Shon (The Seeker Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Shon (The Seeker Series Book 2)
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Chapter Five


Laura sat on the couch next to Ember, watching in fascination as her best friend fed Lucius from her wrist. “I don’t know whether to be amazed or nauseated.”

Ember laughed. “It’s a natural feeding. I’d rather do it this way than pump blood into a bottle.”

“Jesus,” Laura gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “Now, that’s a visual I could have done without.”

“What visual would that be?” Shon stepped through the kitchen door, closing it behind him.

He moved around the bar and took a seat in a chair next to the couch. “I love catching the tail end of a conversation.”

Laura glanced at her watch. “Don’t you have a plane to catch in a couple of hours?”

Shon rubbed his palms down the legs of his jeans, resting them on his knees. “
have a plane to catch.”

“I know you’re not referring to me.” Laura balked. “I’m not going to Alaska.”

Angel strode into the room with cell phone in hand. “It looks like no one will be hopping a plane just yet.”

Shon laid his head back against the chair cushion and rubbed at his eyes. “What now?”

“Vlad is on his way here as we speak. As is Nita Franks.”

Laura watched as Shon lifted his hand from his eyes enough to peer at Angel. “The shifter is coming with him?”

Angel shook his head. “Not with him, but she’s agreed to come. She’ll be leaving tomorrow, and she’s not happy about it.”

“Then why did she agree to come?” Ember snapped, suspicion lingering in her hazel eyes.

Angel shifted his gaze to his wife. “Because—”

“She owes you. Yeah, you told me.” Ember adjusted Lucius in her arms. “Is it really necessary to have her here? I’m not sure how comfortable I’ll be having her in my home.”

“It’ll only be for a little while,” Angel assured his wife. “Her debt will then be paid, and you’ll never have to see her again.”

Laura decided to intervene. “Why the change of plans with Vlad?”

Angel answered immediately, a grateful gleam in his eyes. “Word has reached Vlad that Gina plans on returning to Florida on unfinished business. If she isn’t already here.”

“There you have it,” Shon growled, jumping to his feet and pinning Laura with an intimidating look. “Gina is coming here. No matter how much you dislike me, you’re stuck with me for as long as she still has a head.”

Laura lifted her gaze to his. “I never said I didn’t like you. I’m not particularly fond of your insults, but I don’t dislike you.”

Shon visibly relaxed his stance. “I’ll try to tone it down a bit.”

“No, you won’t,” Laura quipped, rising to her feet. “But I’ll try to take your mentality into account and cut you some slack.”

Shon laughed, startling Lucius and shocking Laura. She’d expected a snarky comeback or a quick-witted response. Anything but the deep chuckle rumbling in his chest.

“My mentality thanks you,” Shon informed her, suddenly growing serious. “Now that Vlad is on his way and Nita will be staying here at the condo, we’ll need to bunk somewhere else.”

Laura’s heart began to pound. Spending her nights with Shon was not something she wanted to consider, but with Gina Calimari lurking about, Laura would be willing to make an exception. “I have an extra bedroom. You can sleep in there.”

Shon shook his head. “Gina can’t harm you during the daylight hours, Laura, but the Seeker is more than likely human. We can’t stay at your place.”

“Then where do you suggest we go?”

“You both can have my condo,” Angel offered, bending to retrieve a now-full Lucius. “I’d feel better about you being right next door also. Nita will be here to keep an eye on Laura while we sleep.”

Shon touched Laura on the arm. “I’ll take you home to grab your things.”

Laura glanced around at the room’s occupants. “Is this nightmare ever going to end?”

Ember stood and wrapped her friend in a hug. “I don’t know. But if anyone can destroy the Seeker society as well as Gina Calimari, it’s Vlad.”

“I sure hope you’re right.” Laura hugged her back. “Stay safe, Ember. I couldn’t bear it if something were to happen to you.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to me. Now go get your stuff and hurry back.”

Shon’s warm palm suddenly circled Laura’s wrist, kicking her pulse into high gear. She hated how he still had the power to affect her after all these years.

“Let’s get going before it grows any later,” Shon suggested, giving her hand a little tug.

With one last look at Ember, Laura allowed Shon to lead her toward the door.

Once outside, Laura followed Shon down the stairs, stopping to gawk as he strode to his bike and threw his leg over. “Come on, Blondie. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Laura almost laughed at the ridiculousness of his assumption that she’d be riding on the back of his bike. “You don’t expect me to climb on the back of that thing?”

Shon’s eyes gleamed in the moonlight. “It’s faster than your car, and no one will be looking for it. Now either hop up here by yourself or with my help. Either way, we’re taking the bike.”

“Like hell—”

Her words were cut off as she came up against a wall of immovable muscle. “If you don’t trust me, I won’t be able to protect you. Remember your time spent with the Seeker and Gina in that grove keeper’s house last year?”

“How could I forget?” Laura seethed, angry he’d brought up the horrific memory.

“That happened because I didn’t follow my gut, and I allowed you to drive off alone without me. I’ll not make that mistake again.”

Some of Laura’s anger left with the realization that he felt guilt over her near-death experience with the Seeker. “I’m sorry. You’re right.”

His gaze softened. “I’ll be careful with you. No wheelies or daring moves. I promise.”

Shon suddenly bent, scooped her up into his arms, and set her on the back of his bike before settling in front of her.

He handed her his helmet. “Put this on.”

Laura slipped the black helmet over her head and secured it beneath her chin.

Shon’s masculine scent assailed her as she took a deep breath. Butterflies took flight in her stomach, and her breathing grew uneven.

“Hold on to me,” he demanded, firing up the engine and kicking the bike into gear with his booted foot.

Laura tentatively wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling herself forward until her front pressed against his broad back.

The play of muscles bunching beneath her hands sent a fresh round of longing through her suddenly overheated body.

Resting her cheek against his powerful shoulder, Laura held on tightly as the motorcycle shot out of the parking lot and onto the main road at a high rate of speed.

With the wind swirling around her, the engine vibrating between her thighs, and her body glued to the back of Shon’s, Laura knew she was lost.

This was where she’d dreamed of being all her life. This had been her fantasy for more years than she could remember. Yeah, this was heaven.

Chapter Six


Shon fought against the heat forming behind his eyes. His gums ached with the need to pull off to the side of the road and sink his fangs into the soft flesh of Laura’s neck.

He stared straight ahead to avoid glancing down at her luscious thighs that were now squeezing the sides of his own. But nothing could drown out the scent of her arousal.

Was it him she wanted? Or did the thrill of being on a motorcycle turn her on? Probably the latter, he decided, remembering her reluctance to ride with him to begin with.

Laura Donovan had made it perfectly clear over the years that she held no romantic interest in him. She’d dated a few of his friends, parading them in front of him without a care in the world.

Maybe if Shon had made his feelings for her known, it would have made a difference, but he didn’t think so.

Shon had resorted to sarcasm and scorn as a coping mechanism when in her presence, hurting her the only way he knew how.

They’d drifted apart over the years, both going their separate ways. But Shon had never forgotten the incorrigible blonde and likely wouldn’t anytime soon, if his reaction to her now was any indication.

Pulling into her driveway, Shon dismounted his bike and offered her a hand.

She accepted his outstretched palm without meeting his gaze. “I’ll only be a minute. Would you like to come in?”

“Yeah,” he muttered, walking alongside her toward the porch. “I need to do a sweep of the inside before you enter.”

Laura unlocked the door without commenting, stepping back to allow him entrance.

Shon moved through the small house with vampiric speed, checking every room and window for signs of intruders.

Laura’s amazing scent nearly staggered him by the time he reached her bedroom.

He inhaled deeply, drawing her essence into his lungs. It settled inside him, awakening his hunger as well as the semi-erection he’d had since she’d climbed on the back of his bike.

“All clear?” she asked from a few feet behind him.

Shon adjusted his rapidly growing cock before turning to face her. “Yes. Go ahead and get your things together while I do a perimeter check.”

He couldn’t get out of there fast enough. The sight of her standing there with uncertainty swimming in her large blue eyes bothered him more than he cared to admit.

Perhaps it was only lust he felt for her, and fucking her unconscious would scratch that itch, soothe the beast into submission. He didn’t know, but something needed to give where she was concerned.

The faintest smell of vampire reached his nose the moment he entered the tree line. He didn’t recognize the scent as anyone he knew, and thankfully it didn’t belong to Gina. But whoever it belonged to had no business snooping around Laura’s place.

Shon hurried back inside, nearly running into Laura at the door.

Startled, she jumped back, her hand going to her throat. “Jesus. You scared me.”

“Sorry for the scare, but we need to get out of here. Now.” He took her bag from her and quickly ushered her outside.

“What’s wrong? Did you see something?”

Packing her bag beneath the bike’s seat, he lifted her onto the back and climbed up in front of her. “No, but I could smell them. A vampire has been here recently.”

The spike in her adrenaline lengthened his fangs. “Put on the helmet,” he growled without turning to look at her. She’d been through enough, and the sight of his beast would only serve to make things worse.


* * * *

Angel opened the door to his condo and strolled inside. He laid the key on the kitchen counter. “Ember took the liberty of putting some food in the fridge. It’s not a lot, but it’ll work for one person. She also stocked ours in anticipation of Nita’s arrival. Although I doubt she’s anticipating the shifter will stay with us.”

“Yep. You can bet the farm on that, Angela. If I know Em, she’s madder than a rooster in a pen full of nothing but roosters. You just better pray this Nita isn’t hot, or you’re liable to be sleeping over here with us.”

The Bulgarian’s gaze wavered.

Shon barked a laugh. “She
hot. Oh, yeah. You’re in a world of shit, my friend.”

Angel ran a hand down his face. “What am I to do? Nita’s the only one I could ask for protection. The only one strong enough to protect my family while we sleep.”

“You’re preaching to the wrong choir, Angelo. It’s not me that needs convincing.”

Angel nodded. “You’re right.”

“I usually am.”

With a shake of his head, Angel shouldered past Shon and kissed Laura’s cheek on his way out. He closed the door behind him.

Laura picked up her bag and strode off toward the hall. “I don’t know why you insist on ruffling his feathers. And I’m taking the guest room.”

Following her down the hall, Shon propped his shoulder against the open doorway of Laura’s new sleeping quarters and watched as she unpacked her belongings. “I ruffle his feathers, as you put it, because he displays them so innocently. He needs to lighten up a tad.”

“He’s a nice guy,” Laura retorted, bending to place her shoes beneath the bed.

Shon’s gaze zeroed in on her ass. “And I’m not?”

She straightened. “Not what?”

“A nice guy?”

A sarcastic laugh burst from her. “Hardly. You have your moments, I suppose, but ninety percent of the time, you’re an asshole.”

For some reason, her admission bothered him. “Well, I’ll give you some privacy to change or whatever. Remember, there’s food in the kitchen if you get hungry.”

“What about you? Don’t you think you should…um…eat too?”

Shon was more than aware of her hidden meaning. She worried he might get hungry and snack on her. “I already ate tonight. I’m all good, but thanks for offering.” He spun on his heel and left.

The sound of a shoe landing behind him in the hallway brought a chuckle to the surface. No matter how many times he’d sworn to never bait her again, he always defaulted. He just damn sure couldn’t help himself when it came to her.

Once inside the master bedroom, Shon checked the locks on the sliding-glass door, crawled up onto the king-size bed, and switched on the television.

The sounds coming from the flat screen did little to block out the whispers of cloth coming from Laura’s room.

She’s changing clothes
. Shon rolled to his side with a groan. Thoughts of Laura peeling off her clothing plagued his mind in torturous detail.

He knew exactly what her nude form looked like. He’d seen her in that damn red string bikini more times than he could count.

His cell rang from the depths of his pocket, pulling him out of his heated thoughts. He fished it out and pressed the green button. “Wells.”

“It’s Ember. Vlad is on his way from the airport. He’ll be here in thirty minutes.”

Shon sat up in bed. “How the hell did he get here so fast?”

“He took his private jet. And apparently he was already on his way when he called Angel.”

Another thought surfaced. “Does he know that Nita is coming to stay with you?”

Ember grew quiet for a moment. “Not yet. And I have no idea how he’s going to react to a shifter being under the same roof as him.”

“He’s not going to like it,” Shon assured her. “And for once, I won’t have to be a fly on the wall to see his reaction. I’ll be there to witness it firsthand.”

Ember sighed into the phone. “This isn’t funny, Shon.”

“Sure it is. Do vampires get heartburn? Because Angel might need some antacid before this night’s over with.”

Shon disconnected the call and threw his feet over the side of the bed. He would be next door at Ember’s for Vlad’s arrival, come hell or high water.

BOOK: Shon (The Seeker Series Book 2)
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