Read Shadows Online

Authors: Amber Lacie

Shadows (15 page)

BOOK: Shadows
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"This" Thrust. "Is." He flicks my clit, again.
"Mine." Thrust. "I am." Flick. "Keeping you." Thrust. He rolls my
clitoris between his fingers and pounds into me.

My thighs are shaking as my orgasm rips
through my body. "Oh my, God! Theron!"

His hands grab my waist, holding me up.
"Fuck!" He slams into me again and I can feel his cock spasm as he
comes. Holding me to him he stills. I'm out of breath. My hair is
wet with sweat and matted to the side of my face. Softly sliding
out of me he gently rolls me to my side. I hear him walk into the
bathroom. I'm exhausted and have no energy to move. My eyes are
still covered.

"Beautiful, you can open your eyes now."
Theron slides the bandana off my head and I blink letting my eyes
adjust to the light. "Remarkable?" I smile. I can't stop smiling.
I'm soaring somewhere above the bed and my body is left lying there
unable to speak. "Eve, did I break you?"


"I see. I'm going to go get a glass of water.
I'll bring back one for you. I would ask, but it seems you're
incapable of speech at the moment."

I watch him walk out of the room, never taking
my eyes off of him. I close my eyes for just a second. When I open
them he's sitting beside me holding a glass of water out for me.
Sitting up I take the glass and down every last drop. It's very
refreshing. "Thank you."

"Do you want some more?"


"Water, you naughty girl. Just water. I think
you need some rest after that."

"No, I'm okay."

He sets the glass down on the night stand and
lays down beside me. I lay my head on his chest and wrap my arm
around his waist. "Rest for a little bit, and then I'll wash you
off in the shower." His heartbeat is the last sound I hear before I
drift off to sleep.

Chapter 8

re you even
listening, Eve?"

I look up and Ben is standing beside my desk
with his arms crossed. I'm sure he's ranting about something, but I
can't focus on what he is saying. I just keep replaying last night
in my head. Theron wanted to give me a remarkable night. He
definitely did twice last night, and once this morning before I
left for work. Driving Badass into work was an added bonus to my
morning. I roll my eyes at Ben. He's still standing looking down at
me, and now he's tapping his foot. "What can I do for you,

"You can do your job. You haven't been here
all week. Who do you think has done your accounts?"

"I called Anne. I had a death in the family."
I'm furious. Where the hell is Anne? I hope she's in this
afternoon. I can't handle much more of Ben.

"That excuse is shit, Eve. Kayla came by on
Monday to grab her account logs. What have you done? Absolutely
nothing. Have you even finished your logs for today?"

"Listen, Ben, I don't know what your problem
is, but I will be taking this issue up with management. Now if you
are done, I need to get my work done." I turn back to my computer
and open my program. He stands there for a moment longer before he
finally walks away. What is his problem? Taking a deep breath, I
try to focus on my work. Theron was already a distraction, and now
Ben has added to my problems by giving me a headache.

I finish logging a couple more accounts. Then,
I send a text to Kayla around one. I let her know Benzilla is on a
rampage and to be weary whenever she comes back to the office.
Checking my email one more time, I see a new one from the main
office of National Clerk Accounts. I open it and begin to skim
through it. It's a notice for a meeting at two o'clock today about
merging all of the accounts, but I don't understand it all. I'll
have to take a quick lunch to make sure I'm back in

I'm standing outside across the street at one
of the food trucks parked along the curb. As I pay for my chips and
drink, I notice a blonde in a gray pencil skirt eyeing Theron's
car. Taking a sip of my drink, I head back towards the office. "Can
I help you?"

She straightens her shoulders and gives me a
look of confusion. "No, I don't think so." Placing one hand on her
hip, she gives me a once over.

I automatically don't like her. Everything in
me is screaming at me to walk away, but I don’t. Stepping around
her, I hit the unlock button on my keys. I look over my shoulder at
her and I can tell she's surprised.

"This is yours?"

"Sort of. It's my boyfriend’s car. Is there
something you needed?" My tone is sharp. I'm not one for playing
twenty questions.

"No, sweetie. I'm sorry. I was just headed
inside." She nods her head towards the office. She has to be a
client. She has snob written all over her, with her hair twisted
back and perfect face. There's no way she hasn't had any work

I finish my lunch in the car. I really don't
want to run into the blonde again, but I need to get back to my
desk. I don't notice her as I make my way to my cubicle. I log back
in and take care of a couple small accounts before heading to the
conference room.

"It's nice of you to finally join us." Ben
smirks at me raising his eyebrows.

All of the accounting clerks are already in
attendance, sans Kayla. I wish she was here. I shoot Ben a dirty
look. Who the hell does he think he is? I take a seat closest to
the door. I want to be able to escape, if need be. Anne shuffles in
and she looks ragged. Her hair is a mess and she's struggling with
her papers. If I had to guess, I'd say something bad is about to
happen. Sharon walks in followed by the blonde. Shit. Today is not
my day. My stomach drops. I stop chewing my cheek and straighten my

"Thank you all for being on time for this
meeting. I have a couple of important issues to address today, and
I need to make sure we are all on the same page." Sharon sweeps her
eyes across the room, holding my gaze for just a couple seconds.
"I'm going to make this quick. As some of you know, we are a
smaller enterprise but have been acquiring more clients as of late.
The main office has noticed our hard work as well as some other
small offices. The company will be merging with Highton Associates
at the end of the month. There will be some minor changes to staff,
and the programming. Please be patient while all the kinks are
worked out." Minor changes to staff? I really hope nobody is let
go. "At this time I would like to introduce you to Ms. Bridgette
Clarks." Sharon gestures to the blonde. "She will be running this
office, while I'm in training at the main Highton office in New

"Right. I will only do a small introduction,
since I know there are a few of you who are trying to finish up
this week’s accounts." Bridgette looks right at me and raises one
eyebrow. I know I have accounts to finish. I don’t need a reminder.
It's not as though this happens often with me. "Please take a few
notes, if you do not have a good memory. First of all you will
address me as Ms. Clarks unless otherwise told. Second, I will
expect all account logs to be completed by three o'clock on
Fridays. Thirdly, there will be some changes in staff, mainly with
relocating to different branches. From now on, you will treat this
business with respect and a competitive attitude. Those that work
hard will be kept, those who do not…Well, let's just say you want
to be one that works hard." She gives a sharp look to Sharon and
walks out of the room.

I wait for everyone else to slowly trickle
out. Ben is already kissing up to Ms. Clarks, I can hear him
offering to get her coffee. I spy Anne across the table, slumped in
her chair. "Hey, Anne, you okay?"

Shaking her head, she wipes her cheek. "Not
really. That was supposed to be my position. Sharon was to be
promoted and then I would be head branch manager. Two days ago, we
got a notice of another company being interested in us. Then, as of
nine this morning, National Clerk Accounts was bought. What I can’t
understand is how the purchase was made so quickly. This had to
been in the works for them to have someone available to replace
Sharon. I mean they couldn't have just decided that yesterday,
could they of?”

"I don't know, Anne. I'm sorry they passed
over you." Reaching over, I pat her hand. I don't know what to say
to her. Anne looks up and smiles at me, but it's forced. "Will you
be okay? I should probably get back to work. I don't think the
blonde, I mean Ms. Clarks will be pleased if I don’t."

"I'm fine. You should go."

I look back at Anne as I leave the room. She's
always been excellent at her job. Pulling out my chair, I make
myself comfortable at my desk. I'm almost caught up with my work
from this week. I just have two more accounts for today, and then
tomorrow's schedule. I check the time and I notice it's a little
past five o'clock. I log off and start collecting my

"Are you headed out for today, Miss...I'm
sorry I didn't catch your name." Ms. Clarks is standing next to my
desk. She gives me a genuine smile, maybe she's not so

"Yes, I'm sorry. I didn’t notice the

"Perhaps, you should take your logs with you
then. I noticed you didn't finish today's schedule."

"I guess I can. I actually accomplished a lot
today. I was out most of the week. There was a death in my family."
I'm hoping for some sympathy points, but she only looks

"Yes, I looked into that. A friend isn’t
really family, is it?"

"I'm sorry?" I swallow hard. Who is she to say
who my family is? "He was like a brother to me, he was my

"Tonight after you finish today's schedule, I
want you to google the word friend. Perhaps you can enlighten me
tomorrow on how friend equals blood relative."

If looks could kill, she would be dead from
the look I'm giving her as she walks away. This day has been
absolute shit. I regret not staying home with Theron. I grab my
purse and jacket. I send Kayla another text as I head towards the
parking lot. Benzilla is nothing compared to Ms. I have a rod up my
ass Clarks. Opening the door, I slide into the car. The leather
seats hug me, offering me comfort. I almost breakdown in the car,
but I take a steadying breath and head for home.

* * * *

Theron has made spaghetti with a Pork Bolognese
for dinner. It's amazing. I'm completely famished and it doesn't
take me long to clear my plate.

"Is it that good? I don't think I've ever seen
anyone eat my spaghetti so fast."

"Oh, my God. It's so delicious. I didn't
realize how hungry I was until I started eating." I take a sip of
my Zinfandel. "So, what did you do today, while I was out working
with the masses?"

"I worked from home. I may not have an office,
but I do run a business. You didn't think I was jobless did

"I just assumed you were taking care of your
gram." I shrug my shoulders while taking another sip of my

"That is what I do. She has her finger in a
couple pots, and I'm in charge to make sure they don't boil over.
She's even made me Vice President of her company."

"Oh? What's the name of the company she

"You won’t believe me if I tell

"Why not? I'm reasonable."

Theron shakes his head, but I can tell with
the drop of his shoulders he's given up. "Gilf Mergers
Incorporated." He bites his lip and looks at me expectantly, but I
don't understand.

"Gilf? Is that an abbreviation for

"Oh, no. I'm not telling you. You can ask her
when she comes over for dessert in a bit."

I try my best pout, but he doesn't give in.
"Fine, I will just ask her when she gets here." I stand to clear
off the table. Theron is sitting in his chair, his arms firmly
crossed, and with a smirk on his face. I'm determined to find out
what it stands for. I'm starting the dishes as his gram walks in
wearing a Pink Floyd shirt, skinny jeans, and a pair of pink
chucks. Her taste in clothes astounds me.

"Eve, my beautiful girl. Look at you! You're
dressed and moving around. This is wonderful!" Placing her hands on
my shoulders, she kisses each of my cheeks.

"Hello, Isa. Can you believe I even made it to
the office today? I refuse to be a zombie any longer."

"Wonderful news! Now, what are we up to this
evening? Poker? Pool? A horror flick?"

This woman makes me smile. "I don't know. I'm
not in charge. You will have to ask him." I motion with my head
over to Theron, who is now sitting comfortably on the

"Gram, I love you, but how about we just start
with cheesecake? Okay?"

"Sure, fine, be boring." Isa rolls her

I laugh as I start the dishwasher. I refill my
glass of wine and set it down on the island along with plates for
the cheesecake. I hope I'm this outgoing when I'm her

"Well, Eve, since we are only allowed to have
cheesecake tonight, how about we enjoy a little

"Gram, your little conversations make me

"Theron, shut your damn mouth. I am not
speaking to you as of present."

BOOK: Shadows
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