Sin's Dark Caress (26 page)

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Authors: Tracey O'Hara

BOOK: Sin's Dark Caress
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The End Begins

ianca blinked against the bright light and carefully looked around, disorientation making her dizzy as she tried to rise.
An ambulance?
Something smothered her and she reached up take it away.

“And leave that, it'll help you breathe easier and reoxygenate your blood.” A kindly paramedic smiled down at her, patting her hand.

“Lay still,” McManus commanded from the bench opposite, feeding a bottle to the baby.

“Am I dreaming?” she asked.

“No,” he said with a smile. “It's all real. You collapsed just as we reached the surface. Dehydration and shock, they said.”

A weight shifted beside her left leg as Kedrax roused and lifted his head. The little dragon closed exhausted eyes again and dropped his chin on her knee.

“How is the baby?” Bianca asked the attending paramedic.

“A little dehydrated too, but otherwise a healthy baby girl,” he answered.

“She's perfect,” McManus said as he looked down at the little girl with a goofy smile. “Just perfect.”

The baby sucked on the bottle, never taking her eyes off his face. She seemed just in love with him as he was with her.

Oberon appeared at the back of the open ambulance, looking concerned. “How you doing?”

She grinned. “Fine. I think.”

“Good, I've brought you something.” He'd barely unzipped the top of his heavy leather jacket when a black, one-eared head popped out. “He wouldn't let me out of the apartment without him.”

Vincent struggled with impatience for Oberon to open the jacket and leapt out as soon as he could get free. The cat raced straight up to Kedrax, his tail high in the air, and began to lick his friend clean. Kedrax seemed just as glad to see the cat.

“You big softy,” she said to Oberon, and stroked the cat. “Thank you.”

“Oh my baby.” Artemisia pushed past Oberon and climbed into the ambulance.

Here it comes.
Bianca braced for her mother's onslaught, but Artemisia went straight past her to the bundle McManus's arms.

Bianca propped herself up. “Artemisia!”

“Oh, hi darling. I'm so glad to see you're okay.” Her mother sat down beside Bianca and brushed back her hair. “You did give us such a fright. But look at this tiny bundle of joy.”

McManus's eyes crinkled at the edges, and Bianca gave him what she hoped was her best death stare. His grin just deepened.


Artemisia looked at her again. “I'm sorry, darling. They said you were fine. I've just come from an emergency CHaPR meeting. They just gave us permission to take little Lucy home.”


Her mother's dopey gaze dropped to the baby again, with the same silly smile McManus had a few moments earlier. “Yes, that's what Amy and Hannah have called her. They're all going to live with us. The witch's council has concerns over Lucy's origins and agree that it's best she be watched carefully, and who better than the new Domina?” Artemisia looked up again. “Oh, did I tell you? Since Gayla resigned, I've been appointed acting Domina until a proper election process can be held. But that's just a formality.”

“How long have I been out?” Bianca asked.

“Just over an hour,” Oberon said from the back of the ambulance. “But the meeting was in full swing before you came out of the caverns.”

“How are the girls?” Bianca asked her mother.

Artemisia's smile slipped a little. “Okay. But they're excited to see their new sister, so I'm going to take her home to them right now.”

“Amy's her aunt.”

“Aunt, sister, none of that matters now. We're all going to be one big family.” Artemisia rose as Bianca's father appeared, wearing his usual smile. He held out his hand to help his wife down.

“Theron, we're going to have to stop at the store for diapers and formula . . .” Artemisia rattled off commands. “Oh and Bianca, stop by in a few days. The girls want to see you. You too, Detective McManus.” And she disappeared into the crowd of emergency service workers.

“Sorry, sweetheart.” Her father climbed in and kissed her on the top of the head. “You know how much your mother wanted another baby. It broke her heart when they told her she couldn't. Stop by in a few days if you can. I know you're going to be very busy with everything.”

“I am?”

McManus shrugged at her father. “We haven't talked about that yet.”

Her father's face grew solemn. “I understand. I'm just so glad you're okay.” He backed out of the ambulance and shook Oberon's hand.

“What's going on?” she asked McManus after her father was gone.

He crossed his arms under the blanket around his shoulders. “Well, look at you, little Miss Independent all bent out of shape because she's not Mommy's baby anymore.”

“Shut up,” she said. He was being ridiculous.

Oberon climbed in and closed the doors behind him.

“So are you going to tell me what's going on?” she said.

Oberon hunched forward, trying to fit his seven-foot frame in the confined space. “The team as it currently stands has been disbanded. We're all being reassigned.”

“I don't understand,” she said, frowning. “I thought we worked well together.”

“We did, but now things have changed drastically.” Oberon held out his hands. “I've requested the change. It's not a bad thing.”

“Well, I can always go back to just teaching forensic thaumaturgy at the Academy,” she said, and turned to McManus. “And your suspension should be lifted now. You'll be a homicide detective again.”

“Actually, I quit,” he said.

She reached out and took his hand. “Oh, McManus.”

“I encouraged it,” Oberon said. “McManus has a lot to do, and so do you. We haven't been fired, just given more specialized roles.”

Kedrax climbed onto her knee and looked at McManus. “Can you feel them?”

McManus nodded. “The dragons are stirring again. There are eggs to find and hatchlings to raise. You're not just
dragon witch, you're
Dragon Witch. The most powerful witch on earth, or you will be. Together, with Sagen's knowledge,” he tapped his head, “and Rudolf's, we will bring back the lords of magic.”

“Speaking of Rudolf?” Bianca said. “Where is he?”

“Still speaking to CHaPR,” Oberon said. “It'll take years for children to grow to full strength, but the Dark Brethren are here and their effects will be immediate. If we can't stop them while they're still young, then we have to be prepared to fight them when they reach maturity.”

“But there's only four of them,” she said.

“They're the Dark Brethren.” McManus leaned forward and took her hand. “War is no longer coming. It's here.”

She removed the oxygen mask and reached out to move the blanket covering McManus's chest. His heart still glowed from within, beating steadily, though it fluttered when her fingertip brushed his skin.

“I'll leave you to talk,” Oberon said, and left quietly.

“Are you sure about this?” she asked and looked up into his ice blue eyes.

“Never more so.” He leaned forward and softly pressed his lips against hers.

Dark Brethren Series References

Glossary of Terms

Worn by Animalians and Facimorphs, especially in urban areas, for the modesty of human society more than the wearer. The material is scientifically formulated to expand and stretch to great extremes to accommodate the changing shape. Mesh segments allow fur to grow through, and an overlapping split in the rear accommodates a tail.

A child born to a woman embraced late in her pregnancy. Unlike a child born to Aeternus parents, who will awaken after twenty-five years, an Abomination will awaken after its first year, appearing to age only one year for every fifteen that pass. But most do not reach the age of one.

The male leader of a Bestiabeo family. He is responsible for taking care of the day-to-day running of the clan or tribe of Animalians and enforcing the laws, but he answers to the Council of Elders.

Atropa wine:
Despite the name, this is actually a distilled spirit, not a wine, made from the plant known as belladonna, otherwise known as deadly nightshade. While toxic to humans—especially the illegally distilled version known as belladonna moonshine—Atropa wine is one of the few substances that acts as an intoxicant on Animalians.

The head of a coven.

A parahuman coming of age, which results in the activation of parahuman abilities. This occurs at different ages depending on the race.

A term usually used for a dreniac, but can be used as an insult to an Aeternus.

An extreme state of sexual arousal. In humans it's brought on by a small amount of Aeternus blood entering the bloodstream either by direct entry through a vein or cut or a few drops into an eye. Latents are more susceptible to its influence. If a human is in the throes of blood-thrall, the Aeternus responsible may also succumb to the effects. Once a certain point in the arousal is reached, it must be seen through to the conclusion.

Dark Sleep
: A long dreamless state that can last up to one hundred years. An Aeternus can slip into Dark Sleep if feeding and resting cease for a period of more than a week. Only time and copious amounts of blood can wake the Dark Sleeper.

The state of intoxication Necrodreniacs enter when they have drained a human to the last drop.

The head of several covens for a region.

A human who voluntarily donates blood through a donor agency to feed the Aeternus. A blood donation can be collected and bottled, or a live donation can be given, with the Aeternus feeding directly from a donor vein. Donors are regarded highly, unlike fang-whores, who are indiscriminate and little more than prostitutes.

A corporeal spell that looks and acts like a specific person. It feeds off belief, and as soon as there is doubt, the spell disintegrates.

Thought to be a myth, Dúbabeo are usually identical twins in the Bestiabeo world and have the ability to transform into both parents' animal forms instead of one or the other. In ancient legends the Dúbabeo served the Bestiabeo and were little more than prisoners in a gilt cage.

The oldest and wisest of a race. The Aeternus Council of Elders makes decisions regarding the Aeternus within the edicts of CHaPR. Positions are honorary, as the council's authority was superseded with the formation of the CHaPR. The majority of the Council of Elders now serve CHaPR.

To change a human into an Aeternus or Necrodreniac through the eternal-kiss. A dangerous process often resulting in the death of the recipient human, with only one in ten embraced humans achieving successful transition. Humans who survive the eternal-kiss are known as the embraced. A human embraced by a Necrodreniac will automatically become a Necrodreniac, too, complete with an addiction to death-highs. However, it is rare for Necrodreniacs to exert the self-control necessary to embrace humans.

A mix of Aeternus or Necrodreniac blood and saliva transferred from the mouth of the embracer to the mouth of the embraced. For an Aeternus to administer the eternal-kiss, permission must be given by the recipient, unless it is a life-and-death situation. Necrodreniacs usually don't ask—they just take.

Facimorphic test:
A standard test in most government departments and private industry, especially high-profile ones, to guard against infiltration of a shape-shifter masquerading as an employee. The test checks for specific shifting markers in the DNA of the test recipient.

A human kept in luxury by an Aeternus in return for exclusive feeding and often a sexual relationship.

A human who has never allowed an Aeternus to feed from his or her vein.

A derogatory term for those who sell themselves indiscriminately to any Aeternus for blood, and usually sex, in exchange for money and/or blood for spiking.

: A movement of Aeternus who will only feed on the blood donated freely by vegan or vegetarian humans, as they believe in not causing harm to animals. Many are also members of the PAAA (Parahumans Against Animal Abuse).

One born to parahuman parents who does not awaken in the designated year for their genus, instead continuing to live as a human.

A Bestiabeo term for the siblings that result from the same pregnancy. Two progeny are the usual result of a Bestiabeo birth, one male and one female. While other combinations can happen, they are more the exception than the norm.

An Animalian endearment word for the Mother.

A disease that develops when an Aeternus completely drains a human while feeding, resulting in a death-high. Addiction is certain and immediate. Death is the only cure.

Neon Tears:
A new designer drug to hit the streets, taken by dropping the liquidized crystalline drug into the eye. Side effects include a secretion of neon blue when the drug is depleted by the body, hence the name.

A crystal orb used by witches to capture images from a subject as they tell a story. Commonly used to reenact crime scenes, but because of the subjectivity of the witness or suspect, the evidence is not admissible in court. However, it can supply valuable insight into the crime, which can give investigators leads to pursue.

A midwife in the old sense of the word. The female who is the spiritual and cultural center of an Animalian clan and uses a mix of modern medicine and old herbal remedies to treat members of the community.

A witch or thaumaturgist who finds things through the use of magic.

A witch or thaumaturgist who can sense spells or thaumaturgic energy.

Game in which individuals or teams, made up of human, parahumans, or both, are pitted against each other in mock-combat scenarios. First introduced in the Paris Academy of Parahuman Studies thirty years ago to help students hone their skills, it quickly gained popularity as a mainstream sport. The NYAPS state-of-the-art arena in the newly upgraded Venator training wing doubles as a venue for the sport.

A human practice of mixing a couple of drops of Aeternus blood with a diluted amphetamine mix, which is injected intravenously. This increases the effect of the narcotic and “spikes” an extreme sexual high. Highly addictive and illegal, users eventually destroy their bodies' ability to produce white blood cells, resulting in death. A human who spikes is known as a spiker.

Venator tech:
The technical support for a Venator. They monitor police channels and other avenues, looking for signs of dreniac activity, and support Venators with intel and environment monitoring when on a hunt. Many can also excel in weapons invention, computers, and communications support.

The art of invoking supernatural powers, such as magic, which are created from life or death energy.

Troubles, the:
Europe in the early nineties saw unrest among the Aeternus community, which almost caused a split in CHaPR. Assassinations were rife and Necrodrenia was on the rise through deliberate infection, causing major friction with humans. These events seemed to cease after the death of Dante Rubins, who was much later named as the supposed instigator, although this was not proven. The reasons behind the Troubles were never identified and seemed to die with Dante.

A type of bounty hunter who collects bounties for the capture or destruction of parahuman outlaws. Traditionally human, in recent years parahumans have joined the Venator ranks. Venators must be trained, licensed, and registered with the Guild before they are permitted to hunt. They gain this license by attending the Guild academy in their final year of training and passing a set of rigorous exams. Venators may specialize in various fields, including Necrodreniac destruction, hunting dark magic-wielders, or tracking down rogue Animalians. An Aeternus in the grip of Necrodrenia is known as a Necrodreniac or dreniac.

Wolfsbane (Aconitum vulparia
A toxic poison, especially to Animalians.


A race of vampiric people—although not the “living dead” of legend—who must ingest human blood to live, the Aeternus have created a symbiotic existence with the humans that feed them. They are either born of Aeternus parents or created when a human is embraced (see
). Those born to Aeternus parents live as humans until their twenty-fifth year, when they may or may not awaken to become an Aeternus. Those who do not awaken are known as Latents.

Intrinsically, they are part man and part animal, but differ from shape-shifters. There are three main genera in the Animalians: ursians (man-bears); felians (man-cats); and canians (man-canines). Each genus is made up of several subgenera; felians, for instance, have families of tiger, panther, lion, cougar, etc. There is much infighting between the genera. Humans cannot be turned into an Animalian—they must be born. But it is possible for a human to mate with an Animalian, and then the child has a fifty-fifty chance of awakening to their Animalian heritage. It is the same between the genera—the child of two different genera will not know its genus until it awakens.

The three main genera:

A clan or family group of ursians.

A clan or family group of canians.

A clan or family group of felians.

Traditional name for what are more commonly referred to as Animalians.

Collective term for the race of the male Incubus and the female equivalent Succubus. In centuries past they were used as sex slaves, agents of espionage, and sometimes even as assassins. When the CHaPR Treaty came into existence over a century ago, the race was freed from the enforced slavery it had suffered at the hands of humans and parahumans alike. Fearing their freedom would not last, they went into hiding. Only now are they starting to come out.


Also known as shape-shifters or shifters, they have the ability to bend their form to mimic other shapes through the use of magic. Once changed, they retain their own consciousness and only take on the limited physical characteristics of the form they are mimicking—for example, flight when shifting into the form of a bird. Shifters do not become the animal they mimic, unlike Animalians, who are part human and part animal.

An ancient race made up of several clans that came to Earth ten thousand years ago. They adapted to their new surrounds by transmuting their DNA and mingling it with elements from their new planet. Each clan transformed into a different parahuman race according to the areas they chose to live in.

A little known race of parahumans who live beneath the sea. They have been known to mate with humans; however, this is rare and the hybrid offspring seldom survive.

Alternate humans that include the Aeternus, Animalians, shape-shifters
magic-wielders, and Mer-people. All begin life as human and change to parahuman in different ways, depending on their genus and race.

: See

Thaumaturgist (magic-wielders):
Races that practice thaumaturgy to bend and use life-and-death energy—witches, Druids, shamans, etc. Each race uses magic in a unique manner and for a specific aim. For example, light witches use life energy for the benefit of others; dark witches use death energy for self-gain and chaos.

The first magic wielders, thought by some to be only a legend. It was said they harnessed magic in its pure form from the magical beings that inhabited the Earth long before humans and parahumans existed. They can manipulate all the casts of magic.

The five castes of modern thaumaturgy:

Use the earth, plants, and nature, including weather. Druids are one of the best known races in this caste and tend to focus on plants.

Use an animal as a conduit to pull in thaumaturgic energy to weave into a pattern to form a spell.

Can see the past, present, and future through divination such as cards, crystal balls, etc. Can also scry for missing people or items and can tell fortunes.

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