Silenced: How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes Are Choking Freedom Worldwide (109 page)

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Authors: Paul Marshall,Nina Shea

Tags: #Religion, #Religion; Politics & State, #Silenced

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Human Rights Council.
UN, Human Rights Council

Ibrahim, Saad Eddin, 75, 79, 81, 273

ICCPR, 203, 215, 218–219, 220–221, 225, 235–236

ICERD (also CERD), 203, 215, 221, 224–225, 235

identity cards

religion indicated on, 63–65, 130, 167

problem for Alevis, 130

problem for Baha’is, 63–65

problem for Christians, 68–71, 167

Imam, Twelfth, 36, 41, 49

imams, 31, 37, 202, 253, 260, 267, 275, 284

African, 147, 262

American, 76

Asian, 96, 98–99, 149, 154

Danish, 174, 186–187

Dutch, 243–244, 270, 278, 280

Middle Eastern, 130, 152, 203

other European, 7, 31, 271, 275

Indonesia, 149, 150–151, 158–164, 165–166, 172

recognizes only six faiths, 158

response to Danish cartoons, 11, 189, 190

Iran, 35–60, 308

on Danish cartoons, 190

on Regensburg address, 196, 198

Satanic Verses
, 177–183

oppressive to minority religions, 310, 311

Iraq, 3, 41, 55, 61, 186,
and throughout

response to Danish cartoons, 177, 187, 190, 191

response to Regensburg address, 197, 198, 199

Shia-Sunni tensions in, 26

Islamophobia, 207–208, 211–214, 223–224, 318,
and throughout

Ismailis, 7, 21–22, 27–28, 102, 131, 311

Israel, 41, 57, 60,
and throughout

accused of espionage, 41, 43, 48–49

and Palestinian conflict, 34, 207, 237

calls for destruction of, 49, 177

See also

Jahangir, Asma, UN Special Rapporteur, 94, 214–215, 224, 314

Jami, Ehsan, 281–282

Jehovah’s Witnesses, 158, 161, 237

Jews, 8, 9, 329
and throughout

as religious minority, 36, 63, 102, 124, 127, 131

deemed conspirators against Islam, 24, 26, 105, 279

Muslim hostility to, 22, 23, 32, 190, 204

See also

John Paul II, Pope, 54, 198, 239, 240

Jordan, 118, 122–123, 166, 196,
and throughout

lays charges against Wilders, 203

Joy, Lina, 167–168

Judaism, 62, 63, 263, 433n6

, Danish newspaper, 177, 184–194

threatened with violence, 193–194

See also
Danish cartoons

Kaaba (Kaabah), 15, 166, 264

Kadivar, Mohsen, 54–55, 315

Kambakhsh, Sayed Pervez, 112–114

Karzai, Hamid, Afghani president, 102, 105–114, 190

Kelek, Necla, 273–274

Khader, Naser, 16, 207, 276–277

Khamenei, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali, Supreme Leader of Iran (1989–) 35, 37, 42, 49, 53, 59, 180, 190, 196, 315

Khomeini, Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah, Supreme Leader of Iran (1979–89) 3–4, 7, 35–38, 50, 55, 57–60, 177–183, 310, 315

Hirsi Ali on, 244

Mahfouz on, 81

See also
Rushdie, Salman

Klausen, Jytte, 16, 194, 264–265, 324


Kuwait, 85, 190–191

Last Temptation of Christ
(film), 234

Lehto, Seppo, 240

Liberal Islam Network, 162–163

Libya, 118, 249

reaction to Danish cartoons, 189, 194

reaction to Regensburg address, 196

treatment of apostasy, 9, 310, 376n76

Life of Brian
(film), 234, 252

Lotfi, Mojtaba, 57–58

lynching, 8, 88

Mahdavi, Saeed Mir Hussein, 110–111, 370n45, 370n48

Mahfouz, Naguib, 8, 14, 34, 72, 77, 81

Malaysia, 7, 149–151, 164–170

debate on apostasy laws, 298

Maldives, 150, 170–172

ban some writings of Saeed, 288

Mali, 20

Mandaeans, 36, 376n76

Manji, Irshad, 279, 326

Mansour, Ahmed Subhy, 8, 74, 78–80, 81, 273

Mauritania, 311

Mecca, 7, 15, 24, 30, 91, 139, 142,
and throughout

2005 OIC meeting at, 11, 27, 187, 216–217

Grand Mosque in, 22, 29

pilgrimage to, 26, 91

Medina, 27, 142, 152

See also

mobs, 8–9, 88, 142,
and throughout

attack Ahmadis, 149, 159–160

attack Alevis, 130

attack Christians, 66, 83, 94, 136

attack churches, 8, 66, 83, 94, 121

attack homes and property, 66, 83, 94

attack Muslims, 96–99, 142, 163

attack publishers, 88

out of state control, 10

surround courtrooms, 93

, 59, 315

Montazeri, Grand Ayatollah Hussein Ali, 7, 56–59

Morocco, 11, 117, 118, 124–127, 131, 197, 311

Mubarak, Hosni, Egyptian president, 62, 63, 72, 76, 143

Muhammad, Prophet of Islam, xvii, 98, 142,
and throughout

depiction of, 105, 185–186

last of the prophets, 14, 20, 41, 89

not to be insulted, xvii, 30, 31, 37, 86, 88,
and throughout

See also
Rushdie, Salman;
Satanic Verses

Muslim Brotherhood, 62, 216, 282

in Egypt, 73, 74, 76, 79, 81

in Sudan, 140, 141, 148

on Danish cartoons, 186, 188, 191

on Regensburg address, 195–196, 198

Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC), 250, 278, 326

See also
Steyn, Mark

Muslim population of the world, xxi, 200, 302, 308

Namazie, Maryam, 252, 281

Nasab, Ali Mohaqeq, 111–112, 314

Nasreen, Taslima, 152, 154–155, 193

Nasser, Gamel Abdel, Egyptian president, 62, 63

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 174, 308–309

in Afghanistan, 9, 34, 108

Nazir-Ali, Bishop Michael, 271–272, 284

Netherlands, 201–203, 243, 245–246, 261, 267

Muslim emigrants to, 34, 268, 278, 281, 293, 323

potential Islamization of, 202, 238, 245, 270, 282

See also
Van Gogh, Theo; Wilders, Geert

Nigeria, 19, 133, 134, 135–138, 190, 194, 319

Nobel Prize winners from Muslim-majority nations, 45, 81, 89, 127

Nomani, Asra, 275

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)

critics of rights violations, 175, 209–210, 217

personnel endangered, 153, 187, 188, 209–211

Noor, Kadra, 275

Nouri, Abdollah, 56–57

Nuba Muslims.

OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference)

2005 Mecca meeting, 27, 187, 205, 216, 217

champions blasphemy/hate-speech bans, 175, 178

fomented anger over Danish cartoons, 4, 174, 309

on Danish cartoons, 186, 187

, 202–203

on Regensburg address, 196, 198–199

Satanic Verses
, 181

See also
defamation of religion(s)

Pakistan, 8–9, 83–100,
and throughout

drifts from pluralism to Islamic law, 84–85

on Danish cartoons, 190

, 203

on Regensburg address, 196

Satanic Verses
, 180, 182–183

represses religious minorities, 89–97

represses religious reformers, 97–99


Paryani, Nazari, 115

Payman Daily
, 115

Pin, Ayah.
Sky Kingdom


implications for Islam, 299–301

Presbyterian(s), 46, 103, 189

Prophet, the.

proselytism, 49, 159

alleged, 102–103, 108, 125,
and throughout

harsh punishments for, 102, 119

Qaradawi, Sheikh, 216, 246, 283, 318

equivocates on apostasy law, 13, 280, 433n16

extreme views of, 251, 324

on Danish cartoons, 188

on Redeker, 259

on Shias, 433n5

Qur’an, 22,
and throughout

allegedly desecrated, 9, 11, 14, 29, 94, 96, 108

distinguished from Sunna, 32, 75, 79

Muhammad’s role in writing, 26, 53

on non-believers in Allah, 282–283

quoted by Abu-Zayd, 291

quoted by Saeed, 298

quoted by Wahid, xviii–xxii

Qur’anic interpretation, 23, 76, 277

Qur’anic scholarship, 281, 289–294

Quranists, political movement, 8, 79–80, 273

Rahman, Arifur, 156–158

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh, Danish prime minister, 184–188, 276

Redeker, Robert, 16, 259–260, 323

Regensburg address of Benedict XVI, 195–199, 259

consequent murders, 139, 199

diplomatic fallout from, 196, 198–199

Rehman, Shabana, 276

Rice, Condoleezza, US Secretary of State, 218

“right not to be offended,” 206, 232–233, 235, 252, 254

Rose, Flemming, 185, 192–194, 308

Rowhani, Ruhollah, 45, 60

Roy, Muhammad Yusman, 163

Rushdie, Salman, 3, 177,
and throughout

fatwa against, 177, 179

forced into hiding, 177, 181

initially unapologetic, 180

offers ineffective apologies, 180–182

resumes public life, 177

See also
Khomeini, Grand Ayatollah;
Satanic Verses

Sabuni, Nyamko, 274, 326

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