Sleigh Ride Together with You (2 page)

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Authors: JoAnn Durgin

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Sleigh Ride Together with You
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Mike had a disconcerting habit of leaving things open-ended on occasion, but their senior producer wouldn't have introduced Mr. Kingsfield if he wasn't somehow important to the station or
Wake Up, Des Moines!

As Nicole started to rise to her feet, a sharp pain shot through her ankle. Trying to disguise her wince, she bit her lower lip.

“Steady, love.” Colin placed one hand beneath her arm.

“Don't get up on my account.” Mr. Kingsfield pulled over a chair, positioning it to face her. “I hope you don't mind if I join you.”

“Not at all.” She eased back into her chair. “Please do.”

Colin offered his hand to the other man. “Colin Young. Nikki's co-host and devoted protector.”

The corners of Kingsfield's mouth lifted as he shook Colin's hand. “I can see that. Not that I believe Nicole needs a protector. Call me Alex. It's an honor to meet you both.” His eyes were an incredibly rich, velvety moss green as they focused on her. “May I call you Nicole?”

“Yes, of course.” How considerate of him to ask. Although she preferred Nicole, most people called her Nikki without a second thought. His use of the word “honor”—a throwback to her grandfather's era—and his assessment that she didn't need a protector caught her attention. Likewise the fact he wore no wedding band. When Alex offered his hand, firm and warm, Nicole left hers in his long enough to regret it. In the best of ways.

Withdrawing his hand, Alex glanced at her bare feet. “You seem to be in pain. I'm sorry. May I ask what happened?”

A wave of self-consciousness swept over Nicole and warmth flooded her cheeks as she tucked her feet beneath her chair. “Unfortunately, I skidded on a patch of ice in the station's parking lot this morning and wrenched my right ankle. I feel safe in saying the Ice Capades won't be beating down my door anytime soon.”

Although Alex's lips twisted, compassion radiated in his expression. “I'm thankful you weren't hurt worse.” Those eyes—intense and intelligent—would be difficult to forget even if she never saw him again. Likewise, the well-sculpted cheekbones and strong jawline.

He had great hair—dark, wavy and thick. The left side of his mouth tipped slightly higher than the right, framing a very inviting smile. She suspected his nose might have been broken at some point, and a faint horizontal scar sat above his right eyebrow, about an inch in length. Instead of detracting from his appearance, those minor imperfections only enhanced this man's rugged, masculine appeal and gave him character. In spite of his composed demeanor now, Alex struck her as the kind of man who might have been a rough-and-tumble kid.

Colin was right. She really needed to get out more and socialize with the opposite sex. Like it or not, Alex Kingsfield intrigued her. Give her one handsome man and she was quickly turning into a puddle of romantic goo. Blame it on the holidays. They always made her sentimental and mushy, reinforcing her aloneness—not loneliness—in the world. Big distinction.

“Tell me. Are you one of our viewers, Mr. Kingsfield?” Given her co-host's penchant for directness, Nicole was surprised Colin hadn't asked the man pointblank who he was and the specific reason for gracing them with his presence.

“In a manner of speaking, yes.”

Score one for ambiguity.

Who was this man? Only the good manners she'd been taught as a child prevented Nicole from blurting out the question. Curiosity had forever been her constant sidekick, patience her biggest challenge. In some ways, those qualities worked to her great advantage in the world of broadcast journalism.

“Make yourself at home then, mate.” Hiking his sleeve, Colin checked his watch. “We have a few minutes before we're expected to make our joint appearance at the station's holiday fête. Nikki was just questioning how discussing a fictional romance hero holds any relevance for our viewers.”

“I caught the end of your interview, Nicole.” The smile Alex gave her was warm. “You handled it well. Considering I've seen more talkative mimes, your question seemed the perfect antidote.” He nodded to Colin. “I'd also like to hear your response to her question.”

Nicole hid her smile. Alex must indeed be familiar with their show since her co-host held an opinion on every topic known to mankind.

Colin rested his elbows on the arms of his chair and steepled his fingers. “First, let's consider the show's demographics. Our average viewer, if you will, is a lovely, middle-aged woman in the suburbs. Call her…Sally. There's Sally, sitting in her kitchen, sipping her morning coffee and preparing to face her day. She clicks on the telly and punches in the channel for
Wake Up, Des Moines!
You see, the thing is, Sally doesn't want hard news from us. In fact, she wants us to give her a reason to face the day.”

Nicole pondered his words and avoided looking at Alex. The man was much too distracting. “So,” she said, “talking about a man with the face of Adonis and the physique of Hercules, who falls madly in love with the virginal, mild-mannered heroine at first sight, drives or pilots any vehicle ever invented, rides a horse, brandishes a weapon like a warrior, scuba dives with sharks, befriends all mankind, and empowers our heroine so she blossoms into a shining beacon of womanhood”—she drew in a quick breath— “is going to somehow enrich Sally's life. And give her a reason to face the day?”

Alex laughed while Colin graced her with the megawatt smile that seduced women on a daily basis. “Score one for that lively imagination of yours. It's all about romance, my dear skeptic. It's the reason we live, the reason we breathe. At its basic core, love is the reason we exist.”

A familiar gleam surfaced in Colin's brown eyes before he moved his gaze to Alex. “Wouldn't you agree?” Colin was throwing down the metaphorical gauntlet at their guest's leather-clad feet. Why he felt the need to do such a thing, Nicole couldn't imagine. She'd all but given up trying to figure out the male psyche a long time ago. This wasn't a silly competition or duel of sorts. Besides, they knew next to nothing about Alex. Only that he was from New York and somehow important to the station or their show. Intelligent. Articulate. Attractive. Make that extremely attractive. Charismatic. She'd best stop the mental checklist. What she found unbelievable was that she sat between two handsome, manly men engaged in a discussion of…love and romance?

Calm and cool, Alex didn't bat an eyelash. “Love is the reason we exist, yes. In fact, without the redeeming love God first demonstrated for us, our very existence would be a moot point.” His gaze settled on Colin. “Wouldn't you agree?”

Wow. That was the last thing she'd expected to hear. Meeting Colin's challenge head-on was one thing, but Nicole doubted Alex would make such a statement without a personal understanding of the Christian faith. Not since her ex-boyfriend, Jake Marston, had she met a man who'd demonstrated a depth of faith beyond spouting a thanks for the grub prayer or calling upon the Almighty whenever he needed a financial windfall.

If Colin was surprised by Alex's words, he covered with his usual aplomb. “Touché. Tell me. Are you some sort of chaplain come to prompt us to confess our mortal sins? In that case, you might need a longer visit here in Des Moines.”

“Hardly.” Alex shook his head with a soft chuckle.

Colin slanted her a grin. “Only speaking for myself, of course. I don't think I caught why you're here or who sent you, mate.”

Trying not to appear overly eager for his answer, Nicole trained her features into an expression of neutrality, an on-air technique she'd learned in Basic Interviewing Skills 101.

“I'm actually here on behalf of, and at the request of, the corporate office.”

Shocked by Alex's statement, Nicole's pulse sputtered. “You're from the network?”








Nicole hadn't meant to blurt out the question, but her surprise trumped any sense of professionalism. Colin appeared equally stunned. They'd gone from discussing
Wake Up, Des Moines!
and love to religion, of all things, with a network executive?

“Yes. I assure you, I don't bite.” Alex's smile, and his words, alleviated her momentary apprehensions. “I'm sure you need to get ready for the party now, so I won't take up any more of your time.” Slapping his hands on his thighs, Alex rose from the chair. “As Mike said, I'll be here for a week. We'll have plenty of time to talk later.” His gaze encompassed them both. “I'll look forward to it.”

“So, what do you make of him?” Colin said as Alex strolled off the set. “He certainly seems rather sure of himself.” Colin walked to the anchor desk and retrieved the bulky cord of Christmas bulbs and draped them around his neck. “Is it me?”

“Confidence is a good thing. You should know a thing or two about that.” After lifting from the chair, Nicole tested putting her full weight on the sore ankle. “Colin, I can't help but wonder why the network would send someone here in the first place, especially during the holidays.” She took a few tentative steps forward. “I'm not sure whether to be intimidated or encouraged. You've been here at the station longer than I have. Ever been graced by a visit from a network exec before?”

“Can't say I have. However, if the man's primary purpose was to sack us, I should think he would have cut us loose just now, hopped a jet back to Manhattan, and not given us another thought.” A frown creased Colin's brow. “It's unfortunate I wasn't aware he's from the network before I spouted that diatribe about what our viewers want. I'm sure that's more or less Alex's primary purpose for coming—keeping our viewers happy and telling us what we're doing wrong or the alternative. As they say, all will be revealed in due time. Now, the moment has arrived for us to go entertain the troops. Earn our keep by lighting the Christmas tree and making merry.”

Nicole grabbed her shoes and looped the straps over one hand. “Not sure how much merrymaking I'll be doing tonight. Give this girl some soothing music, a few candles, and a bath bomb, and I'll be all set.”

Colin raised a skeptical brow, arched like everything else about the man—trimmed, snipped, tailored, and manicured. “You'd be quite the hit at the party with that fetching scenario. What, pray tell, is a bath bomb? Is that some newfangled American vernacular for bath salts? Does this thing literally explode?”

She laughed with him. “No, but it's my new favorite indulgence. Pure decadence and worth every penny. I'll tell you one thing. If I'm going to make it through the rest of the evening, I need to wear my flats. Walk with me to my office to get them?”

“Whatever you need, love. Let's go.”

Padding beside her tall, broad-shouldered friend, she felt like a Lilliputian.

Against her better judgment, Nicole darted a quick glance over one shoulder as she and Colin headed off the set. Alex stood in quiet conversation with Mike and Artie in the narrow hallway leading to the main offices.

As if sensing her scrutiny, Alex turned his head. His gaze locked with hers, and a small smile tipped the corners of his lips. Smooth.

As she and Colin passed by, Nicole inclined her head in silent acknowledgment, hoping she appeared halfway sophisticated.

Colin chuckled as they continued down the hallway. “Based on the way you devoured Alex Kingsfield just now, I'd say he's your next decadent indulgence.”

At least he'd lowered his voice. Her humiliation would be complete if Alex had heard that one.

Nicole playfully swatted Colin with her shoes. “You know I'm not that kind of girl.”

“Yes, I do. Pity that. Not for my lack of trying.” He ducked when she tried to swat him a second time. “I'm afraid firefighter Jake in Starlight set such a lofty standard as the epitome of the perfect man that mere mortals such as myself can never hope to achieve that status.”

“Stop that,” she said. “You know that's not true. Besides, Jake's a happily married man now. He and Julia are parents to darling twin baby boys, and I…” She closed her mouth. How to finish that sentence?

“Why, you're the celebrated co-host of
Wake Up, Des Moines!
A rising star. Beautiful, charming, and adored. You devote your boundless energies to that downtown mission and are a veritable paradigm of faith in action. Shall I go on?” Colin stopped outside her office. Surprising her, he lifted her chin with a gentle hand. “Don't ever change or lower your standards, Nikki. The man who captures your heart one day will be a lucky man indeed.” He released his hold. “Ah, right then. Blessed. I momentarily forgot you don't believe in luck, as such.”

Nicole gave him a grateful smile as she unlocked the office, which doubled as her dressing room. “You need to adjust your rose-colored glasses, but I appreciate the vote of confidence. Ditto the reminder to count my blessings. In case I haven't told you lately, I treasure you.”

“Without a doubt. And I you.” Colin followed her inside the room and made himself comfortable on the loveseat, draping one arm along the back and crossing one leg over the other. “How's the ankle?”

“Still aching, but I'll survive.”

Nicole dropped the offensive designer shoes on the floor by her desk. “You don't think the show's in some kind of trouble, do you?” Frowning, she yanked open the bottom drawer of the desk with more force than she intended and pulled out her trusted formal flats. Elegant black silk with multicolored gemstones, the shoes matched nearly everything she owned, including the sapphire knit jersey wrap dress she wore tonight. Although not a traditional holiday color, the rich jewel tone of the dress would make a statement amongst the inevitable sea of red, green, silver, and gold holiday attire. Not that she was trying to make a statement, but again, the wardrobe supervisor encouraged her to wear it. All for the image.

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