men before, no doubt about that. Had I ever had a patient as young and well-formed as Jax? No. What did that say about me? That I was so superficial that a guy’s looks would tempt me to pretty much forget about my rules, let alone the rules of the agency I worked for?

Then again,
I had sex with Jax, it wasn’t as if the situation could be construed as sexual abuse against my client. He had just as much said that he was open to it. I wasn’t exactly the victim of sexual misconduct on his part either, so I figured that neither one of us would be breaking any rules. That it was frowned upon was beside the point.

The more I sat at the kitchen table and considered, the hotter I got. The thought of Jax touching me, kissing me, exploring every aspect of my body with his tongue made me wet. My pussy started throbbing with desire and he wasn’t even in the room! Oh, to hell with it. Maybe I just needed to get him out of my system. Maybe once my curiosity was assuaged, I could focus on my job and his rehab, and not on his body, every ripple of his muscles, the sexual charisma that seem to ooze out of every pore. The fact that he ran around naked certainly wasn’t helping, and I still couldn’t determine whether he was just testing me or not.

I forgot my menu, shoved the papers away, and stood. My heart was pounding. Was I making a mistake? Most certainly. Did I care? At the moment, no. The repercussions? I had no idea, but the truth of the matter was, I wanted Jax. I had known him for a day and had never felt such a sexual desire or attraction for any man in my life. I didn’t know if it was because of his bad boy persona, his Delta Force background, or just the fact that he was so damn good looking. The plain and simple truth was that I wanted to jump his bones and feel him inside me more than I had ever desired any man.

I made my decision. I would deal with the fallout later. Well, whatever. I was on birth control pills, but before things got too far I wanted to see if he mentioned condoms. Right now, every cell in my body was strumming with anticipation and desire. I made my way slowly to his office, then stood just in front of his open door, knowing that I could change my mind. He couldn’t see me yet.

Right this minute, I hadn’t overstepped the boundaries. Right this second, I could turn around and go back to the kitchen and plan my menu like I was supposed to do. Then, taking a deep breath, I stepped into the doorway.

Jax sat, still naked, behind his desk, working on paperwork. He glanced up, put the pen down and stared at me. His eyes tore right through me; made me feel things that I had never felt before. I wanted to jump into his arms and run away at the same time. I didn’t say a word, but just stared at him with wide eyes, praying that I wasn’t about to make the biggest mistake of my life.

After several seconds of silence, he slowly stood. I wasn’t terribly surprised to find that his cock already stood at attention, as if reaching out toward me.

“Come here,” he said softly.

I did.

In a matter of steps, I stood in front of him. Of its own accord, my hand reached out and grasped his cock. Warm. Solid. The veins running through it were engorged. I felt the thickness of them in my palm.

I rubbed my thumb over the tip of his head. It oozed liquid. He continued to stare down at me, then he lowered his head and kissed me. My hand left his cock and wrapped around his naked shoulders as his warm tongue stroked my lips and then delved between them, encouraging me to open my mouth. I did. His tongue darted inside, making slow, swirling circles around my own. As our tongues played tag, his hands were busy.

My blood surged and pounded through my veins. My ears rang from the sensual kiss, but then he suddenly broke off contact, reached for the bottom of my scrub top and pulled it gently over my head. Then, with deft fingers, he unfastened my bra and pulled the straps off my arms.

I didn’t feel self-conscious. My nipples were already hard, aching for his touch. The anticipation was torture. He stared down at my breasts, then up to my face, gently leaning forward to kiss me again. His lips were warm and soft, firm, and demanding, but not as if he were in any hurry. No, he seemed to be taking his own sweet time. My chest rose and fell with my excitement. Seconds later, I felt one of his huge hands cup my breast and lift it slightly, as if testing its weight.

My breast filled his palm, and then he tested the other one with his other hand. All the while his lips maintained contact with mine. Then he lowered his head and swept his tongue across the tip of my left nipple. He blew gently on it and electricity surged through me. Then his tongue traced the outside edges of my areola. I hissed, my sharp intake of breath causing him to chuckle, the sound burgeoning from deep in his chest. He repeated the process with the other nipple. I wanted to scream with passion, but clamped my lips shut, reveling in the feelings that raced through me.

My pussy throbbed with longing. He lifted his head and kissed me again, quickly, hard, filled with need. When his lips left mine, I almost protested, but while his fingers continue to tweak my nipples, his tongue traced a slow, sensual trail along my jawline and down my neck. Then, sitting on the edge of his desk, he pulled me closer.

I now stood cradled between his legs, his cock pressed against my lower abdomen. He took one of my nipples in his mouth and I moaned and arched my back, offering my breasts to him as a feast. My head tilted back as I relished the sensations that his very gifted tongue evoked inside me.

The buzzing in my ears grew louder. My hands stroked his short-cropped hair, pressing his head more closely into my breast. They began their own explorations; tracing along his muscled neck, down along his shoulders, caressing and relishing the musculature of his shoulders and biceps. One of his hands left my breast and I almost protested until I felt it slowly make its way toward my scrubs. He untied the shoe lace style string to loosen the waistline and then slid his hand underneath the waistband of my scrubs.

Oh my God, I could hardly stand it. The palm of his hand caressed my pubis and nestled in my curls. When his finger caressed my clit, I became unraveled. I was already wet, but the sensation of his finger caressing my lips down there caused more liquid to flow over them. One of his fingers slid deep inside me.

I gasped and automatically reached my hand down for his throbbing cock. While I gently stroked his thick shaft, my thumb occasionally brushing over the tip in its own wetness, his hand kept busy. His fingers stroked slowly in and out and then his thumb found my clitoris, rubbing it in slow, gentle circles. My hand tightened on his cock and I began to stroke harder.

For several moments, all I heard was the pounding of my own pulse in my ears, and then a moan. Surprised, I realized that the sound came from me. My hips began to rock against his palm of their own volition. I couldn’t stop it any more than I could stop a boulder from rolling downhill.

I maneuvered my left hand in between our bodies and cupped his balls. I squeezed gently, rolling them in my hand. They were heavy, full and taut. His lips returned to my nipples, caressing first one and then the other.

I was swept along on waves of pleasure such as I had never experienced before. His finger moved faster, and I felt my muscles clench around it. His thumb worked magic on my clitoris while his tongue did the same on my nipples. My grip on his cock tightened until I was afraid that I would hurt him, but his answering moan encouraged me. Faster.

Suddenly, I felt it building and another moan escaped my throat. I spread my legs a little wider, pressed my breast closer, harder, deeper into his mouth. The waves continued to build to a crescendo. My hips rocked, his finger dipped in and out, my pussy wet and hot and throbbing. Then I came. I threw my head back, growling low in my throat as I reached orgasm. His finger thrust deeper while I continued to stroke his cock, and seconds later, I felt hot liquid surge through my fingers as he too reached climax.

I stood frozen, stunned by the powerful orgasm I had experienced, and one evoked only with his fingers. I could only imagine how glorious it would be to experience the feeling of his huge cock deep inside me. I pushed the thought from my mind. My body felt weak, my knees wobbly.

He stood, grasped my shoulders, and sat me down in the chair. He quickly left the room but returned moments later with a wet washcloth. Without a word, he knelt beside the chair and washed off my hand, then swiped it over his dick. Then, he tossed the washcloth in the trash can beside the desk and smiled.

“Well, I must admit that was a bit of a surprise,” he said.

I could only stare dumbly up at him. A surprise? That was the understatement of the year. I had never felt a climax like that before. I gazed at him, at the earnest, serious expression on his face.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded, and then suddenly remembered that I was topless. His gaze passed over my breasts again and my nipples immediately snapped to attention. Crap. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, I crossed my hands over my breasts.

“Kind of late for that, isn’t it?” he grinned.

Nevertheless, he slowly reached down to the floor for my bra and handed it to me, and then repeated the process with my scrub top. I clutched both to my chest, as if they could form a barrier, and a flimsy one at that.

“I… I don’t know what to say,” I stammered. “I’m sorry—”

“I’m not,” he said.

“Be that as it may, it won’t happen again,” I said, trying to stand. He took a step back, his eyes never leaving mine.

“I certainly hope not,” he said, the grin broadening.

I shook my head as I stood, clutching my bra and scrub top to my chest. “That shouldn’t have happened, Jax.” I felt guilty.

“And why not?”

He sat down in the chair I had just vacated. “Because you’re my patient, my client. You’re paying me to do a job. You’re not paying me for sex.”

He shook his head. “No, I’m not. But it is a nice little perk.”

I frowned. Perk for who? Me? Most definitely. Him? It wasn’t as if he was living the life of a monk. He’d just had sex with that beautiful Swede the day before. “Be that as it may, it won’t happen again.” As I turned to leave the room, I heard him mumble.

“I certainly hope not.”

Chapter 3

The next couple of days passed without event. I got the impression that as far as Jax was concerned, the sex between us was no big deal. I, on the other hand, tingled and thrummed every time I got within a couple of feet of him. This absolutely would not do.

His wounds were healing nicely, and he had, so far, obeyed my orders not to go back into the pool, and I changed the bandage over his surgical incision every evening. Still, I felt nervous and stimulated every time he was near. Damn him to smithereens!

Over the next few days, I slowly got into a routine at his house. Most of the time, he shut himself off either in his room or in his office, so it’s not like I was bumping into him every minute. I wondered about the threats made against his squadron, but nothing seemed to be happening. Michael hadn’t come by since that first day I was here, but I could tell that Jax was still on his guard. Every morning, and several times throughout the day, and then again before it grew dark, he paced the perimeter of the house, checking windows and making sure doors were locked.

One evening, passing by his office to get to my bedroom, I noticed him sitting at his desk, staring at his computer screen. I waved hello and he gestured me inside. I wasn’t sure I wanted a repeat performance behind his desk. Nevertheless, for a change, he was fully dressed, so I didn’t think that anything would happen. He looked at me and then pointed to his computer screen.

“Want to see?”

“Do I want to see what?” I asked, stepping closer to his desk and peering toward his monitor. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised to see a surveillance system. His computer screen was now divided into four quadrants, each of which displayed a large portion of his property; the front and the back of the house, the driveway, and the side with the garage. I hadn’t realized he had cameras mounted outside. I had never seen any indication of surveillance equipment.

“Ultra-high-tech,” he commented. “They’re nearly invisible. Clear picture huh?”

I nodded. “You haven’t noticed anybody lurking around have you?” I asked, suddenly worried. Maybe I had been too quick to brush off the warning. I then glanced down at him. “You haven’t heard of any more… accidents or anything happening to other members of your squadron, have you?”

He shook his head. “Doesn’t hurt to be careful though.”

I agreed.

“I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow afternoon. After I’m finished, you want to go down to the beach, hang out for a little while? Get out of here and enjoy some fresh air and feel the wind in your hair?”

I thought about it a moment and then shrugged. Why not? “Sure,” I said. “Sounds fun. Should I pack a picnic basket or something? I can make up some fried chicken and potato salad tomorrow morning before we have to go to your doctor’s appointment.”

He thought about it a moment and then nodded. “Sounds like a plan. Put a bottle of Merlot in the basket too, why don’t you?”

Before I could respond, he gazed back down at the computer screen. It seemed as if I had been effectively dismissed. I turned and left the room, confused. Why the abrupt silence?

I wasn’t sure if I should have accepted an invitation to go down to the beach with him. For sure, I should have dissuaded him from the wine because he was supposed to be on his meds. Then again, an evening away from the house on the beach and enjoying the breeze and the sight of the ocean might be a good idea, give us a chance to get to know each other a little better.


Because Jax wasn’t cleared to drive just yet, I drove him down to his doctor’s appointment in Brighton Beach, across the Harbor River. I waited in the lobby while he went in to see the doctor. He wasn’t in there too long, but when he emerged, he wore a scowl. I didn’t say anything while he stepped up to the receptionist’s desk, handed her a piece of paper, and was told to come back in another week.

It wasn’t until we are out of the building and back in his SUV that I asked. “What did he say?”

Jax said nothing for several moments, but I didn’t press. Obviously, Jax hadn’t agreed the physician’s assessment of his recuperation or rehab. He remained silent, still scowling as I turned back onto State Highway 78, heading back onto Hilton Head Island, trying not to smile as I heard him muttering under his breath.

Instead of turning south toward the Sea Pines Resort and his neighborhood, I headed directly eastward toward the seaward side of the island. The road meandered this way and that and I found I enjoyed the drive. The late afternoon sun cast a gorgeous glow over the golf courses, the tendrils of the Harbor River crisscrossing the area, along with numerous waterways that riddled this portion of the island.

The choices for our location for an early evening picnic were unlimited. I didn’t really pay attention to what road I was on, because no matter which one I took, I knew that sooner or later Jax would point out a good spot on the beach, which I could see from the driver’s side window.

I had driven about a mile when I finally glanced at him in impatience. “Unless you want me to pick a spot, you better choose now.” That seemed to jar him out of his grumpy musings. He glanced out his window, then mine, and then pointed.

“Turn onto Mooring Buoy and then take a left on any of the streets you want. The beaches down there are all perfectly fine.”

I followed his directions and we eventually ended up on Bass Head Beach. We’d just passed the Marriott Resort and Spa and the Omni Oceanfront Resort, along with other gorgeous properties that I could only imagine in my most outrageous dreams.

I parked the SUV in one of the resort hotel parking lots, where it tended to blend in with other guest vehicles. As he slowly climbed down from his side of the large car, I got out and then opened the rear passenger door and reached for my makeshift picnic basket.

No wicker baskets to be found in Jax’s home, which had not surprised me a bit. I had substituted by placing our food into Tupperware containers that I then stacked into plastic grocery bags. I grabbed both the bags, loaded with food, wine, and paper and plastic eating utensils, including two plastic wine glasses. Last, I pulled out an old, rather threadbare blanket that I had found in one of the hall linen closets.

By the time I closed the door, Jax had ventured around to my side and held out a hand.

“Here, let me take those.”

I shook my head. “Didn’t the doctor give you a weight limit?”

He swore. “Do I look like a baby to you?”

I smiled. “Not in the least, Jax, but doctors set weight limits for a reason. Any extra pressure added to your spine might cause injury, or at the very least delay healing.” He frowned. No, that was a downright scowl. I shook my head. “Deal with it, Jax. I’ve got it. Now you do your job and find us a nice spot to have a lovely picnic dinner and enjoy the evening breeze like you promised.”

After muttering under his breath, Jax finally turned, scanned the beach, and then pointed to a spot about fifty yards to the south of the parking lot.

“That looks like a good spot.”

I gestured and he led the way, walking slowly over the mounds and dips of sand. He had picked a spot near some sand dunes. The sea grass growing on top of them and along the sides blew gently in the ocean breeze. The sound of the water rhythmically cascading onto the beach made me smile. It was amazing how close I lived to such beauty and yet I rarely got out to enjoy it. I had always loved going to the beach as a child, but I hadn’t been in years.

Jax took his time navigating the uneven sand, which I was glad to see. I knew that he was still in pain, but what level I didn’t know, and he was too stubborn to comment on it. Maybe later I’d ask, if he was in a better mood.

We found a suitable spot in the shade of one of the sand dunes. I spread the blanket down on the sand and he slowly sat down and then stretched out, leaning carefully back onto his arms, his legs outstretched. He wore cargo shorts, a t-shirt, and slip-on canvas shoes. I wore a pair of loose salmon-color linen pants and a white, sleeveless, button-down linen top.

As we got settled, he stared off at the ocean. It looked to me as if his thoughts were a million miles away. I began to take the Tupperware containers out of the grocery bags, making sure to weigh the empty bags down with the containers so they wouldn’t blow away. In addition to the bottle of wine he had requested, I had also packed a couple of water bottles.

When I turned to glance at him, I was startled to find him watching me. Carefully. “What?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Nothing, just watching.”

I smiled. “You hungry?”


In a matter of moments, we both had a paper plate in front of us, loaded down with fried chicken, potato salad, and some raw mini carrot sticks. I pulled the plastic wine glasses from another bag, filled them half way with the Merlot, and then carefully set the bases into the sand so they wouldn’t spill. I also handed him a bottle of water and kept one for myself. I had no intentions of getting drunk out here on the beach with Jax Andrews.

We ate in silence. I enjoyed the company, the ocean breeze rippling through my hair, the scent of the sea filling my nose. I even enjoyed the occasional bite of sand that the wind kicked up and threw onto my food. After nibbling on a chicken leg and finishing off my potato salad, I stuffed my used plate into one of the plastic bags and turned to him. “This was a really good idea. I’m having fun.” I glanced down at his plate, also empty. He held it loosely in his hand. “Want more?”

“Not food,” he said

Oh boy, there he went again, giving me one of those looks. Dusk was fast settling over the beach, bathing the sand dunes in purplish shadows. “Don’t even think about it,” I said gently.

“Why not?”

“Because… because, it shouldn’t have happened the first time.”

“Again I ask, why not? We’re two consenting adults, aren’t we?”

“Jax, I’m your nurse!”

He grinned. “So let’s play doctor.”

I had to laugh and shook my head. “You’re incorrigible! Really Jax, if I get caught…”

“Then let’s not get caught.”

He reached for my hand and tugged me closer. Despite my somewhat lackluster resistance, I allowed him to nudge me nearly onto his lap. Before I knew it, he had pulled me down for a kiss. As before, I felt a thrill as his warm lips touched mine, now tinged with the taste of Merlot.

As his tongue swept inside my mouth, brushing against my teeth, I felt that familiar, burgeoning sensation tingling in every single one of my sensitive points. My nipples hardened, aching once again for his touch. My pussy immediately announced interest with a slight contraction of anticipation.

I still couldn’t understand what it was about Jax that got me so hot, but I wasn’t about to start questioning it at the moment. I would accept it for what it was. Hot, wet, passionate sex. Before I knew it, I had straddled him, my groin pressed up against his erection. My breasts squished against his chest while the kisses grew deeper, wetter, and more urgent. His hands left my waist and made their way beneath my top.

While I relished the feel of his warm hands cupping my breasts, I looked up briefly just to make sure that no one was around. From where we were situated near the sand dune, it was unlikely that anyone from any of the businesses, hotel, or restaurants further up the beach would be able to see us. I had never had sex out in the open and found myself strangely titillated, yet afraid at the same time. I didn’t typically behave like this, and I wanted him to know it.

“Jax,” I gasped as his fingers rolled my nipples between them. “I want you to know that I don’t normally behave like this.”

“Like what?” he purred, gently squeezing.

“Like a wanton slut,” I said, leaning down for another kiss. Of its own accord, my hips began to rock, nudging my clitoris along the length of his cock. His hands left my breasts and reached down to unbutton and unzip his cargo shorts. Lying on his back, it was an easy enough chore that wouldn’t hurt his back. I was left with a bit of a conundrum. I didn’t want to break contact, but I needed him to gain access. Before I could even decide what to do, his dick was exposed and his fingers were reaching for the buttons of my own pants.

I was already wet with anticipation. His hands skimmed down my waist and hips, pushing my linen pants and thong down with it, but he couldn’t shove them past my knees. Impatient, guttural noises issued from my throat as I quickly reached down and untangled my leg from one of the pant legs, leaving one leg bare, the other still encased in its pant leg. I was so hot and ready I couldn’t stand it.

“Wait,” he muttered.

Wait? Wait? I couldn’t wait! I was ready for him. Now. Then I realized one of his hands had left my breast, digging into the side leg pocket of his cargo shorts. He pulled out a small, square cellophane package. A condom. While he rolled the condom onto his engorged cock, I nuzzled the side of his neck. The moment his hand returned to my breast I knew he had the rubber in place. While I was pleased that he had thought of protection before I had to say anything to him about it, it wasn’t long before my thoughts strayed to the purely physical.

Without even waiting for him to say anything, I lowered myself onto his cock.

I was wet and his cock slid into my pussy easily, even with the condom. In a matter of moments, he had filled me. Oh my God, I had never felt such exquisite sensations. I press myself down further, trying to make my clitoris rub up against his nest of curls. He filled me completely, stretching me to my limit. Slowly, his hips began to rock. I stopped him.

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