Read Skylar's Guardians Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

Skylar's Guardians (13 page)

BOOK: Skylar's Guardians
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“Just drink and stop complaining. The shift is completed. Do you feel more comfortable now?” Troy asked, setting the coordinates to Calipi.

“Much. I am going to release Skylar and allow her body to awaken itself. Do you wish to go rest for a while? I know that the launch and shift take much energy from you both physically and mentally,” Tralec asked as he stood on rubbery legs.

Troy nodded and yawned as he stood. “Yes. And you? I am not comfortable with her being unsupervised on my ship, and I don’t trust her not to get into mischief.”

“Nor do I. She seems to have the capacity for an excessive amount of trouble due to her curiosity. Do not be concerned, though. I will not leave her without attendance. I will wait to rest until you are finished restoring.”

Tralec returned to the cubicle, which housed Skylar’s still form. He shut the unit down and pulled her into his arms, teddy bear and all, and pressed his lips along the top of her head as he rocked her gently.

“I have so many questions,” he said, thinking aloud. “Your people have retained what mine have lost. You call it humor, joy, and love. I want to be able to experience the fullest extent of those things. But I am also afraid of the consequences and what they could do to my people. Troy is trained in evaluating behavioral patterns in civilizations. Could he be correct? Is it possible to control the outcome?”

Tralec sighed, continuing to rock the sleeping body in his arms. He took her on the bridge and sat down, curling her legs against her body and holding her rolled in a partial ball. He stroked her ankle soothingly, pleased to see that much of the swelling was finally decreasing and the tissue around the area of injury was turning a sickly yellow and green hue, indicating that the injury was healing. He closed his eyes, enjoying her warmth, unaware that he had drifted into a relaxed slumber.

Chapter Eight



Skylar unfurled herself from Tralec’s lap, suppressing a yawn as she sat up and stretched. Tralec was sound asleep, his handsome face caught somewhere between a frown and a smile, leaving her with the thought that he was dreaming about conflict. Probably regarding her! Protecting her various injuries from being jarred, she slipped from his hold, smiling as her arms remained wrapped around the soft stuffed bear.

“No one has ever given me a stuffed animal before,” she whispered aloud, holding it close. “I guess a girl is never too old for such a thing, huh?”

She helped herself to a canister and sat in Troy’s chair to watch the stars twinkle by. They looked different—more vibrant and alive than before. Perhaps because they had slid into a different dimension? Skylar did not attempt to figure the logistics of what that meant. All she knew was that she was far, far away from the place she had called home.

Home. The term took on a different context lately. It was not a place, but a feeling. Sanctuary, protection, safety, belonging… there were so many expressions to encompass the meaning of that word. The old implications meant little to her now, for ‘home’ had swiftly come to mean Tralec and Troy. She tiptoed stealthily into Troy’s cabin, where he lay sleeping under the dome, his cubicle activated for restoration. Her eye caught sight of the entrance to the cleansing room, and she wandered inside. She quickly stripped, stepped into the stall, and placed her hands on the plate on the wall as she had seen Troy do. A happy sigh escaped as she immersed herself under the glorious fountain of hot solution, eager to soothe her throbbing muscles and bruises.

She had discovered the power of this unique liquid accidentally after the boys had rescued her. Covered with grime and shivering with cold from the frigid streets of the Siberian city, she had begged for a shower. They had permitted it and watched her like a hawk as she proceeded to wash her painfully beaten-up body.

The silky lotion-like liquid drenched her body and splattered against her skin, leaving every inch it touched fully refreshed and spotlessly clean. More than that, the chemical caused her flesh to tingle with desire as it increased the blood flow to her tissues. She had not shared the discovery that this solution had an aphrodisiac effect with the men at that time. She had felt the timing to be terrible since they were infuriated with her, nor did she desire an audience as she self-pleasured.

Now, however, she was alone. She lifted her face to the downward flow and closed her eyes as the solution worked its way through her hair and over her skin like a massage from thousands of tiny fingers. The tingling covered the entire surface of her flesh, more pronounced along the pink tips of her breasts and the crevice between her legs. She increased the temperature slightly, turning her back so that the fluid could touch between her shoulder blades before pouring down the crease of her ass. She eyed a small lever opposite the enclosure and twisted it. Instantly, the unit began to fill up like a bathtub.

“Now this is heaven,” she moaned, sitting on a shelf as the hot fluid quickly covered her body. As she manually turned the flow off, the unit self-engaged and surrounded her with strong pulses of bubbling solution. “I never thought I would see another bubble bath for as long as I lived. Especially one in a hot tub. Next to you, boys, I have found pure ecstasy.”

The effects of the solution increased as she soaked, and Skylar found her legs spreading in response to the demanding jets that pummeled her with the hot liquid. She shifted her body on the bench so that her pussy faced one of the pumps and opened her legs to feel its power.

Skylar threw her head back as her sensitive clit was kissed by the hot, pulsing flow and groaned as tingles trembled through her body. Her internal longing increased, aching with a need to be met in the most carnal of ways. She bore down, expanding her muscles to accept the pleasure offered by the bubbling jets and began to rock her body around the flow, seeking to bring herself to the peak of delight.

Her moans increased as she continued to grind her pelvis against the flow. She threw her head back, her mouth partially opened as she teetered on the edge of coming, her body screaming for more than the simple pleasure of clitoral stimulation.

She wanted a man inside of her. A big, thick, long rod of manly flesh to bury itself between her legs and pump into her until she screamed out in release.

“Fuck me,” she groaned, her mind visualizing the beautiful double cock that hungered for the secure warmth of her tight body. “Troy… Tralec… fuck me.”

She felt the water level rise around her and jerked as a large hand ran down the length of her naked body. She looked up as Troy slid down to the bottom of the unit and knelt on the floor. He pulled her to him, wrapping her legs around his waist as he brought his mouth down upon hers. Skylar gasped, feeling his tool as it sought her pocket while his hands reached behind her and spread her bottom for his secondary organ to discover. The vestigial mouth clamped over her clit and began to suckle the nub with eager interest. The bubbling fluid surrounding them allowed first the primary shaft to slip deeply inside of her body while the secondary tool gently wriggled into her bottom. Once deeply seated, the two organs began to lengthen and swell, filling her until her nerves were fully activated. It was then that they began to move.

The two shafts shifted inside of her as though they had minds of their own, working independently of one another as they twisted, pumped, explored and stretched, grazing against the very areas of awareness that forced her to walk a tightrope between holding back and letting go. Skylar gripped her arms around his thick neck, her panting lips covering his as she dug her heels into his back, urging him deeper. His body responded to her need, growing thicker… longer… and sliding vigorously in fevered need.

“You are starting to flush,” Skylar whispered, her labored breathing increasing as she drew closer to her own precipice. “I want you to come inside of me. Fill me.”

“I will release as you do. Let yourself go,” Troy grunted, his movements more demanding and intensive. “I am growing even larger. How can this be?”

“I like to be filled. All the way… all the waaaay!” she screamed out, flinging her head back as her body seized in rapturous pleasure. Troy growled, his juice spurting wildly into the back of her womb, washing her with its incredible sensation. It opened every cell for her to experience delight, exposed every nerve for pure, reckless bliss.

His tools remained locked within her as Skylar slumped against his huge body, breathless and exhausted by the intensity of the shared moment. As she began to float back to reality, she realized that he still towered over her and that his giant form barely fit in the stall.

“How the hell did you fit in here?” she asked groggily through the euphoria, nibbling under his chin with her tiny, white teeth.

“There was some room in there for me. And in other parts as well,” Troy said huskily as his members slowly slipped from her body. The solution’s bubbles swirled around them as he lifted his hand to stroke her face. “The solution is causing your marks to fade. Did Tralec know this?”

“I don’t think so. It just feels so incredible. I feel like I’m still coming,” Skylar said, turning around to press her back against his chest and feel his gigantic hands cup her breasts. “You feel so incredible.”

“Our bodily fluids will prolong your pleasure for several hours. As for feeling incredible, I will never touch a biodrone again for pleasure.” Troy nibbled the base of her neck, and his fingers gently worried the tips of her nipples.

“Will Tralec be upset that we… we did this?” Skylar asked with concern.

“No, why would he? You are connected to both of us. You… own our bodies. I fear our need for you might cause you discomfort, though.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because when one of us experiences pleasure, the other is stimulated as well. Tralec will awaken and desire you. The size that your body demanded of mine might leave you tender.”

“That is a tenderness I happen to like. I would much rather experience that than the feel of your hand smacking my ass. Seriously, you two should reconsider that mindset and explore something else,” Skylar commented, leaning her head back against his shoulder.

“I happen to enjoy the feel of my hand smacking your bottom. It excites me. We need to drain this unit and dry off. My flesh cannot take the cleansing for long.”

Skylar stood before him, arms in the air as Troy dried every inch of her body with the blower. She mumbled something about an ‘old-fashioned bath towel’ and that they needed a ‘Jacuzzi’ next time they had shower sex. Tralec entered the chamber with a large smile on his face just as Troy finished dressing himself.

“What have you two been doing? Skylar! Your bruises!” Tralec gently grasped her chin in his hand and tilted her head so he could look at her.

“It’s the cleansing solution,” Troy said. “It works to heal her surface injuries.”

“Her tissue is more delicate than ours, so it probably penetrates better. Excellent. We need to get you something else to wear, though. Perhaps you can go through the items I found?”

“Okay. Kiss me first,” Skylar demanded, holding her arms up to the giant.

Tralec smiled and lifted her, covering her mouth with his own. “I’m next,” he purred into her neck.

“Just give me a few minutes to recover and then I am all yours,” Skylar giggled.


* * *


“You boys have worn me out,” Skylar panted, her body covered with sweat after Tralec’s torrid and unrestrained lovemaking. She turned her head to look at him, lying on his side next to her on the air bunk. “Do you have a real bed at home, or are we going to be forever cramped?”

“We both have very large beds and gravity adjusters. You will enjoy them,” Tralec said, reaching to curl a stray piece of hair in his fingers.

“What is a gravity adjuster?”

“It is a device that allows us to either stay solid against the mattress or float at various gravity levels. It is meant for healthy resting since we do not use the gas in our regular sleep patterns.”

“Are you actually telling me that we can fuck while floating in mid-air? Awesome!”

“I do not care for that word. It is… crude.”

“Don’t be such an old grump. Where are you going?”

“I have work to complete, and you need to find something to wear. You cannot prance around naked.”

“Why not?” Skylar asked, sliding off the bunk.

“Because I said so. Go find Troy and let him help you,” Tralec said, dismissing her with a playfully sharp smack to her bare bottom.

Skylar giggled as she trotted to the bridge where Troy sat at the console, staring at the stars. She crawled onto his lap.

“Where are your clothes, little one?”

“Gotta go through the crap Tralec brought. Where is it?”

“Secured in the cabinet. Would you like some help?”

“Sure!” Skylar said cheerfully, spreading a thin blanket on the floor and sitting on top of it while Troy gathered the box of clothing and toys. She shook her head as she sifted through the items. Tralec had grabbed several infant onesies off a clothesline, procured a ‘suitcase’ of Barbie doll clothes and a bag of various doll clothes that were covered in lace and soft fabric.

“I like this,” Troy announced, holding up a little blue dress with a white bib.

“I don’t think so. None of these clothes are age-appropriate. The Barbie stuff is cute, but unless you guys want me to dress like a skank, we need to think of something different. Tralec! Didn’t you see anything that looked like pants? Or shoes other than baby slippers? Miss Barbie here has nothing but fuck-me heels.”

“I said I don’t care for that word. Put that yellow checkered dress in the synthesizer and make one your size.”

“The jumper with ducks on it? Seriously, Tralec…”

“Skylar,” Troy tapped her knee, “Daddy gets very upset if he has to repeat himself. Just mind him.”

“I thought we were going to let go of the Daddy/Papa thing once we started to fu… have sex.”

“We both prefer those terms from you. They are unique and belong only to us. You also seem to relax when you are in that mode and do not fight us as much,” Tralec informed her. “Unless you want one of us to redden that little backside of yours, you will do as you are told and reproduce that item of clothing in your size.”

BOOK: Skylar's Guardians
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