Six Degrees of Lust (9 page)

Read Six Degrees of Lust Online

Authors: Taylor V. Donovan

Tags: #MLR Press LLC, #Print ISBN#978-1-60820-414-4, #Ebook ISBN# 978-1-60820-415-1

BOOK: Six Degrees of Lust
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him feel any better. Since when was he so easy to read?

Before he could start freaking out over that, Mac reached

down and fondled the length of his own straining cock through

his jeans.

Son of a bitch.

Sam’s mouth fell open at the erotic sight. He wanted it. He

wanted to see Mac’s cock and he wanted to taste it. He wanted

it so much he almost dropped to his knees in front of the guy.

six DegRees of Lust

“It’s Samuel,” he blurted out. “My name. Sam.”

“Pleasure to—”

“Believe me when I tell you…” Sam cut the guy off. He

was so done talking. “…it will be.” A second later he had the

Texan pinned against the door, his sinfully full lower lip captured

between his teeth. “I want this off,” he said against Mac’s mouth,

fingers busy opening the top buttons of his shirt. “Now.”

Mac must have wanted it off as badly as Sam did, because he

reached for the back of it and dragged it upward. Then he did the

same with Sam’s t-shirt.

For a moment he didn’t know how to react. He didn’t have

a game plan anymore, and wasn’t quite sure how to deal with a

man that was as much an alpha as Sam himself, and obviously

not willing to follow leads. And then none of that was important

anymore. He was too busy drooling over the stunning sight

that was Mac’s naked chest. It didn’t matter who was leading or

following or who was doing what, as long as they were doing


As if in slow motion, he watched Mac lift his right hand and

brush his thumb against Sam’s lips and jaw before his long fingers

stroked their way through Sam’s hair and settled on the back of

his neck. Their eyes met and the message in Mac’s burning eyes

hit Sam with the force of a two by four.

He was about to be kissed.

Sam didn’t do kissing. It had never been part of the

foreplay during his sexual encounters. Most people used quick,

dispassionate kisses to set the right mood, but as far as Sam was

concerned, if he made it to a private location with a potential

partner it was because he was ready to fuck.

In his opinion, kisses were something intimate, only to be

shared with someone that you had or wanted to establish a deeper

connection with. He wasn’t interested in being emotionally

connected to anyone, ergo make out sessions were out of the


Normally, he would have moved away and pushed his partner

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down. Put on a condom and have the guy blow him. But because

that kind of attitude felt too crass and out of place with Mac and

because he knew he wasn’t backing off, he decided the best thing

to do was to make it his kiss.

There wasn’t anything soft or seductive about the way he

crushed his mouth over Mac’s. It was so forceful the guy’s head

slammed against the door. He whimpered a little, but Sam took

the opportunity to thrust his tongue in his mouth.

The kiss was hot and desperate. There was no hesitation in

the way their tongues teased and slid together, no awkwardness in

their passion and hunger. It only took them about three seconds

to find the perfect rhythm.

Sam was rapidly becoming addicted to Mac’s tongue and lips.

He couldn’t get enough and he seemed to be incapable of letting

go, not even to breath. He traced arm tattoos, touched muscular

shoulders and pecs, twisted erect nipples, and caressed Mac’s

rippling hard abs. He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled the big guy

away from the door before sliding his hands inside and grabbing

his ass so tightly Sam was sure he was leaving bruises.

They both moaned as their pricks made contact and ground

against each other through the thick material of their jeans. But

it wasn’t close enough.

“Jesus,” he whimpered when Mac disengaged their mouths

and clamped his teeth in the curve between Sam’s shoulder and

neck, sucking and biting the sensitive skin, making him harder

than he’d ever been in his life.

Then Mac grabbed his face and started feasting on his mouth

like a starving man again, and all Sam could do was give back as

good as he got. He split Mac’s butt cheeks open and inserted his

finger in his crease, grinding himself harder against the slightly

taller man and groaning when he finally touched his puckering

hole. Their kiss turned voracious. Mind-blowing.

Mac reached down and yanked Sam’s jeans open and they

both growled when his big hand tugged on his tight balls and

then covered his dick. Sam lost control. He was possessed by lust

six DegRees of Lust

the likes of which he was unfamiliar with, and he couldn’t wait to

get in this man’s pants.

He pulled Mac’s jeans down and they must had moved closer

to the bed and lost balance because the next thing he was barely

conscious of was his back hitting the mattress and Mac landing

on top of him.

He broke the kiss and pushed Mac’s shoulders a little. “Fuck,

Tex. You’re heavy.”

He didn’t like to be pinned down. Ever. The fact that having

at least 250 pounds keeping him flat on his back wasn’t making

him hyperventilate in panic was another first for Sam, even if all

that weight was raw, animal, and sexy as hell male.

“I’m sorry.” Mac tried to stand up, but for some unknown

reason Sam grabbed his forearms and stopped him from moving


“It’s okay,” he whispered. “It’s okay for now.”

He closed his eyes when Mac touched their foreheads

together. He was too close. It was too fucking intimate. But Sam

couldn’t not have this. He took several deep breaths that didn’t

do shit to calm his out of control heartbeat. He had no damn

clue what it was that had gotten into him, but Mac’s weight felt

right. Sam liked Mac’s chest grazing his own almost as much as

he wanted to bury his cock in the blond’s hole. Before he could

stop himself, Sam opened his legs to accommodate Mac’s form

and get closer to him. Just for a little bit, before he pushed him

away and fucked that sexy drawl out of him.

“Oh, fuck,” Mac moaned, lowering his face and lapping at

one of Sam’s nipples with his tongue. “You want me to turn the

lights off now?”

“Why would I want that?” Sam lowered his own head until

he was able to take Mac’s earlobe between his teeth and pull at it.

“Are you ready for me?”

“I want to blow you, Sam,” Mac whispered against his neck,

his calloused hand busy lowering both their jeans past their hips.

It was uncomfortable as hell, but at least their erections had some

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freedom now. “I want to taste you and have you come in my


“You can’t.” Not without protection, Sam thought, but he

would have given anything to be able to feel those luscious lips

wrapped around his bare cock and fill Mac’s mouth with his

release. He knew he was clean, but what about the Texan? He

just couldn’t risk it. But the mere thought of it… “Damn it.”

“I know.” He physically felt Mac’s hushed lament somewhere

in his chest. What the hell? It was probably the vibration of his

voice. “Yeah… I just…” He lowered his body, raspy tongue

leaving a wet trail from Sam’s chest to his groin.

“What are you—? Shit!” Sam dug his fingers in Mac’s

shoulders and threw his head back when the other man closed

his mouth on Sam’s nuts and sucked on them, then cried out in

protest when he was released.

§ § § §

“You smell so fuckin’ good…” Mac breathed Sam in, then

pushed the guy’s narrow hips against the mattress and circled

the base of the long, thick cock with his tongue. It was perfect.

Beautiful. And it was leaking. Mac wanted it in his mouth so

much he couldn’t see straight. “Are you clean?” He managed to

ask. “Because I am.”

“I am too,” Sam threaded his long fingers through Mac’s hair.

“But if you take my word for it you’re too stupid to live.”

“I expect to see your test results in my email inbox first thing

tomorrow mornin’,” he said right before throwing caution out

the window.

Mac caught the glistening drop of pre-cum that was driving

him out of his mind with the tip of his tongue, then carried it

to Sam’s mouth so that they could share both the taste and what

probably was the most erotic moment of his life so far.

He slid an arm between the bed and Sam’s back; the Yank

pulled their pants down to their ankles and hugged him with his

powerful arms. Mac moved his head to an angle that allowed him

six DegRees of Lust

complete access to the mouth he couldn’t get enough of; Sam

spread his long legs wider and ground his leaking cock against

Mac’s. Their tongues chased one another as their hips tried to get

closer, humping with brutal force. Then Sam tried to push him

away, but Mac wasn’t having any of it.

“Get on your knees, Tex,” he growled. “I want to fuck you.”


“What the hell do you mean, no?” Sam’s growl was low and

intimate, and he looked furious. Crazy with lust but furious. The

contradiction was so hot he almost came. Mac nipped at the

man’s jaw, smiling a little when Sam pushed him again. “If you

even think about denying me now, I swear I’ll kick your ass.”

Mac chuckled and kissed the sexy guy lightly before looking at

him. “Oh, I know you would try your damn best.” Sam’s fingers

where doing naughty things to his ass and driving him crazy. The

man was well on his way to pissed off, but he hadn’t stopped

grinding himself against Mac or touching him all over. “Tell you

what,” he whispered against Sam’s mouth, moving slightly to the

side and grabbing both their hard cocks with one of his hands.

“What the fuck is it with you and that motor mouth?” Sam’s

tongue darted out to lick Mac’s jaw and lips, his eyes rolling back

when Mac slid his thumb over his wet slit.

“There’s something we need to discuss, darlin’.” Mac moved

his butt a little to the side, allowing Sam better access to it.

“I don’t talk during sex.” Sam frowned. “And drop the darling,

will you?”

“You just gotta listen.”

One of Sam’s hands had made its way to their pricks and Mac

moaned. Between that and the ass play, it was just a matter of

seconds before Mac lost it. What the hell was wrong with him?

He hadn’t gotten any recently but he sure as hell could stand a lot

more foreplay than this.

“I don’t really give a shit about whatever it is you want to say.”

Sam sucked on his own finger, making it really wet and Mac held

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his breath, waiting for him to put it back in his hole. His rectum

squeezed in anticipation and his cock got stiffer. How was that

even possible? Then Sam pushed his finger up and after a flash

of pain that Mac barely registered, his body let the other man in.

“Ohhhh…” he shuddered and bit the side of Sam’s face.

“Feels good?” Sam asked, his teeth clenched.

“You’re fuckin’ killin’ me.” Mac fisted their cocks together one

more time and started to pump, using their combined pre-cum

as lubrication to create the kind of friction that felt deliriously


“I want to come, Tex.” Sam thrust his length into Mac’s hand.

“I want to come while I’m buried balls deep in you.”

“I haven’t bottomed in a while,” Mac finally said against Sam’s


“And we’re about to change that.” Sam growled.

“But not yet,” he insisted, rubbing himself against Sam.

“There’s a lot of you to take, darlin’. Let me make you come,

okay? Then we’ll start all over again.”


Mac could see the struggle in Sam’s face. He even had a pretty

good idea of what was going through the other man’s mind.

Most likely Sam had not taken into consideration the fact that

Mac might need some preparation. He had probably wanted to

do the deed and get out of his room as soon as possible.

But he could also see Sam understood how doing things

Mac’s way would make it easier for both of them and, although

grudgingly, he seemed to be willing to give Mac the time he


“Fine,” the sexy guy said. “Let’s take the edge off first.” They

kissed one more time before Sam buried his face in Mac’s neck.

“But if you call me darlin’ one more time I’ll deck you.”

Mac pulled his other hand from underneath Sam and grabbed

his face with it. “I want to see how you look when you come.

Don’t hide it from me.”

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“I am not hiding anything,” Sam grunted, knocking Mac’s

hand off and turning them both so that they lay on their sides.

The Yank’s breathing was labored, his skin flushed, and his dick

hard, but his face was a blank mask.

Mac could tell he’d withdrawn to a place where he couldn’t be

reached and he hated it. What was it going to take to get the guy

to relax a little? To share anything other than his cock? Earlier,

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