Serving the Soldier - Part 2 (An Alpha Military Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Serving the Soldier - Part 2 (An Alpha Military Romance)
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“No, you’ll hurt your back,” I gasped. “Let me do it.”

He stared up at me, a small smile turning up the corners of his mouth. Balancing my body weight on the sand on either side of the shoulders, I began to lift myself up, and then slowly lowered myself onto his thick, throbbing cock. He hissed every time I did so, giving me an odd sense of power and control. He was at my mercy. I grew bolder. His hands returned to my breasts, pushing my bra up above them, rubbing his palms against my nipples and then tweaking them gently with his fingertips. I wanted more than anything to have his mouth on my nipple, but in order to do so, I would probably lose my grasp on his penis.

I took my time; up and down, up and down, slowly, and then I shifted my position slightly, adjusting the placement of my knees and lowering myself even further onto his cock. I couldn’t believe he filled me so completely, to the point where I felt him at the pit of my stomach, although I knew that certainly wasn’t possible.

I began to slowly gyrate in a circular motion, eliciting a deep groan from the center of his chest. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back. I grew even bolder. I rocked my hips faster, lifting myself up and then lowering myself harder, more forcefully. At the bottom of each motion, I rotated my hips, pumped twice fast, and then lifted myself up again.

I bit back my own groans as his cock slid so easily up and down. I clenched my pelvic floor muscles tighter, trying to grasp a more firm hold on his cock, but pretty soon my own emotions took control and I began to pump faster, harder, the gyrations becoming more frequent. He lay perfectly still beneath me, and before long, I panted with exertion, passion, and an increasing sense that I was going to orgasm quickly. I wasn’t disappointed.

In a matter of seconds, I felt the waves building to a crescendo. My muscles tightened around him even more. He groaned and gritted his teeth, gave one solid pump with his hips, and I was tipped over the precipice. I pressed myself down onto his cock, rubbing my clitoris against his own pubis, gasping as the waves of pleasure washed over me as steadily as the ocean waves slapped at the beach. Seconds later I felt him climax. My muscles clenched in a steady pulsing, overwhelming burst of pleasure, and we both rode the waves of ecstasy until the pulsations decreased in intensity.

Exhausted yet still holding his cock inside me, I fell forward onto his chest, cushioning my body weight with my forearms as I nestled my head into the crook of his shoulder. I heard his breath in my ear. As soon as my heart rate decreased a bit, I moved myself up, back onto my hands, still with his penis trapped in my pussy. I gazed down at him while he looked up at me, a small smile on his lips.

“Well,” he said, the smile growing wider.

“Well indeed,” I agreed. Slowly, and watching as I did so, I slid myself upward until he fell out of me. He quickly removed the condom and tucked it under the corner of the blanket. I merely lifted my eyebrow.

“Not to worry, I’ll take care of it,” he grinned.

As I rolled onto my side, I glanced down at his still engorged cock, its thick elongated veins and velvety surface glistening with semen. Neither one of us said anything for several moments as I stared up into the darkening sky, wondering how I had managed to end up on the beach with a guy like Jax.

Too soon, Jax reached for the front of his pants, zipping them back up and fastening the button at the waist. I got my pants pulled up as well, and then silently began to gather our belongings. It was coming on to full dark now. Time to get back to the house.

Jax slowly rose to a sitting position, bracing himself as he maneuvered his way onto his knees and then slowly stood. I watched carefully and nodded in approval. Apparently, something had stuck when it came to his therapy. He reached for one of the grocery bags, quickly scooped a handful of sand up with the used condom, and then dumped everything into the bag. Then he tied the handles tightly into a knot and gestured with his chin toward where we’d parked the car. “We can get rid of the trash in the parking lot. I saw a trash can there when we pulled in.”

I nodded and pulled the grocery bag of remaining food and supplies back onto my arm and leaned down to pick up the blanket. I felt his hand caress my ass. I smiled. Of course, he couldn’t see the smile in the dark, but I’m sure he sensed it.

I handed him the blanket to shake out, which he did, grinning at me while he did so. “You know, Angie. There’s something about you…”

That was funny, because I thought the same thing about Jax. It was a quiet, easy moment and I wasn’t embarrassed or regretful of making love with him. He was an excellent lover, and could only imagine how much better he would be when he was back to being one-hundred-percent healthy. I shook my head. I wasn’t going to be around that long.

I let him lead the way along the beach and back to the parking lot where I had parked the SUV. He moved off to dump the bag with the sand and used condom in a trash can and then casually walked back to the SUV. The lot was more crowded with vehicles than it had been earlier. One of the lamps lighting the parking lot near the SUV was dark. In the wan glow of light cast by the next lamp a short distance away, I saw the glitter of glass. That was surprising. A place as ritzy as this would never allow a parking lamp to go broken without quickly repairing it.

Pressing the unlock button for the SUV, it made a slight chirp, and the lights flashed briefly. Jax climbed in on his side while I opened the back door and stowed the bags on the floor. I shut the door, then opened my door and scrambled up behind the wheel. Inserting the key in the ignition, I turned on the vehicle, then switched on the headlights.

“I had a nice time, Jax. Thanks.”

“It was my pleasure,” he grinned.

I saw the flash of teeth and shook my head. “I was talking about the picnic on the beach.”

“And the sex?”

I sighed as I put the vehicle in reverse and began to back out of the parking space. I cast a quick glance at him. “That was nice too.”

Chapter 4

He laughed and I said nothing more as I slowly drove out of the parking lot and back onto the highway. It was full dark now, no moon. A fog bank rolled in from the sea. I drove slowly on the now quiet road, not sure where the curves were located as I’d never driven this road before. Jax didn’t seem to mind. It was nice and peaceful in the cab, with the dull glow of the panel casting dull blues and reds through the interior.


Without warning, something hard slammed into the back of the SUV, eliciting a scream from me and a curse from Jax as he was jolted forward, the seatbelt stopping him from cracking his head on the windshield. The sudden movement provoked a growl of pain from him. At the same time, he looked in his side rearview mirror and I looked in the rearview mirror to see what the hell had happened. I saw a dark shape behind the SUV. Had someone just hit us? I didn’t see any headlights—

“Floor it!” Jax shouted.

For a second, I was frozen in indecision, but then I pressed my foot down on the accelerator and turned the headlights on high beam. What the hell was happening? Behind me, head lights suddenly appeared in the rearview mirror. Someone had been following us, and then deliberately hit the back of the SUV!

“What’s happening?” I cried, casting a quick glance at Jax. To my surprise, he reached for the glove compartment. When it popped open, he pulled out a gun.


I tried to focus on the winding road ahead, my heart suddenly in my throat, my pulse pounding in my neck. Why would somebody try to hit us—?

I heard the sound of a car revving and, glancing into my side mirror, saw a dark sedan moving alongside the SUV. I pressed the accelerator again and surged forward, but the sedan also accelerated. Suddenly, the sedan swerved toward my side of the SUV and the sound of metal on metal filled my ears.

The impact nearly sent us off the road, but I hung tightly to the steering wheel, my eyes wide with panic. “What the hell!”

“Try to stay ahead of him!”

I was, really I was. I didn’t know who was trying to run us off the road, but if I didn’t keep my wits about me, they would likely succeed. I focused on the road while Jax twisted slightly in his seat, pressing the automatic window buttons. They all rolled down. The wind whipped at my hair.

I’d never been as scared in my life as I drove erratically along the winding road toward the south side of the island. The distant lights of the resorts passed us in a blur and then the night grew blacker and blacker. No cars around either, behind or in front of us. The sedan inched forward again.

“There’s a road up ahead to the right. Take it!”

I peered into the darkness beyond the glow of the headlights and saw the road just before we were about to pass it.

“Hang on!” I shouted, turning the wheel drastically in my hand, so sharply that I felt the right side tires come slightly off the ground.

Don’t overcorrect! Don’t overcorrect, I ordered myself. I kept my grip on the steering wheel and tried not to allow myself to panic. I straightened the car out as it took the turn at a crazy angle. The sedan shot past.

“Are they gone? Are they gone?”

“Just go!” he gritted out.

Jax had twisted completely around in his seat, his gun aimed toward the rear of the vehicle. In a matter of moments, my heart sank when I saw the glimpse of headlights in the review mirror. Then they disappeared. I had no doubt that the car was behind us. The sedan had turned around and was in hot pursuit again, lights off.

As it gained ground, I forced myself not to look in the rearview or side mirrors. I had to focus on what was ahead of me, totally out of my element. I had no idea where this road went or where the curves were located.

“They’re gaining on us! Can’t you go any faster?” Jax shouted.

“Yes, I can go faster,” I shouted back. “But do you want to get home alive? I don’t know where this road goes! I have no idea where the curves are—”

Another hard jolt pushed the SUV forward as the front bumper of the sedan bumped our rear. My forehead almost hit the steering wheel and Jax swore again when he was jolted forward, but this time he held onto the back seat with his hand.

He fired three quick shots from his handgun, shattering the back window. My ears rang as the stringent odor of gunfire filled the car. I stifled a scream. I heard the squeal of tires, then returning fire. The
of metal hitting metal caused me to instinctively hunch my head down into my shoulders. They were firing back!

“Keep your head down!” Jax shouted.

I didn’t reply, too scared to speak. I saw another curve to the left coming up and once again focused my gaze only on the curve. Jax had to deal with whoever was pursuing us, trying to run us off the road. I didn’t look in the mirror even when I heard the engine of the pursuing car surge forward, but I definitely felt it when some part of the sedan made contact with the left rear side of the SUV. It pushed us to the right. I tried desperately to correct the swerve. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. The right rear tires hit the side of the road, and then the SUV spun one-hundred eighty degrees as the sedan swerved drastically to avoid us and then surged past us on the right. Jax grabbed the dashboard with one hand, the door handle with the other. Both of my hands gripped the steering wheel until I thought my fingers would break.

“Don’t overcorrect, Angie,” Jax urged. “Take it slow!”

With every cell in my body focused on not overcorrecting, I applied the brakes — but not slamming them too hard. I held my breath as the SUV continued to spin and complete a full three-sixty degree circle. Just as the circle was completed, the right front tire left the side of the road and headed down into a ditch.

“Hang on!” I shouted.

The SUV left the road, became airborne for the briefest of seconds, and then landed on all four tires. Thank God there weren’t many trees around and I was able to steer into a sandy clearing where only low brush and seagrass grew. Moments later, the SUV came to a stop, engine still running, headlights carving out a slice of light in the surrounding blackness. My heart beat so fast I thought it would burst. Adrenaline surged through me and my hands shook, and then my teeth began to chatter.

I think we both sat there for a full minute, me waiting for whoever had slammed into us to return while Jax kept looking out of every window, swearing as his gun followed his gaze. He reached for the door handle.

“Shut off the lights and turn off the engine.”

I didn’t question, but did exactly as he said. He got out of the car and stood in front of it, peering off into the distance.

My breath came in sharp gasps as I fought to get my heartrate under control. I was trembling so wildly, the SUV was nearly rocked with my tremors.

What the hell just happened? Someone had tried to run us off the road. Someone had tried to kill us! A thousand questions swirled through my mind. The terrorists that Michael had warned about? But how had they known where to find us? Had we been followed? If so, how long had they been watching us? To say I was terrified was an understatement.

Finally, Jax moved from the front of the vehicle and walked over to the driver’s side door.

“You okay?”

Too afraid to speak, I nodded, my hands still gripping the steering wheel. They felt stiff and cramped, but I couldn’t make myself let go. He reached inside and placed one of his hands on mine, as if silently urging me to relax. After several seconds, I took a deep, heaving breath and loosened my grip. He continued to hold my hand in his as he continued to peer off into the darkness.

“Are they going to come back?” My voice sounded strange even to me; tremulous, shaking, frightened.

“Doubt it,” he said. “They had their chance, and the advantage, and they lost it.”

I stared at him, amazed that he could appear so calm. Someone had just tried to kill us! Then again, such situations were probably nothing new to Jax. For me, it was a first.

With a sigh, he made his way around the vehicle, checking the damage, and then climbed back inside.

“Come on, let’s get back to the house.”

I stared at him in surprise. “Aren’t we going to report this to the police?”

He shook his head. “In due time,” he said. “First, let’s get back to the house. We’ll be secure their. Then I’ll call the police, and then Michael. Give him a head’s up.”

Jax fastened his seatbelt and then glanced at me. I reached for the keys, my hands shaking so bad I had to try several times before I was actually able to grasp it and turn the ignition.

“You want me to drive?”

I shook my head. “No, Jax, you can’t drive yet.” I saw his impatient expression. “I’m okay. Just tell me where to go and I’ll drive home.”


That was just it. It was Jax’s home, not mine. This was his fight, not mine. He said nothing as he merely pointed the way out of the clearing. Once back on the highway, he uttered one word directions, telling me to turn here, turn there, and within a matter of minutes, I had pulled into his driveway. He reached for and pressed the garage door opener on the visor over my head, and I slowly drove into the garage. After a quick look around, he pushed the button again and the giant door slid closed.

“Stay here while I check the house.”

He climbed out of the vehicle while I sat in the driver’s seat with my seatbelt still on. I turned off the car, staring at every corner of the still lit garage while he entered the house. I don’t know how many times I re-inspected every shadow, every box, and every hiding place that someone could use for shelter, not realizing I had been holding my breath until he reemerged.

He moved to my side of the car, opened the door, and gestured for me to come out. After two tries, I managed to unfasten my seatbelt and slid out of the SUV, nearly toppling to the garage floor because my knees were shaking so bad. I caught onto his arm for balance.

“You sure you’re okay?”

I nodded shakily. “I’ll be fine, Jax,” I said. “It’s just that nothing like that ever happened to me before.”

“Me either,” he said.

I glanced at him in disbelief.

“I mean, being forced off the road.”

He closed the driver’s door and for the first time I got a look at the SUV. My eyes widened in dismay. “Your car is ruined!” I exclaimed. The entire rear panel was severely dented, and as I moved around to the back of the SUV, saw the huge indentation caused by the two rear-end impacts.

“I’ll take care of it,” he said, his soft tone belying the hardness of his face.

He clasped my elbow gently and led me up a few steps into the kitchen. The room was ablaze with light as were other lights in the house. He closed the door to the garage and then locked and turned the dead bolt. Grasping my hand, he led me through the kitchen, down the hallway, and upstairs into his office.

“Sit down,” he ordered.

He didn’t have to tell me twice. My knees were going to give out anyway. I collapsed into the desk chair while he reached over me for the computer keyboard and tapped a key. The monitor sprang to life. The outdoor surveillance showed no movement. I couldn’t believe the relief that surged through me.

“You don’t believe they’re on your property, do you?”

“Probably not, at least not for a while. They’ll probably regroup, come up with a new plan. By then, I’ll be more than ready for them.”

I stared at him in dismay. “Call the police.”

“I will,” he promised. “First, I need to get you settled, and I’m going to call Michael. Before that though, there’s one thing I need to show you.”

“What?” I asked, my voice sounding weak and trembling. I cleared my throat, not wanting to sound like a weak, scared ninny.

He pulled open one of his desk drawers and retrieved a small, silver gun, placing it on the desk blotter.

“It’s a Sig Sauer,” he explained. “I’ll show you how to use it.”

My eyes widened and I began to shake my head. “I don’t want to learn how to shoot a gun!”

“You want to leave?”

Did I? The thought of leaving Jax now left me feeling adrift and uncertain. I had only known the guy a few days, but I had a ready grown attached to him. Then again, there were killers after him. I could very well get caught in the crossfire.

“Do you?” He put the gun down. “In fact, Angie, I think you should leave. The sooner the better.”

I stared up at him, my gaze taking in his strong features and his intense expression.

“No, I won’t leave,” I said.

I couldn’t quite believe that the words came out of my mouth. What the hell was I doing? I was just a nurse!

I took a deep breath and sat up straighter. That was it —I was a nurse. I couldn’t abandon my patient, and I certainly wasn’t going to let another nurse walk into a dangerous situation. I was already here. Jax still needed help, whether he wanted it or not. If he didn’t continue with his therapy and recuperate properly, he could be crippled for life. He could end his career in Special Forces.

“I’ll stay for now,” I said. “But I’m not going to learn how to shoot that gun. I’m a nurse, Jax, not Black Ops.”

“You need to be able to defend yourself if necessary. If the situation gets any worse, you’re leaving, whether you want to or not. You got that?”

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