Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aides (34 page)

BOOK: Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aides
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“Oh, Trent, this is lovely.”

“A close friend of the family owns the estate. I remembered it from a visit years ago. We have the entire place to ourselves for the weekend.”


“You heard me. We’ll be married here. The reception is in the main house and I have cars rented to pick everyone up at the hotel to bring them here and take them back. The place is ours.”

Sabrina kissed Trent. “Thank you for the most perfect day ever.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet. Come on, I’ll show you.” Trent opened a heavy oak door and led the way. Once inside he let her take it all in. Ten pews, five on each side of the chapel. The stained-glass window on the west side of the chapel held a picture of Daniel slaying the Lion. The window to the north had Christ on Calvary. The window to the west showed The Last Supper. All lit from both the inside and out presenting an ethereal image. There was a matched set of candelabras on each side of steps leading up to the altar ready to be lit. The altar itself, as well as the church was made of slate carved out of the mountain over seventy years ago.

“This place was built in 1937 for some friends of my grandparents, my godparents to be exact. When WWI broke out their son went overseas. His mother had the chapel built. She came here every day to pray for his safe return.”

“And did he? Come back, I mean?”

“He sure did. She was convinced it’s because of this chapel and her daily trips here to pray for him. The first time I heard the story I was intrigued. I’ve loved this place ever since.”

Trent drew her into an alcove to the right of the pulpit with an arched doorway. He opened the door and led her inside. In the corner was an antique beveled cheval mirror. In front of the mirror stood a dress mannequin stand covered by a sheet.

“I hope you like the dress I picked out for you—well, with a bit of help from Angel. Actually, she made the dress.” Gently, Trent removed the sheet. The gown was exquisite.

“Oh Trent.” She gasped. Sabrina reached out to touch the fur-trimmed cape. It was a pristine white, full-length shimmering silk cape, trimmed entirely in white ermine. The cape reminded her of Red Riding Hood. The gown beneath was a matching sheath with a strapless bodice of pearls and opalescent beads, an empire waist, and a long cascading three foot train that would trail her down the aisle.

“It’s breathtaking. But, I didn’t know Angel had any wedding gowns left.”

“She does now.”

“What do you mean?”

“The gown was one she’d been toying with for herself. I made her an offer she didn’t dare pass up. And I have a feeling once people find out how elegant her dresses are her shop will undertake even more significant changes.”

“No kidding.”

“Do you really like it?” He looked worried. “I want this occasion to be perfect.”

“Are you kidding? I love it.” He smiled as she touched the gown, stroking the fur trim.

“Kat, Jill, and Angel will be here by ten to help you get dressed. Until then can we talk?”


* * * *

Trent led her to the front pew. He took both her hands in his. He gazed in her eyes, feeling solemn. He didn’t want to scare her. There was still much to explain. “I need you to understand why I’m going into this marriage the way I am. I know what you’ve been trying to do to me the past couple of weeks.”

“What do you mean?” She gnawed on her bottom lip.

“You know—pushing the issue of sex.”

“Ah—was I that obvious?” Color rose from her neck through her forehead like a sudden case of scarlet fever.

“Believe me, it wasn’t easy to ignore all your—ah—attempts. I couldn’t allow myself to do that to you. I need you to believe how sincere I am, all things considered. I need you to know I don’t take our vows lightly and you mean the world to me. It’s important to proceed cautiously and that I do this the right way, for you, for me. For us.”

“I’m glad you told me. For a while there ,I thought you didn’t find me attractive that way.”

“You can honestly say that after everything you did to me at Angel’s? Are you nuts? It was only out of respect for you I refused to act on your illicit little tactics. Aphrodisiacs. Did you think I didn’t know what you were up to?”

“You never let on.”

“What was I supposed to do? I was afraid of making another mistake. You had me second-guessing myself at every turn. Only when I finally figured out what you were doing at Angel’s did I know what I’d have to do. By the way, was it really necessary to bring those two little old ladies in the game?” he asked shaking his head, afraid they’d jump out at him even now.

“You have to admit they were pretty darn funny.”

“I believe ridiculous, embarrassing, humiliating, even demoralizing is more like it.”

Kat broke up their moment. “Hey you two, we have a wedding to put on. Where can we get Sabrina ready?”

“You’re early,” Trent said, somewhat miffed they’d shown up before he was done.

“I guess the rest of this talk will have to wait until tonight.” Sabrina pressed a kiss to his lips.

Trent winked at her an all-knowing wink. He couldn’t wait.





As Angel, Kat, Jill, along with the bride and groom’s mothers, helped his soon-to-be-wife into her dress behind closed doors, the men kept Trent company at the front of the chapel.

Travis pulled him aside, “I wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. You’re doing a great job at the magazine. Mom and Dad can’t be prouder either. I got stuck listening to them sing your stinking praises all the way here. I’m sure I’ll never hear the end of it since you’ll be married before me. Now, I’ll be compared to you.”

“Serves you right considering I’ve lived my entire life in your wake.”

“You know, I’m actually jealous. Sabrina’s a great girl. It’s a good thing you met her first because I’d have given you a run for your money.”

Trent’s heart swelled. “Too late big brother, besides you need to get to know Angel. She’s more your type and almost as wonderful as Sabrina—almost.”

“Hmm. I’ll give it some consideration, little brother.”



“You two knock that crap off. This is Trent’s wedding day,” their father interjected. “I wish Max was here to see it. He’d have loved your proposal and this wedding. Nice job, son.”

“Don’t worry Dad, I think he’s watching,” Trent said as his father wiped away the moisture at the corner of his eyes. Maybe his dad and Max weren’t as different from him and Travis.

At precisely eleven forty-five, the minister entered the back of the chapel to inquire if the wedding party was ready. Trent previously went over the vows. It was a matter of the “I do’s” when asked. He expected to be nervous, but a strange calm washed over him. All was right in his world.

Sabrina’s father offered to check on the women.

Over the speakers mounted high in the corners of the chapel, Trent had arranged
Canon in D
piped in for the bride’s walk down the aisle. The instrumental even more perfect with the acoustics of the stone building. String instruments in perfect harmony with a harp performed by the Trans Siberian Orchestra. It was his favorite version.

Trent forgot to breathe the second he spied Sabrina in her gown. His eyes misted over. There was a lump in his throat, his heartbeat sped up. He had to force himself to breathe in through his nose and out through his mouth so he didn’t hyperventilate and pass out.

Sabrina’s face was radiant, a smile from ear-to-ear as she approached him. Her calm demeanor but quick steps, anxious to begin their life together, almost made him laugh out loud, but also soothed his nervousness.

When the song ended, the minister asked everyone to be seated.

There would be no giving away of the bride only Sabrina and Trent standing before their friends and family promising to love one another as long as they lived.

“Do you, Trent, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and cherish until death do you part?

“I do.”

“Do you Sabrina, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and cherish until death do you part?

“I do.”

“May I have the ring?”

Trent handed the minister the ring.

He blessed it and handed it back to Trent. “Slip the ring on her left hand.”

He did. The action drew a stifled sob from Sabrina’s lips.

“I now pronounce you man and wife.” The timing had been perfect. At the stroke of midnight the minister announced, “You may kiss your bride.”

They kissed to a kaleidoscope of colors flashing through the stained glass windows from the fireworks over the lake.

Step thirteen. Marry him before he gets away. Check.

* * * *

Hours later, when they were finally alone in the main house Trent lay in bed waiting for Sabrina.

In the background, classical music played quietly and filled the room with a reverent tone. Sabrina joined him coming in from the master bathroom. The diaphanous white gown she wore billowed softly with each step she took closer to him. She let the sheer robe float from her shoulders to her wrists. She removed the shell and draped it over the settee at the foot of the bed. Trent said a silent prayer thanking Angel for the selection. His beautiful wife, Sabrina.

She came to him, met him on his side of the bed. Never had any woman looked so ravishing. Trent pulled back the covers slid out of bed and stood before her naked. He pushed one strap over her shoulder then kissed it and felt her shiver. The other strap followed suit.

It didn’t take much effort from him to slide the delicate confection over her hips. He slipped into bed and pulled her with him, rolling her over the top on him making her squeal and laugh.

“It was the most beautiful wedding I’ve ever been to and I can’t believe it was mine. Thank you.”

“And mine,” he said.

“It was absolutely perfect. I’m amazed you pulled it off.”

“I had plenty of incentive. I love you—and I owed it to you.”

The fireplace popped in the background as a roaring fire filled the room with a warmth that made it completely unnecessary to worry about covers, even with a snowstorm outside.

Trent rolled Sabrina over until she lay beneath him. For everything they’d been through with Sabrina’s endless tactics, he was frightened he wouldn’t be able to make this moment as memorable as possible for her. He’d do his level best.

He kissed her slowly, gently, allowing her to become accustomed to his weight, his nakedness. It only took an instant for his body to react to hers. He felt her nipples pebble against his chest.

He cupped her breast and drew one nipple to his mouth, sucking gently. She needed time to get used to new feelings and sensations. He kissed her throat, reveled in her soft gasp and unbridled sigh, and the deep intake of breath followed by another longer sigh.

Her breaths came in pants when he moved closer, his body looking for its way home. He reached down to make sure she was ready for him. Liquid heat instantly surrounded him. Her arms came around his waist. She drew her legs up, bent at the knees and tipped her pelvis, raising her hips in search of him. His erection settled at her opening, ready to claim what was finally his.

He tried to go slow, but she wasn’t having any of that. She raised herself onto him. He kissed her mouth and pressed his way home. He stilled, allowed her body to stretch to accommodate him. He moaned when she started moving. He broke into a sweat even as he tried to maintain his control, only to have her continue to move. He savored each thrust, her body sheathing every inch of him in heat. As he aroused her passion, he grew harder and her natural instincts threatened to undo him.

She met his rhythm thrust for thrust, bucking until she wrapped her legs around his waist to claim her prize. He stared down at her closed eyes as spasms rocked her body around his. His own passion built until he lost control, releasing white-hot molten heat into her. His body throbbed in time with hers, contentment flowing through them as they explored and memorized each other’s bodies.

She kissed him, nuzzled his neck and sighed. “OhmyGod.”

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