Shadow Hunters (Portal Jumpers)

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Authors: Yezall Strongheart

BOOK: Shadow Hunters (Portal Jumpers)
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Portal Jumpers

Shadow Hunters

By Yezall Strongheart

Published by Horny Devil Publishing

Copyright 2013 Yezall Strongheart




Portal Jumpers: Shadow Hunters Copyright © 2013 Yezall Strongheart

Edited by Frank Lee
and Colette Stone

Cover art by Dee Allen

Electronic book publication

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Horny Devil Publishing LLC, P.O
. Box 2508, Palm City, FL 34991.

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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.



As always, to my Michael.



As far as anyone
knew, she had locked herself in her room and was studying.  However, as soon as she reached the bottom of the tree outside her window, she would be on her way.  Callie figured if she was going to interact with the opposite sex, she would have to be creative.

hen you live in a college town, don’t even think about going away to college.  If your dad is a professor, then you can forget about a life as well.  Callie was nineteen years old, pretty hot; so every guy who was brave enough to tell her said.  With her long, wavy, red hair and cool, blue eyes, she was the whole package…and she lived at home.  Guys were hesitant to approach her.  Even if they did, her dad would scare them away.  So that’s what made her “rebellious.”

didn’t have to change her looks; where she was going they wouldn’t know her.  Little Callie Halston never wore short skirts, low-cut blouses or false eyelashes, but she looked very different that night.  In the mirror, before she left, she gave herself a thumbs up and a long drawn out “Sluuuuttttty.”

Darkness conceal
ed her as she walked right out of the little cookie cutter collection of mid-to-expensive homes to the part of town, across the lake, where the
lived.  Guess that depended on what you were lookin’ for.  Same as any town, Glenville Heights had a dividing line between the low-income, smaller houses and those found on her side. The population on that side of the lake wasn’t as secretive about their drinking habits, they weren’t as discreet with their affairs, and the boys were a lot more fun.  The best part was they didn’t know who her dad was, nor did they care. 

In order to get to the other side of the lake
, she had to go through a wooded area.  There was a cave there; and ever since she was a child, it scared her to pass it.  It was just really dark in there, even in the daytime as if it were a black hole or something.  Evil seemed to ooze from it. 

entered the dense woods.  Thankfully, the moon was full; it kept her from falling several times.  The cave was near, and she felt her guts tighten, bile rising in her throat.  Slowing down a little, as if she was sneaking around
wouldn’t see her, Callie tried to be quiet.  She heard a noise and froze;
did it come from the cave?
  It sounded like someone striking a match.  Looking towards the sound, she was quick enough to see a flash of light.  As silently as she could, Callie inched forward trying to see where the light came from.

In a small clearing near the opening
of the cave, stood a tall man.  He was dressed in all black; black pants and shirt along with a long leather-looking coat.  All of this was topped off with a black cowboy hat, his long dark hair flowing from underneath it.  He was leaning against a tree looking down, one leg bent behind him, his foot on the trunk.  He had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and a rifle in his hand.

Not wanting to mess with anyone who was armed, she moved to leave
.  She was on a mission, just wanting to have casual sex.  She couldn’t keep those boys from the other side of the lake waiting!  They were probably several beers ahead of her already! He looked peculiar, verging on abnormal.  No one around there dressed like that.  Dying wasn’t part of her plans—no guns.  Stepping backwards, she tripped over a branch and landed on her ass.  Cowboy Bob was on her in a hot minute.

“Who the fuck are you?” he yelled at

“M-My name’s Callie
,” she squeaked out, looking up at him.  His face was shadowed; she was unable see his features.

“What are you
doin’ here? What do you want?” he asked, poking her with his rifle.

“I was on my way to the other
side of the lake, that’s all!”  Callie brought her legs up and tried to get away from the gun, even though she knew her legs were spread wide open and her panties were probably glowing in the dark.

He was quiet for a moment then moved the rifle between
her legs.  He bounced the tip of it against the center of her panties.  She gasped and heard him laugh.

“Is that cuz you’
re scared or cuz you like it?” he asked

Right, here
she was dressed like a fuckin’ slut, and he asks her a question like that. 
Callie kept her mouth shut; she could only make it worse.

“I could fuck the shit right outa ya right here
, and nobody would hear you screaming.”  He moved the rifle back to his side, extending a hand down to her.

heart was pounding.  This was not what she was looking for! All she wanted was to tease and play with some poor sap then have a roll in the sheets.  This was psycho shit! 
she took his hand anyway.  He pulled her up and pressed her against his firm chest.  She could see him better now.

He vaguely looked like a kid from school who had dropped out in junior year.  However, Bernie had been a pimple-faced skinny ass.  This man was oozing muscles and testosterone, and his face was smooth, save for a little stubble, plus he was ruggedly handsome.

There is no more Bernie…I am Vlad!” he snapped.

Callie took
a minute to assess the situation. 
So it’s not Bernie? Or was it Bernie, and he changed his name?

,” her voice squeaked as he held her tightly.

“You smell good
,” he pointed out as he nuzzled her hair.

Wanting to
be amiable so maybe he would let her go, she took notice of the way he smelled.  He smelled like soap…mixed with leather and man.  Callie took a deep breath.  Huge mistake…she became less scared, and her original purpose reared its horny little head.

“So do you.”  And
she meant it.  In another place, another time, she’d be all over this guy.

ybe I’ll fuck you anyway,” he chuckled softly.

She laughed nervously

Oh boy, gotta change the subject

“What are you doing out here tonight?”
she asked.

He tensed
and didn’t speak right away, making her feel as if she should have kept her mouth shut.

“I just killed someone
,” he whispered.

Terror stopped
her from breathing for a moment.  She could feel herself start to shake.

didn’t, it was Bernie. Bernie killed them.  They are going to think it was me, but it wasn’t.”  He was holding her by her shoulders, looking into her eyes.

“What do you mean?”
she asked, a little confused.

“Maybe you can help me
.  I look like Bernie, you even mentioned it, but I’m Vlad.  Bernie killed them, and I will go to jail for it if you don’t help me,” he pleaded.

Now she was really confused.

“I need your help
.  Please.” He waited for her to speak.

“Where’s Bernie then?”
she asked.

“I don’t know…I ran when it all went dow
n.  That’s when you found me,” he explained.  “I was trying to figure out if I should go back and see if there was anything I could do to help them or just leave.

“We should go to the police then
,” Callie decided.

“No, I’m not going to jail
,” he stated.

What made
her believe this guy, she had no idea.  Maybe it was his crazy story—so crazy, it had to be true, or maybe there was an unrequited attraction she wasn’t willing to acknowledge?  Her parents had a cabin on the lake, she’d take him there for now.

, come with me.  My parents have a cabin on the lake.”

He seemed relieved
.  “Thanks.  You said your name was Callie?” 

,” she replied as he followed behind her.  This sure wasn’t her plan for the evening.  Callie wanted to have a little harmless fun, and now she was harboring a fugitive.



When they arrived at her parent’s cabin,
she knew where the spare key was hidden.  Standing on her tiptoes and seizing the key from above the door, she opened it.  Looking for candles, not wanting to turn on the lights and alert anyone they were there, she walked to the mantel above the fireplace.

Vlad followed
her in and closed the door.  He left the rifle on the kitchen table and helped Callie with the candles.  They stood close together with the candlelight illuminating their faces. 
He really did look like Bernie, but way better.  Maybe they were related.

“I must so
und like a real nut job, huh?” he asked.

eah, kinda.  I’m a little afraid of you,” she confessed.

“I’m sorry
, Callie, I’ve just been through something I don’t know how to handle, and I’m a little scared too,” he confided.

All sense left
her as she instinctively hugged him.  He hugged her back, and her libido stepped to the front of the line.  Apparently, so did his, clearly evidenced by the arousal she could feel against her abdomen along with a sudden aching tension building between them.  Surprised, she looked up at him.  His desire for her was visible in his eyes.  Slowly, he pulled her snugly against his chest.

As his eyes narrowed to
half-mast, he cupped her chin in his hand, kissing her gently.  This wasn’t the drunken groping she so often had to settle for.  This was a sensuous, experienced, exotic kiss that had the hot flavor of desire.  It was akin to the lighting of a fire.  His rough hands moved over her bare shoulders with the agility of a skilled lover.

When the kiss
ended, he stayed close to her face.  Seeing his smoky gaze peering back at her, she became embarrassed.  She asked if he wanted something to drink.  He nodded.  As she tried to move, he held her arm, tugging it slightly

she questioned, trying to figure what out he was doing.

He pulled
her back into his arms, kissing her lips with a promise of fulfillment and breathed into her ear.  “I want inside you.”

“Wow, I usually get dinner first…”
she teased, trying to push away.

“Please Callie, you know you want me to
o, let’s not play games,” he reasoned.

That part was true
.  It’s what she had set out to do tonight, and it had been several days since she had been with anyone, but the playing games part…no, Callie liked that.

“Slow down cowboy, we got all night
.  Let’s get something to drink and go into the living room,” she suggested.

He didn’t say anything but his grasp on
her loosened enough for her to pull away and walk to the fridge.  Opening it, she grabbed two beers and handed them to Vlad then searched for a bottle opener.

she exclaimed, finding one in a drawer and holding it up in the air.

He took it from
her and opened the bottles before they walked into the living room.  A comfortable C-shaped couch pit was in front of the fireplace.  To the left and up a few steps was a dining table in front of a huge window that looked out on the lake.  They sat down on the couch, setting their beers on the small table between the couch and the fireplace.

Vlad had removed his leather coat
and cowboy hat, throwing it on the back of the couch.  Callie sat with her legs under her; Vlad was turned sideways, his feet on the floor.  He pulled her to him, causing her ass to rise in the air.  Kissing her softly, he rubbed the skin of her arm with his warm, calloused hand then slid it down to her hip.  His large hand spread out over her upturned ass, pulling her closer. 

With the other hand
, his fingers combed into her hair and tightened over a mass of the fiery red tresses.  Pulling her head to the back of the couch, he leaned in.  There was a noise outside.  Instantly, Vlad pushed her down on the couch to her back, rolling over quickly to lie on top of her.  He was looking out the window in the dining room intently.

“Is somebody there?”
she whispered.

“We have to go
,” he answered, grabbing her shirt and pulling her with him.

Callie asked weakly.

Vlad grabbed the rifle
, then they left the cabin by the back door, sneaking down to the lake.  Lying flat as they could in the sand, they waited.  When the shadows appeared again, he yanked her closer to him.

“Who is it?”
she asked.

Someone who wants to kill me,” he replied solemnly.

When they thought it was safe
, they got up from the sand and looked for a better place to hide.  Spotting a car up on blocks in a neighbor’s back yard, they got into it, sitting in the confined spot for over an hour.  Callie hunkered down while Vlad scanned the area close to them, looking for any movement.  She closed her eyes and waited.  Her eyes flew open when Vlad ran his hand over the front of her shirt, disturbing her hardened nipples.  She slapped his hand away, smiling.

“Are you cold?” he whispered with humor in his voice.


until he looked out at the landscape again to make her move, she ran her hand over the front of his jeans.  There was almost instant recognition of appreciation for her act.  Vlad turned and smiled a devious little grin at her.

I won’t ask you to stop.”

It was madness to laugh while they were in danger.  They passed the time with Vlad teasing her breasts while she rubbed his cock over the material of his pants, figuring as long as they were quiet, they could still entertain each other.  They laughed silently at the ridiculousness of it all while they tried to stay as quiet as they could.

Where were you goin’ in a getup like that?” Vlad asked.

She looked down at her attire
. “I was going to study with a friend.”

Vlad looked at her amused.

“Well, where were you goin’ all dressed up like Cowboy Bob?”

Callie watched
as Vlad rose to peek out the window.

“Is it safe?”
she asked in a whisper.  The teasing had heightened her need to satisfy her lust; she knew Vlad was anxious to comply.

nodded as he sat back down then she knelt on the seat next to him.  Resting her hands on his shoulders, his hands closed around her breasts, and she felt the charge of excitement of her soon-to-be-fulfilled wish.  Clutching fistfuls of his shirt, she began to moan and pant at the same time his clever fingers teased her nipples to pebble-hard erections.  Deftly unbuttoning his jeans, she pulled down the zipper.  His fully engorged cock sprang free, pulsing in relief.  Then, sliding the seat back, he scooted his jeans down over his hips.  Callie immediately straddled him with his help.  It seemed he was in just as much of a hurry as she was.  Sliding her panties to the side, she eased her slippery slit down on his rock-hard cock, leaning forward to press a hand against his chest. 

This time, it’s all about me, Vlad. You could be a dildo for all I care.” She laughed huskily, and then started to move, slowly grinding him into the seat below. 

only meant half of that.  Her need was great and longed to be satisfied, but for some reason, she needed the guy she was with to be satisfied as well.  Caring about his pleasure too, she raised her ass in the air, sliding him in and out with heart-stopping speed while she watched his face contort in pleasure.  Taking her seat in his lap again, she pulled her knees up, taking him deep.  Her one hand spread out on the window; the other gripped the top of the adjoining seat.  Closing her eyes, loud guttural noises spewed from her lips as molten waves of pleasure rolled over her.

Vlad grabbed
her hips, rocking her in his lap.  She was almost there…then she opened her eyes to watch him fuck her.  It started with a low moan, and it ended with shock waves of pleasure, causing her to groan and gasp loudly.  Vlad quickly changed their position, putting Callie on her back to lie across the torn seat covers as he drove home, pounding her as deep as he could go, relentlessly penetrating her with savage lust.  His orgasm was quieter than hers, but he was obviously spent.  He collapsed on top of her and lay there panting for a few moments.

He finally raised hi
s head and uttered, “Dang girl.” 

made her laugh, and she asked, “Tell me your story Vlad, if you ever wanna tap this again.”
That was a lie, all he would have to do is ask.

“There is no way you would be
lieve me,” he replied.

Well, I might. Try me.”  She poked him in the side.

He took
a deep breath.  “I
Bernie, or I used to be.” 

looked at him in disbelief.

“Several years ago I open
ed a portal to another world,” he explained in all seriousness.

laughed. “That’s not funny.”

“I’m not trying to be funny
. Those
were from the other world, and they were looking for me,” he confided.

…Ber…Vlad, that’s crazy!” she exclaimed.

“Callie, listen to me, there is a time rip happening right now
.  When I opened the portal a few years ago, I went through it, and I haven’t been back until now.  When I returned today, I entered my house and watched as Bernie…killed my parents.”  His voice was choked with emotion.

“How is that possible?”
She was stunned.

“It was just like the night I left the house mad
after arguing with my parents, and I found the portal.  It was like an alternative ending.  I think the fact that I came back here set it all in motion,” he surmised, obviously stressed.

, Bernie is still walking around somewhere?” she asked.

“That’s the weird part
. After he killed them, he walked towards me like he was going to kill me too, but I…absorbed him.” Vlad brought his hands to his face.  “I’m not really sure

“And these things, why do they want to kill you?”
she asked.

sighed heavily. “They come from a shadow world, and I can’t explain it all now.  They steal bodies from people in this world and do evil things, but it’s temporary.  The bodies here are too fragile; it limits what they can accomplish.  The body dies, and they must move on to another.  The bodies on the other side of the portal are stronger; we are immortals.  We have them blocked for the moment, so they are feeding off of your world.  The point is, they know that I know who they are.  It’s me they want.”

“Show me the portal
,” she demanded flatly. 
It had to be a lie, and he had to be a nut job.  Damn, just when I found a great friends-with-benefits guy!

“It’s too dange
rous,” he maintained.

“Show me or I’ll scream next time those
come around,” she promised.

“They’ll kill us both
,” he warned.

“Show me
,” she demanded.

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