Society Girls: Jenysis

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

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Society Girls: Jenysis
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Society Girls: Jenysis

Book #6 of Society Girls

By Crystal Perkins

Copyright © 2016 by Crystal Perkins

Cover Design by Helen Williams

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About Society Girls: Jenysis

he posh princess
has always wanted the pop star, but she never wanted to admit it.

enysis left
the palace for the Society, but she never gave up Wayne Preston, the boy band member who unleashed her wild side. Over the years, he's made no secret that he wants more than sex from her, and she's finally ready to give him a chance. Even when he’s accused of raping a fan, she doesn’t leave his side. She knows he's innocent, but what if she's wrong?

ayne has only wanted
two things in his life. He wants to make music, and he wants Jenysis, both in and out of bed. She stands by him when he goes to jail, but a mistake, and a confrontation neither one sees coming, changes everything. He's not sure he can forgive her, or if she can forgive him, either.

the princess save them both, or is the fairytale ending just too far out of reach?

Other Books by Crystal Perkins
The Griffin Brothers series

Gaming For Love (The Griffin Brothers #1)

Building Our Love (The Griffin Brothers #2)

Creating A Love (The Griffin Brothers #3)

Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers #4)

Designing The Love (The Griffin Brothers #5)

Working On Love (The Griffin Brothers #6)

Keeping Their Love (The Griffin Brothers #7)

Corrigan & Co. series
Fielding Her SECRET (Corrigan & Co., #1)

Devouring the SECRET (Corrigan & Co., #2)

Rocking a SECRET (Corrigan & Co., #3)

Lessons in SECRET (Corrigan & Co., #4)

Uncovering His SECRET (Corrigan & Co., #5)

Training the SECRET (Corrigan & Co., #6)

Inheriting a SECRET (Corrigan & Co., #7)

Tending Their SECRET (Corrigan & Co., #8)

Playing in SECRET (Corrigan & Co., #9)

Loving My SECRET (Corrigan & Co., #10)

Society Weddings (a Corrigan & Co. novella)

Society Girls
Society Girls: Sierra (Society Girls, #1)

Society Girls: Neveah (Society Girls, #2)

Society Girls: Matisse (Society Girls, #3)

Society Girls: Waverly (Society Girls, #4)

Society Girls: Rhieve (Society Girls, #5)

Other books
A Kiss is Just a Kiss


Never Fear-Phobias Horror Anthology

(Chronophobia short story)

Never Fear-Christmas Terrors Anthology

(Silent Fright short story)

Romantic Times Anthology, Vol. 3

(Gary and Maggie Griffin short story)

Praise for Books by Crystal Perkins

eople should be
free to love whoever their heart leads them, too. And this author did a great job of presenting a passionate love between 2 people who are seen as different from each other as dictated by society, but this difference wasn't a part of the love they share. Ms. Perkins did an admirable job of dealing with the issue (and other issues) as a non issue, if that makes sense.” -DianeM, Amazon Reviewer,
Creating A Love

“I love this series!!!!!! Crystal has the amazing ability to bring her characters to life. I laugh with them, I hurt with them, I smile with them, and I cry with them.” -Jessica, Amazon reviewer,
The Griffin Brothers series

“I love how Crystal makes the characters feel like real people.” -Tami, Amazon Reviewer,
Learning To Love

“This is a lovely romance story that has a sexy sizzle to it but it's funny as well as it is somewhat edgy. I like that the hero has money but it's not the focal point in this story. I love that the heroine has problems but they are not so insurmountable that they take over the story. This is good old-fashioned romance done with a modern day twist. Well Done.” -Kindle Customer, Amazon Reviewer,
Gaming For Love

“I found this book on Amazon yesterday and loved the cover. I read the synopsis and knew I had to get it. So I purchased it and started to read it right away. Oh my, I could not put the book down. I got so wrapped up in the story I was afraid to put my Kindle down or I would miss a part.” -Amazon Customer,
Gaming For Love

“I thought this was a fantastic start to a series, and kind of first book of a series that makes you want to rush out and buy each additional book in the series. The premise of a strong group of women working together to help other women in need was pretty awesome. I loved how C0rrigan & Co was a secret covert company along the same lines as the underground railroad but it saved women from sticky situations or abusive relationships.” -Aubrey, Romancing the Book blog,
Fielding Her SECRET

“I had so many different emotions while reading. I was rooting people, wanting kick people, wanting to rip some peoples clothes off, laughing while reading, gasping out loud. Seriously, I read this like a crazy person. So much happened that I was not mentally prepared for. There were so many shockers while reading this I could not even think about putting the book down.” -Sabrina, Amazon Reviewer,
Devouring the SECRET

“Love this book the suspense and sex is EPIC.” -Teresa Jensen, Amazon Reviewer,
Rocking a SECRET

Perkins breathes life into their characters and has the reader feeling their agony, pain, and even their love for one-another. I enjoy reading her books and learning more and more about each of the people that make up this secretive group.” -Dayreader Reviews,
Corrigan & Co. series

“In the end I am somehow proud of you Crystal Perkins. How you portrayed Ellie and her and Aiden love. I know I have no right to be, and it's really not my place to say but I am proud I read it and I recommend it to all women so they can see how strong We can be.” -Marta Bukowska, Goodreads Reviewer,
Tending Their SECRET

“The story flowed well and kept my attention throughout. There was one part I was totally not expecting to happen. I love when that happens.” -Lisa Dess, Girls With Books blog,
Training Her SECRET

“Wow this story! There are some stories and characters that leave you speechless, breathless and at times slightly broken, and Loving my SECRET Matt & Reina's story is definitely one of them!” -Vicki Plant, Goodreads Reviewer,
Loving My SECRET

“I laughed I cried and there many times that I wanted to throw my device.” -Mallory, Goodreads Reviewer,
Loving My SECRET

“Perkins gives the reader a quick peak into the Weddings of the amazing ladies in the society. What a fun roller coaster ride it was.” -Taz Lozada, Goodreads Reviewer,
Society Weddings

“Totally loved this book as I did with all of crystals book previous to this with their well written gripping story lines brilliant characters a must read really can't wait for the next in series.” – Sassylady33, Amazon Reviewer,
Society Girls: Sierra

“It is banter central, lol and completely full with characters who you actually get to know and enjoy spending time with.” – All Booked Out,
A Kiss is Just a Kiss

About the Society

he Corrigan
& Co. Foundation is a cover for the Society, a group of women helping to rid the world of evil, and right ever wrong that they can. Originally founded by five powerful women, leadership of this secret group is now in the hands of Reina Corrigan, and her nine friends. The ten veterans are training ten new agents, from all walks of life, to replace them in the field. Just like those before them, the new recruits will need to find a way to balance falling in love with honoring their commitment, and passing their rigorous training. The Society isn’t just a job, it’s a way of life. Training is necessary, loyalty is non-negotiable, and failure is never an option!

For everyone who has been the victim of sexual abuse, especially those who are so close to my heart.

Vice-President Joe Biden said to the survivor of the Stanford rape:

“We can never say enough to survivors: I believe you. It is not your fault.”

I believe you. It is NOT your fault.

The Beginning

round eighteen months


I know about the Society. All about it, because my family has been intertwined with them for over a decade—maybe even longer. My uncle, the former King of Cyndryann, and my father, the current King, worked with them to bring down an enemy. In the process, they ended up using Darcy, my cousin’s wife, to carry out their plans. Brayden gave up the Crown for Darcy, making my father King, and me next in line. So yeah, I know who the Society are, and what they do. I’m hoping my summons to Reina Corrigan’s office means what I think it does, and I’ll be a part of them soon.

“Hey, Jen,” Tegan Hall says, walking into the lobby of the Corrigan & Co. Foundation, where the Society is secretly housed.


I’m cautious around Tegan, because I know she has a bond with the man I’ve been sleeping with for the past few months. While my father is an actual King, Wayne Preston is the current king of boy bands, since his best friend Kace is now married to Stella, Tegan’s best friend, and another member of the Society. Tegan is happily married as well, but despite that, or maybe because of it, she’s stayed super close to Wayne, even though I’m told they only slept together a few times. It was fun for her, but for him, it was more. He’s admitted to me that he thought he was in love with her, and a part of me is afraid he still is.

“You don’t look happy to see me,” she tells me, smirking.

“The last time we saw each other wasn’t exactly
” I remind her. It was at the royal wedding, and she told me to stay away from Wayne if I was only playing with him.

“I won’t apologize for looking out for my friend.”

“Bollocks. He’s more than a friend to you, and I wonder how your husband feels about you being so possessive of another man.”

Her eyes flare, and she leans into my personal space. “Caleb knows he has nothing to worry about with Wayne. We’re
. I’m protective of all my friends.”

I want to have it out with her. I couldn’t do that at the wedding, because I was there as Princess Jenysis, and a scene would’ve made it into the media. Here, though, I can say what I wanted to then.

“What Wayne and I do, don’t do, or are or aren’t to each other is none of your business, Tegan. I don’t care how good of friends you are.”

“Oh, you care alright. It kills you to know I was with him.”


Neither one of us heard Reina approach, but there’s no way to ignore how pissed off she is. Seriously, if looks could kill, Tegan would be dead right now. I shrink back, not sure I even want to be here any longer.

“She started it.”

“I don’t care. Dammit, I warned you about this, and you said you’d behave.”

“Maybe I should just go.” I don’t want to go, but I’m not feeling like I should be here.

“No,” Tegan says, rubbing her forehead. “I’m sorry. I know I’m overprotective of Wayne, but it’s my issue and not yours. You’re right that whatever’s going on with the two of you is none of my business.”

“I appreciate that you’re a good friend to him, Tegan.”

“She’s going to be a good friend to you as well,” Reina tells me.

“I am. We should probably go into Rei’s office, so we can talk about why you’re here.”

I practically jump from my seat, and follow them down the hall. Once inside the office, I find out that I am indeed being invited into this elite group of female spies. I also find out that Tegan is going to be my mentor. I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, but I’m trying to be optimistic.

Reina tells me they’ll be in touch as soon as everything is set up, and I’m not too proper to admit I have an extra bounce in my step when I leave that building. I
this. Badly. Now, I just need to do everything I can to prepare for the tests I have to take.

* * *

even months

I’m back at the C&C Foundation, waiting to talk to both Reina and Tegan about my test results. Tests that covered everything from fashion to weapons to etiquette, and everything in between. Some of it I expected, and some was a surprise. I like that about this group—they cover anything and everything, because lives are at stake every time they take on a mission. I think I passed most of what they threw at me, but I’m pretty sure I failed some things, too. Waiting to hear is almost harder than doing the tests themselves, but thankfully, I’m saved from my thoughts when Alex Corrigan tells me I can go on back to Reina’s office.

“Hi,” I say, walking in with more confidence than I feel.

“Thanks for coming in,” Reina tells me, giving me a hug. Tegan doesn’t hug me, but we’re not at that point with each other yet, so it doesn’t bother me. Much.

“We need to go over your test results,” Tegan says, handing me a folder.

I open it to see my scores. As expected, etiquette, languages, and fashion are my highest scores. I also did well on hand to hand combat, weapons, and technology. I honestly don’t see anything that will pose a problem, and I look up at both of them with a smile on my face. “This is brilliant.”

“You did well on some things I didn’t expect,” Reina tells me, a cautious smile on her face. “I knew you could handle a sword, but I didn’t know you could fight or shoot so well.”

“My father’s security team helped me. I didn’t tell them why I wanted to learn those things, but they were happy to teach me anyway.”

“How would you describe Wayne?” Tegan asks, and I see a challenge in her eye.

“Excuse me?”

“Describe him. How he looks.”

“He’s fit. Totally fit as fuck, if I’m being honest.”

“That’s your problem.”

“Rubbish! Wayne has nothing to do with my tests.”

“No, but the way you walk about him, and well, everything else, does.”

It hits me then, and I’m gutted. I’m too British. My country isn’t part of the United Kingdom, but we’ve adopted much of their phrases and mannerisms. How can I be a spy if I can’t fit in? But wait, I totally can.

“James Bond is British, and he doesn’t hide it.”

“James Bond isn’t real,” Tegan reminds me, rolling her eyes.

“I-I…I’m so sorry.”

I jump out of my chair and run as fast as my heels and my form-fitting, flowered, Ted Baker dress will allow. I’m crying and looking down at the carpet, so I don’t see Wayne until he’s calling out to me.

“Jeny? What’s wrong?”

“What are you doing here? You have a show tonight.”

“I wanted to be here for you, to celebrate.”

“There’s nothing to celebrate, except for me being a daft cow.”

“Oh, come on. You’ve been working your ass off to be ready. It can’t be as bad as you think.”

He has one hand on my cheek, while the other is holding a large bouquet of colorful flowers. There’s not a man much more perfect than Wayne Preston, and I know just how lucky I am that he wants me. I can’t tell him I feel this way, because I don’t trust that he won’t get bored with me, but it’s true. Women throw themselves at him every day, and while I believe he won’t cheat on me, I think he’ll move on soon. To someone who isn’t going to sleep with him, but still hold him at arm’s length the rest of the time.

“It’s not,” Reina says from behind me. “Tegan was being a little dramatic.”

“Teeg, seriously? What the fuck?” he asks, his voice angrier than I’ve ever heard him be with her.

It’s bad enough he’s seeing me cry. I don’t want him fighting a losing battle with his friend. “Wayne, don’t.”

“She’s not going to be coddled,” Tegan tells him, coming to stand by us.

“She damn well better be respected, though. You know how much I care about you, but if you push me to take a side, it won’t be yours.”

Tegan’s mouth falls open, and I know mine does the same. He’s choosing me over her? How is that even possible?

“Now that we have that settled, we’d like to formally welcome you to the Society, Jenysis. You’re going to need to work hard on learning to blend in, but I believe you can do it.
believe it.”

Tegan blinks, and shakes her head. “Yeah, I think you can do it.”

She’s holding her baby bump as she walks away, and I nudge Wayne. “You can go to her.”

He shakes his head. “No. If she needs comfort, Caleb will give it to her. She’s my friend, but you’re my woman, Jeny girl. Whether you’ll admit it or not, that’s the way it is.”

I can’t make myself admit it, but I do lean up and press my lips to his. I’m going to be part of the Society, and I’ve got this amazing guy, even if it’s not forever. My life isn’t perfect, but it’s close, and that’s all I can ask for.

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