Shadow Hunters (Portal Jumpers) (4 page)

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Authors: Yezall Strongheart

BOOK: Shadow Hunters (Portal Jumpers)
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With the rhythmic clutching of his engorged cock, Vlad growled his climax
from the depths of his throat.  Pounding his entire shaft into the sweetness of her warm pussy, he found satisfaction.

With b
oth of them completely exhausted, Vlad was still able to rain kisses across her silky shoulders while she rubbed his abdomen.  He released her bonds, a quiet sensuality covering them both as they lay in each other’s arms. 


Chapter Six

“I’ve never been satisfied with just one man, Vlad,” Callie informed him.

“I figured as much
.  You didn’t know me very well, but I’ve had a crush on you since I can’t remember when.  I knew who you were right away when I found you in the forest,” he acknowledged as he circled her soft nipple with his finger then laughed as it hardened.

She paused as he nodded. “Well, you didn’t let me finish.  I’ve never been satisfied with one man…until now.”

Vlad took her by the shoulders and kissed her softly
. “I’m glad you’re here, Callie.  We’ll fight the Shadow People together.  We’ll make a great team.” After Callie nodded her approval with that plan, Vlad hugged her.

“We should probably get ready for dinner with the Goddess
.  Something tells me she doesn’t like to be kept waiting,” Callie jested.

“You are a very smart woman
.  I think that’s why she teases you.  You both are a lot alike,” Vlad quipped with a grin.

, I don’t know about that! I think she feels threatened by me,” Callie laughed.

It wasn’t long
before they were ready to leave for dinner.  Callie noticed he didn’t bother to lock the door.  “Do other people live here in this world?” she asked.

He steered her over to a railing near his house and pointed
. “This is the upper level where the Goddess lives.  Everyone else lives down there.”

As far as
she could see, there was a modest little town with streets going in many directions.  Colorful buildings that were businesses and homes held beautiful green plants and shrubs scattered about.  “Oh, beautiful!” she exclaimed.

He took her hand, drawing her with him
up the path to dine with the Goddess.  They walked hand in hand, talking quietly to each other.  Callie saw the Goddess watching them and knew she was smiling.

The dining room of the palace matched the rest of the rooms in décor
.  No expense was spared; evidenced by the ornate carving on the long wooden table and the many chairs on each side.  Upon closer inspection, Callie could see the carvings were of people having sex just like the statues in the main hall.  The large paintings on the walls were more about courting; the couples pictured all seemed to be clothed.  The table settings themselves were either gold or silver, and of course, looked expensive.  The Goddess was seated at the head of the table when they arrived.  They took seats near her to her left side.

During their
dinner, the Goddess answered a few questions about the town, and they engaged in other small talk.  Once dessert was served, the Goddess sat back in her chair.  “The seal in the cave was broken by our beautiful Vlad a few years ago.  That also weakened other seals from other worlds.  The shadows first went into your world, Callie, but you never even knew they were there.  Your people explained away disappearances by blaming it on aliens or some other silly thing.”

“Wait, you mean there are no aliens?” Callie asked in disbelief.

The Goddess and Vlad looked at her with stoic faces.

The Goddess sighed and continued,
“When they found your bodies to be too fragile, they discovered us.  We lost quite a few people before we were able to force them back through the portal.  When the Shadow People take over our bodies, our souls die, just as your peoples’ do, but our immortal bodies live, giving the shadows a permanent home.  I was able to construct a barrier they can’t cross. Now they must be fought in your world, Callie.  We must find their access point, possibly another portal.”

Callie nodded her understanding
. “But I can’t do it alone!”

“Of course not,
you and Vlad, you’re a team,” the Goddess replied.

“Me?” Vlad asked, a little shocked
. “But I thought you said I couldn’t cross over any more.”

“I asked you NOT to!”
she retorted sternly, and then continued calmly, “However, I will put a protection spell on both of you to keep you in one piece.  You have become one of us, Callie.  The shadows must be forced back through their portal and then, Vlad, you must seal it.  I’ll teach you how.”

Vlad nodded.

“You must return here every 48 hours to renew the protection spell.  If not, you run the chance of the shadows possessing you, understood?” the Goddess asked.  “One more thing, stay away from your families if you want them to stay out of danger.”

“I guess I don’t have to worry about that
,” Vlad added sadly.

Callie held his arm and leaned into his side
. “We don’t know that for sure until we go back.  We can check on your parents without them seeing us.  You can’t be sure of what you saw.”

This time they both nodded.

“Go sleep on it.  We’ll talk again in the morning,” the goddess suggested with a smile.

They walked back to Vlad’s house in the cool evening, the phosphorescent trees and plants lighting the way
.  Once upstairs in the bedroom, they took off their clothes and slid between the cool sheets.  Vlad brought some wine back with them and poured a glass for each of them, handing Callie hers.

As he sat next to her on the bed, she curled her arm
, holding the glass of wine around his.  “A toast to us on our new venture!”

“Shadow Hunters!” he
burst out triumphantly.

They laughed and sipped their wine
.  Vlad then took her wine and set both glasses on a small table near them.  “My other new venture is making love to you for an eternity.”  Then he took her into his embrace.

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