Sleeping with the Enemy. (Business and Pleasures)

BOOK: Sleeping with the Enemy. (Business and Pleasures)
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By Valentina Lovecraft



Also available as a paperback from Amazon

© Valentina Lovecraft 2014

Cover image:

Cover design
© Valentina Lovecraft


Valentina Lovecraft has asserted the right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.


This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are fictitious and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.


Sleeping with the Enemy is sold subject to the condition that it shall not be, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without Valentina Lovecraft's prior consent. Except in the case of brief excerpts in critical reviews or articles.


Typeset: Caecilia LT Std/Italic

This book contains VERY graphic sexual content. This story is not recommended for readers with an aversion to graphic depictions of sex. Not recommended to readers under 18 years of age. Reader discretion STRONGLY advised!

he locations in this book are a fusion of real and imagined.


Valentina Lovecraft




ppreciation to those who still believe you can do anything you put your mind to, there are so precious few of these people left.

hank you to my family and friends who support and believe in me.

The person I
owe the most thanks, is my good friend and fellow author Glen Johnson. His time, guidance and in-depth knowledge have been invaluable to me.


lease note that I am an English author, so I use English spelling throughout. You will see doubled letters (cancelled), ou’s (colour), ‘re’ (centre) ce’s (licence), ise’s (realise), yse’s (paralyse) as well as a few other slight variations from American spelling.

"I find that the harder I work,
the more luck I seem to have."

Thomas Jefferson


"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance
to get its pants on."

r Winston Churchill



Chapter 1



onday was cold and miserable; the whole weekend had not been much better but the sad news Rin had received had made it that much gloomier. Now that it was the day of the funeral, she had passed from the shock and numbness phase into mild disbelief and the beginnings of panic. Her boss and mentor had died suddenly the previous Wednesday, but the office had not been informed until Friday morning. The funeral was today; apparently, he had had a preexisting heart condition but had told no one, family included.

Rin sighed for the fiftieth
time that morning and got dressed slowly, picking out a simple figure hugging black dress; scoop necked with long sleeves. She didn’t want her usual suit ensemble as she wore them to work every day. After applying minimal make up to avoid having to clean up a mascara disaster if she cried, she slipped on her favorite black peep toe heels and left her house.

The funeral service
was filled with loved ones and colleagues; Michael Altman had commanded a vast workforce but had a genuine personality and made friends easily. He was not your typical boss, he and Rin had worked together for the last six years, and she had grown to count on him as one of her closest friends. She could not believe he had gone.

The wake was
being held at the prestigious Imperial Hotel in the city center. Family and friends consoled each other, and the atmosphere began to morph from somber to happy and nostalgic as people remembered their own stories and experiences with the late Michael Altman.

Anaise Altman sashayed through the crowd towards Rin, a look of defiance hardening he
r usually soft features.

Rin, I've been looking for you.”

They briefly embraced.

“It's a great turn out; this place couldn't hold any more!” Rin exclaimed.

Yeah, that was dad, friends with everyone.” Anaise smiled.

How are you doing? I don't think it’s really processed for me yet,” Rin asked.

Anaise's chew
ed her lower lip for a moment.

It's surreal. One minute I am crying my eyes out, the next I am in a daze. I keep thinking how is the world still turning?”

he closed her eyes and sighed.

I can hardly deal with such emotion. At least, Jensen has returned; he has been my rock these last few days.”

? Every muscle in Rin's body momentarily stiffened hearing his name.

I didn't see him at the service?” Rin thought aloud.

Oh he was sat with our cousins, Mum and I wanted to be at the front of course,” Anaise said distractedly, she had spotted a group of well-wishers making their way towards them.

I'll catch up with you in a bit, ok?”

he then disappeared back into the crowd.

Rin drained the glass of wine she had been holding and deliberated on whether she wanted to see him or not, she had respected his father and didn't
feel it was right to leave yet.

Before she had come to a decision, Michael's wife Juliet Altman and
… Jensen Altman approached her.


“Ah Rin, Lovely to see you.” Juliet smiled.

Her eyes
rimmed in red from days of crying but her appearance was as immaculate as ever.

Rin placed her hand on her arm.

“Mrs. Altman, I… I don't even know what to say, 'my condolences' seems like such an empty gesture.”

Juliet just
smiled and kissed Rin's cheek.

There will be a toast for Michael in the next ten minutes, have you seen Anaise?”

pointed the direction, and she followed. Jensen, however, did not.

did not speak; he just looked quizzically at her. Rin felt rooted to the spot.

Even with the formality of the occasion, h
is style was easily casual in his partially unbuttoned white shirt and black waistcoat. He was taller and more muscular than she remembered him being. His hair was long enough to cover his ears, so dark it was almost black and his eyes were gorgeous, the colour of melted chocolate.


did not remember her, or he did, and he was being a jerk. Well he was a jerk, there was no question about that.

This was getting awkward.
Against her flight or fight response, she decided to engage the enemy.


Great. That was eloquent. I should have turned and strutted off with my chin in the air
she thought.

He grinned at
her; he had a killer smile, making her notice his square stubbly jaw.

So, would you like another drink?” he said pointing to the empty glass she was still clutching.

He speaks!

“Uh, thanks.”


This was not how she had envisioned her first conversation with him to go.

She followed him to the bar inwardly kicking herself for going along with what he wanted to do and not cutting him down where he stood with some sharp words- bringing him to justice for the embarrassment, he had caused her. Of course, this was an embarrassment that he was oblivious to, which only served to rile her more.

What's your poison?”

His question cut through her inner anger tangent.

“Excuse me?” she exclaimed, and in the same beat realised he was asking her preference in drink.

Oh, white wine please,” she mumbled.

I'm sure you have had the gentlemen lining up to buy you a drink this afternoon?” he said as he turned from the bar to face her and give her an obvious once over.

Let me introduce myself; I'm Michael's son Jensen.”

Rin could barely hide the
grimace his attitude gave her.

He continued withou
t waiting for her introduction.

Are you an employee of the company? I'll be taking the reins now that dad has gone.”

A shot of rage rippled up her spine.
In all her years at the company, not once had she seen Jensen in the office, or known of his involvement in any way in his family-run business, and now he planned to waltz on in and be the king of the castle?

Hell no.

She slammed her hand on the bar and took a step towards him; they were inches from each other.

You have some nerve!”

ah this was more like it, sock it to him!

You swan off spending daddy's money and being the playboy all over the continent.”

It was going well; the look of shock on his face was delicious!

All the while your family works tirelessly through the recessions to keep the business afloat. Of course, you don't want the free ride to end there, oh no! Why not capitalise on this opportunity! Just come on home and take over a company that I doubt you have the first idea how to operate.” She seethed.

The immediate c
rowd around them shuffled away. There was a tangible silence.

All right Darlin.” He smirked.

Rin twisted to face the bar and caught sight of he
rself in the mirrored back bar. Her deep auburn-highlighted red hair stood out like fire against the sea of mournful black. The expression on her face right now made her a stranger to herself.

She exhaled.

“Do not call me Darlin.” She spat back at him, snatching up the freshened glass that she hadn't previously noticed and strutting off as she had originally intended to do.



Chapter 2



ensen admired her tight little butt and perfect figure as she marched off.

Laters then Red.” He chortled.

Mmmm she was hot.
I haven't enjoyed that kind of spice in way too long,
he thought to himself.

Jensen was a self-confessed womanizer but after years of living a carefree
life, he had begun to get bored at getting everything so easily. Where was the challenge? Although you could not tell from his attitude, he was distraught about his father’s sudden death, but his mother and sister were relying on him to hold it together while the dust settled.

Jensen had been on his way home from a summer in
Paris when he had received the call, a barely audible crying followed by his mother’s shaky voice asking him where he was- at the time, in a taxi en route to the airport.

He had loved his father more
than he had loved any man alive, but he had never taken direction well. When he had been expected to follow in his father’s footsteps and join the company, he went to work on his art in New York instead. After years of partying with the ‘it-crowd’ and traveling the world, he had begun to miss home and having any real anchor and purpose in life. He was coming home to make amends and work with his father and sister where he could make his parents proud and have a life with meaning.

Dad dying before the plan got off the ground was devastating.

He swilled the golden liquid in his glass and leaned against the bar.

Anaise appeared by his side.

“Hey,” she said as she snatched the glass from his hand and took a sip.

“Mum is looking for you,” h
e replied as he took the glass back.

Yeah she found me already; she needed the memorial piece I wrote for the toast. Were you arguing over here just a minute ago?” she asked.

Jensen laughed.

“Well, no, I wasn't, but I think that foxy red head might have the hots for me.”

Anaise rolled her eyes.

“You mean Rin? Doubtful, you are not her type-she likes a gentleman for starters.”

She ordered a drink then
asked, “What did you say to her then? She is well-known in the office for her level headedness. I haven't seen her react like that! She never loses her cool.” Anaise smirked.

She can charm the clients like you would not believe. She was dad’s secret weapon. You know; he had her placed to run the Milan office? She made executive in spring. She could be running the company in the next ten years.”

Jensen grinned in reply.

A tinging rang out hushing the crowd. Juliet Altman appeared on a podium near the back.


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