Sleeping with the Enemy. (Business and Pleasures) (2 page)

BOOK: Sleeping with the Enemy. (Business and Pleasures)
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Chapter 3



in gripped the edge of the sink so hard her knuckles were white.
Damn him! Who does he think he is?
She was attempting to apply eyeliner, but her rage was causing her to make mistakes.

“Aaggghhh!” S
he gave up and stared at her reflection.

Why am I
so angry? Yes, he is a pig; he obviously has no respect for women, blatantly eyeing me up at his own father's wake!
But what did she expect? He was well known for his tail chasing, and it’s not like he actually insulted her.
What is going on
? She never reacted like this.

She ran her f
ingers through her loose curls and sighed. She had to admit; she was working that little black dress. It was knee length, so she looked demure, but she had worn this dress on dinner dates, and dark colours offset her pale complexion and bright hair. She looked good.

Calming hersel
f down, she could think better. Rin took a deep breath and tried to relive their brief encounter. She pictured his surprised face as she stepped up to him, he had had a two-day stubble, and he had smelled sensational

Wait, what? Where did that thought come from?

The noises from the hall outside interrupted her thoughts, it sounded like sobbing. There was a man’s deeper tone too.

Anaise entered the
bathroom; her face was pale and her eyes streaming.

“Anaise, are you…”

Anaise glanced up for a moment then entered a toilet stall locking the door behind her.

I just need a minute Rin, its ok…” She sniffled through the door.

Ok Hun, let me know if you need anything.” Rin offered and picked up her bag. She paused for a moment but decided Anaise would probably want her to go.

In the hallway silhouetted against a tall arched window, leaned Jensen.

“We meet again,” he murmured. His voice sounded odd. She could not see his face but sensed he was upset.

All the animosity she had
previously felt evaporated.

She took a
step towards him then stopped.

Are you…Ok?”

He turned his
head away, his face in profile. She noticed he had perfect proportion, and regrettably; she felt a spark of interest in him-after all her annoyance at him.

He was
incredibly good-looking, and the sudden urge to run her hands through his wavy hair and inhale his scent shocked her.

Don't give him an inch. Remember he is a jerk!
she affirmed to herself.

“I will be.”
He looked back at her.

“You missed the toast,
” he said in an empty voice.

Rin nodded but
did not know what to say to him. He kept his gaze locked on her, as she took another step forward.

Contrary to what you might think about me, I am devastated by the loss of my father. He was the only man alive that I idolized; I had so much more to say and do with him, now I'll never have the chance to prove myself.”

en sighed and opened his hands.

I'm sorry about earlier. I must have sounded like a spoilt rich kid. My default setting when I meet a pretty girl is to impress… But Anaise has informed me of your position in the company, and I obviously wasn't impressing you.”

This version of him was miles from the previous character she had
met; she could not help but empathize.

had not realised she had stepped closer again. Her arm moved automatically, and her hand placed itself on his bicep.

Wow there are
some muscles under here
she thought
. He must work out constantly.

He surprised her by taking her hand from his arm and
stepping away from the window.

I need to get some air; sadness is not part of my personality,” he said, and in one swift motion he shouldered open the fire exit door and disappeared through, pulling a surprised Rin after him.



Chapter 4



he door opened onto the end of a long veranda that led around the side of the building. They did not move far from the fire exit door though, as he stopped suddenly and leaned over the handrail. The weather had completely changed from the morning’s rain.

He inhaled deeply and took a moment to enjoy the
sunshine. It did not matter where in the world he was, being British; he always enjoyed the feeling of the sun on his skin.

He turned back to
Rin, who looked astonished but did not appear to be feeling awkward.

The toast had brought out a surge of
emotion, which he had almost kept a lid on, but Anaise had broken down beside him and that was really the final blow for him. He needed a break from the intense anguish that threatened to overcome him. He needed something exciting…

He exhaled and smil
ed at the woman stood with him. She had an innocence about her that he found endearing. Considering how their first conversation had gone, he was somewhat surprised that she was still here with him.

He took a moment to study her
face; there was something about her, something familiar? However, he was sure they had never met before now.

She looked
up at him, their eyes meeting. Neither looked away.

After an unsure amount of time had passed, Rin blinked a couple of
times and looked at her feet.

“Are you feeling better?”
she asked nervously.

Jensen realised he was still holding her
hand, so he gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Out here in the sunshine, holding the hand of a beautiful woman, I’m feeling transformed,” he said.

A beautiful and mysterious woman no less,” he added.

Oh, yes, I haven’t properly introduced myself.” She blushed.

“My name is Rin, Rin Terry.
Your father was a great friend to me,” she said, grief flashed briefly in her sky-blue eyes. She visibly straightened and withdrew her hand from his.

He was also my mentor. The last few years we have worked closely to expand the company.”

Her whole demeanor had
changed; she looked like she might start up her previous fighting talk. He had to defuse this before it started.

Anaise mentioned you were a prized asset.”

He moved to take back her
hand, but she stepped away from him.

“What is happening here?”
she demanded.

One minute you’re all upset and my own stupid compassion lets you drag me out here-and the next you’re fine and dandy, trying to be charming and…”

,” he said cutting her off, “I’m not trying anything. I just wanted some company- if I was trying to pick up a date I have plenty of willing options.”

Rin looked disgusted.

“Ugh! Pig!”

This was not going so well
. He ran his hand through his hair in exasperation and turned away from her to look out at the beautifully manicured hotel garden below.

Look, I’m not so good with educated girls, when you have spent a lot of time around the gold digger types, you forget how to be a gentleman. I’ve been propping up the bar most of the afternoon, and I seem to have lost all remaining tact.”

He sneaked a glance at her.

“I’m sorry… please stay and… chat.”

He hoped she would stay, although he had just met her, he felt
a pulling magnetism in a way he never had before.

I just want to feel something other than grief.”

She leaned
against the handrail next to him, close enough for him to feel the heat from her skin through his shirtsleeve.

“I’m not usually so feisty,” s
he muttered.

We have met before you know. You obviously don’t remember, but I do.”

He sensed she was about to reveal something that would do nothing to relieve the strange tension.

“I was so shy throughout school, if it wasn’t for my sister and my best friend’s efforts I probably would have spent my teenage years locked away at home. One evening my best friend and I met some guys at a bowling alley. We had a great time. One guy in particular, who went to the only other school in our town, was interested in me. He was older and very good-looking; I knew all the girls had a crush on him. I had never had a boyfriend before, and I guess he easily charmed me. We arranged to meet up when I finished school the next day.”

Rin paused for a moment. Jensen swallowed hard. He knew where this was going.

“My best friend was excited for me, and word spread fast that I was meeting him. I met with sarcasm from the popular girls who were probably jealous, but I was too elated about going on my first date to care. At the end of the day, I waited at the school gates as we had arranged. I waited and waited. Some of the girls waited too, to see if there was any truth to the rumors.”

He felt her shrink away from him.

“Of course he never came. Why would Jensen Altman have any interest in shy little Karina Terry- the wall flower?"

And there it was.

Of course! Karina!
He had never forgotten that name. ‘Rin’ had thrown him.

she has changed.
However, she still had the innocence and wild beauty that had intoxicated him all those years ago.

She continued,
“It wasn’t bad enough that I felt so rejected- I was also the big joke of the week. Some of the nastier girls enjoyed calling me a liar and spreading their own made-up stories about me. My life was socially miserable.

that was not the last time I saw you.”

Jensen frowned and held a breath.

After a beat, she carried on.

I was eighteen when I began working at the company, in the first few weeks there was a team-building picnic. I had not realised your family connection, and I was surprised to see you there.

I plucked up the nerve to come over and speak to you, but you completely blanked me before I
even had a chance to say hi.”

She paused a moment and chewed her lip.

“I guess it’s all old news now, but seeing you again brought back the memories, especially after a weekend of grieving.”

The silence that followed
was odd, but not uncomfortable. He sensed she felt relieved.

Jensen stared at nothing.

How could I have completely forgotten about her?

I’m so sorry Rin. Teenage years are difficult enough with so many new emotions and kids can be so cruel; I had no idea what I had done.”

He thought back to the bowling
alley; he remembered arranging the date; he had been keen to see her again.

what had happened?

Jensen turned to face
her; she was looking into the distance. He placed his hand lightly on her lower back.

“How about we start over?”
He offered with a small smile.

k,” she said as she turned towards him. They were stood so close; her breasts brushed against him as she turned, sending a jolt of excitement through him.

My name is Jensen, I find you captivating, would you grant me the honor of joining me for a drink?” he asked with mock grandeur.

Her smile lit up her
face; she brought both her hands up and placed them on her chest.

It is lovely to meet you Jensen, my name is Rin, and I would like that very much.”



Chapter 5



ogether, they followed the veranda around the side of the building to a larger balcony, decorated with flowering plants and stone benches, where they found an outdoor bar.

Rin could hardly believe how she had gone from fury to putty in his presence. One thing was for
sure; telling him about how he had unknowingly made her life miserable so long ago had felt like closure. She was happy just enjoying the moment. Being around him had brought back a wash of confused feelings but what had finally bubbled to the top was a giddy excitement. To say she had a crush on him was an understatement.

“Another white wine?”
he teased as he handed her the glass.

The last couple of
hours had flown by, and they had drunk more than she had meant to allow herself.

Thank you. Where is the closest powder room I wonder?” she asked more to herself than Jensen.

Probably the direction we came from.” He shrugged.

Rin twisted in her seat to look b
ack at the veranda.
All that way?
she thought wrinkling her nose.

She went to stand and faltered.

Jensen shot up and took her arm.

fine; my foot slipped,” she lied.

He g
rinned and dropped his hand.

stepped away from their table and made her way to the veranda. She turned the corner and realised how much she was actually starting to enjoy what had begun as such a sad day.

She was nearing the fire exit when she placed a foot
wrong, she felt herself falling. Stricken with panic and the realization she was nowhere close enough to anything to stable herself. Two strong arms wrapped around her, halting her fall and saving her from what could have very nearly been a broken ankle.

Red," said a voice next to her ear. The arms straightened her before spinning her around. She was body to body with Jensen. The adrenalin from the near fall made her heart pound, and she was breathing quickly.

“Thanks,” s
he whispered.

e pulled her in closer until she pressed against him.

Rin licked her lips and tried to control her
breathing. She inhaled him on each fast breath.

h, god, he smelled good.

His arms
wrapped around her, and his face was close to hers. She looked up into his eyes and saw a burning intent. A small voice in the back of her mind warned her to leave, so she defiantly lifted her chin, offering him an opportunity.

His arms tightened around her waist as his lips met hers
, and for a time stopping moment that was all there was in the world.

She moved her head slightly and sealed his lips with her
own. He pulled back and teased her with a kiss, then stopped, then started again. He traced her lips with his own until she could hardly stand it. Rin slid her arms up around his neck. Taking control, she leaned deeper into the kiss, slipping her tongue into his mouth meeting his.

She felt his hand trace
up her spine to the back of her neck, cupping under her ear and follow her jaw line with his thumb.

Damn this man knew how to kiss!

She uncoiled her arms from his neck as he bit lightly on her lower lip. She ran her palms over his chest, feeling the definition of his pectoral muscles, her thumbs following the outline, as she moved to wrap his torso closer to her own.

As she pulled him in
, he moved his kisses along her cheek, below her ear down to her neck. Rin breathed deeply as she felt the tingle from each kiss ripple out across her skin. She stretched her neck to accommodate him, bringing her head up to face the sky. He took a step forward, and in one smooth motion pressed her back against the cold stone wall behind them. A tiny, “Ohhh,” escaped from her lips as she felt the hardness strain against his trousers, pushing against her lower abdomen.

His fingers moved through her hair slowly whilst his other hand smoothed over the thin fabric of her dress. He caressed past her hips and back around so his hand rested
on the lower curve of her butt, pulling her harder against his groin. She exhaled raggedly as he nibbled her ear lobe. However, the squeak of door hinges to their immediate left brought her back to reality with a bump. Jensen had barely straightened when the door swung closed again.

“There you ar
–” began Anaise. She stopped dead when she had had a moment to assess the pair tangled in an embrace in front of her.

Her jaw dropped
open, she could not have been more comical to look at- if Rin had not been the subject of her friend and colleague’s disbelief.


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