Society Girls: Jenysis (11 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Society Girls: Jenysis
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“Look who’s back,” the guard who harassed me last time says, leaning casually against the wall across from my cell.

“Not for long.”

“Your girlfriend doesn’t seem to think so, but I called that, didn’t I?”

I don’t believe him. No matter what’s going on with us, Jenysis would never tell the press she thinks I’m guilty. Especially since the Society believes in my innocence.

He realizes he’s not going to get the reaction he wants from me, so he takes out his phone and pulls something up. “Look,” he says, moving over to show me the screen through the bars.

Jeny is on the screen, wearing a sleeveless dress that’s slightly shorter in front. It’s mostly black and white, but has some colored flowers here and there. Classic Jenysis. The reporters are badgering her, thrusting microphones in her face as she leaves Zaba’s with Stella.

“No comment,” she says in answer to all of their questions, and while I’d love for her to be saying I’m innocent like she did before, she’s in no way acknowledging my guilt.

I roll my eyes, and give the guard my best bored look. “She said she had ‘no comment’.”

“You’re going to lose that arrogance real quick once they put you in with the other inmates. I heard a few are really interested in meeting you.”

I don’t take his bait, because Alesha has already told me that everyone on both sides of the trial believes I should be kept away from everyone else here. We stare at each other for a few minutes, and then he walks away, cursing at his inability to rattle me. I won that round, but I don’t know if I could go a full ten with him. I really need to get out of here.

A few hours later, different guards come to lead me to a room where Alesha is waiting for me. Like before, we wait until they leave before talking. “I hate seeing you in here.”

“It’s only temporary.”

“Reina won’t tell me what she knows. I’m pretty sure she gave at least some of what she has to the police, but they’re keeping it from the DA for now, too. Something about it being too sensitive to release until more information is gathered.”

“I trust the Society, and you should, too.”

“I do trust them, but that doesn’t mean I’m okay with being kept in the dark. Or that I’m not annoyed with all of the ‘no comments’ Jenysis is sending out. She’s seriously not helping your popularity ratings right now.”

“Jenysis has done nothing wrong.”

“You broke up with her because she didn’t believe you were innocent. How is that not wrong?”

“I’m not going to discuss her with you. I told you we broke up, in case it came up in the media. It hasn’t, and I’m pretty sure that’s because she knows it will look bad for me, and regardless of what happened between us, she won’t hurt my case. So back off.”

“You want to get back with her, don’t you?”

“Again, not discussing that with you.”

“I just don’t get it. Does she have a magic vagina?”


Her eyes widen, and her mouth opens and closes. I don’t know why I said it, even though it’s true. Jeny’s pussy was made for me. That may not make it magical, but at least I got my point across.

“We should talk about the jury selection tomorrow.”

“Let’s do that.”

We go over the questions she’ll ask, and what she’ll look for. She asks me to watch for body language and facial expressions as well, because she can’t look at everyone at once. I don’t believe my life depends on this jury, but I’m taking the choosing of these people seriously. Since the judge has liked making an example of me so far, he may not dismiss the case, even with the evidence Reina finds. I think there’s a slim chance of that, and so does Alesha, but I’d rather have a good jury in place.

I don’t necessarily feel better when I go back to my cell later, but I do feel more prepared for what’s to come. At least with the trial. Life seems to never go as planned, so I’m not even going to try and guess what’s going to happen next, or who will be by my side when it happens.

* * *


I can’t be Ann again, because who knows if Chad had someone watching Wayne all this time, or if he was even personally doing the watching. Stella is currently walking around me, trying to decide what hair color is going to work best. I’m used to being looked at, so it doesn’t bother me, but I feel bad for anyone else who has to be scrutinized so thoroughly.

“We could go with my platinum blonde, because that boy did try to fuck me once, but I don’t know. Honey blonde would be too close to your natural red, and we can’t do brown again. Black, maybe?”

“If I have a vote, I say platinum. I don’t think anyone would expect that from me.”

She nods. “I agree. Platinum hair, green eyes, a new nose and teeth, and a dress that looks painted on.”


“We have flippers that can slide over your teeth. Chin prosthetics are good, but different teeth will look even better. And maybe a new skin color. How do you feel about a nice, bronze, spray tan?”

“Does it really matter what I think?”

“Yes. Always. I would never send someone out if they weren’t comfortable with how they look. You have to feel like you’re the person I’m transforming you into. You did a great job with Ann, and I have no doubt you’ll do even better with Beverly.”


“Yep, Beverly.”

“How many different identities do you have for us?”

“Enough,” she says, confirming my earlier suspicion about our fake identities already being set up for us. Just a picture of what we look like in disguise, and we’re good to go.

“Enough what? Tegan asks, walking in.

“Fake identities for me.”

“Oh yeah. You’ll learn about those soon.”

“I feel like I’ll never learn it all.”

“You don’t need to. We still learn something new about this group at least once a year. Decades of secrets are hard to keep up with. You may never know them all.”

“Thanks for the encouragement.”

“That’s what I’m here for—encouragement, country music, and alcohol. Not necessarily in that order.”

Stella shudders. “I still can’t believe my best friend loves country music.”

“Woman up, Stell. Cowboys in tight jeans…just yeah.”

“I’ll stick with pop stars in tight jeans, thank you very much.”

“Whatever. Now tell me what you’re doing to my protégé here.”

“You’re late to the party, and we don’t have a lot of time, so you’ll just have to watch and see.”

“Can I at least do her nails?”

“Fine, do her nails, but stay out of my way. Right now she needs a tan.”

She takes me into a connecting room, and tells me to strip. We’ve all changed in front of each other so often that I don’t feel self-conscious heeding her command. Once I’m naked with a shower cap on my head, I close my eyes and wait for the spray down to begin.

“Bloody hell!” I yell as the cold spray hits me.

“It’ll warm up in a minute.”

It does warm up, and then she’s wiping all the excess off of me with towels. I finally open my eyes, and look down. “It’s a nice bronze.”

“Well, duh. Did you really think I’d make you look like Trump?”

“I was hoping you wouldn’t, but I don’t know all the variables to these things.”

“You’ll all be tanning each other soon in class, so you’ll see that it’s really not that hard.”

“If you say so.”

“I do,” she says, wrapping me in a fluffy robe, and leading me back to the main room where she deposits me onto one of the salon chairs, facing away from the mirror.

Stella pulls my hair up, and gets to work applying the wig and extensions. After fitting everything on me at the angle she wants, she starts cutting and styling it all. What started out looking like a little bit of a mess is now a sassy, layered bob that resembles Matisse’s, only in a blinding white instead of her jet black. My color is stark, but it doesn’t look fake.

“Pull on it, mess it up, just play with it,” Stella tells me.

I do as she asks, and slowly start to feel like it’s my own. “I get it.”

“I knew you would. Now my friend can have your fingers while I transform your face.”

Tegan rubs her hands together like a mad scientist, and gets to work. She transforms my short blue nails into slightly longer, black and silver creations. There are rhinestones, and glittery stuff, and I can’t even describe them. “Wow.”

“I know, right?” she asks, laughing when Stella swats at her.

“And people think I’m the diva.”

“Only people who don’t know you, Stell,” I tell her honestly.

“Thanks. Now open up so I can put your flippers on.”

I do as she asks, and wait while she changes my teeth, and adjusts my fake nose a little. A brush moves through my hair, and she glides lipstick over my lips, finishing off the makeup she worked on while Teeg did my nails. Her last step is putting my contacts in, and after I blink a few times, adjusting to them, she turns me to face the mirror.


I don’t look anything like
. Ann was a departure, but this…I don’t even have words to describe this. I don’t even recognize myself. It’s more than a little disconcerting.

“My BFF is the shit, isn’t she?’ Tegan asks.

“Yeah, she really is.”

“Let’s get your clothes on so we can send you out into the world.”


She pulls a black Herve Leger bandage dress off one of the racks, and holds it out to me. It has a cutout on the front, and a zipper all the way down the back, making it easy to get on without messing up my makeup or hair. “Sexy, but classy. I like it.”

“Good. Here’s a thong and bra for you, and yes, I know they match, but you’ll live.”

“Oh God, I forgot you like to mix it up,” Teeg tells me.

“It makes me die a little inside,” Stella replies.

“Wayne likes it,” I say, and then cover my mouth. That doesn’t matter anymore.

“This is all going to work out.”

“I hope so, Teeg, but either way, he’ll be free.”

We’re all quiet as I slip on the lingerie, and then the dress. Stella zips me in, and hands me strappy heels. We decide earrings are good, but no other jewelry is necessary.

“Ready to become bionic?” Tegan asks.

“I think so.”

“It’s going to hurt like a bitch, but you’ll love having it.”

“I’m glad we’re all getting it. Reina didn’t have to do that.”

“That’s why she’s in charge. She loves us all, and wants to make sure we’re treated equally. Makes me damn proud to be here with her.”

“Me too. I’m glad you chose to mentor me, Teeg.”

“I still have baby hormones, Jen, so stop trying to make me cry, dammit!”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

She holds my hand as we walk to the elevator, and descend to the hospital ward. I can do this. I have to do this. As much for me as for Wayne. He might not be my future, but the Society is.



I’m in a suit again, because they let the accused bad guys dress up for the potential jurors. Impartiality and all that. I try not to pull at my collar as court is called to order, but I know it will eventually be a losing battle. Just like keeping my hair slicked back will be. I’m going to accidentally run my hands through it at some point.

“Relax, Wayne. I’ve got this,” Alesha says, standing to start her questions.

I look out at the jurors and think about how none of them are really my “peers.” No pop stars, and only one white guy who might or might not be around my age. How would they even find my peers? Summon them on Tumblr? Grab then from the Grammys? I don’t even know.

Instead of dwelling on the strangeness of court procedures, I start to focus on the jury pool. I make eye contact with every person sitting in the box right now. Some look disinterested in me, some give me hesitant smiles, and a couple look downright hostile. I mark down the hostile ones on the paper in front of me, in case Alesha somehow misses them. It would be damn near impossible with the way they’re looking at me as though they wish those looks alone would stop my heart right here and now, but I’m not going to take a chance on them slipping through.

She asks all of her questions, and the DA asks all of hers. After, they each take their seats to go over notes. I point out the two names, and she nods. “I only have four peremptory challenges, so I don’t want to take them both out if this is going to go long. I think the woman is the one who I should remove.”

“No. It’s the man. The woman looks at me in disgust, but the man has hate in his eyes.”

She looks over at them both before turning back. “You’re right. We’ll take him out.”

We go through five rounds of jurors, gaining and losing them for things as big as knowing someone who was raped, and as small as what bumper stickers they have on their car. I guess nothing is really small, but I’ve only ever laughed or sneered at a bumper sticker, never worried about whether the person in the car might be deciding my future.

By the end of things, both sides have used all of our challenges, and we’ve got a jury we’re relatively happy with. The judge decides to sequester them due to the high profile nature of my case, and I think about how they’re being punished almost as much as I am. We’re both being kept in rooms with no television, and not much contact with the outside world. They aren’t in a cell, but they’re still kind of in jail.

“Reina texted while we were in voir dire,” Alesha says, looking down at her phone as I get to my feet so I can be handcuffed again. “She said she should know at least something by tonight.”

“Thank God.”

“Hang in there, Wayne.”

“That’s all I’m doing.”

I get the cuffs put back on, go to the little room they allow me to change in, and return to my home away from home for the moment. Dinner comes and goes, and I’m left alone with my thoughts again. I’ve given up on tapping out new rhythms or thinking of new lyrics, because I can’t write them down, and I don’t trust myself to remember them. I already want to forget everything about this place, and I’m still here.

Instead, I think about what I want to do when I finally get out of here for good. I want to throw a big party for everyone who’s helped me out. I think I’ll have it catered by Gavin’s cooking school, so Faith and Caleb can have a break. Plus, I like helping out the school my friend created for underprivileged Vegas kids and teens. It was at that grand opening where I saw Kace make a fool of himself when he met Stella, and I also saw Tegan for the first time there.

It’s funny to me that now when I think of her, it’s almost in a sisterly way. Back then it was all lust, so that makes it even weirder. But that’s what she’s become to me, a sister of sorts. I love her husband and kids, almost as much as I love her.

Ethan’s going to be a problem now, though. He’s going to definitely be Team Jenysis, and I don’t know what that means for us. He’s known me longer, but she’s his dream girl. Who can compare with that?

Not going to dwell. That’s my mantra of the moment. So, in the interest of moving on, I think about bringing my parents back from their island exile, and having them come here to meet my friends. They’ve met Kace and Brett, of course, and were at Stella and Kace’s wedding, but they’ve never spent time with everyone else. I never introduced them to Jenysis, even though I kissed her, and danced with at the wedding, because a part of me never believed she’d finally give in, and be with me fully.

Jenysis. No matter what I try to think or do, it all comes back to her. If I’m being honest, I know I’m coming back to her, too. I know I’ve forgiven her already, and if she can forgive me, we’ll be together again. If she doesn’t forgive me, well, I’ll try to figure out how to live my life with my heart in pieces.

* * *


I expected to see Rose, Matisse, and Kali in the medical ward, but not Zane Wilson. Waverly’s here, too, even though she has an implant already, but she works down here, so she’s not a surprise. They all do a double take when they see me.

“Jen?” Kali asks.

“Actually, it’s Beverly, but yes.”

“Practicing witchcraft again, Stell?” Kendrick asks, but he’s laughing when he says it, so I know it’s not an insult.

“You know it Kenny.”

“Are you ladies ready?”


I go first, getting my ear implant first. It’s actually a little nanobot Ainsley and Scott designed, and while it tickles going in, and feels a little weird while it melds to my ear canal, it doesn’t hurt.

“Hi Jen,” Tegan whispers from across the room. I hear it like she whispered right in my ear.

“That’s so cool.”

“We’ve gone through a few models, and a few different procedures, but yes, it’s pretty amazing,” she agrees.

Next is my forearm implant, and oh God, I think I almost blacked out from the pain. Ken apologized, saying he couldn’t give me anything while the implant was making its place in my body. I think I broke Teeg’s hand, but she didn’t try to let go.

“It hurts almost as much as labor,” she tells me. “Just breathe.”

I do what she says, and when the pain dulls to a throb, I open my eyes. “I guess I need to thank you, Ken.”

“You’re welcome. The swelling in your forearm isn’t going to do down for a few days, which is why Zane is here. He’s going to draw on your skin over the implant, making it look like the area is irritated from a new tattoo. We’ll wrap it like a tattoo as well.”

“I was wondering why he was here. You guys think of everything.”

“We certainly try. I’ll check on everything when you get back, but call me if you start to feel out of sorts. The implant is going to be releasing chemicals into your body which will make you immune to many drugs you could unwittingly take, and also Audrey’s super birth control formula. You can safely stop any other birth control you’re on now. You’ll also heal much faster if you’re hurt.”

“Um, okay.”

“I know it’s all a bit much to take in, but I assure you it’s all perfectly safe. Audrey and I make sure of that.”

“I’m not afraid. A little freaked out, but not afraid.”

“That’s normal.”

I thank him again, and walk out to where everyone else is waiting. “Zane’s going to do your fake tattoo, because he’s better than me, and yours is very likely to be seen,” Matisse tells me. “If I survive my own implant, I’ll help with the others.”

“It’s pretty bad,” I say, taking a seat in front of one of the world’s most renowned tattoo artists.

He takes out a marker that doesn’t look like any I’ve seen before, and smiles at me. “Anything in particular you’d like?”

“No.” I’ve never wanted a tattoo before, so I really don’t have any idea what I’d get.

“Not a problem,” he says, and then he gets to work.

Kali comes out next, and Theo has his arm around her. I didn’t notice him come in, but I should’ve expected it. She still won’t tell us about their history, but I know it’s tragic. You can see it in both of their eyes. That hasn’t stopped them from hooking up, but I’m the first to know that if more than sex is involved, things are bound to get messy. I hope they have better luck than me and Wayne.

I didn’t really pay attention to what Zane was doing, because I didn’t care. When he lifts his head, and smiles at me, I finally look down. I suck in a breath as I look at the guitar fret twisted into a heart. Now I want a tattoo, a real one. It must show in my eyes.

“Come see me, and we’ll make it permanent.”

“I will.”

He wraps my arm, and I thank him before standing up. Rose takes my seat, and I can’t help but tease her. “She wants a race car. Number 10.”

“Oh, aren’t you funny?” she asks.

“Sure am,” I say, jumping out of the way as she goes to smack me while everyone laughs.

We all know she wants Ares Dixon, and he’s made no secret of the fact he wants her, too. Now, she just has to give in, and give him a chance. Yeah, none of us have had it easy on the path to love, not even the mentors, but it’s been worth it for most. Me? I have a little hope left, but not enough to make me believe in a fairytale ending, even when the princess is the one saving the knight.

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