Singed (15 page)

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Authors: Kaylea Cross

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Singed
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Helpless to stop herself, she arched her back and ground her ass against his hips. The resulting jolt of pleasure between her thighs made her suck in her breath. “
.” It came out a raw, hoarse plea.

He went still and cursed under his breath. One strong hand moved to her hip, gripped it tight as he circled his erection against her. So close, only a few layers of clothing separating her from what she needed. She whimpered at the sensual torture. He froze at the sound, bent until she felt the gentle brush of his lips against her bare nape. “Okay, baby. Hold still.”

Yes, please, do it.
Claire let herself go lax, dropped her head to lay her cheek against the thick pile of the rug. She needed him so badly, didn’t care that it was going to be here in the hallway. All she cared about was having him inside her to ease this terrible ache, have him fill her until the emptiness went away, even for only a little while.

Gage shifted behind her slightly and set his palm flat on the rug next to her face. She reached out blindly and grabbed his thick wrist, hanging on tight. Another kiss against her nape, this one harder, the tender stroke of his tongue sending flames licking across her skin. His other hand caressed the curve of her rear, cruising over the tight fabric of her skirt in seductive circles. She pushed back against it, impatient, dying to feel him slide inside her.

A whisper of air brushed her inner thighs as he eased the hem of the skirt up her legs, higher, until the curve of her ass was exposed along with the lacy black strip of her thong nestled between her cheeks. He growled softly, stroked his palm over her bare skin.

“You wet for me?” he murmured against the top of her spine.

She nodded and licked her lips, the hand around his wrist tightening, the fingers of her other hand digging deep into the rug.
Hurry, hurry,
she urged him, her body pulsing with need.

She gasped when his mouth fastened over the sensitive spot on the side of her neck. His tongue licked her in lazy circles as he reached around her hips to cup the dampened lace between her thighs. The heat of his hand, the subtle pressure of it, dragged a soft cry from her. He circled his palm slowly, spreading the moisture beneath the lace with a satisfied growl, and scraped his teeth against her neck. His breathing was erratic and she could feel his heart pounding against her back. She wriggled her hips to get more friction where she needed it but he pulled his hand away to slide over her hip and ease his fingers beneath the band of lace nestled in the valley between her cheeks.

“Are you still on the pill?” he demanded, easing the scrap of lace aside in a slippery caress across her clit that made her shudder and strain back for more.

She shook her head, unable to answer. The need was clawing at her, making her frantic.

Another low curse, then finally, finally she felt the pressure of his fingers against her opening. He slid them up and down her folds, spreading her wetness as he twisted his wrist from her grip and reared up on his knees. She heard the sound of a zipper lowering and almost wept in relief. A second later he planted his hand back beside her head and eased two fingers into her body.

She bowed up at the feel of it, moaned when he rubbed over that hidden ache inside her and withdrew to circle her swollen clit. “There,” she breathed, the plea evident in her voice.

“Yeah, I know you like that.” He pulled his hand from between her legs and positioned the blunt head of his cock against her. Blood pounding in her ears, Claire held her breath and waited, every muscle in her body quivering in anticipation.

With a firm grip on her hip Gage surged forward, burying himself deep. Her felt huge inside her. The sudden fullness, the friction against her inner walls was incredible. Claire bucked in his hold, a wild cry tearing from her lips.

He held firm, stayed locked inside her so that she could feel every pulse of her muscles around him. “Easy, baby, I got you.”

That Southern drawl slid over her like warm honey. She made an unintelligible sound.

His teeth nipped the side of her neck. “You’re gonna come for me.” The words were low, commanding.

She nodded, mindless with sensation, desperate for the release he could give her. Gage didn’t make her wait. He groaned and plunged in and out of her, fucking her hard, that hand on her hip holding her in place. Claire widened her thighs and arched her hips as much as she could, seeking just the right angle.

In a smooth motion he eased up into a kneeling position and pulled his wrist free of her grip to slide his hand between her thighs. His fingers slid beneath the front of the thong to find the tight bundle of nerves there and started stroking in time with his thrusts. Her whole body tightened at the brutal lash of pleasure. She gritted her teeth and reared back against his thrusts, riding him as hard as he was her, rubbing her clit against his slick fingers, demanding the release he was pushing her toward.

“Give it to me,” he growled.

The impassioned demand launched her. Pleasure rocketed through her, winding tight until it snapped free in a glorious burst of heat and sensation. The orgasm rushed through her in wracking spasms and she was barely aware of her shattered cries echoing off the walls around them.

When it was over she went limp beneath him, her thighs trembling from the effort of keeping her weight balanced on her knees. Eventually she became aware that she was crying softly, one side of her wet face still pressed against the rug. Gage was completely still, locked deep inside her, huge and hot, his breathing labored. She pressed back toward him in a plea for him to finish, but he gripped both her hips and slowly withdrew with a pained hiss erupting from between his teeth.

Fighting to open her teary eyes, Claire risked a look at him over her shoulder. The light spilling through the kitchen doorway bathed the right side of him in a warm glow. He still wore his dress shirt and had his jeans shoved halfway down his thighs, exposing the gleaming length of his cock standing straight out from his body. His face was rigid, nostrils and mouth pinched like he was in agony. She started to reach out a hand to touch him, wanting to give him the same pleasure he’d given her, but he blocked it and wrapped his fist around himself instead. She watched, spellbound as he started pumping, his hips moving in counterpoint to the rhythm of his hand.

He stared directly into her eyes as he stroked himself, letting her see what she did to him, totally unembarrassed by his arousal and need. The muscles low in her abdomen fluttered. Understanding what he wanted, Claire stretched out flat on her belly and pillowed her cheek on her hands to watch the show.


Claire lay flat on the rug with her face turned toward him, watching him silently with glistening eyes. At her wordless acquiescence and approval Gage groaned low in his throat and sped up his strokes, his hand working his aroused flesh. Fucking hell she was sexy like that, lying there all soft and satisfied from the orgasm he’d given her.

Even wet from tears and with mascara smudged beneath them, those big gray eyes seemed to glow at him in the dim lighting, like banked coals waiting for a breath of oxygen that would make them burst back into flame. She’d been so wet, so tight around him. The way she’d been writhing against him with those sexy little cries spilling from her lips, he’d almost come with her. It had taken an act of will to pull out of her warmth, but having her watch him so hungrily now while he stroked himself was even hotter.

Her gaze swept over his body to where he was fisting himself so tightly. She licked her lips in reflex and he felt his balls tighten. God, it was so erotic to have her watching so intently, like she wanted to eat him up. A few more pumps and he gasped, threw his head back and let go, coming across her bare ass in hard spurts. Claire gasped. He watched his come hit her creamy skin, a fierce possessiveness twining with the pleasure at the evidence that he’d marked her, claimed her.

In the aftermath he slumped forward to rest his weight on one hand, bent his head so that he could nuzzle the side of her mouth as he caught his breath. God, he was destroyed. His muscles trembled so much he could hardly support his weight on his arm. The moment his mouth brushed hers Claire turned her head and kissed him, parting her lips in a silent plea for deeper contact.

He gave it, sliding his tongue into her mouth to play with hers. Soft and slow now that the insane heat had been quenched. For the moment, at least. With her it always flared fast and hot again in a matter of minutes. Didn’t matter how many times he had her, he’d never get enough. Their chemistry was unlike anything he’d ever experienced.

With a soft mewling sound Claire reached one hand up to slide it around his nape. Gage rested more of his weight on his left arm and deepened the kiss, absorbing her sigh of contentment while his heart rate stabilized. After a minute he turned his face to layer kisses over her damp cheek, over her closed eyelid. She rested her head on the back of her right hand and let out a shuddering sigh.

Easing his weight back on his haunches, he stroked the hair away from her temple and expelled a deep breath. Jesus, he was soaked with sweat. His shirt stuck to his back and chest as he tucked himself back into his underwear and did up his jeans.

Claire started to push up but he stilled her with a gentle hand between her shoulder blades. She was all wet and sticky with his come. “Lie still. I’ll be right back.” He went to the bathroom and dampened a facecloth with warm water, then came back to her and wiped her skin clean.

After easing her skirt back down into place he went to one knee and rolled her onto her side. She reached up for him immediately and he gathered her into his arms, lifted her and strode upstairs to her room. Once there he helped her strip her clothes off and dumped them into the laundry hamper for her. When he came out of the small walk-in closet she was already beneath the quilt, head on the pillow as she watched him.

He stood there, unsure what he should do next, but then she pulled back the covers on the empty side of the bed in invitation. Wanting the comfort of holding her, he slid in beside her, fully dressed, and drew her close. She snuggled into his chest with a weary sigh and he kissed the top of her head, savoring the warmth of her silky soft skin beneath his hands.

“Sleep, baby,” he whispered against her hair. Running a soothing hand over her delicate spine, he listened to her breathing deepen and even out. Within minutes, she was fast asleep. Gage closed his eyes and cuddled her close, wishing he could hold her like this forever but knowing it was impossible. After they talked in the morning, he’d probably never get the chance again, so he was going to savor every last moment while he could.


Chapter Nine

Claire woke slowly from a deep and dreamless sleep. Her body was sluggish and heavy, the covers warm around her. She became aware of pressure against her spine and hips then a large male hand stroking down her side. Sighing, she snuggled back into Gage with a tiny smile on her lips. Even half asleep, just like always his touch set her nerve endings humming. Her breasts tightened and a heavy throb started between her legs.

The caress of his fingertips stayed slow and easy, spreading tingles in their wake, keeping her drifting in that lovely place between sleep and wakefulness. Enjoying it too much to wake up just yet, she kept her eyes closed and let herself slide into the sensation.

Gentle brushes against the curve of her breast dragged a sigh from her. She shifted and arched her back to give him better access. A moment later a puff of cool air washed over her as he pulled the quilt back. The touch of his lips against her breast sent a wave of heated anticipation through her.

She rolled to her back and slid her fingers through his short hair, urging him on. He obliged, opening his mouth over one beaded nipple and sucked. Her breath hissed through her teeth as pleasure zinged from her sensitive nipple to the growing ache between her legs. Gage cupped her breasts in both hands and took his time pleasuring both tight peaks. When she was squirming and writhing beneath him he shifted lower, trailing a line of kisses across her ribcage to her belly, pausing to dip his tongue into her navel.

Forcing her eyes open, she blinked in the semi-darkness and watched Gage’s shadowy face disappear between her legs. The warmth of his breath washed across her wetness and she curled her fingers into his scalp. When they’d first gotten together she’d been shy about him going down on her but he’d quickly destroyed all her inhibitions about her body. He’d made it clear how much he loved pleasuring her this way and she wasn’t about to stop him. Her spine arched at that first slow, soft kiss against her heated flesh and a moan slipped out of her.

His hands slid beneath her hips and his shoulders wedged between her legs, forcing them wider apart until she was completely exposed to him. There was no embarrassment for her now, only a liquid heat stealing through her body. He pressed his mouth between her thighs with a low sound of enjoyment and then she felt the first wicked stroke of his talented tongue.

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