Sleepless in San Francisco (18 page)

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Authors: Ryan Field

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Sleepless in San Francisco
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parts of Jonathan’s body over and over. The lips of Jonathan’s opening vibrated toward


climax and the insides of his canal came closer with each pound.


When Ed reached the end, he said, “I’m going off, man. I’m ready.”


Jonathan clamped down on his penis. He held his own penis and started jerking it.


“Come inside me, Ed,” he said. “Come inside me.” Just saying Ed’s name brought him to


the edge. Begging for this from the most breathtaking man he’d ever known made his


eyes fall to the back of his head.


Ed grunted and made a face. He bucked fast about five times and emptied his load


into Jonathan’s body. This time it must have been a powerful orgasm. After he came, he


continued to bang into Jonathan’s body, with his mouth wide open and some loud groans.


Jonathan’s leg was bent so far back his knee almost touched his chin.


While Ed climaxed, Jonathan jerked off on the bed, repeating Ed’s name in a soft,


simple whisper.


A drop of Ed’s sweat fell on his stomach. Ed’s took a deep breath and said, “I like


this position. You’re tight ass feels ten times tighter this way.”


Jonathan threw his arms over his head and stretched. He could still feel Ed’s full


erection inside his body. He tightened the lips of his hole around Ed’s shaft and said, “I


like it, too.”


Chapter Thirteen


After they took a shower together, they fell asleep in each other’s arms. Ed slept


on his back and Jonathan rested his head on Ed’s chest. He pulled Jonathan as close to his


body as he could, and Jonathan lifted his right leg and wrapped it around Ed’s waist. The


moment Ed closed his eyes, he drifted into a deep sleep and didn’t wake up until he saw


daylight coming through the window. He had an erection, and Jonathan was holding it in


his soft, warm hand.


“Did I snore last night?” Ed asked.


Jonathan snuggled closer and squeezed his penis. “I don’t think so, but I was so


tired I’m not even sure.” Then he ran his thumb lightly over the head of Ed’s penis and


asked, “Did you sleep okay?”


Ed smiled. “I haven’t slept that well in a while. I feel great.” He spread his legs


apart so Jonathan would continue to play with it. Ed liked the way he was rubbing the


head with his thumb. He didn’t want him to stop.


But Jonathan had other plans that morning. He let go of Ed’s dick and turned to


his right. Then he reached beneath the bed and pulled up a perfectly wrapped Christmas


gift. The paper was gold and the large bow was bright red. He handed it to Ed and said,


“Merry Christmas. I got you something else for later when everyone exchanges gifts, but


I wanted to give this to you now.”


Ed tilted his head and said, “I got you something, too. But I don’t have anything


right now.” He felt awkward. If he’d known they were going to be exchanging gifts in


bed, he would have bought something else. “I don’t expect anything right now,” Jonathan said. “This is just a sort of sexy,


funny gift. It didn’t cost much, but I think you’re going to like it.”




Jonathan nodded and said, “Open it.”


Ed sat up higher against the pillows and removed the red bow first. He handed it


to Jonathan and said, “Here, wrap this around your neck.”


While Jonathan fastened the bow to his neck, Ed tore off the gold wrapping paper.


It was a rectangular box with a lot of writing and clear cellophane on the top. He didn’t


bother to read what the box said. He looked down and pressed his lips together. He tilted


his head and pressed his finger to his chin. It looked like a heavy duty flashlight. He


smiled and said, “Ah well, I can always use another flashlight for the car.” Then he


kissed him on the lips and said, “Thank you.”


“It’s not a flashlight,” Jonathan said. “It’s a




Jonathan reached down for his penis again. It was semi-erect. He wrapped his


fingers around it and said, “It’s for your dick, not for your car.”


“For my dick?”


Jonathan laughed. “I can’t believe you’ve never heard of a fleshlight. Don’t you


watch porn? It’s a sex toy.” Then he took the box from Ed and pulled out what looked


like a large flashlight with two small openings at both ends. There was a set of fake lips


on one end, and a replica of a tight anus on the other. Ed smiled. He’d never heard of a fleshlight. And he’d never been a huge fan of


porn. Watching porn usually made him sigh and lower his eyes. He didn’t want to watch


DVDs of other guys having sex. He wanted the real thing. “How does it work?”


“I’ll show you,” Jonathan said. He reached for the lube on the nightstand and


covered Ed’s penis. When it was slick and shiny, he rubbed some lube on the anus


opening of the fleshlight and said. “Lie back and close your eyes. You’re going to like




Ed placed his hands behind his head and rested on the pillow. When his eyes were


closed, Jonathan inserted Ed’s penis into the opening of the fleshlight. The hole was soft


and tight. His right leg jerked a few times and he took a deep breath. Jonathan moved it


up and down slowly for the first few minutes, then went faster. It felt like a cross between


a hand job and a blow job. The soft interior made Ed’s balls tighten. Jonathan kept an


even rhythm and his right arm never tired. The pleasure it created kept Ed on the edge of


climax for such a long time he had to concentrate hard so he wouldn’t come.


He finally opened his eyes and said, “I’m close, Jonathan. Get up now and sit on


it.” Then he slapped Jonathan on the ass twice so hard the smacks echoed in the almost


empty room.


Jonathan pulled the fleshlight off Ed’s penis and straddled his body. He had a red


mark on his ass where Ed had just slapped him. He looked so hot with the red Christmas


bow around his neck that Ed reached forward and pinched both his nipples hard. Jonathan


didn’t complain. His head went back, his mouth opened, and he moaned with quick,


awkward breaths. But Jonathan didn’t waste time moaning. He seemed to know Ed was close and he


wanted to finish him off. So he straddled his legs and sat down in his erection. When it


was all the way in and Ed could feel Jonathan’s smooth ass on his balls, he placed one


hand on Ed’s chest and started to ride. He held his own penis with the other and squeezed


his anal lips hard.


It didn’t take long. Ed was sensitive and he’d been edging for a while. The red


bow around his hot young lover’s neck made his heart race. He clutched the sheets with


his fists and sat up. Then he shouted, “Ah, ah, I’m coming.”


Jonathan spread his legs wider and rode faster. And when Ed shot his load into


Jonathan’s body, Jonathan sprayed his all over Ed. It was as if Jonathan had no control


over where his come landed, because most of it landed on Ed’s face. Ed hadn’t seen it


coming; his eyes had been closed and he’d been concentrating on his own climax. It hit


his right cheekbone with a light sting.


When Ed opened his eyes, Jonathan stared at his face and smiled. “Don’t move,”


he said. “I’m sorry I hit you. I’ll clean it up.” His body went forward and he stuck out his


tongue. He licked it all off Ed’s face before it even had a chance to get cold.


* * * *


It was a good thing they’d showered and dressed fast that morning. Ed had tried to


slip his finger into Jonathan’s hole in the shower, but Jonathan had a feeling Noah would


be there early that morning. “He’s a kid, Ed,” he’d said, “and it’s Christmas morning.


He’ll be here soon, trust me. I don’t want him to run upstairs and find us together like this.


It wouldn’t be right.” Ed pulled his finger out and sighed. “You’re right. I don’t know what I was




A few minutes later, while Ed was putting on his shoes, he heard a car pull into


the driveway. It was Lisa and Noah. Jonathan was just finishing up changing the sheets


and making the bed. He gave Ed a look and raised his eyebrow. Ed looked out the


window and saw them lugging bags and packages from Lisa’s trunk. There weren’t many


because most of the gifts had been stored in Ed’s basement. Lisa and Jonathan had


wrapped them and carried them up to the Christmas tree a few days earlier.


Jonathan stood in front of a full-length mirror and stared at his clothes. He was


wearing the same pants he’d worn the night before, but he’d borrowed one of Ed’s polo


shirts. It was white with small emblem on the chest pocket. It was also larger than his


normal size and it hung off his shoulders. “I hope Noah doesn’t recognize your shirt,” he


said. “But I like wearing it. It feels sexy.”


Ed grabbed his ass on the way out the door and said, “He won’t notice. I’m going


to down to make coffee. I’ll tell them you came early and you’re checking a few things


out for the show in the other bathroom.” Before he left, he unzipped his pants and spread


the opening apart. “I like wearing your underwear, too,” he said. While Jonathan had


been looking for clean sheets, Ed had been putting on Jonathan’s white briefs.


“You’re wearing my underwear?” Jonathan asked. “I was looking for them this


morning. I thought you’d put them in the hamper.” Then he pulled down his zipper and


said, “I’m wearing your boxers. But they are clean. I found them in your drawer.”


Ed stared at Jonathan’s crotch and licked his lips. “My way is sexier.” Jonathan pulled up his zipper and looked in the mirror again. “I just hope they


don’t recognize the shirt.”


Ed waved his arm. “They won’t.”


But Lisa noticed right away. When Jonathan came down and walked into the


kitchen, she was standing at the center island. She smiled and crossed the room to hug


him and wish him a merry Christmas. She looked over his shoulder and smiled at Ed,


then she pointed to the shirt Jonathan was wearing and silently mouthed the words, “Is


this your shirt?”


Ed stepped back and gave her a look. Why on Earth would she think Jonathan was


wearing his shirt? He pressed his lips together and stared down at the counter. He was


making coffee, spooning the grounds into the coffee maker, trying not to spill any on the




She threw her arms up in surrender and said, “You look so good this morning,


Jonathan. So well rested.” Then she smiled at Ed and stuck out her tongue.


Jonathan ignored her. “How’s Noah doing? Did he mention Tucker at all this


morning?” he asked.


Lisa frowned and said, “Are you kidding? He made me drive around the whole


neighborhood for a half hour before we got here, looking for him. He didn’t want me to


mention it.” She placed her palm on Ed’s back. “He doesn’t want his father to worry


about him.”


Ed closed the top of the coffee pot and pressed the switch. He ran his fingers


through his hair and said, “Damn. Where is he now?” “He’s in the living room sitting in front of the Christmas tree,” Lisa said. “He


wanted to put a Christmas present under the tree for Tucker. It’s a large dog sweater he


bought when I took him shopping a few weeks ago. He wrapped it himself a few days


before Tucker ran away.”


“We should start opening presents soon,” Ed said. “It will take his mind off it for


a while.”


When the coffee was finished, they went into the living room. Noah was sitting on


the floor in front of the tree staring at one of the gifts. It wasn’t wrapped very well and it


wasn’t in a box. The corners were crunched and the sides looked as if the wrapping paper


had been rolled up and squeezed with tape. “What are you doing, buddy?” Ed asked.


“Nothing,” Noah said. He stared down at the package and frowned.


“I thought we’d open our gifts right now,” Ed said. “Help me bring a few chairs


from the dining room in here so we have places to sit.”


Noah stood up and walked through the room without saying a word. He went into


the dining room and lifted a chair. It was the first time Ed noticed he was wearing a


sweatshirt with Tucker’s name across the front. Ed had bought it for him on the trip


they’d taken to Hawaii last Christmas. He decided not the mention the shirt.


When the chairs were in the living room and it was time to open gifts, it seemed


to take his mind off Tucker for a while. He gave Ed a new tool box and a nicely framed


print of different dog breeds. He handed it to him and said, “Here, Dad. This is for when


you open your new clinic in San Francisco for spaying and neutering dogs and cats.”


Ed hugged him, then pointed to a large group of wrapped gifts on the left side of

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