Shared for Love (Kagan Wolves) (6 page)

BOOK: Shared for Love (Kagan Wolves)
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I can’t. Never again.
He pushed against Noah’s shoulder, not budging him. The shove tore a growl from Noah instead. Ethan curled his fingers. “Did you hear me? I love Hannah, and I will mate her. Together we’re going to rule the pack.”

Noah grabbed Ethan’s balled fist and tugged it above his head. The hard yank whipped through Ethan, and his breath rushed out.

Noah rubbed his thumb over the pounding vein in Ethan’s wrist, sending tingles to skip down his spine. “I heard you.”

“Good.” Ethan bucked, trying to knock him off. “Then let me go.”

“Is that what you want?”

No. He wanted the impossible. “Yes.”

Noah eased back but didn’t let Ethan escape. Noah slid his hand inside Ethan’s pants and stroked his cock. A shudder ran through him, and a pleased groan escaped Noah. He leaned in and skimmed his lips over Ethan’s cheek to his ear. Noah’s rough beard tickled him, sending more zinging sparks down Ethan’s spine.

“But you’re hard for me.” Noah gave Ethan’s dick a rough tug. “You want me. Don’t bother denying it. I’ll call you a liar.”

“I’m not going to. I do want you. I also want Hannah. It’s why I held you both at arm’s length. I’ve been trying to figure out how to say good-bye to you, but I’ve run out of time.” Ethan nudged Noah’s chin and waited until he met his gaze. “Hannah was in Alex’s arms tonight. She might not have triggered Maria’s instincts, but she sure as hell set mine off. I won’t let her go. I can’t. She’s mine. My future. Do you understand?”

Noah’s silence answered him.

Ethan lowered his voice, gentling it. “I was clinging to you, not wanting to let you go because I hated the idea of you with another lover. It was selfish. You deserve to be with someone who loves you. I want that for you. I do.” And he’d find a way to deal with his jealousy. Hannah would help him, even if she didn’t know it.

Nothing showed on Noah’s face. He studied Ethan for several heartbeats before he whispered, “What would you do to keep me?”

Ethan flinched, hating the desperation behind the question. He planted both hands on Noah’s chest and shoved. Noah stumbled, and Ethan took the opportunity to flee. He made his way to the door and grasped the handle.

Noah slammed a hand against the wood, stopping Ethan from opening it. “Answer me.”

Ethan glared at him. “I will not cheat on my mate. Don’t fucking ask me ever again.”

“I’m not.” Noah dropped his hand and stepped back. “I’m asking what you’d do to keep me.”

The seriousness in his voice killed Ethan’s anger, not his confusion. “What are you asking me, Noah?”

“Share her with me.”

Ethan staggered back. “Share her? What do you mean—
share her

“Exactly how it sounds.” Noah’s chest rose on quicker breaths. “We both fuck her.” He licked his lips. The tips of his fangs peeked past the line of his teeth. “We make her your mate and our lover.”

Ethan shook his head. “It won’t work. Mated males are insanely jealous. They even smell another male on their female’s skin, and they flip out.” He thumped his chest. “I flipped out when I saw Alex’s hands on her, even though I knew it was faked. I wanted his blood for it. You touching her won’t be any different. You’re crazy if you think otherwise.”

Noah grinned. He skimmed his gaze down the length of Ethan’s body to focus on his cock. Noah’s fangs lowered more. “Your body’s on board with the idea.”

An image flashed through Ethan’s head—him holding Hannah from behind and kissing her, while Noah ate her out, making her moan. Making her whimper. Ethan’s dick jerked.

“No.” Ethan grabbed onto the edge of the door. “Just fucking no. I refuse to attack you for touching my mate, not yours.

He didn’t wait for Noah’s response. Ethan stormed out. No way was he staying longer. Noah might convince him to give it a try. When it failed, they’d both be crushed, and Ethan would be left with a mate who knew his dirty little secret.

Chapter Six

The icy spray of water did little to counter the burn in Hannah’s body, nor had the hours since she’d walked away from Ethan dimmed her arousal. Nothing had, not even touching herself. Her orgasm had only left her hollow. Or maybe the ache in her chest stemmed from the encounter she’d had with Noah.

She’d made it to the edge of town before she’d broken down and called Sean, Quinn’s older brother, for the name of their green-eyed cousin. The couple of details she’d been able to get out of him only stirred her curiosity.

Noah had earned dual degrees in chemical engineering and physics but worked as a landscaper, sometimes a contractor when the mood struck him.

She hadn’t wanted to stir Sean’s curiosity over the reason for her questions, so she’d ended the call. She wanted to know more, though. She wanted to know everything about Noah.

And why am I obsessing about a male who can’t be more than a friend to me?
No answer came to her. She couldn’t stop her thoughts from drifting to him, however. Those moments she did direct them elsewhere, another male took center stage; one who made her feel as foolish as Alex had once called her.

She groaned and slammed her hand against the shower’s knob, killing the flow of cold water. Chin tucked, she fought her frustration before it manifested itself in tears or anger. Neither were emotions she could give in to. Her hormones would amplify either and send her into a tailspin.

The older females had warned her how difficult her first cycle would be and had offered her plenty of advice on ways to dim the effect. All had involved good old-fashioned sex.

She licked her lips. Ethan’s demand to call him if she needed him had sounded wonderful until her negativity had to rear its ugly head. He’d made the offer when he’d thought she’d go to Alex for relief. Would it still stand in the light of a new day?

One way to find out. She hurried through the motions of dressing and rushed into her bedroom. Her phone sat charging on her dresser. She grabbed it and debated between calling and texting. The sunlight inching its way across the floor made her choice. She sent a quick text so as not to wake him.

Breath caught, she stared at the display. After a minute and no response, she forced her hand to move. Unlike her, he was probably sleeping.
Hopefully alone.
She gritted her teeth and cut off the train of thought before jealousy gripped her.

She shoved her phone in her back pocket and raced down the stairs. Sean sat on the couch in the living room, a computer on his lap and a cup of coffee in his hand. Dressed in a suit and tie, he fit the role of the Kagan Industries’ CEO to a tee.

She worked in the pack business too but as a graphics artist, not in a position of power. Actually, many of their pack mates held jobs within the company, and it wasn’t uncommon for them to work out of each other’s homes. The close proximity of their pack members soothed them. Still, the sight of a bleary-eyed Sean in her living room at the butt crack of dawn stopped her steps, especially since Nic no longer lived in the house.

“What are you all dressed up for?” She wandered to the doorway. “And why are you here?”

“Nic had me come here because Riley’s sleeping. He didn’t want to wake her.” He took another sip of his coffee. “We’re meeting with the human government in an hour. They’re financing half of the Shifter Affairs’ building being constructed in West Virginia. The Kagan pack is dishing out the rest and a plot of land to build it on.”

She’d heard of the joint affair between the humans and shifters but hadn’t realized their pack had gotten involved. Her dad had been hesitant to invite humans into their community. Then again, Nicholas Kagan no longer held the role of alpha. Her brother did.

“Nic decided to take their offer, then?”

“Not officially, but he will. On his terms, of course. With Riley’s pregnancy, we need to plan for the worst, and you know what they say—hold your friends close and your enemies closer.”

A human, Riley should never have been able to conceive Nic’s babies. Human technology and the eggs gifted to her from Jenna, Sean’s mate, made the miracle possible. In a roundabout way, Sean was as invested in protecting the triplets Riley carried as Nic. Sean would no doubt love them as deeply too. It brought tears to Hannah’s eyes every time she thought about their unorthodox friendship. It took two amazing males to overcome their instincts.

For Nic, it was in loving Riley against all odds.

For Sean, it was allowing another male to claim his mate’s first children. Sex hadn’t been involved, but there was still a bond formed between Jenna and Nic, and their children would tie the two couples together for all time.

Quite simply, their sacrifices for the sake of love amazed Hannah. She respected both Sean and Nic a little more because of them.

“Ethan wants to talk to the two of you about Riley’s babies. He has a list of things he’d like you to consider doing to ensure everything is legal.” Being a lawyer, he worried about the loopholes humans and other shifters might use to exploit Riley’s condition.

Sean took another sip of coffee, studying her the entire time. “Ethan called me after his calls kept getting dumped to voice mail on Nic’s phone. I’ve been debating whether or not to take him up on his offer of help.”

She straightened her spine. “And why wouldn’t you?”

“He’s the top dominant in the Tanner pack. Isn’t that reason enough?”

Pack culture was tier oriented. The alpha pair ruled, followed by the dominants and then the betas. In each level, though, the members arranged themselves based on strength. Some dominants were stronger than others. Because of that, their influence in the pack was greater. In the Tanner pack, Ethan was right below Michael in strength. Had Ethan been Michael’s son, he would’ve been considered an alpha male in training.

“He’s trustworthy. He can’t help which pack he was born into. You’d be a fool not to listen to him. He’s brilliant.”

“I’d always thought the same, but his complacency makes me think otherwise. The male is powerful on top of intelligent. He has alpha written all over him.” Sean closed his laptop, set it on the couch next to him and leaned forward. “So why has he sat back and watched his pack go to hell?”

She pressed her lips together. The same question had run through her head. Many times.

Sean’s steady stare never wavered. “As dominants, we’re driven to protect. It’s our communal spirit. You feel it. Don’t you, Hannah?”

“Yes, I feel it.”

“And you want to act on it.” His glare hardened. “Don’t you?”

“I do.” She walked into the room. “I want to be the alpha female of the Tanner pack. That’s what you want to hear, isn’t it?”

He inclined his head. “And you want to lead at Ethan’s side.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’ve made my goals clear.”

“To me and Nic, you have.” He tilted his head. “Does Ethan know you want to be his mate?”

“Yes.” She’d told him the last time she’d attempted to seduce him. The conflicted look on his face had been the only thing that had convinced her to continue pursuing him, despite his answer. “He knows.”

Sean studied her a long moment more. Finally he raised a brow. “And? Does he plan on mating you this full moon?”

Her uncertainty rose, along with the lump in her throat. She ignored both. Sean might suspect the truth, but she wouldn’t confirm it.


Her lie didn’t satisfy him. His focused gaze bored into her, demanding she tell him everything.

She dropped her arms and took a few more steps into the room. “Say it.”

“If he wants you, where is he? Your bed has been empty. So has his.”

“My sexual exploits are none of your business.”

“True. They’re not.”

“Then why comment on them? Better yet”—she took another step—“why have you been keeping track of me?”

“Your mood has been stressing Riley out. Her health is important to me, so I promised her I’d look after you.”

His words confirmed her earlier thoughts about the tight bond woven between the two couples. Hannah inclined her head. “I understand, but I told Nic to back off and lie to Riley if he had too. My love life is private.”

“He won’t lie to Riley, nor will I condone doing the same for Jenna. We’re all worried about you. This situation with Ethan has trouble written all over it. We don’t want to see you hurt or worse yet mated to a male who doesn’t love you.”

The concern in his tone stopped her defensive rant, but she wasn’t about to let it go. Not completely. Not after learning the rashness of his mating to Jenna. Their first meeting had involved sex, mating, and then learning each other’s name. “You’re the last person to judge me.”

He glanced at the floor. “I suppose I’m not, but those first few days with Jenna were scary. Sure, our physical bond was strong, but everything else was an unknown. I didn’t even know if I’d like her, let alone ever come to love her.” He raised his gaze, letting her see the stark truth to his confession. “I regretted mating Jenna the next morning, fearing I’d made the worst mistake of my life. We had a rough time. Hurt each other in the process. I don’t want you to face the same fate.”

She frowned. “But you love her.”

He nodded. “Now. We even soul-bonded.”

She gasped, a hand over her mouth. Soul-bonding, where a male took a piece of his mate’s soul after he gave her a piece of his, was the ultimate act of love for shifters. It tied them together—mystically and physically. When one died, so did the other, ensuring they’d never be separated by death.

He grinned. “Shocked you, huh?”

“Yes. Few males take that step.”

He shrugged. “She’s my true mate. It took me a while to admit it, but that’s why I acted on my instincts that first night. We were just too damn young and stubborn to let our guards down and figure it out.”

She crossed her arms. “So you’re worried I’m too naïve to comprehend what Ethan is to me. That maybe I’m imaging his interest in me?”

He raised a brow. “This has nothing to do with you understanding anything. It’s obvious you feel a connection to him. I’m more concerned about why Ethan has been stringing you along.”

“He can’t mate me until I mature.”

Sean grabbed his mug from the table and leaned back, never breaking her gaze. “True, but what’s keeping him out of your bed?”

She raised her chin. “Have you ever considered he’d like our mating to be special?”

“Maybe.” He drained the last of his coffee. “Or is it guilt?”

“Why would he be guilty?”

“Michael Tanner hasn’t made a move against our pack, despite Nic killing his son.” Sean set his cup down. “In fact, he hasn’t even jumped on the bandwagon with some of the other pack alphas who claim Nic and Riley aren’t really mated. He hasn’t said anything about our pack, actually. Why do you think that is?”

“I don’t know.” But she’d wondered the same thing.

“Could it be he wants Ethan to mate you, then take Nic out?”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re reading into things. Ethan is a gentleman. That’s why he hasn’t been in my bed. He wants to get to know me as a person first. It’s why we’ve been dating.”

“Then why doesn’t anyone know he’s seeing you? I’ve asked Noah. He said Ethan doesn’t want a mate, never had. In fact, the only females he’ll touch are the ones he pays for.”

Hookers. That was what Sean implied. Hannah fisted her hands and fought her jealousy. She refused to let it take hold. What Ethan had done before her was none of her business. It was what he’d done since meeting her that mattered, and the only person she’d ask about that was Ethan.

“Look, Sean, I am done discussing my—”

Her cell phone beeped, indicating a new text. Her pulse kicked up. She pivoted so Sean wouldn’t see her excitement or her disappointment if the message wasn’t from Ethan.
Or if he brushes me off.

His face showed on her screen. With her heart in her throat, she swiped her finger over the surface and read.

I need you too. Can’t wait any longer. Come to my house tonight. Nine o’clock. Park in the garage and plan to spend the night.

She read the text again and grinned. His short, choppy response wasn’t like him, but she didn’t mind knowing she’d finally pushed him to the edge.
And tonight I’ll break his control.

She glanced over her shoulder. “Take Ethan up on his offer to help protect Riley. As far as his involvement with me, stay out of it. Okay?”

He sighed. “Hannah, I’ve heard Ethan only pays for sex because females are too much effort. I don’t want you to feel neglected or unloved if he does end up mating you.”

Too much effort? No, she didn’t believe it. He spent hours talking to her. No sex involved. He wouldn’t sit and listen to her if he didn’t care to spend time with her.

She glared at Sean. “Our mated life will be a good one. Don’t worry yourself over it.”

“And if you’re wrong, and he doesn’t mate you?”

“I told you to stop chasing after me, that I didn’t want the same thing as you. You wouldn’t listen, would you? Dammit, Hannah, you can’t tell anyone what we did last night. You’ll look like a naïve fool, and I’ll come off as an asshole.”
Alex’s words repeated in her head, reminding her of the last time she’d chased after the wrong male.

She tightened her grip on her phone. “Then
a fool.”

Because she refused to be made into one. Not ever again.

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