Six Degrees of Lust (8 page)

Read Six Degrees of Lust Online

Authors: Taylor V. Donovan

Tags: #MLR Press LLC, #Print ISBN#978-1-60820-414-4, #Ebook ISBN# 978-1-60820-415-1

BOOK: Six Degrees of Lust
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But if that burning, hungry stare was any indication, the Texan

wasn’t put off by Sam’s disheveled state or the fact that he hadn’t

even bothered to shave. Thank fuck.

“Get in,” Sam all but growled. He didn’t take his eyes off the

guy for a second. Once he was inside, he asked, “Where to?”

As soon as Tex gave him the name of a trendy hotel in

Chelsea, Sam rolled up his window and put his hand on the gear

stick, and maybe because he was busy looking at the rearview

mirror to make sure no other cars were coming, he never noticed

Mac move until it was too late.

A gasp jumped from his throat. He snapped his head to the

side and zeroed in on his own hand, covered by the Texan’s

slightly bigger one.

“Rough couple of days, huh?” Mac’s voice was low, his thumb

gently caressing Sam’s obviously injured knuckles.

Sam cleared his throat and tried to pull his hand back, but

seemed to be frozen in place by Mac’s touch. “You could say


six DegRees of Lust

“Then let’s hope I can make it a little better for you, darlin’.”

Nodding, he took a deep breath when Mac removed his hand

and settled in the passenger seat, leaving a tingling sensation

behind and Sam feeling completely off balance. He wanted to

tell the big guy nobody ever touched him without his explicit

permission… then he wanted to tell him to bring that hand back,

but wrap it around his cock this time.

He wanted to tell him he had no use for words of endearment,

even if that sexy as fuck accent made them sound prettier. He

wanted to tell him to get the hell out of his damn truck.

But he didn’t.

Goddammit, what was wrong with him? Why was he

overlooking actions that would be deal-breakers with any other

potential lay? Was it because the guy was going back home the

next day and there was no chance of Sam running into him

again? Or because Sam wanted him so damn much he couldn’t

see straight anymore? Whatever the reason, it didn’t stop him

from pulling his SUV out of the parking spot and driving them

to Mac’s hotel.

They didn’t say a thing during the short trip and that was fine.

Sam had never been one for small talk. He had no problems

sharing his body—to an extent—but his thoughts and feelings

were off limits.

He took a deep breath, feeling a little dizzy when Mac’s clean,

spicy scent hit his nostrils and filled his lungs. Christ. Whatever

that cologne was, it had the same affect on Sam as pheromones,

which was odd and annoying, as he was usually indifferent to

such things.

The anticipation permeating the interior of his truck was

damn tangible, and the not so subtle way Mac kept glancing at

his mouth, hands, and crotch with those intense cat eyes of his

had Sam on the brink of combustion. It was madness, and all of

a sudden he felt it was imperative that he take care of business

fast, then get the heck away from the gorgeous blond as soon as

he could manage.

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After finding a parking spot they strode through the hotel

lobby, always keeping a safe distance between them. Once inside

the elevator they both leaned against the far wall and allowed

for their shoulders to touch. Mac’s desire was obvious in his

labored breathing, clenched jaw, the tension on his insanely

broad shoulders, and the wild pulse on his thick neck. Sam

couldn’t remember anyone wanting him so badly before…or him


By the time they reached the fifth floor the sexual tension was

off the charts. There was no disguising the primal, unadulterated

lust that had grabbed them both literally by the balls.

“I’m all the way down the hall.”

Mac pointed to their right and Sam considered getting back in

the elevator and going home. Because the sight of that muscular,

tanned arm lightly dusted with blond hairs almost made Sam

drool, and he was afraid to find out what kind of reaction he

would have once he got to see the man naked… or his cock…

Lord, yes!

And just like that he turned and headed in the direction

Mac indicated, not waiting for him. He couldn’t face the man.

Not when he was having such a hard time pretending he wasn’t

anxious and completely out of his comfort zone.

“We’re here,” Mac said. “515.”

Sam stopped and waited for Mac to scan his card key, but

bristled a little when the guy pushed the door and held it open for

him. What the fuck? Was he a woman now?

“Thanks,” he muttered, walking into the room. He may not

appreciate being treated like, well, like that, but his mother had

taught him manners.

§ § § §

“Don’t mention it.” Mac closed the door and leaned against

it, discreetly adjusting himself while watching Sexy Super Agent

look around his black and white, Asian influenced hotel room.

Other than the very inviting, very comfortable king size bed,

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there was nothing special enough to justify his rapt interest…

which meant the guy was avoiding direct eye contact. He hadn’t

even taken more than five steps inside the room, which was why

Mac wasn’t moving away from the door just yet. The guy looked

like he might change his mind about getting down and dirty, and

Mac didn’t want to make it too easy for him to leave.

“Can I get you somethin’ to drink?”

He was feeling ten different kinds of nervous but he kept

his voice low and relaxed, instinctively knowing any sudden

movements could blow his chance with the sexy Yankee to blue

balls hell. He didn’t want to spook him any more than he already

was. This guy was a stranger and Mac didn’t have a damn clue

what made him tick, but he knew something had gone terribly

wrong since their brief encounter at the airport. He looked

breathtakingly gorgeous, but a far cry from the confident,

seductive, aggressive wolf he’d been then.

Tonight his jet black hair was standing on end, as if he’d been

pulling it for hours, and his bright blue eyes were surrounded by

dark circles. He looked tired and worried, and at some point he’d

been in the winning end of a physical altercation, judging by his

bruised hand and untouched face.

Still, he’d returned his phone call. He’d come to see him and

wasn’t trying to hide how much he wanted Mac. His mind wasn’t

entirely on what they were about to do, but his body was one

hundred percent engaged. Had Sexy Super Agent been able to

remove his dick from the equation, Mac knew he would have

taken off by now.

“No, I’m cool.”

“What?” Mac asked, totally confused.

“Don’t need anything to drink,” he said, still not moving

and still not turning around to face Mac… but still in the room.

Waiting for Mac to make the first move maybe?

“Right.” Mac felt like an idiot for losing track of their

conversation. He debated with himself for a few seconds, trying

to decide what to do next. He hadn’t seduced a guy in… Okay,

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he’d never seduced a guy before, and he was relieved that this

blue eyed god didn’t need any seducin’… but he could definitely

use some relaxin’.

After years of unsuccessfully trying to understand the hows

and whys of everything that had had a significant impact in his

life, Mac wasn’t a big fan of analyzing other people’s motives and

emotions anymore, so there was no chance in hell he was going

to ask the dude what the deal was. But he wanted to make him

feel good for a little while, help him enjoy himself. Now that was

something Mac had no problems with.

Because he was such a big guy he’d learned early on to

counterbalance his intimidating physique with his laidback,

everything will be fine attitude. He knew how to break the ice

and how to make folks feel at ease around him. Problem was

he usually wasn’t this fucking horny for any of them. What if

his eagerness messed things up? God, he needed to calm down.

How was he supposed to get the Yank to loosen up a bit when

he was a bundle of nerves himself?

Before he could second guess his actions, Mac took a deep

breath and stepped up behind the sexy man, getting close enough

to be able to soak in the heat and intensity radiating from him.

They were not touching yet, but Mac felt something that could

rival an electric shock zap between them. He lowered his head

a little and breathed in. There was a hint of soap and minty

toothpaste, but no traces of cologne. That intoxicating woody

and fresh scent that had assaulted his senses the moment he got

in the sex god’s SUV was all natural man.

He let his fingers slide down from the guy’s powerful shoulder

to his hand and nuzzled his stubbly cheek and jaw, totally

fascinated by the goose bumps he seemed to be giving him. Mac

brushed his fingertips over both the Yank’s hands, the delicate

inside of his wrists where his pulse was beating at some crazy

staccato and finally scratched his palms a little with his nails.

“You’ve great hands,” Mac whispered against a perfectly

formed earlobe. “Can’t wait to feel ’em on my ass…” He nuzzled

his neck this time. “And my cock.”

six DegRees of Lust

Sexy Super Agent moaned and tried to get away, but Mac

stopped him by licking the side of his neck all the way up to his

earlobe. The guy froze up. He didn’t breath and he didn’t move.

Mac didn’t need to be told he’d crossed a line. He could see his

potential lover was one of those guys that didn’t go for kissing as

a precursor to sex and preferred to keep hands and mouth below

the waist. There was something about him that said “keep your

goddamn distance.” He’d just probably wanted in and off, the

sooner the better.

But Mac wanted more than that. He wanted it so much he was

willing to risk a jab to the face for a small chance to outflank at

least some of his reservations. So he lifted the sexy guy’s injured

hand to his own face and slowly captured the middle finger in

his mouth, sucking on it once, twice, without hesitation, before

pulling it out and going back to alternately licking and nibbling

his neck, earlobe, and strong jaw line, smiling when he felt the

solid weight of his Yankee’s shoulders lean against his chest, ass

against his groin. Being almost as tall as Mac, they fit together


“You know…”

“What?” The guy swallowed so hard Mac was able to hear

him. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothin’…” Mac nuzzled his cheek again, getting as close to

his mouth as possible without actually kissing him. “Just that I

can’t keep referrin’ to you in my head as Sexy Super Agent, even

though it describes you so well…”

§ § § §

Sam’s own chuckle surprised the hell out of him, and he found

himself silently laughing, his head thrown back against one of

Mac’s amazing shoulders. This guy was too cute for words.

And where the fuck had that come from?

The thought sobered him up, but not as much as the feel of

Mac’s erection against his denim clad ass did, right where his

crack was. How the hell had he let his guard down enough to

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allow another man to put him in such a vulnerable position?

He was supposed to be the one behind Mac. He didn’t get held

or caressed. He was top fucking dog. So what the hell was he

thinking, letting Mac crowd him like this? Next he’d be on his

knees, ass up in the air, offering to bottom for the guy. Christ.

“So tell me, darlin’.” Mac’s husky whisper snapped him out

of his thoughts. “What’s your name?” he asked, right before

trapping his middle finger again and sucking it off in a way he

felt all the way to his cock and made his knees shake.

Sam squeezed his eyes closed and bit the inside of his cheek

with brutal force until he was sure no embarrassing needy groans

would escape him. Had he ever been so damned turned on? He

couldn’t remember. More importantly, he couldn’t deal with it.

He had to get a hold of himself and put things back on

familiar ground.

He moved a few steps away, pulling his finger free in the

process. He was sure that if he gained some personal space, his

heartbeat would slow down and he’d be able to breathe normally

again. But it didn’t work. He still was breathing like a race horse

and he was so hard it hurt. There was no talking his dick down.


Sam swallowed one more time and turned around to face

the man making him feel so out of control, taking in Mac’s

half-closed green eyes, reddened cheekbones, tense shoulders,

bobbing Adam’s apple, and tightly fisted hands. He wasn’t trying

to hide how much he wanted Sam, but wasn’t moving either, as

if he understood Sam’s need to collect himself. That didn’t make

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