Shred - The Revolutionary Diet 6 Weeks 4 Inches 2 Sizes (20 page)

BOOK: Shred - The Revolutionary Diet 6 Weeks 4 Inches 2 Sizes
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You must consume 1 cup of water before eating a meal; you must consume 1 cup of water during your meal. You can add lemon or lime to your water and you can drink fizzy water if you desire.

You are allowed to drink coffee, but only 1 small cup per day. Stay away from all of those fancy coffee preparations that have lots of calories. Your coffee should contain no more than 50 calories

Do not eat the last meal within 90 minutes of going to sleep.

You can eat a 100-calorie snack before going to bed if desired.

Be smart in your snack choices. Avoid chips and doughnuts and candy; you can have them some of the time, but don’t eat them often. If you must have something like these items, make it only one of your snacks for the day and use healthier options for the other snacks.

You don’t have to eat all of the food on the day’s menu if you don’t want to, but no skipping meals, no doubling up on meals, and no exceeding the meal guidelines in size and volume.

Condiments such as ketchup, mayo, and mustard are allowed, but no more than a teaspoon at each meal. The same goes for soy sauce.

Spices are unlimited.

While fresh fruit is always preferred, canned and frozen fruit are allowed. Just make sure they are water-based and there are no added sugars.

Canned and frozen vegetables are allowed. Please be aware of the sodium content.

As far as beverages are concerned, you are allowed as much water as you like per day. Here are some other beverage guidelines:

No regular soda

One 12-ounce can of diet soda allowed each day

Flavored waters allowed, but keep them under 60 calories

1 bottle of sports drink allowed per day, but keep under 60 calories


Timing is critical to the success of this plan. It might be difficult at first, but plan in advance and do the best you can. Skipping meals is not advised. Even if you eat just a small portion, try to eat something on schedule. A sample day’s schedule during Cleanse might look something like the grid below, but for each and every day, the order of the meals and snacks is both intended and critical. And on some days, there’s a bonus fourth snack, so follow each day’s directions carefully.



• 1 cup of lemon water. Pour 8 ounces of water, either hot or cold. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon directly into the water. Add 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds or flaxseed oil. Mix well and drink.

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