Shred - The Revolutionary Diet 6 Weeks 4 Inches 2 Sizes (19 page)

BOOK: Shred - The Revolutionary Diet 6 Weeks 4 Inches 2 Sizes
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Group B
—you can have both items below:

1 serving of lasagna (with or without meat), 4 inches
2 inches
1 inch

1 serving of veggies

• Choose one of the following beverages. Choose a different beverage from what you chose for meal 2.

One 12-ounce can of diet soda

1 cup of lemonade (freshly squeezed preferred)

Unlimited plain water (flat or fizzy)

1 cup of flavored water

1 cup of juice (not from concentrate)

1 cup of unsweetened iced tea or 2 cups of any other type of tea

1 cup of low-fat, reduced-fat, or fat-free milk, unsweetened soy milk, or unsweetened almond milk


• 100 calories or less


• Choose one of the following. Your choice must be 200 calories or less.

1 fruit smoothie

1 protein shake

1 bowl of soup (no potatoes, no cream). Good choices are chicken noodle, vegetable, lentil, chickpea, split pea, black bean, tomato bisque, etc. Be careful of sodium content!

• Choose one of the following beverages. Choose a different beverage from what you chose for meals 2 and 3.

One 12-ounce can of diet soda

1 cup of lemonade (freshly squeezed preferred)

Unlimited plain water (flat or fizzy)

1 cup of flavored water

1 cup of juice (not from concentrate)

1 cup of unsweetened iced tea or 2 cups of any other type of tea

1 cup of low-fat, reduced-fat, or fat-free milk, unsweetened soy milk, or unsweetened almond milk


• Amount of exercise today: Minimum 45 minutes. Break this up into two sessions. Your first session must occur before 12:00
Your second session can occur any time after 2:00
If you want to do more, all the better! Work as hard as you can!

• Choose a combination of the items below to fulfill your exercise requirement:

15 minutes jogging outside

15 minutes walking/running on treadmill

15 minutes on elliptical machine

15 minutes on stationary or mobile bicycle

15 minutes swimming laps

15 minutes on stair climber

225 jump rope revolutions

20 minutes treadmill intervals

15 minutes of Zumba

15 minutes of spinning

15 minutes of any other high-intensity cardio

15 minutes of rowing machine



Week 5: Cleanse

Welcome back! Congratulations on your ascent. You have not only traveled to the depths in Transformation, but you were able to re-emerge stronger, mentally tougher, and lighter in Ascend. Now that you are no longer in the pit, it’s time to Cleanse your body so that you are now one with the fresh air you’re breathing.

Almost everyone has heard of the concept of detoxing or cleansing. Done correctly, detoxing can not only be a rewarding experience, but excellent for your health. Some cleanses last as long as thirty days, some as short as a few days. The SHRED cleanse is seven days, enough to give you a fresh start, but not so long that it becomes exhausting and too difficult to follow.

The previous four weeks had various elements of cleansing as part of the regimen. However, this week is a more concentrated effort that will not only cleanse your system, but help you lose weight. The liver is the biggest cleansing organ in our body. It is primarily responsible for removing toxins from your bloodstream and breaking them down so that they can be eliminated. The SHRED cleanse has you eating particular foods and drinking certain beverages that naturally activate enzymes in the liver to enhance the detoxification process. Some programs that call themselves detoxes or cleanses are actually fasts—programs that dramatically reduce what you eat and the calories you consume. These programs can be dangerous if they do not supply you with the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need to be well nourished and operate at maximal capacity. The SHRED cleanse is an “eating detox,” which means you don’t go hungry, you’re not starved for vitamins or nutrients, and you eat foods that naturally cleanse your body.

You will feel your body make adjustments as it cleanses, so don’t be surprised. Your gastrointestinal tract will move better, your energy levels will increase, and your skin will even appear healthier (some have said that it takes on a certain glow). It’s important that you really stick as closely to the plan this week as possible. I chose the foods and beverages for specific reasons, so substitute infrequently. Read the guidelines for this chapter closely as there are significant modifications that you must implement. Open your palate and try different foods, and remember: it’s only seven days. You’ve already been to the depths and survived. You can do
especially a simple
. Believe! Work hard! Have fun!


Weigh yourself in the morning before starting the program and record it. Don’t weigh yourself throughout the week. Your next weigh-in will be the same day the following week in the morning. Weigh yourself in the same manner as you did in the beginning. If you weighed in without wearing clothes initially, then do that again. If you weighed in wearing certain clothes, wear the same clothes for the second weigh-in. Use the same scale both times.
use a different scale as scales can differ by several pounds.

You must eat something every 3 to 4 hours even if you’re not hungry, but
stuff yourself. Eat until you’re no longer hungry, but
don’t eat until you’re full.
If you need less than what’s recommended, then great, go ahead and eat less, which is even better. Switching meals is permitted, but try to switch as infrequently as possible. For example, if you know that what’s listed for meal 3 is easier to get than what’s listed for meal 2, then go ahead and switch them. Looking at the day’s meals in advance is important as it allows you to best prepare for what’s ahead.


1. You must continue to drink lemon water every morning for breakfast, but you will be adding ground flaxseed or flaxseed oil to the water.

2. One cup of hibiscus tea must be consumed every day. If you purchase hibiscus tea that’s already been made, make sure that it is 100-percent natural.

3. One cup of 100-percent pure cranberry juice must be consumed every day. You can dilute the cranberry juice with some water to help cut the bitterness.

4. No alcohol is allowed this week. You will be able to drink again if you like after these seven days, but for these seven days, we need to give your liver a rest from alcohol.

5. In previous weeks you have had the flexibility to choose snacks that you prefer that fit the calorie guidelines. This week you
choose snacks from the suggested list. These are specific snacks that assist in the cleanse and increase energy. Be open-minded and experiment with some of the things on the list that you might not have ever tried in the past.

6. This week, shakes and smoothies are different. Some will be only 200 calories while others can be more. Pay attention to the specific guidelines for that meal. Avoid added sugars if possible in those items that you buy in the store.

7. When cooking or buying your soups, note that some will be only 200 calories while others can be more. Pay attention to the specific guidelines for that meal. Make sure they are low in sodium (salt); this means the sodium or Na
line on the label should say no more than 480 milligrams per serving. Try eating things made with sea salt as it still gives you the flavor, but has less sodium content.

Five of the seven days you must do some type of cardiovascular exercise, commonly called cardio. Pay attention to the guidelines written for that day. If you need to exercise on different days than listed, then go ahead and do that as long as you get five days of cardio-related physical activity in a seven-day period.

If you don’t eat meat, make the substitutions appropriately with fish or vegetables.

Soups can be consumed with 2 saltine crackers if desired.

The liquid meals must be eaten with either 1 piece of fruit
1 serving of vegetables.

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