Serving the Soldier - Part 2 (An Alpha Military Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Serving the Soldier - Part 2 (An Alpha Military Romance)
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I nodded, staring wide-eyed at him as he glanced down at the Sig Sauer.

“We’ll talk about the gun again tomorrow. For tonight, I think a good stiff drink would do you some good. Then you get to bed and try to get some rest.”

“What about the police? They’re going to want to talk to me—”

He shook his head. “For now, I want you to stay out of this. I don’t want them to know you were with me. The less attention on you now, the better.”


“No buts about it, Angie. If you stay, you have to follow my directions. Is that clear?”

I nodded tremulously and watched as he reached his hand down for me. I clasped it and then stood, amazed that my legs held me up.

“Go to your room, take a nice hot shower, and I’ll make a drink and leave it on the bedside table,” he said. “When you’re done, you drink it down and go to bed, okay? I’ve got things to do.”

I nodded dumbly, still stunned by the events that had transpired in the past hour. Somebody had tried to kill him — us…

Jax walked me to my bedroom door and I stepped inside. He closed the door behind me. I couldn’t believe this. I shook my head as I made my way to the bathroom, pulling off my clothes and leaving them in a heap as I went. I made my way into the bathroom, turned on the light, and then reached into the shower, turning the knobs and adjusting the water temperature until it was warm, but not too hot. Shedding the last of my underwear, I stepped into the shower, allowing the warm water to wash away some of my anxiety.

Suddenly, my shoulders started shaking and I began to weep. I allowed myself to do so, knowing that it was the residue of the adrenaline. I sank to the tiled floor and surrendered to it, the water raining down on me, sobbing quietly into my hands.

Several minutes later, I stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and briefly towel-dried my hair. I wrapped the towel around me and stepped into the bedroom. I saw that the bedroom light had been turned off, but the bedside table lamp was on low. A small shot glass of amber liquid stood on the table. I smiled.

I heard the sound of Jax’s voice coming from the office down the hall and supposed he was either speaking to the police or to Michael. The sound of it brought me some comfort. I had a feeling that he had everything under control, and certainly wouldn’t be caught off guard next time.

I had no doubt there would be a next time.

Someone was after Jax’s squadron, and the thought of something happening to him made my heart squeeze. Refusing to allow my mind to go there, I reached for the glass of amber liquid, my hand still slightly shaking. I lifted it to my mouth. Tilting my head back, I drank it all in one gulp, shuddering and grimacing as the hot, rather awful tasting liquid went down, burning my throat and leaving a warm trail of sensation following it. The warmth burgeoned in my belly and in a matter of moments, I began to feel a greater sense of calm. I placed the empty glass back down on the bedside table. With a sigh, I removed the towel wrapped around me and slipped into bed, naked.

In a matter of moments I felt an overwhelming sensation of lethargy overtake me. I still wasn’t sure whether I should stay or go, but for the moment, I opted to stay. If things got really dangerous, or if anything like this happened again, I would have to leave. It wasn’t just a matter of my own safety. I knew that if Jax was more worried about my safety than his, I would distract him from his ability to be aware of, or even prepare for another attack on his life.

Half between sleep and wakefulness, I tried to still my racing thoughts. Perhaps in the morning, I would feel better. I tried to focus my mind on our lovemaking on the beach, and I succeeded for several moments as the sensations those memories evoked pushed thoughts of crazy gunmen and terrorists out of my mind.

Just before I dropped over the edge into sleep, I had an overwhelming feeling that, come what may, Jax would do his best to keep me safe. The thought brought a smile to my lips as I sank into a deep but fitful sleep.

End of Part 2

To Be Continued in Part 3…

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About the Author

Helen Grey is the author of the hot alpha military romance series "Serving the Soldier".

Her passion is to write steamy erotic romance and she loves hot billionaire bad boys. Lucky for her, these two go perfectly together... Find out how in her books!

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This book was a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2015 Helen Grey

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