Read Sleeping with the Enemy. (Business and Pleasures) Online
Authors: Valentina Lovecraft
Chapter 6
here was a long silence before anyone spoke. Jensen took another step away from Rin. Attempting to act casual, whilst rearranging himself without being too obvious about it.
With a nonchalant smile
, Jensen decided he should at least try to defuse the tension.
“Anaise, how is the wake?”
Anaise looked from one to the other with a mix of exasperation and disbelief.
As well as a wake can go. I had wondered what had happened to you. I guess I don’t need to ask.”
She fixed him with a
poignant look. Anaise turned to Rin and paused before asking.
“Are you ok?”
“Yes-yes, I-I’m fine thanks,” stammered Rin, blushing.
“Right. Well, I’ll talk to you later
,” Anaise said without looking at either of them and exited swiftly through the door she had appeared from.
Jensen and Rin eyed each other awkwardly. He
could not tell whether she was embarrassed or ashamed and part of him felt bad for her.
Her skin still had the pinkness from the remains of her
blushing; she looked decidedly edible, but he assumed that attempting to pick up where they left off would be unwise. Tact and the ‘gentleman’ she craved would win him the prize he now desperately desired.
Rin, I should find my mother as I suspect she will need some support. But I would love to meet with you again, in a less depressing circumstance.”
He smiled apologetically.
“Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”
He took both her hands
and lightly kissed her cheek.
I know a place that has the best food and atmosphere.”
Rin looked
up at him, her face unreadable.
He caught his reflection in
her eyes and felt overcome with a need he rarely felt with women. He had to see her again. He wanted so badly to touch her skin, to bask in her affection, to kiss her, her face only inches from his own… But no. He must refrain. She was not the usual easy lay that he could sample and discard.
broke away from his gaze. She had still not replied, but she had not refused either.
He released her hands
and took a small step back. Jensen was not about to give up on her, but he would not plead.
“Here,” h
e said fishing about in his waistcoat breast pocket. He produced a silver card and handed it to Rin.
If you want, call me and we can go eat. Ok?”
He gave her his best smile and
stepped towards the fire exit.
’ll catch you later my Lady.” He then disappeared after Anaise.
Chapter 7
in wriggled out of her dress and pulled on a long T-shirt. She relived the kiss again as she threw herself back onto her queen-sized bed. Between every action she had made on her way home, she had flashes of his hands on her body or the smell of his cologne. Unlocking the door to her house, she was simultaneously feeling his lips on hers.
What had changed in her? She felt excited, giddy, petrified, desperat
e, unsatisfied and a little treacherous that she could so freely switch from what she knew and hated about him to how easily he had seduced her.
She had decided after Jensen handed her his card
that that was her cue to leave.
Anaise busting them had popped the bubble of the sunny drunken few hours they had spent together. The reality that she was a respected member of the company, now with possible opportunit
ies opening for promotion to the next rung on the executive ladder, she had disrespected Michael Altman by messing around with his own son at his wake.
To everyone else it would look like she was making a move to get to the top by using the boss’s son.
She sighed and looked at the card in her hand. It exuberated style and wealth but all it had written upon it was JENSEN ALTMAN in script, followed by his phone number.
She couldn’t call him
. That would be such a mistake. Her career would be at stake; he would end up ruining her life all over again.
Why did he even have a card?
What business is he offering?
in her hair, their bodies pressed against each other’s…
this is too much!
It was better that she did not see him again.
No. I
will not call, I will have a bath… no, a cold shower and then call my sister.
She had to work tomorrow and there would be so much to do now Michael had gone; an early night was a sensible idea.
Chapter 8
in kicked her heel into the ground and cursed
He was late
. Unbelievable!
She still
did not know how she had ended up calling him. She had had a cold shower. She called her sister. Upon hanging up, she automatically dialed in his number; in the few hours she had possessed his card, she had read it so many times that the number was emblazoned into her mind.
The conversation had been awkward her
end, but he had been openly overjoyed and made opulent promises of a fun evening of fine dining and jolly conversation. The rest of the afternoon was a haze.
Now she was standing on the corner of her street waiting, getting cold in only tight jeans and a long top with a pashmina. She cursed again and turned towards her house to leave when the distant roar of a p
owerful engine turned her back.
At the end of the
road, a black Ferrari appeared and prowled loudly towards her, stopping inches from where she stood.
The door opened
soundlessly. Jensen stepped out and gazed across the roof at her.
Without saying a
word, he rounded the car to open the door for her. He looked effortlessly cool in jeans, an open leather jacket with a dark grey T-shirt and his hair loose around his face. Jensen appeared taller and broader than he had earlier; he looked as though he had just walked out of a photo shoot for a fashion magazine.
took a step closer and smiled.
“Hey R
ed,” he said as he reached for the passenger door.
Hi Jensen. I’ve been waiting a while; I thought you were keen to see me?” she asked trying for indifference.
“Fashionably late of course, had to make sure I was
befitting for such a rare beauty,” he replied as he bowed and kissed her hand.
He opened the door and gestured to
wards the seat.
“Your chariot awaits fair damsel.”
Rin could not help but smile; she enjoyed his mock gentleman routine.
“Why thank you kindly sir,” s
he replied in character and stepped into the car.
was not sure where he was going to take her- but the newfound reckless part of her that had betrayed her morals by dialing his number, did not care where they went. The other part of her grumbled that she should not have given in on being left waiting in the cold without an apology.
They had driven half way across the city when Rin’s c
uriosity could wait no longer.
“So,” s
he said as he gunned the engine at the changing lights, “where are we going?”
Well, there has been a change of plan,” he said with a half-smile.
y favorite joint is being refurbished, so we are going somewhere else to dine.”
She looked out at the city
bathed in twilight and felt his eyes on her.
“And where might that be?” s
he asked realizing he was being coy.
h, we are almost there now,” he replied practically grinning.
He turned the car
suddenly, and they plunged into an orange-lit tunnel that opened out into a large and heavily guarded underground car park, filled with extremely expensive vehicles.
gave a low wolf whistle as they cruised slowly to the end and parked up.
She had barely unbuckled when Jensen opened her door and offered his hand.
“Thank you,” she said quietly and accepted.
Where on earth is he taking me
she wondered as they walked together towards an elevator. There was a window next to the doors, as they approached a large man appeared and murmured.
Mr. Altman.”
Jensen nodded to
him as the lift doors slid open.
“Jensen, where are we going?” Rin asked again as the lift doors closed behind them.
“Well,” he stated, as he leaned forward and pressed the highest button on a panel of about thirty. “Where I had wanted to take you, just isn’t possible.”
The lift began to move up and felt like it was accelerating.
“I still wanted you to experience the food,” he continued. “The compromise is the setting.”
The lift slowed to a stop
, and at the chime the doors opened to a short corridor with a single door at the end. Jensen strode out taking a small bunch of keys from his pocket. Rin looked about her, unsure of what to expect and followed him towards the door.
“Come on in
,” he called over his shoulder as the door opened. Rin stepped into a lavish lounge room with a wall of windows and a breath-taking view of the city lights in the early evening.
This must be Jensen’s home
Rin thought.
The room
was furnished in neutral colours, mixed with caramel and chocolate brown, sofas gathered around a large low glass table were scattered with soft looking pillows and there were exotic house plants gathered here and there. The effect was comfortable but stylish, not how she would have imagined his personal space.
!” she breathed as she stepped to the windows. “What a fantastic view.”
“You should see the sunset from up here
,” he said from behind her.
“If I had picked you up on time, you probably would have
,” he added.
Rin turned from the window to find Jensen watching her from where he le
aned against the back of a sofa.
“That was almost an apology?” S
he smiled. He had removed his jacket; the long-sleeve T-shirt he wore defined every muscle in his crossed arms. She longed to touch them.
He smiled back at her making butterflies blossom in her stomach and drawing her nearer
as if being pulled by a string.
eah, I’m sorry I was late; mum asked me to run some errands for her, which took longer than I anticipated. However, that was entirely my fault; I don’t expect your forgiveness to be given so easily of course,” he said as he shifted weight.
“I’m all set to ea
rn it though. Are you hungry?” he asked as he motioned to her to follow him through one of the doorways.
Chapter 9
hey entered the brightly lit kitchen diner; the large table was already laid. The food aroma hit them, and suddenly Jensen was ravenous.
He heard Rin exclaim,
“Oh my gosh that smell’s amazing! I cannot even remember when I last ate. It’s been such a crazy day,” she stated as she brushed past him.
“Yeah tell me about it
. It has been a long and emotional one,” he replied as he reached the kitchen area and produced two glasses and an ice bucket.
“Care for a drink?” he asked placing
the glasses onto the table.
Rin took a seat and watched as he moved about the kitchen filling the
bucket and selecting a bottle.
She looks
good enough to eat
Jensen thought as he leaned over her to pour the drinks. He had noticed as soon as she had removed the large scarf from around her shoulders that the neckline of the long top she wore was sufficiently accommodating to have a sneaky peek at the enticing curve of her breast. From above her, as he was right now, the view was glorious.
So, I hope you like Italian food?” Jensen said as he uncorked the bottle. Going back to the kitchen, he opened the oven and removed the dishes warming within, serving up two platefuls and then readied a basket of breads.
The food was
delicious, as he had promised, he could tell Rin was enjoying it; she had visibly chilled out since they sat down together.
“So I’m curious, where were we supposed to be go
ing tonight? This is delicious. Is there dessert? Is this takeout or did you prepare this yourself?” she probed, laughing between each question and dazzling him with her smiles.
“I am
so pleased you are enjoying it. Yes there is dessert- in fact, I have a selection.”
Jensen decided against telling her more as there would (hopefully) be a time to take her to the place he had mentioned earlier that day.
After they had eaten, they moved back to the lounge with their drinks. Jensen put music on, and the conversation flowed easily as it had on the balcony at the wake.
He had been surprised wh
en she had called him earlier, he thought she would have left it a few days if she even bothered at all, but she had called. He had been unable to disguise his excitement and surprise, which had probably messed with the ‘cool’ he had been aiming for.
“Wow we finished that bottle quickly!” Rin remarked as she tipped the last tiny measure into her glas
ot to worry, I have more,” replied Jensen as he got up from the sofa.
an I interest you in another dessert, maybe the tiramisu this time?” he asked as he picked up the empty bottle.
“Oh yes please, I should be full up after the amount I’ve eaten, but I always have room for something sweet
,” she replied with a flash of rebellion in her eyes.
“Jensen, where is the bathroom?”
He pointed to the door to the right of the front door and headed back to the kitchen. So far, the evening was going great; he was determined to go slow and take it easy, which conflicted wildly with the smoldering desire he felt with every accidental little touch, every smile and flick of her hair. Even the hint of her fruity fragrance drove him crazy. It was so hard to remain calm and not gather her to him, tearing away their clothes.
Returning to the lounge with a fresh bottle, des
sert and spoons, Rin was absent. Probably still in the bathroom he assumed.
Uncorking the
bottle, he refreshed their glasses and wandered to the window.
A muffled sound came from the room to his left followed by a giggle. Jensen
he's not in the bathroom?
He opened the door to the guest bedroom to find it in darkness, lit only by the
bright city haze from below. A little confused, Jensen stepped inside, moving to the light switch and twisting the dial to a soft low glow.
Near the window was Rin with an excited, daring expression
he had not seen on her before.
“Hey Red
, what are you up to in here?” he asked.
She drifted towards him, as she moved he realised
that she had stripped off her top and wore only a small silky black vest with her very tight jeans. He was sure that her hair had been tied back earlier too, now it fell in long red curls down her back and around her shoulders like a fiery halo.
“I was in the bathroom when I noticed the
hem of my top had unraveled. So I thought if you had a long mirror, I could see if it was too noticeable,” she answered, looking a bit sheepish.
hen I couldn’t find the light switch, and I realised it would look like I was snooping but then I tripped over something in the dark.” She stopped and laughed.
“I see, so where is your top now then
?” Jensen asked and grinned.
“Oh it’s here
,” she cried as she threw it at his face and giggled.
So she
is feeling playful huh?
He caught her top and held
it up against his shirt.
“No I don’t think it’s my colour
,” he said looking back at her.
et me try that one,” he asked with his most charming smile.
In the blink of an eye
, she whipped off her little black top and threw that at him too. He caught it with great surprise.
now stood there in just her black lacey bra, jeans and an unshakeable confidence.
She fixed him with a
smoldering look and asked, “Does that fit you better?”
Without realising his movements
, he brought the black top closer to his face and inhaled; her sweet fruity perfume on the fabric fueled his intent. He threw the top down and in one stride was right in front of her.
“How about I try you on
,” he said in a low voice as he cupped her jaw with his hand.
Her mesmerizing blue eyes looked up to find his own, she half closed them, h
er gaze lingering on his mouth.
The temptation was too great.
He leaned down to kiss her, gently at first, savoring the moment, and she returned his kiss. Jensen touched her cheek lightly then moved to pull back a little and assess how far to go. But she wove an arm around his neck and pulled him down again, opening her mouth against his and tracing the seam of their lips with her tongue. She had made it clear to him that she wanted more so Jensen allowed her to lead him.
Twisting her tongue against his own she ran h
er hand down his back creating waves of tingly feelings that washed over him. She gently tugged at the neck of his T-shirt as she returned every kiss.
He discovered the softness of her bare skin as he rested his
hand on her lower back, warm to his touch.
He felt her slip her hand under the hem of his T-shirt and explore the muscles in his back.
Jensen straightened up suddenly.
t’s only fair,” he said as he pulled his shirt over his head, “that I remove my top too.”
Taking in his bare torso her eyes flashed with a hunger that served
only to make him want her more. He longed to remove the rest of their clothing; his jeans were so unaccommodating for his growing erection.
Her hands were all over
him, and she placed feathery kisses on his neck making him groan with pleasure. He could feel her fingers investigating each abdominal muscle and was quietly thankful he had been hitting the gym so hard this summer. The neck kisses were making him crazy. He needed more of her exposed to him. He reached around her back and expertly unhooked her bra. She unwound her arms from him and allowed it to drop to the floor. He leaned forward and scooped her up; in a stride, he was at the large bed where he gently placed her.
e zoned in straight to her exposed breasts. He stroked the curve of her left breast, whilst he positioned himself above her. He kissed and licked the nipple on her right breast making her squirm against him.
She placed a hand on the back of his neck whilst the other worked its way down
to the waistband of his jeans. Her fingers nimbly undid the button and unzipped. There was a moment’s relief as his hard-on adjusted to the space, followed swiftly by her hand.
He felt her pull
down his trousers and underwear with one hand whilst the other explored the length of the shaft. She stroked it a few times before delving lower and gently fondled. Her teasing strokes and squeezes sent jolts of electricity through him.
Jensen paused a moment long
er enjoying her touch before shifting his weight in order to remove the rest of his clothing. Rin continued to play as he started on her clothes. She released him as he pulled her jeans away leaving her with just a scrap of black lace covering the Holy Grail.
He knelt over her and kissed the pale skin above her belly button. He felt the lean strength flex in her torso as she lifted herself slightly
too every little kiss he placed on his way downwards.
He sensed her breathing speed up as he so very slowly slipped her tiny thong over her creamy thighs, kissing lower all the while. At the
knees, he pulled her underwear off quickly and threw them blindly as he simultaneously licked along the divide of her crotch. He explored her soft folds with his mouth. Her whole body stiffened as he tongued her taut nub, feeling the arousal heighten by her barely audible moan. With both hands holding her hips, he gently sucked her clitoris. Her body writhed.
Oooh… Jensen…” she murmured in a dreamy voice. He continued to work at the wet pink skin with his tongue using her distraction to restrain himself for a few moments longer.
“Oh I can’t…
Oh, Jensen oh!”
He felt her fingers run through
his hair. He was hardly able to resist plunging into her there and then, but her cries of enjoyment made the wait worth it all the more.
h I can’t take any more Jensen, I need you, I need ahhhhh, ooooh! Take me Jensen!” she cried almost pulling at his hair.
you are a naughty girl, you can take it,” he countered.
“No, I need you now!
I need to feel you inside me!” she pleaded breathlessly.
Ok, I have
teased her enough.
He moved up her
body. She parted her legs to accommodate him, and he pinned her to the bed with the weight of his upper body. He positioned himself over her as she ran her hands across his back. He felt her wetness against the tip of his raging erection as he sought out the small opening.
He pushed gently into her, and slid slowly up enjoying that first rush of endorphins as she enveloped his entire offering.
“Hhhhuuuuu…” He could not contain the sound as she moved with him bringing him yet deeper inside. He pulled back again feeling the swell of her breasts rub against him. Just as he neared pulling away entirely he pumped up into her quickly this time, lingering at full depth.
The hot wetness of her
pussy clenched around the base of his throbbing cock as he teased her with a slow pull back.
“Oooohhhhh fuuuuuuu
…” she moaned as he changed it up again with measured thrusts.
She pulled her legs up
and hooked them around him, arching and dipping in rhythm to every move he made. He pounded against her pelvis over and over until Rin’s little noises became louder and drawn out. He felt a thrill in knowing he was building a whirling ecstasy within her.
he clamped down on him, and he pushed as deep into her as he was able, she cried out, “OOOOHHHHHHHHHHMYGOOOODDDD!”
He felt the muscles inside her
clench repeatedly as she reached her climax, the pulses from her orgasm pushing him to his limit. He continued to slam into her, feeling his own explosion bubble up within him. With a few more deep thrusts, he reached the edge of reality and let the euphoria of release blast through him filling her with his hot liquid.
Rin ran her hands over his butt and squeezed pl
ayfully as he continued to throb with the echoes of the orgasm.
He look
ed down at her lying under him. Her scarlet hair strewn across the sheets and her skin pink, accentuating the blue of her eyes, she still looked perfect. He had never thought that after sex before, he realised with shock.
He felt himself drifting away from the ripples of pleasure and into the realm of exhaustion
till connected at the genitalia to Rin, he leaned down to kiss her cheek and carefully disengaged from within her, feeling the hot slick of his orgasm follow him out.
As he lay down next to her, Rin turned to her side, facing him. He looked over at her expecting her to say
something, but instead she slipped her hand into his and closed her eyes.