Society Girls: Jenysis (14 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Society Girls: Jenysis
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“Food before your father, huh?” he says, catching me stuffing my face in the kitchen.

“Sorry, I fell asleep on the plane, and missed dinner.”

“So you decided to eat every dessert in the palace?” he asks, motioning to the table, where there are various cakes, pies, cookies, and other sweet things spread out before me.

“I had a sandwich first,” I tell him, not meeting his eyes.

“I’ve heard about this phenomenon, where your daughter drowns herself in sweet things when she gets her heart broken. I don’t see any ice cream, though. Or maybe that’s not a real thing. You’ve never done this before, so I don’t know.”

“I was waiting to eat the ice cream last,” I mumble. “I’ve never been like this because I’ve never had a boyfriend before.”

“Richard would disagree.”

“Okay, I’ve never had a
boyfriend. Richard just wants the crown.”

“I’m not going to disagree with that.”

“I’m going back, you know. I came here to eat my weight in treats, wallow a little, and have a good cry, but then I’m going back.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

“You’re not going to try and convince me to stay?” I ask, completely gobsmacked.

“Of course not. I raised a strong woman, who isn’t going to let a failed relationship keep her from her dream.”

“Ugh, I’m half of a ‘failed relationship’ now. We just went code red, Papa. I need the ice cream.”

He laughs, but opens the freezer, and pulls out all five flavors we have on hand. Grabbing two spoons, he waits for me to choose, and then grabs his own pint. “You know, you haven’t called me Papa in years, and now I’ve heard it twice in as many days.”

“I feel more grown up when I call you ‘Father’ or ‘Dad’, but you’ll always be my Papa.”

He gets serious, and I know what’s coming. I thought we’d have this talk in his study, but since I sent the kitchen staff scurrying with my food crazy, I guess this is as good a place as any other. “As the King, I need to know what happened. Reina said it was up to you what you wanted to tell me. Your Papa doesn’t want to know, but I don’t have that luxury. Please tell me, Jen.”

I move around the kitchen island so I can stand next to him. Taking his hand in mine, I tell him everything. He squeezes my hand at the beginning, hugs me tight at the end, and cries through most of it. I cry too, because I need to, and I can.

“Where? Where are your scars, my brave and beautiful girl?”

I point to my hip, and then to my thigh. “The Society medicine took care of the rest. I will only have two forever.”

“Hard earned battle scars. I know I can’t see them right now, but I’m sure they’re beautiful, because they represent what you accomplished.”

I smile. “I was thinking of myself as a warrior princess when I was on the plane.”

“Would you like your official portrait re-done to represent that?”

“I can’t do that! What would Parliament say? And our people?”

“I don’t care.”

“You’d really let me dress up as a warrior, while wearing my crown, wouldn’t you?”

“I would, and I will.”

“Can my friend, Candi Griffin, take the pic?”

“I forget you know all these talented people. Maybe you can ask her to take a new picture of me as well.”

I wave my hand at him, and roll my eyes. “You could ask anyone you want to photograph you, and they’d come running.”

“Sometimes, I’d rather have something done for me because my daughter recommends her father, than have them come running because I’m a king.”

“Which is just one of the many reasons I’m so proud to be your daughter.”

“You’re pretty amazing yourself, you know.”

know, but thanks for reminding me.”

“There’s no chance for you and Wayne?”

“Thanks for waiting until I had my ice cream to ask that,” I say, wiping the last of this first round of tears from my eyes. There will be more, but not right now.

“I thought it might be best,” he says, his eyes twinkling.

“As for Wayne, no, there’s no chance. I had a sliver of hope left, but when I woke up after the attack, he wasn’t there. I thought maybe he didn’t know, but Darcy reluctantly said they’d gotten word to his attorney about what had happened. He knew what had been done to me, and it didn’t matter to him.”

Round Two of the tears comes sooner than expected, but I can’t help it. That hurt so much. “You’re sure he knew, because that doesn’t sound like the man I’ve seen. You said a third party was told, and not Wayne himself. Is there any reason this lawyer wouldn’t tell him?”

“Oh God! She wants him for herself. He turned her down more than once while we were together. They might be together now—I don’t know—but I bet she didn’t tell him. Why didn’t I think of that?”

“Probably because you had just been through a traumatic experience, and you needed him. He wasn’t there, and that hurt you.”

“See, that’s why you’re the king.”

“I’m the king because Brayden chose Darcy over the crown, and I was next in line. It’s all a matter of being born into the right family.”

“Yes, but you’ve initiated changes, and programs that have made life so much better for the people of this island.”

“That’s what public service is about, my dear.”

“It’s what it
be about, but too many abuse the power they’re given, or have won. Don’t downplay how wonderful you are.”

“I’ll try not to, at least when you’re around.”

“I love you, Papa.”

“And I love you.”

I knew I’d feel better coming home, but I didn’t think I’d feel some of the weight lift off of me this first night. Wayne would’ve come to me, to at least thank me if nothing else, if he knew what happened. I’m not going to hold out hope for us getting back together, but maybe he doesn’t hate me as much as I thought he did.

* * *


“What you did was quite honorable. Foolish as well since you don’t know how to fight, but you’ll heal,” Kendrick tells me.

“I had to do it, Kenny. I’m just glad Reina let me come back here so you could fix me up.”

He injected me with some kind of magical elixir when I was brought in yesterday, and I can feel myself healing already. I can move the fingers I know were broken, without feeling any pain, and I’m not feeling pain when I breathe anymore, either.

“You are one lucky man to be allowed here.”

“When are you taking whatever you gave me public?”

“Probably never. Pharmaceutical companies would tie it up in litigation for years, and people who don’t have good intentions would use it to cause harm. Those Reina and her women help will always have access to it, and they secretly take small doses with them when they help with disaster relief, but the world isn’t ready for it yet.”

“At least no one but Aiden and Faith saw me get my ass beat. Well, and Chad, but I’m pretty sure I don’t have to worry about him talking.”

Ken gives me an indulgent smile. “If you had been in a public fight, we could’ve given you a little to lessen your injuries, but you wouldn’t have gotten the full dosage. We wouldn’t risk you all of a sudden miraculously healing just to save you some pain, or scars.”

“Teeg said Jenysis still has scars, even after the medicine.”

“Just because this is an unorthodox hospital, doesn’t mean I’m not bound to confidentiality.”

“I’m not asking for details, just wondering why she didn’t completely heal.”

“Some wounds are too severe for the medicine to completely heal. Jenysis understands, and I think she will wear her scares as a badge of honor.”

“To me, I think she’s even more beautiful for them,” I tell him honestly. “She saved me.”

“The women here tend to do that. It takes a strong man to love a strong woman.”

“I think I’m strong enough.”

“I sincerely hope so. She only deserves the best.”

“I know.”

That’s the only problem in all of this. Jeny deserves the best, and I’m pretty sure I’m not even close to that. I know I love her more than any other person ever will, and I’ll do anything to support her, but will that be enough for her? Is she going to be willing to give me another chance? Those are the questions plaguing me, but they won’t stop me from trying.

Ken finishes up his exam, and then he lets Kace and Brett in. “Wow, you look way better than you did last night,” Kace says. “I’ve seen Stella heal, but it still amazes me.”

“You saw me last night?”

“Yeah, Ken let us have just a look, so we would know you were alive,” Brett tells me.

“Barely, but I got a few hits in.”

“You need to learn to fight, my friend.”

I look at Kace with a smirk. “Like you?”

“Like both of us. We’ve been learning for the last couple of years. Whenever we’re in town, Nate and the guys let us spar with them. They take it easy on us, but we’ve learned a thing or two,” Brett tells me.

“Seriously? And no one invited me?”

“You never asked to be invited,” Nate says from the doorway. “You always seemed more worried about your hair than about learning to defend yourself.”

“Oh. I’m not, but I guess I do play that misconception up.”

“You do,” Matt agrees, walking into the room with Nate and Theo. “Yet, you went into that room, knowing you’d be hurt, in order to defend the woman you love. That’s pretty impressive.”

“I think the fact he’s still alive is almost as impressive,” Theo tells him.

“Yeah, Aiden said you did kind of okay, so good job,” Nate says.

“Thanks. I was planning to ask for lessons. I thought about it while I was in jail.”

“Any time you want to come in, you just give one of us a call.”

“Thanks, Matt.”

“We have to get back to work, but we’ll see you soon.”

“Slave driver,” Nate jokes.

“Asshole,” Matt replies.

“Real mature, dudes,” Theo adds, and gets promptly pulled into a headlock by Nate. We all laugh as they pretend to fight. Or maybe they really do fight. I’ve really gotta have some lessons.

“Marv has the contracts,” Brett says, making my smile even wider.

“When can I sign?”

“He’s coming by in a few hours. We didn’t know what condition you’d be in, or how fast you’d heal, so we wanted to wait until later,” Kace says.

“You guys want this, right?” I ask, because I want to be sure. “I know I pushed hard for it.”

“You didn’t have to since we want it just as badly,” Brett tells me.

“Yeah, we let you give that impassioned speech because it was entertaining, but we were already going to say yes.”

“Now all I have to do is win Jeny back.”

“You will,” Kace tells me.

I want to believe him, but if all of this has taught me anything, it’s that life doesn’t always go the way you think it will. Sometimes you to fight for what you want, and sometimes you have to accept that things are over. I’m choosing to fight, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t already over. I saw the news, and know Jenysis confirmed our breakup. She’s moving on, and I need to catch her before she’s moved too far for me to change her mind.



If there is a God, he or she will save me from the Hell I’m currently in. The palace scheduler didn’t know an afternoon tea in one of the gardens with Richard and his parents would be a bad idea, but she will once I can escape. My smile is so tight, I think my face might freeze, and even the flowers on the bottom of my black sleeveless dress aren’t cheering me up.

“Now that you’ve had your little fling in America, I’m sure you’re happy to be home,” his mother says.

“While I love my home, I have a job in Las Vegas that I’ll be getting back to after the charity event.”

“Working for the Corrigan & Co. Foundation is honorable, but you should be settling down. Finding a suitable husband and having children who can carry on the royal line need to be your priorities right now.”

“Will all due respect, my priorities are
, and no one else’s.”

“You are a princess, which means you have a duty to your country,” his father huffs out.

I am way past my last nerve, and quickly closing in on death by teapot. “My father, the King, will let me know if there’s something he needs me to do.”

“Your father coddles you. You need a firmer hand guiding your actions,” he tells me.

Oh, I’d love to see this bastard try. I start to open my mouth, but Richard finally speaks up. “Perhaps we should move on to more enjoyable topics for the moment. I’m sure King Steven will guide Jenysis in a way that is best for Cyndryann.”

There is no topic that will be enjoyable with these three. None. I need wine, and more ice cream, when this utter cock-up of tea and cakes is over.

“Yes, let’s talk about the parties leading up to your charity event, and the event itself,” his mother is practically bouncing in her seat, and I can’t help it—I raise an eyebrow at her.

“What is it you’d like to know?”

“Well, what you’re wearing of course. Richard will have to somewhat match you.”

“Why?” Choose your words carefully lady.

“Because he’s your date.”

“No, he most certainly is not.”

“You need someone to escort you.”

“Since when? I’ve run this event for years with no date.”

“But we’ve already told the papers.”

Deep breaths, I need to take deep breaths. “I guess I’ll be having a press conference when we’re done here. Oh, actually you know what? I’m done now.”

“You can’t just leave. We’re having tea. Walking away is not acceptable.”

“Hmm,” I say, looking down at my legs. “I think my legs are working just fine, and I don’t give a fuck if you think it’s acceptable or not.”

“Wait, Jenysis,” Richard calls out to me as he catches up to me before I make it inside the palace doors.

“What do you want, Richard?”

“You. We were good together. You have to admit that.”

“We were good enough together, but I haven’t been willing to settle for that in a very long time.”

“So your rapist rock star is better than me?”

Lord Dick, indeed. “Yes.”

“You will marry me one day.”

“I believe my father has already denied you on that front, so you really need to move along.”

“He would change his mind if you told him you wanted me.”

“I believe we’ve already established that I don’t.”

“I belong inside the palace.”

“Apply for a job if you want to be in there so badly. I might even put in a good word for you.”

“Silly girl, you really think you can deny me what’s mine?”

“The palace isn’t yours, and if you’re trying to refer to me, then you’re even more delusional than your parents.”

“We’ll see about that,” he says, nodding his head, and then grabbing me.

His mouth is on me for mere seconds before I slam my hands into his chest, causing him to fall backwards. “Are you bloody insane?”

“Did you get it?” he asks, and I look behind me to see a guy running for the side gate.

“Stop him!” I yell, but he’s already out by the time the guards react.

“Ready for your close up? That kiss is going to look so good in print,” he says, with a smirk on his face.

Really? He thinks he’s going to get away with kissing me for the press? God only knows what he told that guy to go along with the picture. He may have gotten that kiss, but he’s not getting out of here unscathed.

I spin around, catching him off guard as I kick my foot up into his chin. It’s definitely not ladylike, but since my father became King, I’m technically not a Lady anymore anyway. He falls back, but is still on his feet. For now, at least.

“Give me your sword,” I tell one of the guards who has come to see what happened.

He hands it to me without question, and I swing it in front of me, feeling its weight. I’ve been around swords my whole life, and they are, without a doubt, the weapon I’m most skilled at. Richard’s eyes widen as I walk towards him.

“Listen, Jenysis, you don’t want to do this.”

“Do what?”

“Kill me. You don’t want to kill me.”

“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong. I do want to kill you, but with the charity event so close, I don’t want to go to jail.”

“I’m going to leave you alone, so you can think about what to wear for me tomorrow night.”

My blade slices close to his chest, popping the buttons from his shirt. As he looks down in horror, I sweep his legs out from under him. Pressing the heel of my pump into his chest, I press down. He screams, but stops when I hold the sword down, touching it to his neck.

“For the very last time, I’m going to tell you that I will not be attending any function with you. Not now, and not in the future. You are not welcome on these grounds, except for when you are attending events. Palace guards will escort you the entire time you are here. Do you understand me, you dodgy little chav?”

“How dare you?” his mother asks, but I don’t look at her.

“She dares because she is Princess Jenysis of Cyndryann, and assaulting her on palace grounds can be considered treason,” my father says, and I do look up then, smiling at the pride in his eyes.

“She is clearly the one assaulting him,” his father sputters.

“Did he or did he not kiss her against her will?”

“He was just trying to help her see that she was making the wrong choice,” his mother tells him.

“You are a scourge to women everywhere. How dare you suggest that it’s okay for your son—or any man—to not respect it when a woman says no.”

“You’re overreacting. He didn’t violate her, or anything barbaric like that.”

“You don’t think a kiss is a violation?” I ask, kicking Lord Dick in the ribs as I step away from him.


“Then you’ve never been properly kissed. A magnificent kiss is the most intimate act between two people, even more so than sex. It conveys everything each person is feeling, and magnifies it. A kiss is an act of love, but as we’ve just seen, it can also be an assault. When anyone kisses another person without permission, it’s without a doubt an assault.”

“Well said, my dear,” my father says. “You all need to leave, and due to your comments, I am going to require all three of you to have escorts while in the palace, and also at any other places where my daughter is.”

“People will notice,” his mother protests.

“I’m sure they will. You should’ve thought of that before you raised your son to believe it was okay to take something he wasn’t given.”

He motions for the guards, who usher that wonderful family away. “I need wine. And ice cream. Ice cream, and wine. In any order.”

“I came as soon as I found out you’d been scheduled with them. I’m so sorry. He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

“Not really. I mean, I didn’t want to kiss him, but I pushed him away pretty quickly, and I kind of kicked his ass, so I’m good. I don’t like knowing he’s loose in the world, though.”

“As long as he’s on this island, he’ll be watched. Not just here, but everywhere. A few well-placed comments to the right people will also get it out to the media, so women in other countries know. Whether they heed the warning will be up to them.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now, let’s go see to that ice cream and wine you need.”

* * *


I wipe my hands on my jeans, because yeah, I’m sweating. I asked for this meeting with Sonia, but now that I’m standing in the Foundation lobby, I’m nervous as hell. How can I adequately apologize to a woman for ruining her life? I didn’t rape her, but she was raped because of me. She was just an innocent bystander in a war created in a quest for revenge.

“You can go on in, Wayne.”

“Thanks, Alex.”

I smile at her, and walk down the long hallway to Reina’s office. The doors open on their own like they tend to do around here, and then I’m inside. Sonia’s on one of Reina’s couches, with Ellie next to her. Reina is standing behind her, and I don’t know what to say.

“Why don’t you have a seat,” Reina suggests, giving me a sad smile.

I sit down across from them, pulling my sunglasses off, and the hood of my sweatshirt from my head. Leaning forward, I rest my arms on my thighs, and clasp my hands together. “Hi, Sonia.”

“Hello, Wayne.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“I’m the one who’s sorry. You didn’t rape me, but I said you did.”

“It’s okay. You were led to believe it was me.”

“If I hadn’t been so drunk, I would’ve realized it.”

“Don’t do that. It doesn’t matter how much you had to drink, or if you’d been completely sober. Chad would’ve hurt you either way. He wanted to destroy me, and you were there.”

“Because you tried to take care of me in the bar.”

“I guess. He would’ve found someone else if it wasn’t you, so please stop blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong, Sonia. Nothing at all.”

“I saw you on T.V. You defended me.”

“I did, yes.”

“Thank you. You don’t know how much that meant to me. The things they were saying…they made me second-guess myself. I guess they were right, though. You’re not a rapist.”

She’s still in so much pain, and I won’t have her thinking she’s done anything wrong, so I decide to tell her something. Something I never planned to tell anyone. “I have never raped a woman, Sonia, but I did something without consent.”

I tell her what I did, and how I didn’t even know I was wrong at first. She surprises me by reaching out to hold my hands in hers. “You’re a good man, Wayne. What you did wasn’t right, but I can tell you’ll never do it again now that you know it was wrong.”

“I won’t.”

“We’re going to both have to learn how to forgive ourselves.”

“It may take me some time for that, but I’m going to try.”

“I’m afraid no man will ever want me again, because the whole world knows who I am now. I’m damaged goods.”

“No, Sonia. Any moron who looks at you that way doesn’t deserve you. There are good men out there, I promise.”

“I want to believe that, but it’s hard.”

“I can’t even begin to pretend that I know what you’re going through, but you can call me anytime you want. And I’ll do my best to intimidate any guy who asks you out if you want.”

“I’d like it if we could stay in touch.”

“Me too. Reina will give you my info.”

I stand up and so does she. When she opens her arms, I step into them, and hug her tight. I’m glad I came here to see her, because I think we both needed this. We helped each other heal a little, and I’ve made a new friend for life. I’ll never say what happened was worth that, but I’m glad something good came from it.

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