Seven Sunsets

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Authors: Morgan Jane Mitchell

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Seven Sunsets

Asphalt Gods MC #2

Morgan Jane Mitchell

Seven Sunsets, Asphalt Gods’ MC

by Morgan Jane Mitchell

© 2014 Morgan Jane Mitchell


No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author, Morgan Jane Mitchell.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Any reference to real events, business, organizations or locales is intended only to give the fiction a sense of realism and authenticity. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.


Cover design by Morgan Jane Mitchell

Editing and Proofreading by Crystal Sosa Script Easer Editing

Reading Order




Seven Sunsets

Coming in 2015


Major thanks to Glenna Maynard for all of our story chats, other chats and for basically always being there! I couldn’t do this without you. 

Big huge thanks to Crystal Sosa for doing a great edit/proofread and for being an all-around awesome person!

Enormous gratitude to #thebestdroptheassistant #hashtagthatshit… for being the best!

Last time




Something had changed as we made love in front of the fire. Even though we were in Don’s cabin, him cold in the ground outside, I woke up no longer wishing for death. Not trusting it, I went with it anyway. Isn’t that what love does, blinds you to the awful truth? Makes you think you’re invincible and that your story will have a happy ending.

Enjoying Scar’s new look, his piercings only making him look hotter than ever, I let myself imagine a future, living. Under all the leather, tattoos and pain was a man that had made me laugh when I felt at my lowest. He’d shown me tenderness when I’d needed it most. My world had been turned upside down so abruptly, only for me to find hope again in the form of a sexy outlaw. With Manul after me, death had seemed like my only option, but if anyone could save me, it was Scar. 

But like everything good in my life, it had all been a lie. I listened by the door, hearing screams like someone was being slaughtered… no, Scar was fucking that old hag, the Banshee. I crossed my arms, breathing hard. I’d been a fucking fool again.

“Come on Scar, you can’t lie to me, I know you. I know the only woman you ever have on that mind of yours is Halley. That is if Anne hasn’t changed your plans.”

Anne, he’d told her that was my name. I thought he’d been protecting me.

“Listen, Anne’s a good fuck, period. A man gets lonely. I don’t want this life for Halley, so my plans haven’t changed none. Anne, hell, I’ll kill her before I’d let her mess up my future with Halley.”

“And she won’t mind that you just fucked me?”

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

Still when I’d pulled the trigger, killing that red-headed bitch, I didn’t do it because he’d fucked her. I’d done it to save him. No matter what she’d said, even about me being his backup plan, I could read the look on her face and tell she had no love for him. Don’t get me wrong, I hadn’t wanted to go back to Manul either, but when I shot her between the eyes, it’d been for Scar.




(From Scar Book #1) For a girl who wanted to die, she was awfully good at staying alive. Looking into her eyes, I didn’t know what to believe anymore. Emery had a connection to the Armenian Mafia. If that wasn’t bad enough, she’d killed my friend without asking. There was only one thing to do. I seized her from behind, cupping my hand over her nose and mouth until she passed out from lack of oxygen. I checked her pulse and threw her over my shoulder. Heading to my bike, I brightened; I had a hundred grand to buy my sister back from the Sons of Satan. Emery wanted to die anyway, and in seven sunsets, she’d get her wish.

Chapter 1


Couldn’t put a floppy bitch on the back of my bike. I was lucky I could hot wire Shirley’s truck parked at the Roost. Goddamn cage had pink and purple pin strips down a pink body and the same flaming high heels from their cut on the doors. I’d buckled Emery’s limp body inside before checking to see that Shirley had her ramp and tie downs in the back. Putting my motorcycle in the back of a truck was usually a two man job, but adrenaline was my friend. That and wanting to get the hell out of dodge before the Heelz caught on their President was shot dead on the floor of her cabin. At least one Mutherfuker was dead too. Little Ricky could survive a stabbing if they got to him in time.

After securing my cruiser the best I could, I jumped out of the back to high-pitched screams. Someone had finally gone to check on Shirley. It’d only been moments later but they’d hesitated. Hearing a few gunshots around here could mean anything. Shirley could have been shooting a possum, showing off or showing up. I hopped in the cab and tore out of there like a bat out of hell, knowing they’d be close behind.

On my bike, I’d be long gone, but in Shirley’s truck, a big pink and purple beacon, I was as good as caught. Pushing the Dodge Ram as fast as it would go, I made it to the highway without spotting one motorcycle in the rear view. My shock was wearing off, so I tried to wrap my mind around what just went down. Shirley had sold me out. She’d used me. The bitch had encouraged me to go behind the General’s back in the first place then she was calling me out. Someone I thought of as family had set me up, but that fact didn’t make my heart hurt any less as I thought about her now, dead by Emery’s hand.

Gunshots blasting from behind refocused me on escaping as the Heelz caught up with me. I swerved to another lane, unexpectedly taking the next exit and then getting right back on the highway. If they were any count, half of them would have followed me and the other half stayed the course. I’d weeded them down but in the dark, I’d never be able to tell by how many. Most of them would keep their lights off just to throw me off too. Not caring about the paint job on my bike in the back, I turned sharply to head through the line of trees to my right. One advantage I had on the Heelz was the GPS on the dash. I’d cut through the forest, hoping it wasn’t swampland, back to the next road over going the opposite way and still be able to find my way.

Out of the trees and back on concrete, I turned off my lights, coasted onto a side road and pulled the truck behind an old building. I cut off the engine, waiting. If the heelz caught up with us, we were dead. I was unarmed and so was Emery. If we made it through the night, all that would change. I’d seek shelter at the Mobile, Alabama charter of the Gods, knowing they had to be warned the Heelz were after me and mine, the Miami Mutherfukers probably not too far behind them. Not to mention the fucking Armenian Mafia was after Emery’s ass, mine too after what happened to Amun.

Fucking Emery—she’d gone and killed two people, one being my best friend. Amun had known her, Shirley and the Mutherfukers had known she had a price on her head. I was the only chump that had been falling for her story and falling for her. That had changed when she shot the Banshee just like she did Kym, between the eyes. No suicidal whack job would be lucky enough to make that shot twice. Emery had lied to me, and she was now my ticket to saving my sister from the Sons of Satan MC. Without the hundred grand I’d promised them, she’d have to do, having a bounty on her head for the exact amount. Sure I could hand her over to the Armenian Mafia, but I’d as good as killed Amun even if I hadn’t pull the trigger. Besides, if they didn’t want to turn her over, she could take Halley’s place as Serpentine’s old lady. I’d vouch for her in the hot pussy department. 

Fucking Shirley—I’d thought I could trust her. Her news of Serpentine’s plans to marry my sister on her twentieth birthday had been legit, but according to her words tonight, I’d never get Halley back before then, deal with the SOS or not.

Fuck, I punched the wheel before lighting a smoke. The truck off, I cracked the door open causing the dome light to come on. I studied Emery again, knowing we couldn’t stay here all night. She hadn’t woken up yet and that worried me. I threw my cigarette on the ground and got close to her face to listen to her breathe. She was breathing, her breath still smelling like tequila.

“Emery!” I slapped on her cheek a few times. She didn’t respond, and my heart raced in a panic. Hell, she was probably just asleep from the tequila, more than me making her pass out. I told myself to calm the fuck down. I unbuckled her and laid her head in my lap, pulling her legs up into the seat. Blood would need to reach her brain, then she’d wake up. I closed the door, letting the darkness return, thinking I was mighty fucked up, giving a damn about a woman I planned to trade off to the devil. Still I petted her hair, hoping she’d wake up. The memories of the passionate nights we shared danced in my mind before I banished them and thought of surviving long enough to save Halley instead.

After thirty minutes of nothing, I was sure we’d lost the Heelz. I scooted out from under Emery’s head and let her lay as I got out of the cab. Figuring this was as good place as any to ditch Shirley’s truck, I unstrapped my Indian and took it down the ramp, glad it’d stayed in okay. This was my chance to hightail it out of Florida, ride all night and beat the Heelz to my brothers. I opened the passenger side of the truck, causing the light to break through the darkness again. I shook Emery hard, slapped her again, but she was still out cold. I lit another cigarette, looking at Emery’s tan arms and then to her bare stomach with all the tiny scars. Hating to do it, I pressed my cigarette to her fleshy side, listening to the sizzle before she jumped up, screaming.

“Oh my god, what the fuck did you do, burn me?” She clutched her side, scooting away from me as I took another draw off my smoke. “What the hell happened?”

“You passed out.” I threw my butt down and grabbed her leather clad leg. “Come on. They’re after us.”

Emery took heed and followed me to my bike, climbing on back after me. “You fucking burned me!”

You fucking burned me too bitch,
I thought as she put her arms around me. I removed her hands, got off and stood. Taking off my cut, I thought how I didn’t need her to die of hypothermia before I traded her. I took off my jacket for her. Emery accepted, and I put my vest back on over my t-shirt.

“Where are we headed now?” Emery asked as we got comfortable again.

“Somewhere we can have a long talk.” I squealed out of the lot, so much for being discreet.

As the night air engulfed us, the stars twinkled overhead, mocking me, taking me way back.

“You listen to me Edmond.” My mama was mad. “This here’s your sister, your family. Friends come and go, but she’ll always be your sister. You hear?”

I nodded my head and sniffed. Remembering it so well, I could see my friend Carl’s smile even though he hung his head beside me. The little shit was glad I was the one gonna get reamed when he went home for what we’d done to Halley. She clung to mama’s legs, crying. We’d only said she was too young to play with us, well, then we pushed her out of my room, causing her to fall and bust her lip on the door frame. Mama wouldn’t stand for me shoving her around.

“When I look at the stars, I say a prayer that you’ll always protect Halley, that when I’m long gone you two will still watch this meteor shower together.” My mother’s dark hair and skin contrasted with my father’s pale arm, going around her shoulder.

“You know I asked your mother to marry me on a night like tonight and every year we watch Halley’s comet’s meteor shower. Well, they’re actually orionids. You and Carl go get your telescope,” he told me, not having to look too far down because I was almost as tall as him now,

My father, the scientist had me obsessed with the sky and his beloved comet he said would come back one day. Seeing Halley’s Comet when he was in college had sparked his interest in the heavens, and he’d become an astrophysicist. He’d met my mother at college, but I could never remember her having a job. They’d named my sister and I after the damned comet and its discoverer Edmond Halley. Every October, we watched the falling stars somehow caused by the comet, but this year, my twelfth year, I’d wanted a friend over since it was the only time I got to stay up all night. I hadn’t known it’d be my last year with my family.

Halley was five, and that was alright as long as I didn’t have a friend around. She sat between mama and daddy on our back porch that night as I fooled around with the telescope with Carl. Looking back, I always think I should’ve been sitting beside Halley, right in between them too.

The next year before it was time to watch the shower again, we were traveling west to Oklahoma to visit my mother’s family. We’d not ever laid eyes on her family, Halley and I, even though she told me stories of the Chickasaw tribe she came from. My little family had never left suburban Tennessee. They’d had a fight, my parents, about him working too much and about me becoming a man without a father around much to guide me. I learned quickly in the car, from my mother’s mouth, I needed her side of the family to become a man. Halley’s eyes watered as they continued to fight during the trip, and she looked as skeptical as I felt every time my mama mentioned me becoming a man. Sure, I was tall, but I was a skinny shit, interested in nothing but my father’s work. As we drove west, I decided right then and there, I didn’t want anything to do with her side of the family or becoming a man.

That’s as far as I let my memory go before I thought of other shit, like the conversation I’d be having with the General when Emery and I made it to Alabama. We rode three hours straight without me giving a damn if Emery needed to stop. Finally, she tugged on me hard enough for me to take notice, and I pulled off for gas. I spotted a run-down motel from the gas station, just the kind I like, the kind that takes cash and doesn’t ask for ID. After Luci cleaned me out of Emery’s fifty grand, I only had enough cash left in my wallet to make it to California, even with a few beer runs and cheap motel stops, if I didn’t involve my brothers. But I couldn’t not stop in and warn them in Alabama since Shirley had known I was heading west. There I’d refuel my weapons, my money and my spirits. I’d get my head on straight, plan my way to California.

It wasn’t smart, stopping at a motel in Tallahassee right off the interstate, but maybe the Heelz would never think I’d be so dumb. I parked my bike in the most secluded spot I could find, right next to the metal gate around the puddle of an outdoor pool. After I paid for our night, I let Emery in our room, knowing we were both beat. It was nearly five a.m., but we needed to talk. Opening a beer from the gas station, I relaxed in the corner chair as Emery slipped off my jacket and her red high heels, crashing on the only bed. I thought of delicate Emery taking down Kym and Shirley, her lies, and I started seeing red as I finished my beer. Emery had started to fall to sleep without a word to me. Opening another beer, I wondered why she hadn’t run off yet. It was becoming clear in my mind she wanted to get to my brothers and the General. Why else would she stick around? Her story about her husband—bullshit! She probably fucking offed him just as easily as she had the Banshee. Besides, if she wanted to die, why was she running from the Mafia? Why didn’t she just turn herself in? They’d have no problem killing her.

All my thinking just made me madder. I called Emery over to me. She groggily sat up and looked at me all innocent. She stood before me, Kym’s diamond hoop earrings still in her ears, her blonde hair tied back, hanging in a long ponytail. Somewhere she’d lost her vest and only wore the hooker’s red sparkly tube top that made her tits look like she was smuggling melons out the farmers market. I couldn’t help but let my eyes travel lower to her tan, tight belly marred with thin white scars. I saw the new one I’d given her earlier, still red. “Sit down, we need to talk.” I patted my thigh, thinking of her sitting on Luci’s dick earlier tonight. Fucking cunt!

Emery sat, and I moved her until her plump ass was sitting on my junk, might as well enjoy her while I can and all. I let down her hair, tugging on the tie as she fussed a little, but I wanted it down. Next, I tangled my hand in the soft locks as she moved to the side and wordlessly laid her head on my shoulder like we were still cool, like we were something. Like nothing had changed after our night at the cabin. The same tender feeling surfaced in me for a second before I shot it dead. We weren’t cool. I smiled to myself, feeling devious, thinking of taking her roughly before our talk. Bitch had lied, was lying, and I would get to the truth and show her she couldn’t fuck with me.

Pulling her hair, I asked her, “You still want to die?”

“About what happened back there,” she started.

I didn’t let her finish. “I asked you a fucking question!”

“I don’t know,” Emery had the fucking audacity to answer.

“You don’t fucking know?”

She moved to get off my lap, but I tightened my grip on her hair and seized her waist, putting my arm around it. Trapping her on my hardening dick felt so good. “You aren’t going anywhere.”

“Let go of my hair. We need to talk.”

I only pulled harder. “Why the fuck should we talk? It’s a waste of my goddamn time. I’ll ask who you are and what you want and you’ll fucking lie. You’re full of lies. I say we fuck first.”

“Fuck you. I’m not your whore.”

“Oh,” I laughed, grinding my cock on her ass. “Now, you’re not my whore. Honey a deal’s a deal. Who said the fucking deal is off?”

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