Shiva (65 page)

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Authors: Carolyn McCray

BOOK: Shiva
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Rebecca started awake, disoriented and near panic. She reached for the girl in her arms, but it was just a backpack. She

d been clutching a backpack. Trying to get her bearings, Rebecca glanced around the private compartment. They were on a train, but the men weren

t relaxing. Instead
they were assessing, checking
and loading their weapons.

You okay, babe?

Brandt asked as he stuffed another gun into his bag.


she answered automatically
even though she was pretty sure he knew it was a lie. Instead
she felt like her right arm had been ripped off. She

d only known
for a few hours, yet Rebecca could swear she

d given birth to the girl. It ached to not have her by her side.


ll get her,

Brandt reassured, slapping a clip into his sidearm.

Rebecca gave a wane smile as the train slowed. She looked out the window. Instead of Lourdes, they were pulling into Barcelona. A major metropolitan city. A city that would have the goods they needed to mount a mission to follow Vanderwalt and Vakasa.

They had given their tickets to Morocco to a young Portuguese couple in exchange for this private compartment headed to the coast. Once again
they were totally off the grid.


s got their orders straight?

Brandt asked.

The men nodded in unison.

Lopez, get us something fast
and by fast
I mean

The corporal

s eyes dilated.

Commercial fast or

I mean fast

This was one of the reasons Brandt had chosen Barcelona. He

d explained that the city had one of the few aviation research facilities in Europe.

Lopez raised his hand to Levont.

It is

The point man slapped Lopez

s palm.

You know it.

Brandt turned to her.

You are sure about Jerusalem?

I only got a brief glance at the second half of the map,

Rebecca explained

but yeah, it did look like Jerusalem.

As the train pulled to a full stop, the men stowed the rest of the gear. When finished, Brandt took Rebecca

s hand.

until we rendezvous at the airport, we

re just a vacationing couple. Keep your head down
to avoid the cameras.

Yeah, Rebecca wasn

t going to have any trouble with that. Not with worry for Vakasa so heavy on her heart, but stepping out into the train

s aisleway with Brandt, Rebecca smiled brightly. Whatever it took to get to Jerusalem as quickly as possible.

* * *

Another alarm went off. If Bunny hadn

t lost count
that was number five. Stark

s ten firewalls weren

t looking all that many now a day.

Why aren

t they on the train in Lourdes?

Prenner demanded. He then turned to Emily.

And where the hell did Vanderwalt take the girl?

When neither of them had adequate answers, the lieutenant turned on Bunny.


Bunny threw her hands up in exasperation.

You tell me.

First the Brit

s betrayal. Then Brandt going radio silent again. Why could nothing ever go linear with those men?

If someone would shut up for a second,

Stark said
then had to break off as he worked on the latest breach

I think I know where the girl is.


the three said in unison, leaning over the tech.

Back it up,

Stark complained.

Except, of course, for you, Bunny.

The kid did like the occasional side boob action. And if he

d found Vakasa, Bunny would give it to him.

The girl?


Stark said
bringing up a map of Europe and Africa. There were a bunch of dots. Like
of dots. None of which seemed to make any sense.

Not seeing it, Stark,

Prenner complained.

The tech then highlighted the area of the Congo.


s look back seven years…

Most of the dots vanished
leaving a large square marker over the Congo.

That is the Kalemie earthquake. A six


Emily pressed. Vanderwalt

s actions had hit her the hardest. Whatever casual elegance the woman had retained over the past days had vanished. The CIA operative was cranky and not afraid to show it.


Stark said.

I think that is the moment of Vakasa

s birth.

Bunny sank into the seat next to Stark. Prenner and Emily still seemed confused.

You might as well tell them,

Stark prompted Bunny.

She looked to him with a new appreciation.

How did you know?

Please, Cuellar?

the tech chided.

A Congonese girl going to the heart of Black Madonna country? Come on. I

m a Googling god.

Bunny turned to Emily and Prenner. It was time to come clean. She would need their help
and to help
they needed to know the full truth.

Stark is right. We

Rebecca and I
and apparently the Disciples

believe Vakasa is the female
essiah prophesized by the tablets of the Ten Commandments.

Emily, then Prenner
sat down.

Whether you believe it or not, Frellan and now apparently Vanderwalt do.


s this got to do with earthquakes?

Emily asked
seeming slightly less shaken than the lieutenant.

Stark picked up the strand of logic.

who cares
Geologically? That girl tends to make the ground shake

a lot.

Bunny watched as Stark brought back up the hundreds of dots.

These are all of the three
zero earthquakes in the Congo region over the last seven years. Anybody see a pattern?

Bunny shook her head. She hadn

t realized Africa experienced so many earthquakes. It was like LA out there.

Stark pealed away dot after dot to reveal a set of quakes that seemed to unfold in a linear pattern.

If, for theoretical purposes
we mark the six
eight as Vakasa

s birth, we have got this set of quakes that occur well off the major fault lines and continental rifts.

You can

t be saying that earthquakes follow the girl?

Prenned asked.

The tech looked to Bunny
who answered for him.

No. He is saying that Vakasa


Emily said,


m a little used to how you guys roll, but this

This is only the tip of iceberg,

Stark said.


s fast
forward to last week.

He pointed out a

That one is within minutes of Brandt getting shot.

Without waiting for anyone

s response, Stark went to another point.

That one is approximately the time Rebecca and Vakasa were captured by Frellan

s men.

He whisked to screen to the next point.

And that one is when the crocs attacked.

The Congo is a very geologically active area,

Prenner tried to explain.

Those could all just be aftershocks.

Stark shrugged.

Okay, then how about Egypt? You are seriously going to tell me that an aftershock reached several thousand miles away?

This is all speculation and

Then speculate about this…

The tech brought up a new screen. It showed small quakes across the Mediterranean. In a
across the Mediterranean.

These microquakes are exactly in line with his plane

s flight path. Stark then overlaid this map with that of a plane

s trajectory. They were a direct match.

I think Vakasa is leaving us bread

Stark finished.

Bunny was glad she was already sitting down.

* * *

Davidson trotted up to the private hangar, his new gear in tow. It looked like the rest were already loaded onto the plane
with the exception of Levont
who was packing their gear into the hold. Davidson tossed him a bag.

Got a couple more for you.


t know how much more it can hold,

Levont said.

This plane is lean.

Lopez came out of nowhere and took the bag from Levont.

No, this


this Marchetti SF
Five Hundred,
is not just the fastest
most sophisticated plane to ever grace the world, it is the Porsche of planes, it is a true work of art, and I won

t have you scratching her.

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