Shadows (17 page)

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Authors: Amber Lacie

BOOK: Shadows
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"Nothing. I'm going to make dinner since
you've decided to slave away at the office today. I will be holding
you accountable for desert though." He slides his arms around my
waist, softly kissing my neck just under my ear. I shiver. "Mmmm, I
love the way you react to me."

"So do I, but I really need to get to work. My
new boss doesn't seem like the forgiving type."

"If you have to, but remember I offered let
you stay here with me. We can have wild and crazy sex most of the

I kiss him on his cheek. "Most of the

"We need to eat and I'm not a machine, woman.
Now get your demanding butt to work." He smacks my ass and spins me
around. I blow him a kiss as I walk out the door. God, I love this
man. The thought slams into me. Love? Am I that consumed by him? I
can't deny my attraction to him, the way he my skin feels when he
touches me, or the way he fills my thoughts. I need him. I do love
him. I decide to keep it to myself. I am not ready to admit it to
him yet. I roll my shoulders and start the car. Turning on the
radio, I focus my thoughts on the words playing through the

There are only three other cars in the parking
lot when I pull in. I recognize Kayla's and Ben's. I'm not sure who
the other belongs to. I can only hope it's not Ms. Clarks. I barely
make it to my desk before Kayla rushes over to me.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Ssh. Kayla, you'll get us both fired." She
sits on my desk and crosses her legs. Picking up one of my pencils,
she taps it with her fingertips. She's obviously not going

"I'm gone for one week and everything has
turned to shit. They sold the company? What's with our new

"You mean the blonde bitch? She hates me. I
have no idea what's going on with the company. We had a meeting
yesterday, but they didn't talk about anything in detail. Ms. I
have a rod up my ass Clarks did inform us that there will be
changes in staff though. She made it clear, she's not afraid to
fire anyone if necessary. Now get off my desk, before she sees

"Okay, okay. Don't get your panties in a
twist. Why didn't you tell me any of this?"

I push her off my desk. "If you would respond
to my texts you would have known. Now get out." I practically shove
Kayla out of my cubicle. I do not want to start off my day off on
Ms. Clark’s bad side. Logging into the program, I get straight to

"Ahem. Eve, Ms. Clarks would like to see you

Looking up from my computer screen, I find Ben
standing with him arms crossed over his chest. He looks so smug in
his fake suit. His sleeves look so tight I'm afraid the seams will
rip open. One day he's going to resemble the Hulk ripping through
all of his clothes. Too bad he doesn't look anything close to the
Hulk, he's more like the Staypuff Marshmallow Man. I hope a pen
explodes in his pocket later. Karma owes me one. I give Ben a
snarky smile and head to Ms. Clarks office. I knock on the

"Come in."

Walking in, I notice she has wasted no time in
making herself comfortable. I can't tell this office was ever
Sharon's. She even rearranged the furniture.

"Have a seat, Ms. Davidson."

Yesterday I was Eve. Today I'm Ms. Davidson. I
don't take this as a good sign. I sit down in the leather chair in
front of her desk. Is this chair new?

"Ms. Davidson, I can see that you are easily

"What? No. I'm sorry I was just admiring what
you have done with this space." I swallow and wipe my palms on my
legs. I'm so nervous. How did she get this position? She has to be
close to my age. I wonder who she knows.

"If this was an interior decorating business,
I might be inclined to listen your opinion. However, it's not. We
are an accounting company. Your job, is to simply input data for
the accounts on your schedule. It's not difficult. It's not a hard
job. Even Ben seems to be capable, and I doubt his capability at
most day to day life functions. I noticed you finished your
schedules from yesterday. I would like you to know, it's
appreciated. Perhaps next time you will see to finish them in a
more timely fashion, for instance on their scheduled day.

"Yes, I'm sorry." I'm seriously gnawing at my
cheek. I might need plastic surgery after today.

"That being said, I would like to start over
with our business relationship. I can come off quite abrasive. Ben
has informed me you are quite the social butterfly around here.
While, Ben may have given me that information to cause you some
trouble, please know I found his kiss up attitude more than
unbearable. I would like to make friends here at this office and I
think you are the right person to help me do so.”

I must look like a deer in headlights. I'm
completely frozen and have no clue how to respond. I thought she
hated me, but she wants me to help her make friends. This seems
like such an odd request.

"It's alright. You don't have to be scared.
Our business relationship would stay that way. It's just I don't
get out often, and being only twenty-eight I would like more of
social life. Being an old maid with cats, is not my cup of tea."
She smiles sweetly at me looking so sincere.

"Um, Kayla and I normally get lunch together
on Fridays. Would you want to join us today?"

"That would be lovely. I normally take my
lunch around noon. Would that work for you ladies?"

"We normally take lunch at one, but I'm really
hungry today. We could go earlier if you'd like, Ms.

"Great. Wonderful. Please inform Kayla of our
plans. You may go. Oh, and Eve please call me Bridgette"

I push my chair back and turn to walk out of
the office, trying my best to smile. That was so awkward. I head
straight to Kayla's desk and plop down on it.

"Hello? I'm working. Get your ass off my

"Ms. Clarks wants to have lunch with us." I
spit it out quickly trying to rid my mouth of the awkward

"What are you talking about?"

"Ben came up to me and told me Ms. Clarks
wanted to see me. I head to her office thinking she's going to fire
me, but I'm not even close to being right. She says she wants more
of a social life and has decided I would be the right person for
the job. I didn't know what to say. I mentioned how you and I get
lunch on Fridays and now she's coming with us, except we are taking
lunch at noon instead of one. Plus, she wants me to call her
Bridgette" Twirling the ends of my hair, I stare right at Kayla.
She better not back out on me.

"Wait, she asked you? You are the least
sociable person I know. I mean you live in books. Well, you did
until you decided to live with Theron's dick." She grins at

"Kayla! We are not discussing any of that
right now. Our boss is coming to lunch with us, so you better
behave!" I smack her shoulder.

"So his dick is the reason you moved in with

"Oh my, God. On that note, I'm

"Eve, the only way you can come out is if
you're a lesbian. Is there something you're not telling me about
Theron?" She yells at me as I flip her off and walk back to my
cubicle. “Just so you know, I'd love you either way!"

She's impossible. I'm now dreading lunch. I
fiddle around on the computer for an hour or so. I made sure to
finish all of my work, but now I have nothing to do. I watch the
clock as it slowly ticks away. Ten more minutes. Five more minutes.
Three more minutes. I'm greeted by Kayla standing by my

"You ready or what? Where are we

"I don't know maybe we should ask." I grab my
purse and walk with Kayla to meet up with Ms. Clarks. We all agree
on a café around the corner and decide to walk since its close. The
hostess seats us and the waiter promptly takes our orders. I'm
enjoying a cold glass of lemonade. Nobody has spoken a word since
the waiter left. I'm trying my best to avoid eye contact, but it
doesn't work for long.

"So, what do you ladies do for fun?" Bridgette
is sitting across from Kayla and me. I thought the meeting with her
was awkward earlier, but this is worse. Kayla is playing with her
straw and looks at me as though I'm the only one Bridgette is
talking to.

"Nothing really. Kayla has a boyfriend and I
like to curl up with books." I shrug my shoulders. Maybe if she
thinks we are boring, we can drop this let's pretend to be friends

"Wonderful. How long have you been together?"
Bridgette looks right at Kayla. I am now saved from any
conversation. The waiter brings our meals and we have a lovely
lunch. I get away with only saying one word sentences since all the
focus is on Kayla. I'm drinking my lemonade when I get a sharp
pinch on my thigh.

"I'm not the only one with a boyfriend. Isn't
that right, Eve?"

I give Kayla the look of death. It's like she
is pushing me into oncoming traffic and waving at me from the
sidewalk. I guess it's only fair since I did it to her. "Yeah, um,
I have one too." I kick Kayla under the table. I hope it

"That's right. I remember now. You were
driving his rather expensive car the other day. What is it that he

I kick Kayla again and she pinches my leg
under the table. Oh, it's on. "He works for a business merger
company. It's not a large corporation yet, it's just in the
beginning stages. It's nothing compared to the law office Paul
works for. Didn't he just make partner, Kayla?" I smile sweetly at
her and she eyes me down. Once again the conversation is back on
her and I'm in the clear.

We end up taking a longer lunch than normal,
but Bridgette doesn't seem to mind. As we walk back into the
office, Ben is waiting for us. "About time you two made it back.
You're lucky Ms. Clarks is in a meeting, or I would have to let her
know of your infractions." He makes a disgusted face as he looks up
and down. I don't say a word as I move to the side and Bridgette
comes in behind us. The look of shock on his face is absolutely
priceless. I would sit through a hundred awkward lunches if I was
rewarded by this exact expression of his every time.

"What infractions?" Bridgette has her hand on
her hip and raises her eyebrow towards him. It's obvious she finds
him irritating. I find immense pleasure in her scowl.

"They obviously were late coming in from
lunch. They have schedules to keep." He's so incredibly

"Ben, their schedules are of no concern to
you. Their whereabouts do not concern you either. For your
information, they were my lunch meeting. We were discussing matters
concerning this office. Oddly enough your name was mentioned,
nothing good has come of it thus far. I wouldn't push matters if I
were you." Her voice is professional and firm. Ben is sweating, his
fear obvious. "Ladies, thank you for your help with this office. I
can tell you will be highly valued employees." She smiles at us and
rolls her eyes at Ben as she walks away.

"You heard her, Ben. Go screw off

"Kayla!" I grab her arm and pull her towards
our cubicles. She needs a filter to stop every thought from coming
out of her mouth. "Can you please, just for once, be

"Why? He's a jerk. I know it, you know it, and
its obvious Bridgette knows it. Perhaps a little blunt honesty
might help him change his attitude." She sticks her tongue out at
me before taking a seat at her desk. She's so mature.

The rest of the day races by. The company has
installed in-office chat boxes on our program. Bridgette sent an
email detailing how they were to be used appropriately to the
entire office. It was followed by another email sent only to Kayla
and I stating ours are marked as management. Ours will not be
monitored, but we are responsible for reporting and indecencies
made by other employees. Kayla is enjoying this freedom, but I'm
leery. I feel like a paid rat. At five o'clock, I pack up my
belongings and head home. I could definitely use some time with

Chapter 10

absolutely love
driving this car. It's so quick and handles like a dream. I'll have
my car back tomorrow. This is the last time in the driver's seat,
so I enjoy every bit of the drive home. I pull up into the drive
and I notice a black Lexus parked in front of the main house. I
really hope it's not Theron's dad or someone else who will upset
her. I felt so awful for her last night. As I step out of the car,
I notice a man is walking to the Lexus while speaking with Theron.
The man shakes Theron's hand and slides into his car. Theron waves
at the man as he drives away.

Theron must be lost in his thoughts. He
doesn't notice me approach him until I encircle my arms around his
waist. "Who was that?" I kiss his back and he turns to look at

"Oh, Eve." He grasps my face with his hands
and I stare straight into his gorgeous eyes. "I needed you today,
and you were so far away."

"I wasn't far away. I was just at the

"I know, but I couldn't reach you. I couldn't
feel you. I needed you." I softly press my lips to his. If he needs
to feel me, then I'll let him. He returns my kiss and then places
another one on my forehead. "I went to check on Gram today. I
thought maybe she would like to get some lunch with me, but I
couldn't find her. I yelled for her and she didn't answer. I found
her laying on the library floor. I immediately called her

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